Beispiel #1
// getBBName returns the name (or ID if unnamed) of a basic block.
func getBBName(v llvm.Value) (string, error) {
	if !v.IsBasicBlock() {
		return "", errutil.Newf("invalid value type; expected basic block, got %v", v.Type())

	// Locate the name of a named basic block.
	if name := v.Name(); len(name) > 0 {
		return name, nil

	// Locate the ID of an unnamed basic block by parsing the value dump in
	// search for its basic block label.
	// Example value dump:
	//    0:
	//      br i1 true, label %1, label %2
	// Each basic block is expected to have a label, which requires the
	// "unnamed.patch" to be applied to the code
	// base.
	s, err := hackDump(v)
	if err != nil {
		return "", errutil.Err(err)
	tokens := lexer.ParseString(s)
	if len(tokens) < 1 {
		return "", errutil.Newf("unable to locate basic block label in %q", s)
	tok := tokens[0]
	if tok.Kind != token.Label {
		return "", errutil.Newf("invalid token; expected %v, got %v", token.Label, tok.Kind)
	return tok.Val, nil
Beispiel #2
// PushFunction creates debug metadata for the specified function,
// and pushes it onto the scope stack.
func (d *DIBuilder) PushFunction(fnptr llvm.Value, sig *types.Signature, pos token.Pos) {
	var diFile llvm.Metadata
	var line int
	if file := d.fset.File(pos); file != nil {
		d.fnFile = file.Name()
		diFile = d.getFile(file)
		line = file.Line(pos)
	d.fn = d.builder.CreateFunction(d.scope(), llvm.DIFunction{
		Name:         fnptr.Name(), // TODO(axw) unmangled name?
		LinkageName:  fnptr.Name(),
		File:         diFile,
		Line:         line,
		Type:         d.DIType(sig),
		IsDefinition: true,
Beispiel #3
// Declare creates an llvm.dbg.declare call for the specified function
// parameter or local variable.
func (d *DIBuilder) Declare(b llvm.Builder, v ssa.Value, llv llvm.Value, paramIndex int) {
	tag := tagAutoVariable
	if paramIndex >= 0 {
		tag = tagArgVariable
	var diFile llvm.Value
	var line int
	if file := d.fset.File(v.Pos()); file != nil {
		line = file.Line(v.Pos())
		diFile = d.getFile(file)
	localVar := d.builder.CreateLocalVariable(d.scope(), llvm.DILocalVariable{
		Tag:   tag,
		Name:  llv.Name(),
		File:  diFile,
		Line:  line,
		ArgNo: paramIndex + 1,
		Type:  d.DIType(v.Type()),
	expr := d.builder.CreateExpression(nil)
	d.builder.InsertDeclareAtEnd(llv, localVar, expr, b.GetInsertBlock())
Beispiel #4
// bridgeRecoverFunc creates a function that may call recover(), and creates
// a call to it from the current frame. The created function will be called
// with a boolean parameter that indicates whether it may call recover().
// The created function will have the same name as the current frame's function
// with "$recover" appended, having the same return types and parameters with
// an additional boolean parameter appended.
// A new frame will be returned for the newly created function.
func (fr *frame) bridgeRecoverFunc(llfn llvm.Value, fti functionTypeInfo) *frame {
	// The bridging function must not be inlined, or the return address
	// may not correspond to the source function.

	// Call __go_can_recover, passing in the function's return address.
	entry := llvm.AddBasicBlock(llfn, "entry")
	canRecover :=, fr.returnAddress(0))[0]
	returnType := fti.functionType.ReturnType()
	argTypes := fti.functionType.ParamTypes()
	argTypes = append(argTypes, canRecover.Type())

	// Create and call the $recover function.
	ftiRecover := fti
	ftiRecover.functionType = llvm.FunctionType(returnType, argTypes, false)
	llfnRecover := ftiRecover.declare(fr.module.Module, llfn.Name()+"$recover")
	args := make([]llvm.Value, len(argTypes)-1, len(argTypes))
	for i := range args {
		args[i] = llfn.Param(i)
	args = append(args, canRecover)
	result := fr.builder.CreateCall(llfnRecover, args, "")
	if returnType.TypeKind() == llvm.VoidTypeKind {
	} else {

	// The $recover function must condition calls to __go_recover on
	// the result of __go_can_recover passed in as an argument.
	fr = newFrame(fr.unit, llfnRecover)
	fr.retInf = ftiRecover.retInf
	fr.canRecover = fr.function.Param(len(argTypes) - 1)
	return fr