Beispiel #1
// Init initialises the model
func (o *RefDecSp1) Init(prms Prms) (err error) {

	// parameters
	e := prms.Connect(&o.β, "bet", "ref-dec-sp1 function")
	e += prms.Connect(&o.λ1, "lam1", "ref-dec-sp1 function")
	e += prms.Connect(&o.ya, "ya", "ref-dec-sp1 function")
	e += prms.Connect(&o.yb, "yb", "ref-dec-sp1 function")
	if e != "" {
		err = chk.Err("%v\n", e)

	// check
	if o.yb >= o.ya {
		return chk.Err("yb(%g) must be smaller than ya(%g)", o.yb, o.ya)

	// constants
	o.c1 = o.β * o.λ1
	o.c2 = math.Exp(-o.β * o.ya)
	o.c3 = math.Exp(-o.β*o.yb) - o.c2
	o.c1timestmax = 400

	// check
	if math.IsInf(o.c2, 0) || math.IsInf(o.c3, 0) {
		return chk.Err("β*ya or β*yb is too large:\n β=%v, ya=%v, yb=%v\n c1=%v, c2=%v, c3=%v", o.β, o.ya, o.yb, o.c1, o.c2, o.c3)
Beispiel #2
func (v *Voronoi) finishEdge(n *Parabola) {
	if n.IsLeaf {
	var mx float64
	if n.Edge.Direction.X > 0.0 {
		if v.Width > n.Edge.Start.X+10 {
			mx = v.Width
		} else {
			mx = n.Edge.Start.X + 10
	} else {
		if 0.0 < n.Edge.Start.X-10 {
			mx = 0.0
		} else {
			mx = n.Edge.Start.X - 10
	var end *Point
	if math.IsInf(float64(n.Edge.F), 1) {
		end = Pt(mx, v.Height)
	} else if math.IsInf(float64(n.Edge.F), -1) {
		end = Pt(mx, 0)
	} else {
		end = Pt(mx, mx*n.Edge.F+n.Edge.G)
	n.Edge.End = end
	v.points = append(v.points, end)
Beispiel #3
func (self *_runtime) evaluateDivide(left float64, right float64) Value {
	if math.IsNaN(left) || math.IsNaN(right) {
		return NaNValue()
	if math.IsInf(left, 0) && math.IsInf(right, 0) {
		return NaNValue()
	if left == 0 && right == 0 {
		return NaNValue()
	if math.IsInf(left, 0) {
		if math.Signbit(left) == math.Signbit(right) {
			return positiveInfinityValue()
		} else {
			return negativeInfinityValue()
	if math.IsInf(right, 0) {
		if math.Signbit(left) == math.Signbit(right) {
			return positiveZeroValue()
		} else {
			return negativeZeroValue()
	if right == 0 {
		if math.Signbit(left) == math.Signbit(right) {
			return positiveInfinityValue()
		} else {
			return negativeInfinityValue()
	return toValue_float64(left / right)
Beispiel #4
func TestReadSpecialNumbers(t *testing.T) {
	assertTrue(t, math.IsNaN(DecodeTransit(t, `"~zNaN"`).(float64)))
	assertTrue(t, math.IsInf(DecodeTransit(t, `"~zINF"`).(float64), 1))
	assertTrue(t, math.IsInf(DecodeTransit(t, `"~z-INF"`).(float64), -1))

	VerifyReadError(t, `"~zXYZ"`)
Beispiel #5
// formatFloat formats a float the way redis does (sort-of)
func formatFloat(v float64) string {
	// Format with %f and strip trailing 0s. This is the most like Redis does
	// it :(
	// .12 is the magic number where most output is the same as Redis.
	if math.IsInf(v, +1) {
		return "inf"
	if math.IsInf(v, -1) {
		return "-inf"
	sv := fmt.Sprintf("%.12f", v)
	for strings.Contains(sv, ".") {
		if sv[len(sv)-1] != '0' {
		// Remove trailing 0s.
		sv = sv[:len(sv)-1]
		// Ends with a '.'.
		if sv[len(sv)-1] == '.' {
			sv = sv[:len(sv)-1]
	return sv
Beispiel #6
// This function uses the m,b line constants.
// If either line is vertical, we use l.From anchor point; there is no need for a l.To point.
// The returned bool is true if lines were parallel.
func (l1 LatlongLine) intersectByLineEquations(l2 LatlongLine) (Latlong, bool) {
	if l1.m == l2.m {
		return Latlong{}, true
	} // same slope; are parallel

	// 1. y=ax+c   2. y=bx+d
	a, c := l1.m, l1.b
	b, d := l2.m, l2.b

	if math.IsInf(a, 0) {
		// l1 is vertical; x is fixed, take it from the anchor point. Find the point on l2 for that x.
		x := l1.From.x()
		y := l2.y(x)
		return Latlong{y, x}, false

	} else if math.IsInf(b, 0) {
		// l2 is vertical; as above, but switch the lines
		x := l2.From.x()
		y := l1.y(x)
		return Latlong{y, x}, false

	} else {
		x := (d - c) / (a - b)
		y := (a*d - b*c) / (a - b)
		return Latlong{y, x}, false
Beispiel #7
// Norm returns the specified matrix p-norm of the receiver.
// See the Normer interface for more information.
func (m *Dense) Norm(ord float64) float64 {
	var n float64
	switch {
	case ord == 1:
		col := make([]float64, m.mat.Rows)
		for i := 0; i < m.mat.Cols; i++ {
			var s float64
			for _, e := range m.Col(col, i) {
				s += math.Abs(e)
			n = math.Max(s, n)
	case math.IsInf(ord, +1):
		row := make([]float64, m.mat.Cols)
		for i := 0; i < m.mat.Rows; i++ {
			var s float64
			for _, e := range m.Row(row, i) {
				s += math.Abs(e)
			n = math.Max(s, n)
	case ord == -1:
		n = math.MaxFloat64
		col := make([]float64, m.mat.Rows)
		for i := 0; i < m.mat.Cols; i++ {
			var s float64
			for _, e := range m.Col(col, i) {
				s += math.Abs(e)
			n = math.Min(s, n)
	case math.IsInf(ord, -1):
		n = math.MaxFloat64
		row := make([]float64, m.mat.Cols)
		for i := 0; i < m.mat.Rows; i++ {
			var s float64
			for _, e := range m.Row(row, i) {
				s += math.Abs(e)
			n = math.Min(s, n)
	case ord == 0:
		for i := 0; i < len(m.mat.Data); i += m.mat.Stride {
			for _, v := range m.mat.Data[i : i+m.mat.Cols] {
				n = math.Hypot(n, v)
		return n
	case ord == 2, ord == -2:
		s := SVD(m, epsilon, small, false, false).Sigma
		if ord == 2 {
			return s[0]
		return s[len(s)-1]

	return n
Beispiel #8
// InitBoundedLog initializes a Histogram instance from the given array
// of values with the given number of bins which fall between the given limits.
// The logarithms of bin centers are uniformly dist. Any
// values outside of these limits are ignored. The returned integer is the
// number of such ignored values. Because of this, infinte and non-positive
// values do not cause a panic.
// The first returned value is the initialized Histogram.
// InitBoundedLog panics if given a non-positive number of bins or
// a low bound as large or larger than the high bound or if given infinite bounds.
func (hist *Histogram) InitBoundedLog(xs []float64, binNum int, low, high float64) (*Histogram, int) {
	if hist.init {
		panic("stats.Histogram.InitBoundedLog called on initialized struct.")
	} else if binNum < 1 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("stats.Histogram.InitBoundedLog given binNum of %d", binNum))
	} else if low >= high || low <= 0 || math.IsInf(low, 0) ||
		math.IsInf(high, 0) || math.IsNaN(low) || math.IsNaN(high) {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("stats.Histogram.InitBoundedLog given range [%d, %d]", low, high))

	hist.init = true
	hist.Bins = make([]int, binNum)
	hist.BinValues = make([]float64, binNum)
	hist.BinEdges = make([]float64, binNum+1)

	hist.logHistogram = true

	hist.lowLim = math.Log(low)
	hist.highLim = math.Log(high)
	hist.binWidth = (hist.highLim - hist.lowLim) / float64(binNum)

	for i := 0; i < binNum; i++ {
		hist.BinEdges[i] = math.Exp(hist.lowLim + hist.binWidth*float64(i))
		hist.BinValues[i] = math.Exp(hist.lowLim + hist.binWidth*(float64(i)+0.5))

	hist.BinEdges[binNum] = hist.highLim

	return hist, hist.AddArray(xs)
Beispiel #9
func TestAbs(result, expected, absolute_error float64, test_description string) (status int) {
	switch {
	case math.IsNaN(result) || math.IsNaN(expected):
		status = NaN

	case math.IsInf(result, 0) || math.IsInf(expected, 0):
		status = Inf

	case (expected > 0 && expected < DBL_MIN) || (expected < 0 && expected > -DBL_MIN):
		status = NotEqual

		if math.Abs(result-expected) > absolute_error {
			status = NotEqual
		} else {
			status = Equal
	if test_description != "" {
		switch status {
		case NaN:
			io.Pf(" NaN\n  %v observed\n  %v expected.  diff = %v\n", result, expected, result-expected)
		case Inf:
			io.Pf(" Inf\n  %v observed\n  %v expected.  diff = %v\n", result, expected, result-expected)
		case Equal:
			io.Pf(" Ok\n  %v observed\n  %v expected.  diff = %v\n", result, expected, result-expected)
		case NotEqual:
			io.Pf(" Error\n  %v observed\n  %v expected.  diff = %v\n", result, expected, result-expected)
Beispiel #10
func (h Hermite) FixedLocations(x, weight []float64, min, max float64) {
	// TODO(btracey): Implement the case where x > 20, x < 200 so that we don't
	// need to store all of that data.

	// Algorithm adapted from Chebfun
	// References:
	// Algorithm:
	// G. H. Golub and J. A. Welsch, "Calculation of Gauss quadrature rules",
	// Math. Comp. 23:221-230, 1969.
	// A. Glaser, X. Liu and V. Rokhlin, "A fast algorithm for the
	// calculation of the roots of special functions", SIAM Journal
	// on Scientific Computing", 29(4):1420-1438:, 2007.
	// A. Townsend, T. Trogdon, and S.Olver, Fast computation of Gauss quadrature
	// nodes and weights on the whole real line, IMA J. Numer. Anal., 36: 337–358,
	// 2016.

	if len(x) != len(weight) {
		panic("hermite: slice length mismatch")
	if min >= max {
		panic("hermite: min >= max")
	if !math.IsInf(min, -1) || !math.IsInf(max, 1) {
		panic("hermite: non-infinite bound")
	h.locations(x, weight)
Beispiel #11
// String returns a textual representation of r.
func (r *Range) String() string {
	var s string

	// return empty string if r is nil
	if r == nil {
		return s

	// begin the string with a "@" if r.complement is set
	if r.complement {
		s = "@"

	// print the start value unless it's zero (although ranges like @20 are
	// confusing, make the zero explicit in that case)
	if math.IsInf(r.start, -1) {
		s += "~:"
	} else if r.start != 0 {
		s += strconv.FormatFloat(r.start, 'f', -1, 64) + ":"
	} else if r.complement {
		s += "0:"

	// print the end value unless it's +Inf, making sure we don't end up
	// with an empty string
	if !math.IsInf(r.end, 1) {
		s += strconv.FormatFloat(r.end, 'f', -1, 64)
	} else if len(s) == 0 {
		s += "0:"

	return s
Beispiel #12
// generateValidatedLengthExample generates a random size array of examples based on what's given.
func (eg *exampleGenerator) generateValidatedLengthExample() interface{} {
	minlength, maxlength := math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
	if eg.a.Validation != nil {
		if eg.a.Validation.MinLength != nil {
			minlength = float64(*eg.a.Validation.MinLength)
		if eg.a.Validation.MaxLength != nil {
			minlength = float64(*eg.a.Validation.MaxLength)
	count := 0
	if math.IsInf(minlength, 1) {
		count = int(maxlength) - (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if math.IsInf(maxlength, -1) {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if minlength < maxlength {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % int(maxlength-minlength))
	} else if minlength == maxlength {
		count = int(minlength)
	} else {
		panic("Validation: MinLength > MaxLength")
	if !eg.a.Type.IsArray() {
		return eg.r.faker.Characters(count)
	res := make([]interface{}, count)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		res[i] = eg.a.Type.ToArray().ElemType.GenerateExample(eg.r)
	return res
func (this *FunctionCallFirstNum) Evaluate(item *dparval.Value) (*dparval.Value, error) {
	for _, arg := range this.Operands {
		av, err := arg.Expr.Evaluate(item)
		if err != nil {
			switch err := err.(type) {
			case *dparval.Undefined:
				// do NOT return missing
				// any other error return to caller
				return nil, err

		if av.Type() == dparval.NUMBER {
			num := av.Value().(float64)
			if !math.IsNaN(num) && !math.IsInf(num, 1) && !math.IsInf(num, -1) {
				return av, nil
			} else {
		} else {

	// if all values were +/-Infinity or NaN return NULL
	return dparval.NewValue(nil), nil
Beispiel #14
func (v *Voronoi) getEdgeIntersection(a *Edge, b *Edge) *Point {
	var (
		x = (b.G - a.G) / (a.F - b.F)
		y = a.F*x + a.G

	if math.IsInf(float64(b.F), 0) {
		x = b.Start.X
		y = a.F*x + a.G
	if math.IsInf(float64(a.F), 0) {
		x = a.Start.X
		y = b.F*x + b.G

	if (x-a.Start.X)/a.Direction.X < 0 {
		return nil
	if (y-a.Start.Y)/a.Direction.Y < 0 {
		return nil
	if (x-b.Start.X)/b.Direction.X < 0 {
		return nil
	if (y-b.Start.Y)/b.Direction.Y < 0 {
		return nil
	p := Pt(x, y)
	v.points = append(v.points, p)
	return p
Beispiel #15
// Round(3.1556,2)=3.16
// Round(3.1556,0)=3
func Round(val float64, places int) float64 {
	var t float64
	f := math.Pow10(places)
	x := val * f
	if math.IsInf(x, 0) || math.IsNaN(x) {
		return val
	if x >= 0.0 {
		t = math.Ceil(x)
		if (t - x) > 0.50000000001 {
			t -= 1.0
	} else {
		t = math.Ceil(-x)
		if (t + x) > 0.50000000001 {
			t -= 1.0
		t = -t
	x = t / f

	if !math.IsInf(x, 0) {
		return x
	return t
Beispiel #16
// EncodeFloat returns the resulting byte slice with the encoded float64
// appended to b.
// Values are classified as large, medium, or small according to the value of
// E. If E is 11 or more, the value is large. For E between 0 and 10, the value
// is medium. For E less than zero, the value is small.
// Large positive values are encoded as a single byte 0x22 followed by E as a
// varint and then M. Medium positive values are a single byte of 0x17+E
// followed by M. Small positive values are encoded as a single byte 0x16
// followed by the ones-complement of the varint for -E followed by M.
// Small negative values are encoded as a single byte 0x14 followed by -E as a
// varint and then the ones-complement of M. Medium negative values are encoded
// as a byte 0x13-E followed by the ones-complement of M. Large negative values
// consist of the single byte 0x08 followed by the ones-complement of the
// varint encoding of E followed by the ones-complement of M.
func EncodeFloat(b []byte, f float64) []byte {
	// Handle the simplistic cases first.
	switch {
	case math.IsNaN(f):
		return append(b, floatNaN)
	case math.IsInf(f, 1):
		return append(b, floatInfinity)
	case math.IsInf(f, -1):
		return append(b, floatNegativeInfinity)
	case f == 0:
		return append(b, floatZero)
	e, m := floatMandE(b, f)

	var buf []byte
	if n := len(m) + maxVarintSize + 2; n <= cap(b)-len(b) {
		buf = b[len(b) : len(b)+n]
	} else {
		buf = make([]byte, len(m)+maxVarintSize+2)
	switch {
	case e < 0:
		return append(b, encodeSmallNumber(f < 0, e, m, buf)...)
	case e >= 0 && e <= 10:
		return append(b, encodeMediumNumber(f < 0, e, m, buf)...)
	case e >= 11:
		return append(b, encodeLargeNumber(f < 0, e, m, buf)...)
	return nil
Beispiel #17
func Qags(ff gsl.F, ab gsl.Interval, eps gsl.Eps, w *WorkSpace) (gsl.Result, error) {
	// Make a gsl_function
	var gf C.gsl_function
	data := gsl.GSLFuncWrapper{ff}
	gf = C.mkintegCB(unsafe.Pointer(&data))

	// Check to see if we have a positive/-negative infinity
	pinf := math.IsInf(ab.Hi, 1)
	ninf := math.IsInf(ab.Lo, -1)

	var ret
	var y, err C.double
	// Switch on options
	switch {
	case pinf && ninf:
		ret = C.gsl_integration_qagi(&gf, C.double(eps.Abs), C.double(eps.Rel), C.size_t(w.n), w.w, &y, &err)
	case pinf:
		ret = C.gsl_integration_qagiu(&gf, C.double(ab.Lo), C.double(eps.Abs), C.double(eps.Rel), C.size_t(w.n), w.w, &y, &err)
	case ninf:
		ret = C.gsl_integration_qagil(&gf, C.double(ab.Hi), C.double(eps.Abs), C.double(eps.Rel), C.size_t(w.n), w.w, &y, &err)
		ret = C.gsl_integration_qags(&gf, C.double(ab.Lo), C.double(ab.Hi), C.double(eps.Abs), C.double(eps.Rel), C.size_t(w.n), w.w, &y, &err)
	if ret != 0 {
		return gsl.Result{float64(y), float64(err)}, gsl.Errno(ret)
	return gsl.Result{float64(y), float64(err)}, nil

Beispiel #18
// This function exists to manually encode floats.
func (ts Timeseries) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	var scratch [64]byte
	tagset, err := json.Marshal(ts.TagSet)
	if err != nil {
		return []byte{}, err
	n := len(ts.Values)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if i > 0 {
		f := ts.Values[i]
		if math.IsInf(f, 1) {
			buffer.WriteString("null") // TODO - positive infinity
		} else if math.IsInf(f, -1) {
			buffer.WriteString("null") // TODO - negative infinity
		} else if math.IsNaN(f) {
		} else {
			b := strconv.AppendFloat(scratch[:0], f, 'g', -1, 64)
	return buffer.Bytes(), err
Beispiel #19
func (eg *exampleGenerator) ExampleLength() int {
	if eg.hasLengthValidation() {
		minlength, maxlength := math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
		if eg.a.Validation.MinLength != nil {
			minlength = float64(*eg.a.Validation.MinLength)
		if eg.a.Validation.MaxLength != nil {
			maxlength = float64(*eg.a.Validation.MaxLength)
		count := 0
		if math.IsInf(minlength, 1) {
			count = int(maxlength) - (eg.r.Int() % 3)
		} else if math.IsInf(maxlength, -1) {
			count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % 3)
		} else if minlength < maxlength {
			diff := int(maxlength - minlength)
			if diff > maxExampleLength {
				diff = maxExampleLength
			count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % diff)
		} else if minlength == maxlength {
			count = int(minlength)
		} else {
			panic("Validation: MinLength > MaxLength")
		if count > maxExampleLength {
			count = maxExampleLength
		if count <= 0 && maxlength != 0 {
			count = 1
		return count
	return eg.r.Int()%3 + 1
Beispiel #20
// generateValidatedLengthExample generates a random size array of examples based on what's given.
func (eg *exampleGenerator) generateValidatedLengthExample() interface{} {
	minlength, maxlength := math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
	for _, v := range eg.a.Validations {
		switch actual := v.(type) {
		case *dslengine.MinLengthValidationDefinition:
			minlength = math.Min(minlength, float64(actual.MinLength))
			maxlength = math.Max(maxlength, float64(actual.MinLength))
		case *dslengine.MaxLengthValidationDefinition:
			minlength = math.Min(minlength, float64(actual.MaxLength))
			maxlength = math.Max(maxlength, float64(actual.MaxLength))
	count := 0
	if math.IsInf(minlength, 1) {
		count = int(maxlength) - (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if math.IsInf(maxlength, -1) {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % 3)
	} else if minlength < maxlength {
		count = int(minlength) + (eg.r.Int() % int(maxlength-minlength))
	} else if minlength == maxlength {
		count = int(minlength)
	} else {
		panic("Validation: MinLength > MaxLength")
	if !eg.a.Type.IsArray() {
		return eg.r.faker.Characters(count)
	res := make([]interface{}, count)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		res[i] = eg.a.Type.ToArray().ElemType.GenerateExample(eg.r)
	return res
Beispiel #21
// Init initialises the model
func (o *RefDecSp1) Init(prms Prms) (err error) {

	// parameters
	for _, p := range prms {
		switch p.N {
		case "bet":
			o.β = p.V
		case "lam1":
			o.λ1 = p.V
		case "ya":
			o.ya = p.V
		case "yb":
			o.yb = p.V
			return chk.Err("ref-dec-sp1: parameter named %q is invalid", p.N)

	// check
	if o.yb >= o.ya {
		return chk.Err("yb(%g) must be smaller than ya(%g)", o.yb, o.ya)

	// constants
	o.c1 = o.β * o.λ1
	o.c2 = math.Exp(-o.β * o.ya)
	o.c3 = math.Exp(-o.β*o.yb) - o.c2
	o.c1timestmax = 400

	// check
	if math.IsInf(o.c2, 0) || math.IsInf(o.c3, 0) {
		return chk.Err("β*ya or β*yb is too large:\n β=%v, ya=%v, yb=%v\n c1=%v, c2=%v, c3=%v", o.β, o.ya, o.yb, o.c1, o.c2, o.c3)
Beispiel #22
func isNaT(arr []float64) bool {
	for _, a := range arr {
		if a == 0 || math.IsNaN(a) || math.IsInf(a, 1) || math.IsInf(a, -1) {
			return true
	return arr[2] > (arr[0] + arr[1])
Beispiel #23
func TestNumberConv_Float64(t *testing.T) {
	assertEquals(NewNumber(50).Float64(), 50.0, t)
	max := NewNumber(math.MaxFloat64)
	large := max.Add(max)
	small := large.Negative()
	assert(math.IsInf(large.Float64(), 1), "Expected +inf", t)
	assert(math.IsInf(small.Float64(), -1), "Expected -inf", t)
Beispiel #24
// getStartingLocation allocates and initializes the starting location for the minimization.
func getStartingLocation(p *Problem, method Method, initX []float64, stats *Stats, settings *Settings) (*Location, error) {
	dim := len(initX)
	loc := &Location{
		X: make([]float64, dim),
	copy(loc.X, initX)
	if method.Needs().Gradient {
		loc.Gradient = make([]float64, dim)
	if method.Needs().Hessian {
		loc.Hessian = mat64.NewSymDense(dim, nil)

	if settings.UseInitialData {
		loc.F = settings.InitialValue
		if loc.Gradient != nil {
			initG := settings.InitialGradient
			if initG == nil {
				panic("optimize: initial gradient is nil")
			if len(initG) != dim {
				panic("optimize: initial gradient size mismatch")
			copy(loc.Gradient, initG)
		if loc.Hessian != nil {
			initH := settings.InitialHessian
			if initH == nil {
				panic("optimize: initial Hessian is nil")
			if initH.Symmetric() != dim {
				panic("optimize: initial Hessian size mismatch")
	} else {
		eval := FuncEvaluation
		if loc.Gradient != nil {
			eval |= GradEvaluation
		if loc.Hessian != nil {
			eval |= HessEvaluation
		x := make([]float64, len(loc.X))
		evaluate(p, loc, eval, stats, x)

	if math.IsInf(loc.F, 1) || math.IsNaN(loc.F) {
		return loc, ErrFunc(loc.F)
	for i, v := range loc.Gradient {
		if math.IsInf(v, 0) || math.IsNaN(v) {
			return loc, ErrGrad{Grad: v, Index: i}

	return loc, nil
Beispiel #25
//ResValue satisfies the Res interface for Num
func (n Num) String() string {
	if math.IsInf(float64(n), 0) {
		if math.IsInf(float64(n), 1) {
			return "Infinity"
		return "-Infinity"
	return fmt.Sprintf("%g", float64(n))
Beispiel #26
func (self _integer) infinity() int {
	if math.IsInf(float64(self), 0) {
		if math.IsInf(float64(self), 1) {
			return +1
		return -1
	return 0
// determineDistance will determine the distance between the value
// and the target.  If the target is positive or negative infinity,
// (ie find max or min), this is clamped to max or min float64.
func determineDistance(value, target float64) float64 {
	if math.IsInf(target, 1) { // positive infinity
		target = math.MaxFloat64
	} else if math.IsInf(target, -1) { // negative infinity
		target = -math.MaxFloat64

	return math.Abs(target - value)
Beispiel #28
// Simple 1-step trace.
func trace(r Ray, scene []Shape, l Vec3) Vec3 {
	// index of closest intersecting shape, and distance to it.
	index := 0
	distance := math.Inf(1)

	for t, shape := range scene {
		if shape == nil {
		if sd := shape.RayIntersect(r); sd >= 0 && sd < distance {
			distance = sd
			index = t

	if math.IsInf(distance, 0) {
		// No intersection, return black.
		return Vec3{}

	// Reflect the ray back to the source of light.
	// We shift r_point by (1-kEps) towards us to avoid effects caused by rounding errors.
	r_point := Add(r.origin, Mult(distance*(1.0-kEps), r.dir))
	light_vec := Sub(l, r_point)
	light_distance := light_vec.norm()
	light_dir := Normalize(light_vec)

	// Check whether we the shadow ray intersects anything.
	distance = math.Inf(1)
	for _, shape := range scene {
		if shape == nil {

		// If there's an object between us and light source, then alarm!
		sd := shape.RayIntersect(Ray{r_point, light_dir})
		if sd >= 0 && sd < light_distance {
			distance = sd

	// We don't want to see the shadows as absolutely dark, therefore allow
	// some background radiation.
	bgColor := Mult(kBackgroundRadiation, scene[index].color(r_point))
	if !math.IsInf(distance, 0) {
		// shadow
		return bgColor

	// light
	return Add(
			math.Abs(DotProduct(light_dir, scene[index].n(r_point))),
Beispiel #29
// MarshalJSON exists to manually encode floats.
func (ts Timeseries) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	var scratch [64]byte
	tagset, err := json.Marshal(ts.TagSet)
	if err != nil {
		return []byte{}, err

	if ts.Raw != nil {
		first := true
		for _, raw := range ts.Raw {
			if !first {
			base64Wrapped := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(raw)
			first = false
		// raw, _ := json.Marshal(ts.Raw)

	// buffer.WriteByte(',')
	n := len(ts.Values)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if i > 0 {
		f := ts.Values[i]
		if math.IsInf(f, 1) {
			buffer.WriteString("null") // TODO - positive infinity
		} else if math.IsInf(f, -1) {
			buffer.WriteString("null") // TODO - negative infinity
		} else if math.IsNaN(f) {
		} else {
			b := strconv.AppendFloat(scratch[:0], f, 'g', -1, 64)
	return buffer.Bytes(), err
Beispiel #30
// IsNaN returns true if either real(x) or imag(x) is NaN
// and neither is an infinity.
func IsNaN(x complex128) bool {
	switch {
	case math.IsInf(real(x), 0) || math.IsInf(imag(x), 0):
		return false
	case math.IsNaN(real(x)) || math.IsNaN(imag(x)):
		return true
	return false