Beispiel #1
// addFile adds a file to the index if possible and returns the file set file
// and the file's AST if it was successfully parsed as a Go file. If addFile
// failed (that is, if the file was not added), it returns file == nil.
func (x *Indexer) addFile(filename string, goFile bool) (file *token.File, ast *ast.File) {
	// open file
	f, err := fs.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	// The file set's base offset and x.sources size must be in lock-step;
	// this permits the direct mapping of suffix array lookup results to
	// to corresponding Pos values.
	// When a file is added to the file set, its offset base increases by
	// the size of the file + 1; and the initial base offset is 1. Add an
	// extra byte to the sources here.

	// If the sources length doesn't match the file set base at this point
	// the file set implementation changed or we have another error.
	base := x.fset.Base()
	if x.sources.Len() != base {
		panic("internal error: file base incorrect")

	// append file contents (src) to x.sources
	if _, err := x.sources.ReadFrom(f); err == nil {
		src := x.sources.Bytes()[base:]

		if goFile {
			// parse the file and in the process add it to the file set
			if ast, err = parser.ParseFile(x.fset, filename, src, parser.ParseComments); err == nil {
				file = x.fset.File(ast.Pos()) // ast.Pos() is inside the file
			// file has parse errors, and the AST may be incorrect -
			// set lines information explicitly and index as ordinary
			// text file (cannot fall through to the text case below
			// because the file has already been added to the file set
			// by the parser)
			file = x.fset.File(token.Pos(base)) // token.Pos(base) is inside the file
			ast = nil

		if isText(src) {
			// only add the file to the file set (for the full text index)
			file = x.fset.AddFile(filename, x.fset.Base(), len(src))

	// discard possibly added data
	x.sources.Truncate(base - 1) // -1 to remove added byte 0 since no file was added
Beispiel #2
func (s *BranchStmt) End() token.Pos {
	if s.Label != nil {
		return s.Label.End()
	return token.Pos(int(s.TokPos) + len(s.Tok.String()))
Beispiel #3
func (c *Comment) End() token.Pos { return token.Pos(int(c.Slash) + len(c.Text)) }
Beispiel #4
func (x *BasicLit) End() token.Pos       { return token.Pos(int(x.ValuePos) + len(x.Value)) }
Beispiel #5
func (x *Ident) End() token.Pos   { return token.Pos(int(x.NamePos) + len(x.Name)) }
Beispiel #6
// LookupRegexp returns the number of matches and the matches where a regular
// expression r is found in the full text index. At most n matches are
// returned (thus found <= n).
func (x *Index) LookupRegexp(r *regexp.Regexp, n int) (found int, result []FileLines) {
	if x.suffixes == nil || n <= 0 {
	// n > 0

	var list positionList
	// FindAllIndex may returns matches that span across file boundaries.
	// Such matches are unlikely, buf after eliminating them we may end up
	// with fewer than n matches. If we don't have enough at the end, redo
	// the search with an increased value n1, but only if FindAllIndex
	// returned all the requested matches in the first place (if it
	// returned fewer than that there cannot be more).
	for n1 := n; found < n; n1 += n - found {
		found = 0
		matches := x.suffixes.FindAllIndex(r, n1)
		// compute files, exclude matches that span file boundaries,
		// and map offsets to file-local offsets
		list = make(positionList, len(matches))
		for _, m := range matches {
			// by construction, an offset corresponds to the Pos value
			// for the file set - use it to get the file and line
			p := token.Pos(m[0])
			if file := x.fset.File(p); file != nil {
				if base := file.Base(); base <= m[1] && m[1] <= base+file.Size() {
					// match [m[0], m[1]) is within the file boundaries
					list[found].filename = file.Name()
					list[found].line = file.Line(p)
		if found == n || len(matches) < n1 {
			// found all matches or there's no chance to find more
	list = list[0:found]
	sort.Sort(list) // sort by filename

	// collect matches belonging to the same file
	var last string
	var lines []int
	addLines := func() {
		if len(lines) > 0 {
			// remove duplicate lines
			result = append(result, FileLines{last, unique(lines)})
			lines = nil
	for _, m := range list {
		if m.filename != last {
			last = m.filename
		lines = append(lines, m.line)
