Beispiel #1
func (m *Machine) cmdLine() []string {
	result := []string{"--driver", m.driver}
	keys := []string{}
	for k := range m.options {
		keys = append(keys, k)
	for _, k := range keys {
		v := m.options[k]
		switch val := v.(type) {
		case string:
			result = append(result, "--"+k)
			val = os.Expand(val, func(key string) string { return m.expand(key) })
			result = append(result, val)
		case map[interface{}]interface{}:
			keys := []string{}
			for kk := range val {
				keys = append(keys, kk.(string))
			for _, kk := range keys {
				vv := val[kk]
				result = append(result, "--"+k)
				evv := os.Expand(vv.(string), func(key string) string { return m.expand(key) })
				result = append(result, kk+"="+evv)
		case bool:
			if val {
				result = append(result, "--"+k)
	result = append(result,
	return result
func (s *ShellExecutor) Prepare(globalConfig *common.Config, config *common.RunnerConfig, build *common.Build) error {
	if globalConfig != nil {
		s.Shell.User = globalConfig.User

	// expand environment variables to have current directory
	wd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Getwd: %v", err)

	mapping := func(key string) string {
		switch key {
		case "PWD":
			return wd
			return ""

	s.DefaultBuildsDir = os.Expand(s.DefaultBuildsDir, mapping)
	s.DefaultCacheDir = os.Expand(s.DefaultCacheDir, mapping)

	// Pass control to executor
	err = s.AbstractExecutor.Prepare(globalConfig, config, build)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.Println("Using Shell executor...")
	return nil
Beispiel #3
func (lw *LogWatcher) AddContainer(cid string) {
	c, err := lw.docker.InspectContainer(cid)
	if err != nil {
			"ID": cid,

	var envExpand = func(key string) string {
		for _, v := range c.Config.Env {
			if strings.HasPrefix(v, key+"=") {
				return strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)[1]
		return ""

	if os.Expand("$DLE_IGNORE", envExpand) != "" {
			"ID": cid,
		}).Info("Ignoring container")

	token := os.Expand("$DLE_TOKEN", envExpand)
	if token == "" {
		token = defaultToken

	lf := log.Fields{
		"ID":    cid,
		"token": token,

	log.WithFields(lf).Info("Watching container")

	logwriter := &LogWriter{
		logline: lw.LogLines,
		token:   token,

	logopts := docker.LogsOptions{
		Container:    cid,
		OutputStream: logwriter,
		ErrorStream:  logwriter,
		Stdout:       true,
		Stderr:       true,
		Follow:       true,
		Tail:         "0",
		RawTerminal:  true,
	err = lw.docker.Logs(logopts)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)

	log.WithFields(lf).Info("Stopped watching container")
func TestReplaceEnvironment(t *testing.T) {
	r := ReplaceEnvironment([]string{
		"SRCS=core.go build_env.go",
		"/home/user/please/src/core src/core core.go build_env.go",
		os.Expand("$TMP_DIR ${PKG} ${SRCS}", r))
	assert.Equal(t, "", os.Expand("$WIBBLE", r))
Beispiel #5
func (g *goemon) externalCommand(command, file string) bool {
	var cmd *exec.Cmd
	command = os.Expand(command, func(s string) string {
		switch s {
			return file
			return filepath.Base(file)
			return filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Dir(file))
			return filepath.Ext(file)
			fn := filepath.Base(file)
			ext := filepath.Ext(file)
			return fn[:len(fn)-len(ext)]
		return os.Getenv(s)
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		cmd = exec.Command("cmd", "/c", command)
	} else {
		cmd = exec.Command("sh", "-c", command)
	g.Logger.Println("executing", command)
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	err := cmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		return false
	return true
Beispiel #6
func main() {
	fmt.Println(os.ExpandEnv("HOME = $HOME; GOROOT = $GOROOT"))

	fmt.Println(os.Expand("$GOROOT", func(s string) string {
		return s + " = " + os.Getenv(s)
Beispiel #7
// ParseEnv parses io.Reader into an arrays of strings
// representing the environment, in the form "key=value".
func ParseEnv(r io.Reader) ([]string, error) {
	sysenv := env2Map(os.Environ())
	localenv := make(map[string]string)
	mapping := func(key string) string {
		value, ok := localenv[key]
		if !ok {
			value, ok = sysenv[key]
		return value

	env := []string{}
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
	for scanner.Scan() {
		entry := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
		if len(entry) == 0 {

		pair := strings.SplitN(entry, "=", 2)
		key := pair[0]
		value := os.Expand(pair[1], mapping)
		localenv[key] = value
		env = append(env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, value))

	if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("procker: parse env error: %s", err)

	return env, nil
Beispiel #8
func testExpand(name string) {
	testStr := fmt.Sprintf("hello, ${%s}", name)
	newStr := os.Expand(testStr, func(s string) string {
		return "My " + s
Beispiel #9
// parseURLPrefixTag expects an input in the form of 'tag-host/path'
// and returns the lower cased host plus the path unaltered if the
// prefix matches the tag.
func parseURLPrefixTag(s, prefix string, env map[string]string) (host, path string, ok bool) {
	s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
	if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
		return "", "", false

	// split host/path
	p := strings.SplitN(s[len(prefix):], "/", 2)
	if len(p) != 2 {
		log.Printf("[WARN] consul: Invalid %s tag %q", prefix, s)
		return "", "", false

	// expand $x or ${x} to env[x] or ""
	expand := func(s string) string {
		return os.Expand(s, func(x string) string {
			if env == nil {
				return ""
			return env[x]

	host = strings.ToLower(expand(strings.TrimSpace(p[0])))
	path = "/" + expand(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]))

	return host, path, true
Beispiel #10
// makeEnvMap parse the given env string set and returns a new envMap
func makeEnvMap(set []string, inherit bool, ref ...*envMap) *envMap {
	env := make(envMap)
	for _, kv := range set {
		if strings.Contains(kv, PathListSeparator) {
			kv = strings.Replace(kv, PathListSeparator, string(os.PathListSeparator), -1)

		kv = os.Expand(kv, func(key string) string {
			for _, r := range append(ref, &env) {
				if v, ok := (*r)[key]; ok {
					return v
			if v := os.Getenv(key); inherit && v != "" {
				return v
			} else {
				return "" //key


		if pair := strings.Split(kv, "="); len(pair) < 2 {
			env[pair[0]] = ""
		} else if len(pair) > 2 {
			pair = strings.FieldsFunc(kv, getQuoteSplitter('='))
			env[pair[0]] = pair[1]
		} else {
			env[pair[0]] = pair[1]


	return &env
Beispiel #11
// getCmd returns exec.Cmd
// binary names will be evaluated with Env here since this is the last step before Run()
func (a *app) getCmd() (*exec.Cmd, error) {
	path, err := exec.LookPath(a.bin)
	if err != nil {
		if path, err = exec.LookPath(os.Expand(a.bin, func(key string) string {
			if v, ok := (*Env)[key]; ok {
				return v
			} else {
				return ""
		})); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("installing %v is in your future...", a.bin)
	cmd := exec.Command(path, a.arg...)
	if a.dir != "" {
		cmd.Dir = a.dir

	cmd.Env = Env.combine(append(a.env, os.Environ()...)).list()
	cmd.Stdin, cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr

	if len(Env.list()) > 0 {
		logger.Printf("Env: %s\n", Env)
	logger.Printf("Command loaded: %s\n", a.cmd)

	return cmd, nil
Beispiel #12
// parseURLPrefixTag expects an input in the form of 'tag-host/path[ opts]'
// and returns the lower cased host and the unaltered path if the
// prefix matches the tag.
func parseURLPrefixTag(s, prefix string, env map[string]string) (route, opts string, ok bool) {
	// expand $x or ${x} to env[x] or ""
	expand := func(s string) string {
		return os.Expand(s, func(x string) string {
			if env == nil {
				return ""
			return env[x]

	s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
	if !strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix) {
		return "", "", false
	s = strings.TrimSpace(s[len(prefix):])

	p := strings.SplitN(s, " ", 2)
	if len(p) == 2 {
		opts = p[1]
	s = p[0]

	p = strings.SplitN(s, "/", 2)
	if len(p) == 1 {
		log.Printf("[WARN] consul: Invalid %s tag %q - You need to have a trailing slash!", prefix, s)
		return "", "", false
	host, path := p[0], p[1]

	return strings.ToLower(expand(host)) + "/" + expand(path), opts, true
Beispiel #13
func (e *EnvMap) get(
	key string, top *EnvMap, processQueue map[string]*EnvMap,
	cache map[string]string,
) (string, bool) {
	resolve := func(s string) string {
		if value, ok := cache[s]; ok == true {
			return value
		if last, ok := processQueue[s]; ok == true {
			// If this is the last element in this environment map
			// then we return ""
			if last == nil {
				return ""
			processQueue[s] = last.parent
			r, _ := last.get(s, top, processQueue, cache)
			return r
		processQueue[s] = top
		r, _ := top.get(s, top, processQueue, cache)
		return r

	for e != nil {
		if value, ok := e.env[key]; ok == true {
			processQueue[key] = e.parent
			s := os.Expand(value, resolve)
			delete(processQueue, key)
			return s, true
		e = e.parent
	return "", false
Beispiel #14
func (m *Machine) executePostProvision() ([]string, error) {

	fmt.Println("Executing post-provision commands...")

	out := []string{}
	for _, p := range m.postProvision() {

		fmt.Printf("  ... '%s'\n", p)
		args, err := shellwords.Parse(p)
		if err != nil {
			return []string{}, err

		if args[0] == "scp" {
			// it's docker-machine sub-command
			args = append([]string{"docker-machine", "-s", dpmHome()}, args...)

		for i := range args {
			args[i] = os.Expand(args[i], func(key string) string { return m.expand(key) })

		cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)

		if args[0] == "docker" {
			cmd.Env = m.GetEnv()

		o, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
		out = append(out, string(o))
	return out, nil
Beispiel #15
func ExpandFromMap(template string, m map[string]interface{}) string {
	return os.Expand(template, func(s string) string {
		if v, ok := m[s]; ok {
			return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
		return "[?]"
Beispiel #16
func main() {
	mapping := func(s string) string {
		m := map[string]string{"hello": "world", "go": "perfect program language"}
		return m[s]
	str := "Golang is$not a $go in the ${hello}!"
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", os.Expand(str, mapping))
Beispiel #17
// split breaks the line into words, evaluating quoted
// strings and evaluating environment variables.
// The initial //go:generate element is present in line.
func (g *Generator) split(line string) []string {
	// Parse line, obeying quoted strings.
	var words []string
	line = line[len("//go:generate ") : len(line)-1] // Drop preamble and final newline.
	// There may still be a carriage return.
	if len(line) > 0 && line[len(line)-1] == '\r' {
		line = line[:len(line)-1]
	// One (possibly quoted) word per iteration.
	for {
		line = strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t")
		if len(line) == 0 {
		if line[0] == '"' {
			for i := 1; i < len(line); i++ {
				c := line[i] // Only looking for ASCII so this is OK.
				switch c {
				case '\\':
					if i+1 == len(line) {
						g.errorf("bad backslash")
					i++ // Absorb next byte (If it's a multibyte we'll get an error in Unquote).
				case '"':
					word, err := strconv.Unquote(line[0 : i+1])
					if err != nil {
						g.errorf("bad quoted string")
					words = append(words, word)
					line = line[i+1:]
					// Check the next character is space or end of line.
					if len(line) > 0 && line[0] != ' ' && line[0] != '\t' {
						g.errorf("expect space after quoted argument")
					continue Words
			g.errorf("mismatched quoted string")
		i := strings.IndexAny(line, " \t")
		if i < 0 {
			i = len(line)
		words = append(words, line[0:i])
		line = line[i:]
	// Substitute command if required.
	if len(words) > 0 && g.commands[words[0]] != nil {
		// Replace 0th word by command substitution.
		words = append(g.commands[words[0]], words[1:]...)
	// Substitute environment variables.
	for i, word := range words {
		words[i] = os.Expand(word, g.expandVar)
	return words
Beispiel #18
func main() {

	if *showVersion {
		fmt.Printf("statsdaemon v%s (built w/%s)\n", VERSION, runtime.Version())
	if *cpuprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
		if err != nil {
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
	if *memprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
		if err != nil {
		defer f.Close()
		defer pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f)
	var err error
	pct, err := timers.NewPercentiles(*percentile_thresholds)
	if err != nil {
	inst := os.Expand(*instance, expand_cfg_vars)
	if inst == "" {
		inst = "null"

	signalchan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	if *profile_addr != "" {
		go func() {
			fmt.Println("Profiling endpoint listening on " + *profile_addr)
			log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*profile_addr, nil))

	daemon := statsdaemon.New(inst, *listen_addr, *admin_addr, *graphite_addr, *prefix_rates, *prefix_timers, *prefix_gauges, *pct, *flushInterval, MAX_UNPROCESSED_PACKETS, *max_timers_per_s, signalchan, *debug)
	if *debug {
		consumer := make(chan interface{}, 100)
		go func() {
			for line := range consumer {
				log.Printf("invalid line '%s'\n", line)

func (rec *checkPerms) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params, next httprouter.Handle) {
	var (
		fields    = strings.Split(r.Header.Get("Authorization"), ":")
		l         = len(fields)
		timestamp int64
		err       error

	// check hmac and santize fields
	if l < 3 {
	message := []byte(strings.Join(fields[:l-1], ":"))
	messageMAC := []byte(fields[l-1])
	if !util.CheckMAC(message, messageMAC, rec.secret) {

	// check timestamp is still valid
	if timestamp, err = strconv.ParseInt(fields[l-2], 10, 32); err != nil {

	if int64(time.Now().Unix())-timestamp >= int64(rec.expire_secs) {

	// expand params
	required_perm := os.Expand(rec.perm, func(str string) string {
		return p.ByName(str)

	// compile regexp
	rx, err := regexp.Compile("^" + required_perm + "$")
	if err != nil {

	// checks if any of the permissions suffices
	// NOTE: constant time comparison is not needed because what is permission
	// needed will be public anyway and the incoming string has been already
	// authenticated with the HMAC. If it was needed, we wouldn't allow regexps,
	// as there's currently no easy way to do constant time comparison with
	// them.
	if !rx.MatchString(fields[0]) {

	next(w, r, p)
Beispiel #20
func expandHandlerVars(strs []string, values map[string]string) (expanded []string) {
	mappingFunc := func(name string) string {
		return values[name]
	for _, str := range strs {
		expanded = append(expanded, os.Expand(str, mappingFunc))
Beispiel #21
func ExpandEnv(s string) string {
	return os.Expand(s, func(key string) string {
		if key == "$" {
			return key
		} else {
			v, _ := syscall.Getenv(key)
			return v
Beispiel #22
func (s *Spec) ExportEnvsToFile(filename string) error {
	envs := []string{}
	for k, v := range s.ExportedEnvs {
		val := os.Expand(v, func(key string) string { return expand(key) })
		envs = append(envs, k+"="+val)

	content := strings.Join(envs, "\n")
	return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(content), 0644)
Beispiel #23
func (m *Machine) postProvision() []string {
	result := []string{}
	for _, p := range {
		expanded := os.Expand(p, func(key string) string {
			return m.expand(key)
		result = append(result, expanded)
	return result
Beispiel #24
func printTempDirs(state *core.BuildState, duration float64) {
	fmt.Printf("Temp directories prepared, total time %0.2fs:\n", duration)
	for _, label := range state.ExpandOriginalTargets() {
		target := state.Graph.TargetOrDie(label)
		cmd := build.ReplaceSequences(target, target.GetCommand())
		env := core.BuildEnvironment(state, target, false)
		fmt.Printf("  %s: %s\n", label, target.TmpDir())
		fmt.Printf("    Command: %s\n", cmd)
		fmt.Printf("   Expanded: %s\n", os.Expand(cmd, core.ReplaceEnvironment(env)))
Beispiel #25
// FIXME(ssx): maybe need to return error
func (p *Process) buildCommand() *kexec.KCommand {
	cmd := kexec.CommandString(p.Command)
	// cmd := kexec.Command(p.Command[0], p.Command[1:]...)
	logDir := filepath.Join(defaultConfigDir, "log", sanitize.Name(p.Name))
	if !IsDir(logDir) {
		os.MkdirAll(logDir, 0755)
	var fout io.Writer
	var err error
	p.OutputFile, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(logDir, "output.log"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warn("create stdout log failed:", err)
		fout = ioutil.Discard
	} else {
		fout = p.OutputFile
	cmd.Stdout = io.MultiWriter(p.Stdout, p.Output, fout)
	cmd.Stderr = io.MultiWriter(p.Stderr, p.Output, fout)
	// config environ
	cmd.Env = os.Environ() // inherit current vars
	environ := map[string]string{}
	if p.User != "" {
		err := cmd.SetUser(p.User)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("[%s] chusr to %s failed", p.Name, p.User)
		} else {
			var homeDir string
			switch runtime.GOOS {
			case "linux":
				homeDir = "/home/" + p.User // FIXME(ssx): maybe there is a better way
			case "darwin":
				homeDir = "/Users/" + p.User
			cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "HOME="+homeDir, "USER="******"HOME"] = homeDir
			environ["USER"] = p.User
	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, p.Environ...)
	mapping := func(key string) string {
		val := os.Getenv(key)
		if val != "" {
			return val
		return environ[key]
	cmd.Dir = os.Expand(p.Dir, mapping)
	if strings.HasPrefix(cmd.Dir, "~") {
		cmd.Dir = mapping("HOME") + cmd.Dir[1:]
	log.Infof("[%s] use dir: %s\n", p.Name, cmd.Dir)
	return cmd
Beispiel #26
func main() {

	if *showVersion {
		fmt.Printf("statsdaemon v%s (built w/%s)\n", VERSION, runtime.Version())
	if *cpuprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
		if err != nil {
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
	if *memprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
		if err != nil {
		defer f.Close()
		defer pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f)
	pcts := strings.Split(*percentile_thresholds, ",")
	for _, pct := range pcts {
	inst := os.Expand(*instance, expand_cfg_vars)
	if inst == "" {
		inst = "null"
	prefix_internal = "service=statsdaemon.instance=" + inst + "."
	log.Printf("statsdaemon instance '%s' starting\n", inst)

	signalchan = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	if *debug {
		consumer := make(chan interface{}, 100)
		go func() {
			for line := range consumer {
				log.Printf("invalid line '%s'\n", line)
	output := &common.Output{Metrics, metricAmounts, valid_lines, invalid_lines}
	go udp.StatsListener(*listen_addr, prefix_internal, output)
	go udp.ArchiveStatsListener(*listen_archive_addr, prefix_internal, output)
	go adminListener()
	go metricStatsMonitor()
// Defer takes a string (with optional variables) and an expansion function and returns
// a function that can be called to get the value. This method will optimize the
// expansion away in the event that no expansion is necessary.
func (c *ServiceResolverCache) Defer(env string) (func() (string, bool), error) {
	hasExpansion := false
	invalid := []string{}
	os.Expand(env, func(name string) string {
		hasExpansion = true
		if _, _, ok := recognizeVariable(name); !ok {
			invalid = append(invalid, name)
		return ""
	if len(invalid) != 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid variable name(s): %s", strings.Join(invalid, ", "))
	if !hasExpansion {
		return func() (string, bool) { return env, true }, nil

	// only load the value once
	lock := sync.Mutex{}
	loaded := false
	return func() (string, bool) {
		defer lock.Unlock()
		if loaded {
			return env, true
		resolved := true
		expand := os.Expand(env, func(s string) string {
			s, ok := c.resolve(s)
			resolved = resolved && ok
			return s
		if !resolved {
			return "", false
		loaded = true
		env = expand
		return env, true
	}, nil
Beispiel #28
func buildEnviOS(arch string) (map[string]string, error) {
	env := map[string]string{}
	m := func(k string) string { return env[k] }
	env["GOMOBILE"] = filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(goMobileExe), "..", "pkg", "gomobile"))
	env["GOOS"] = "darwin"
	env["GOARCH"] = arch
	env["CC"] = "/Applications/"
	env["CXX"] = env["CC"]
	env["SDK"] = "/Applications/"
	env["CGO_ENABLED"] = "1"
	switch arch {
	case "arm":
		env["GOARM"] = "7"
		env["CGO_CFLAGS"] = os.Expand("-isysroot ${SDK} -arch armv7", m)
		env["CGO_LDFLAGS"] = os.Expand("-isysroot ${SDK} -arch armv7", m)
		env["PKGDIR"] = os.Expand("${GOMOBILE}/pkg_darwin_arm", m)
	case "arm64":
		env["CGO_CFLAGS"] = os.Expand("-isysroot ${SDK} -arch arm64", m)
		env["CGO_LDFLAGS"] = os.Expand("-isysroot ${SDK} -arch arm64", m)
		env["PKGDIR"] = os.Expand("${GOMOBILE}/pkg_darwin_arm64", m)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown arch: %q", arch)
	return env, nil
Beispiel #29
func (e *EnvMap) Set(key, value string) {
	if prev, ok := e.env[key]; ok == true {
		resolve := func(s string) string {
			if s == key {
				return prev
			return "$" + key
		e.env[key] = os.Expand(value, resolve)
	} else {
		e.env[key] = value
Beispiel #30
func (instance *Service) expandValue(ai *access.Access, in string) string {
	return os.Expand(in, func(key string) string {
		if value, ok := (*instance).config.Environment[key]; ok {
			return value
		} else if key == "CTD_PEM" {
			if ai.Type() == access.GenerateToEnvironment {
				return string(ai.Pem())
			return ""
		return os.Getenv(key)