func writeValuesTofile(protocolData *protocol.MetaRequest, stmt *sql.Stmt) { fmt.Println("adding one record...") if reqType := protocolData.GetType(); reqType == protocol.MetaRequest_REGISTER { userInfo := protocolData.GetRegisterInfo() UserName := userInfo.GetUsername() PassWord := userInfo.GetPassword() Email := userInfo.GetEmail() fmt.Println(UserName, PassWord) if result, err := stmt.Exec(UserName, PassWord, Email); err == nil { fmt.Println("one record added to db", result) } else { fmt.Println("one record failed to add to db..") } } }
func handleProtoClient(conn net.Conn, c chan *protocol.MetaRequest) { fmt.Println("Connection established") defer conn.Close() data := make([]byte, 4096) n, err := conn.Read(data) checkError(err) fmt.Println("Decoding Protobuf message") protodata := new(protocol.MetaRequest) if err = proto.Unmarshal(data[0:n], protodata); err != nil { fmt.Println("Error protocol data!") return } checkError(err) reqType := protodata.GetType() if reqType == protocol.MetaRequest_REGISTER { fmt.Println("Register") c <- protodata } }