Beispiel #1
func (t *TcpTransport) Dialer(laddr ma.Multiaddr, opts ...DialOpt) (Dialer, error) {
	defer t.dlock.Unlock()
	s := laddr.String()
	d, found := t.dialers[s]
	if found {
		return d, nil
	var base manet.Dialer

	var doReuse bool
	for _, o := range opts {
		switch o := o.(type) {
		case TimeoutOpt:
			base.Timeout = time.Duration(o)
		case ReuseportOpt:
			doReuse = bool(o)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized option: %#v", o)

	tcpd, err := t.newTcpDialer(base, laddr, doReuse)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	t.dialers[s] = tcpd
	return tcpd, nil
Beispiel #2
// DialArgs is a convenience function returning arguments for use in net.Dial
func DialArgs(m ma.Multiaddr) (string, string, error) {
	if !IsThinWaist(m) {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s is not a 'thin waist' address", m)

	str := m.String()
	parts := strings.Split(str, "/")[1:]

	if len(parts) == 2 { // only IP
		return parts[0], parts[1], nil

	network := parts[2]
	if parts[2] == "udp" && len(parts) > 4 && parts[4] == "utp" {
		network = parts[4]

	var host string
	switch parts[0] {
	case "ip4":
		network = network + "4"
		host = strings.Join([]string{parts[1], parts[3]}, ":")
	case "ip6":
		network = network + "6"
		host = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%s", parts[1], parts[3])
	return network, host, nil
Beispiel #3
func (oas *ObservedAddrSet) Add(addr ma.Multiaddr, observer ma.Multiaddr) {
	defer oas.Unlock()

	// for zero-value.
	if oas.addrs == nil {
		oas.addrs = make(map[string]*ObservedAddr)
		oas.ttl = peer.OwnObservedAddrTTL

	s := addr.String()
	oa, found := oas.addrs[s]

	// first time seeing address.
	if !found {
		oa = &ObservedAddr{
			Addr:   addr,
			SeenBy: make(map[string]struct{}),
		oas.addrs[s] = oa

	// mark the observer
	oa.SeenBy[observerGroup(observer)] = struct{}{}
	oa.LastSeen = time.Now()
Beispiel #4
// rawConnDial dials the underlying net.Conn + manet.Conns
func (d *Dialer) rawConnDial(ctx context.Context, raddr ma.Multiaddr, remote peer.ID) (transport.Conn, error) {
	if strings.HasPrefix(raddr.String(), "/ip4/") {
		log.Event(ctx, "connDialZeroAddr", lgbl.Dial("conn", d.LocalPeer, remote, nil, raddr))
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempted to connect to zero address: %s", raddr)

	sd := d.subDialerForAddr(raddr)
	if sd == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no dialer for %s", raddr)

	return sd.Dial(raddr)
Beispiel #5
func outfmt(m ma.Multiaddr) string {
	switch format {
	case "string":
		return m.String()
	case "slice":
		return fmt.Sprintf("%v", m.Bytes())
	case "bytes":
		return string(m.Bytes())
	case "hex":
		return "0x" + hex.EncodeToString(m.Bytes())

	die("error: invalid format", format)
	return ""
Beispiel #6
func addPortMapping(nmgr *natManager, intaddr ma.Multiaddr) {
	nat := nmgr.NAT()
	if nat == nil {
		panic("natManager addPortMapping called without a nat.")

	// first, check if the port mapping already exists.
	for _, mapping := range nat.Mappings() {
		if mapping.InternalAddr().Equal(intaddr) {
			return // it exists! return.

	ctx := context.TODO()
	lm := make(lgbl.DeferredMap)
	lm["internalAddr"] = func() interface{} { return intaddr.String() }

	defer log.EventBegin(ctx, "natMgrAddPortMappingWait", lm).Done()

	select {
	case <-nmgr.proc.Closing():
		lm["outcome"] = "cancelled"
		return // no use.
	case <-nmgr.ready: // wait until it's ready.

	// actually start the port map (sub-event because waiting may take a while)
	defer log.EventBegin(ctx, "natMgrAddPortMapping", lm).Done()

	// get the nat
	m, err := nat.NewMapping(intaddr)
	if err != nil {
		lm["outcome"] = "failure"
		lm["error"] = err

	extaddr, err := m.ExternalAddr()
	if err != nil {
		lm["outcome"] = "failure"
		lm["error"] = err

	lm["outcome"] = "success"
	lm["externalAddr"] = func() interface{} { return extaddr.String() }
	log.Infof("established nat port mapping: %s <--> %s", intaddr, extaddr)
Beispiel #7
// NewMapping attemps to construct a mapping on protocol and internal port
// It will also periodically renew the mapping until the returned Mapping
// -- or its parent NAT -- is Closed.
// May not succeed, and mappings may change over time;
// NAT devices may not respect our port requests, and even lie.
// Clients should not store the mapped results, but rather always
// poll our object for the latest mappings.
func (nat *NAT) NewMapping(maddr ma.Multiaddr) (Mapping, error) {
	if nat == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no nat available")

	network, addr, err := manet.DialArgs(maddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("DialArgs failed on addr:", maddr.String())

	switch network {
	case "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6":
		network = "tcp"
	case "udp", "udp4", "udp6":
		network = "udp"
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("transport not supported by NAT: %s", network)

	intports := strings.Split(addr, ":")[1]
	intport, err := strconv.Atoi(intports)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	m := &mapping{
		nat:     nat,
		proto:   network,
		intport: intport,
		intaddr: maddr,
	m.proc = goprocess.WithTeardown(func() error {
		return nil

	m.proc.AddChild(periodic.Every(MappingDuration/3, func(worker goprocess.Process) {

	// do it once synchronously, so first mapping is done right away, and before exiting,
	// allowing users -- in the optimistic case -- to use results right after.
	return m, nil
Beispiel #8
// Dial metadata is metadata for dial events
func Dial(sys string, lid, rid peer.ID, laddr, raddr ma.Multiaddr) DeferredMap {
	m := DeferredMap{}
	m["subsystem"] = sys
	if lid != "" {
		m["localPeer"] = func() interface{} { return lid.Pretty() }
	if laddr != nil {
		m["localAddr"] = func() interface{} { return laddr.String() }
	if rid != "" {
		m["remotePeer"] = func() interface{} { return rid.Pretty() }
	if raddr != nil {
		m["remoteAddr"] = func() interface{} { return raddr.String() }
	return m
Beispiel #9
func (t *TcpTransport) Listen(laddr ma.Multiaddr) (Listener, error) {
	defer t.llock.Unlock()
	s := laddr.String()
	l, found := t.listeners[s]
	if found {
		return l, nil

	list, err := manetListen(laddr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	tlist := &tcpListener{
		list:      list,
		transport: t,

	t.listeners[s] = tlist
	return tlist, nil