// ProcRegistration=>
func TestRegistrationEmptyParams(t *testing.T) {
	option := options.SysOption{
		Statistic: false}
	stat := statistic.NewStatistic(option)
	handler := coreprocessing.NewHandler(1, option, stat)
	inIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(coreprocessing.TypeInstructionReg)
	cmd := transport.NewCommand(0, "27d90e5e-0000000000000011-1", "registration", "")
	// expected methods as list of string
	(*cmd).Params.Json = "{\"methods\": \"none\", \"group\": 1}"
	outIns := coremethods.ProcRegistration(handler, inIns)
	if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
		err := (*answer).Error.Code
		if err > 0 {
			t.Logf("Answer has error, %s.", (*answer).Error)
			if err != transport.ErrorCodeMethodParamsFormatWrong {
				t.Error("Unexpected error code: %d.", err)
		} else {
			t.Error("This answer must have error.")
	} else {
		t.Errorf("Empty answer to %s.", *cmd)
func TestRegistrationUnknownGroup(t *testing.T) {
	option := options.SysOption{
		Statistic: false}
	stat := statistic.NewStatistic(option)
	handler := coreprocessing.NewHandler(1, option, stat)
	cheker := forTestConnectionStateCheck{Auth: true}
	handler.StateCheker = &cheker
	inIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(coreprocessing.TypeInstructionReg)
	cmd := transport.NewCommand(0, "27d90e5e-0000000000000011-1", "registration", "")
	(*cmd).Params.Json = "{\"methods\": [\"none\"], \"group\": 4}"
	outIns := coremethods.ProcRegistration(handler, inIns)
	if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
		err := (*answer).Error.Code
		if err > 0 {
			t.Logf("Answer has error, %s.", (*answer).Error)
			if err != transport.ErrorCodeUnexpectedValue {
				t.Error("Unexpected error code: %d.", err)
		} else {
			t.Error("This answer must have error.")
	} else {
		t.Errorf("Empty answer to %s.", *cmd)
func TestRegistratioAddGroupClient(t *testing.T) {
	option := options.SysOption{
		Statistic: false}
	stat := statistic.NewStatistic(option)
	cid := "27d90e5e-0000000000000012-1"
	handler := coreprocessing.NewHandler(1, option, stat)
	cheker := forTestConnectionStateCheck{Auth: true}
	handler.StateCheker = &cheker
	inIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(coreprocessing.TypeInstructionReg)
	cmd := transport.NewCommand(0, cid, "registration", "")
	(*cmd).Params.Json = fmt.Sprintf(
		"{\"group\": %d}", connectionsupport.GroupConnectionClient)
	outIns := coremethods.ProcRegistration(handler, inIns)
	if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
		err := (*answer).Error.Code
		if err > 0 {
			t.Error("Answer with problem, %s", (*answer).Error)
		} else {
			stCh := (*outIns).StateChanges
			if stCh != nil {
				if (*stCh).ChangeType == connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup {
					if (*stCh).ConnectionClientGroup == connectionsupport.GroupConnectionClient {
						if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
							if (*answer).Result != "{\"ok\": true}" {
								t.Errorf("Incorrect answer data: %s", (*answer).Result)
						} else {
							t.Error("Answer data is empty.")
					} else {
						t.Errorf("Incorrect connection group %s in changes.", (*stCh).ConnectionClientGroup)
				} else {
					t.Errorf("Type of changes is not a {}", connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup)

			} else {
				t.Error("Changes empty.")
	} else {
		t.Errorf("Empty answer to %s.", *cmd)
func TestRegistratioAddGroupServer(t *testing.T) {
	option := options.SysOption{
		Statistic: false}
	stat := statistic.NewStatistic(option)
	methodName := "test_test"
	cid := "27d90e5e-0000000000000011-1"
	handler := coreprocessing.NewHandler(1, option, stat)
	cheker := forTestConnectionStateCheck{Auth: true}
	handler.StateCheker = &cheker
	inIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(coreprocessing.TypeInstructionReg)
	cmd := transport.NewCommand(0, cid, "registration", "")
	(*cmd).Params.Json = fmt.Sprintf(
		"{\"methods\": [\"%s\"], \"group\": %d}", methodName, connectionsupport.GroupConnectionServer)
	outIns := coremethods.ProcRegistration(handler, inIns)
	if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
		err := (*answer).Error.Code
		if err > 0 {
			t.Error("Answer with problem, %s", (*answer).Error)
		} else {
			stCh := (*outIns).StateChanges
			if stCh != nil {
				if (*stCh).ChangeType == connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup {
					if (*stCh).ConnectionClientGroup == connectionsupport.GroupConnectionServer {
						cidMethods := coreprocessing.NewRpcServerManager()
						cidList := cidMethods.GetCidVariants(methodName)
						if len(cidList) > 0 {
							exists := false
							for _, variant := range cidList {
								t.Logf("%s == %s ?", cid, variant)
								if variant == cid {
									exists = true
							if exists {
								// check answer
								if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
									if (*answer).Result != "{\"methods_count\": 1, \"ok\": true}" {
										t.Errorf("Incorrect answer data: %s", (*answer).Result)
								} else {
									t.Error("Answer data is empty.")
							} else {
								t.Errorf("Not found cid '%s' for method '%s'.", cid, methodName)
						} else {
							t.Errorf("New cid '%s' lost for method '%s'.", cid, methodName)
					} else {
						t.Errorf("Incorrect connection group %s in changes.", (*stCh).ConnectionClientGroup)
				} else {
					t.Errorf("Type of changes is not a {}", connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup)

			} else {
				t.Error("Changes empty.")
	} else {
		t.Errorf("Empty answer to %s.", *cmd)