Beispiel #1
func ProcResultReturned(handler *coreprocessing.Handler, inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	var answer *transport.Answer
	var resultChanges *connectionsupport.StateChanges
	var errStr string
	insType := coreprocessing.TypeInstructionSkip
	errCode := 0

	if cmd, exists := inIns.GetCommand(); exists {
		// return status
		resultChanges = &(connectionsupport.StateChanges{
			ChangeType: connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeStatus,
			Status:     connectionsupport.ClientStatusActive})

		if len((*cmd).Params.Task) < 1 {
			errCode = transport.ErrorCodeMethodParamsFormatWrong
			errStr = "Task Id does not exist."
	} else {
		errCode = transport.ErrorCodeCommandFormatWrong
		errStr = "Command is empty."
	if errCode > 0 {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionProblem
		answer = inIns.MakeErrAnswer(errCode, errStr)
	} else {
		answer = inIns.MakeOkAnswer(
			fmt.Sprintf("{\"ok\": true, \"status\": %d}", resultChanges.Status))
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionOk
	result := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(insType)
	result.StateChanges = resultChanges
	return result
Beispiel #2
func ProcRecordResult(
	handler *coreprocessing.Handler,
	inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction,
	outIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) []*coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	var result []*coreprocessing.CoreInstruction
	if answer, _ := outIns.GetAnswer(); (*answer).Error.Code == 0 {
		if srcCmd, hasCmd := inIns.GetCommand(); hasCmd {
			rpcManager := coreprocessing.NewRpcServerManager()
			taskId := (*srcCmd).Params.Task
			if targetCidPtr := rpcManager.ResultDirectionDict.Get(taskId); targetCidPtr != nil {
				// check client group
				if handler.StateCheker.ClientInGroup(*targetCidPtr, connectionsupport.GroupConnectionWsClient) {
					cmd := transport.NewCommandWithParams(
						0, "result", transport.MethodParams{
							Cid:  *targetCidPtr,
							Task: taskId,
							Json: (*srcCmd).Params.Json})
					clientIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(coreprocessing.TypeInstructionSetResult)
					result = make([]*coreprocessing.CoreInstruction, 1)
					result[0] = clientIns
				} else {
					rpcManager.ResultBufferDict.Set(taskId, (*srcCmd).Params.Json)
			} else {
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogError, "Processing pass for: %s", srcCmd)
	return result
Beispiel #3
func ProcUpdateStatus(handler *coreprocessing.Handler, inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	insType := coreprocessing.TypeInstructionSkip
	var answer *transport.Answer
	var result *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction
	var resultChanges *connectionsupport.StateChanges
	var errStr string
	errCode := 0
	if cmd, exists := inIns.GetCommand(); exists {
		// check is number type
		if newStatus, err := strconv.ParseUint(cmd.Params.Data, 10, 16); err == nil {
			changes := connectionsupport.StateChanges{
				ChangeType: connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeStatus,
				Status:     uint16(newStatus)}
			resultChanges = &changes
			answer = inIns.MakeOkAnswer(
				fmt.Sprintf("{\"ok\": true, \"status\": %d}", newStatus))
			insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionOk
		} else {
			errCode = transport.ErrorCodeMethodParamsFormatWrong
			errStr = "Status has unexpected type."
	} else {
		errCode = transport.ErrorCodeCommandFormatWrong
		errStr = "Command is empty."
	if errCode > 0 {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionProblem
		answer = inIns.MakeErrAnswer(errCode, errStr)
	result = coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(insType)
	result.StateChanges = resultChanges
	return result
Beispiel #4
// main method for client routing to server methods
func ProcRouteRpc(handler *coreprocessing.Handler, inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	var answer *transport.Answer
	var errStr string
	var answerData string
	insType := coreprocessing.TypeInstructionSkip
	errCode := 0
	// check methods
	if cmd, exists := inIns.GetCommand(); exists {
		rpcManager := coreprocessing.NewRpcServerManager()
		variants := rpcManager.GetCidVariants((*cmd).Method)
		if len(variants) > 0 {
			var freeCid string
			for _, serverCid := range variants {
				if !handler.StateCheker.ClientBusy(serverCid) {
					freeCid = serverCid
			if len(freeCid) > 0 {
				data := RpcAnswerData{
					Cid:  freeCid,
					Task: handler.TaskIdGenerator.CreateTaskId()}
				// TODO: to debug
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogInfo, "rpc call: '%s()' -> %s", (*cmd).Method, data)
				if strData, err := json.Marshal(data); err == nil {
					answerData = string(strData)
					rpcManager.ResultDirectionDict.Set(data.Task, (*inIns).Cid)
				} else {
					errCode = transport.ErrorCodeInternalProblem
					errStr = fmt.Sprintf("Error dump %T: '%s'", data, err)
			} else {
				errCode = transport.ErrorCodeAllServerBusy
				errStr = fmt.Sprintf("All server busy for method '%s'.", (*cmd).Method)
		} else {
			errCode = transport.ErrorCodeRemouteMethodNotExists
			errStr = fmt.Sprintf("Method '%s' unregistred or workers lost.", (*cmd).Method)
	} else {
		errCode = transport.ErrorCodeCommandFormatWrong
		errStr = "Command is empty."
	if errCode > 0 {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionProblem
		answer = inIns.MakeErrAnswer(errCode, errStr)
	} else {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionOk
		answer = inIns.MakeOkAnswer(answerData)
	result := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(insType)
	return result
Beispiel #5
// return date size in result
func ProcPing(handler *coreprocessing.Handler, inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	var insType int
	var result string
	if cmd, exists := inIns.GetCommand(); exists {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionPong
		result = fmt.Sprintf(
			"{\"data\": %d, \"exists\": true}", len(cmd.Params.Data)+len(cmd.Params.Json))
	} else {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionSkip
	outIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(insType)
	if insType == coreprocessing.TypeInstructionPong {
	return outIns
Beispiel #6
// check token by client public key
func ProcAuth(handler *coreprocessing.Handler, inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	// client sends in params:
	//  - json: {"key": "<key name>"}
	//  - data: "<base64 token string, use JWT protocol (random data inside)>"
	// getting (search on option.KeyDir) client public key by name (in command params)
	changes := connectionsupport.StateChanges{
		ChangeType: connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeAuth}
	var result *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction
	var resultErr error
	var errCode int
	if cmd, exists := inIns.GetCommand(); exists {
		if authData, err := newAuthData(cmd.Params); err == nil {
			if err := authData.Check(handler.Option); err != nil {
				errCode = transport.ErrorCodeMethodAuthFailed
				resultErr = err
		} else {
			resultErr = err
			errCode = transport.ErrorCodeMethodParamsFormatWrong
	} else {
		errCode = transport.ErrorCodeCommandFormatWrong
		resultErr = errors.New("Not found command in instruction.")
	var answer *transport.Answer
	var insType int
	if errCode > 0 {
		changes.Auth = false
		answer = inIns.MakeErrAnswer(errCode, fmt.Sprint(resultErr))
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionProblem
		rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Failed auth from %s with error: %s", inIns.Cid, resultErr)
	} else {
		changes.Auth = true
		answer = inIns.MakeOkAnswer("{\"auth\":true}")
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionOk
		rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogDebug, "Successfull auth from %s", inIns.Cid)
	result = coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(insType)
	result.StateChanges = &changes
	return result
Beispiel #7
func ProcCallServerMethod(
	handler *coreprocessing.Handler,
	inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction,
	outIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) []*coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	var result []*coreprocessing.CoreInstruction

	if answer, exists := outIns.GetAnswer(); exists {
		if (*answer).Error.Code == 0 {
			if srcCmd, hasCmd := inIns.GetCommand(); hasCmd {
				rpcData := RpcAnswerData{}
				// little overhead - parse JSON
				if loadErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte((*answer).Result), &rpcData); loadErr == nil {
					srcParams := (*srcCmd).Params
					srcParams.Task = rpcData.Task
					// replace cid
					srcParams.Cid = rpcData.Cid
					newCmd := transport.NewCommandWithParams(0, (*srcCmd).Method, srcParams)
					resultIns := coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(coreprocessing.TypeInstructionExecute)
					result = []*coreprocessing.CoreInstruction{resultIns}
				} else {
						"Answer from ProcRouteRpc has incorrect data format, from: %s",
			} else {
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogError, "Answer lost in ProcRouteRpc! from: %s", inIns.Cid)
	} else {
		rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogError, "Answer lost in ProcRouteRpc! from: %s", inIns.Cid)
	return result
Beispiel #8
func ProcRegistration(handler *coreprocessing.Handler, inIns *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction) *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction {
	insType := coreprocessing.TypeInstructionSkip
	var answer *transport.Answer
	var result *coreprocessing.CoreInstruction
	var resultChanges *connectionsupport.StateChanges
	var errStr string
	errCode := 0
	if cmd, exists := inIns.GetCommand(); exists {
		info := ClientInfo{}
		if loadErr := json.Unmarshal([]byte((*cmd).Params.Json), &info); loadErr == nil {
			if (*handler).StateCheker.IsAuth(inIns.Cid) {
				// TODO: need implimentation for replace current cid to old
				switch info.Group {
				case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionClient:
						changes := connectionsupport.StateChanges{
							ChangeType:            connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup,
							ConnectionClientGroup: connectionsupport.GroupConnectionClient}
						resultChanges = &changes
						answer = inIns.MakeOkAnswer(
							fmt.Sprintf("{\"ok\": true, \"cid\": \"%s\"}", inIns.Cid))
				case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionServer:
						dict := coreprocessing.NewMethodInstructionDict()
						methodsCount := dict.RegisterClientMethods(info.Methods...)
						rpcManager := coreprocessing.NewRpcServerManager()
						rpcManager.Append(inIns.Cid, &(info.Methods))
						answer = inIns.MakeOkAnswer(
								"{\"methods_count\": %d, \"ok\": true, \"cid\": \"%s\"}",
								methodsCount, inIns.Cid))

						changes := connectionsupport.StateChanges{
							ChangeType:            connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup,
							ConnectionClientGroup: connectionsupport.GroupConnectionServer}
						resultChanges = &changes
				case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionWsClient:
						// denied
						errCode = transport.ErrorCodeAccessDenied
						errStr = "Web-socket client don't accepted on simple TCP socket."
						errCode = transport.ErrorCodeUnexpectedValue
						errStr = "Unknown group, see the protocol specification."
			} else {
				errCode = transport.ErrorCodeAccessDenied
				errStr = "Access denied."
		} else {
			errCode = transport.ErrorCodeMethodParamsFormatWrong
			errStr = fmt.Sprint(loadErr)
	} else {
		errCode = transport.ErrorCodeCommandFormatWrong
		errStr = "Command is empty."
	if errCode > 0 {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionProblem
		answer = inIns.MakeErrAnswer(errCode, errStr)
	} else {
		insType = coreprocessing.TypeInstructionOk
	result = coreprocessing.NewCoreInstruction(insType)
	result.StateChanges = resultChanges
	return result
// answer worker
func connectionWriteProcessing(
	connection net.Conn,
	backChannel *chan coreprocessing.CoreInstruction,
	dataManager *connectionsupport.ConnectionDataManager,
	stat statistic.StatisticUpdater,
	label string) {
	wait := true
	msgSize := 0
	var newInstruction coreprocessing.CoreInstruction
	var statGroupName string
	for wait {
		newInstruction = <-*backChannel
		if newInstruction.IsEmpty() {
			rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Closed write process for %s empty instruction!", label)
			wait = false
		} else {
			// write
			msgSize = 0
			if answer, exists := newInstruction.GetAnswer(); exists {
				data := answer.DataDump()
				if data != nil {
					line := append(*data, byte('\n'))
					if writen, err := connection.Write(line); err == nil {
						msgSize += writen
					} else {
						rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Can't wite answer to %s: %s", label, err)
						// wtf ?
						wait = false
			// and / or command for client
			if answerCmd, exists := newInstruction.GetCommand(); exists && wait {
				data := answerCmd.DataDump()
				if data != nil {
					line := append(*data, byte('\n'))
					if writen, err := connection.Write(line); err == nil {
						msgSize += writen
					} else {
						rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Can't wite answer to %s: %s", label, err)
						// wtf ?
						wait = false
			if msgSize > 0 {
				stat.SendMsg("outcome_data_size", msgSize)
				// update state data
				if newInstruction.StateChanges != nil {
					// so simple.. without some visitor for statistic
					if newInstruction.StateChanges.ChangeType == connectionsupport.StateChangesTypeGroup {
						switch newInstruction.StateChanges.ConnectionClientGroup {
						case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionClient:
							statGroupName = "count_connection_client"
						case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionServer:
							statGroupName = "count_connection_server"
						case connectionsupport.GroupConnectionWsClient:
							statGroupName = "count_connection_web"
					// update data in manager
					dataManager.UpdateState(newInstruction.Cid, newInstruction.StateChanges)
			} else {
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogWarn, "Empty answer to %s?", label)
			if newInstruction.NeedExit() {
				wait = false
				rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogDebug, "Closed write process for %s from instruction.", label)
				err := connection.Close()
				if err != nil {
					// wait = true ??
					rllogger.Outputf(rllogger.LogError, "Close connection %s problem: %s", label, err)