Beispiel #1
func NewRecord(s string, l LogLevel, m string, d map[string]interface{}) *Record {
	r := &Record{
		Timestamp: RecordTimestamp(time.Now().UnixNano()) / 1000000000,
		Pid:       pid,
		Source:    s,
		Level:     l,
		Message:   m,
		Data:      d,

	if config.EnableLOC {
		var function *runtime.Func
		var file string
		var line int

		pc := make([]uintptr, 50)
		nptrs := runtime.Callers(2, pc)
		for i := 0; i < nptrs; i++ {
			function = runtime.FuncForPC(pc[i])
			file, line = function.FileLine(pc[i])
			if !strings.HasSuffix(file, "logger.go") {
		r.File = file
		r.Line = line
		r.Method = function.Name()

	return r
Beispiel #2
func NewRecord(level LogLevel, message string, data map[string]string) *Record {
	record := new(Record)

	record.Timestamp = float64(time.Now().UnixNano()) / 1000000000
	record.Message = message
	record.Level = level
	record.Data = data

	if config.EnableLOC {
		var function *runtime.Func
		var file string
		var line int

		pc := make([]uintptr, 50)
		nptrs := runtime.Callers(2, pc)
		for i := 0; i < nptrs; i++ {
			function = runtime.FuncForPC(pc[i])
			file, line = function.FileLine(pc[i])
			if !strings.HasSuffix(file, "logger.go") {
		record.File = file
		record.Method = function.Name()
		record.Line = line

	return record
Beispiel #3
// UnstubDefaultTransport restores http.DefaultTransport
func (mitm *MitmTransport) UnstubDefaultTransport() {
	defer mitm.mux.Unlock()

	if mitm.stubbed {
		mitm.stubbed = false

		http.DefaultTransport = httpDefaultResponder

	// is times miss match?
	if !mitm.paused {
		errlogs := []string{}
		for key, response := range mitm.stubs {
			for path, mocker := range response.Mocks() {
				if !mocker.IsTimesMatched() {
					key = strings.Replace(key, MockScheme, mocker.Scheme(), 1)
					expected, invoked := mocker.Times()

					errlogs = append(errlogs, "        Error Trace:    %s:%d\n        Error:          Expected "+key+path+" with "+fmt.Sprintf("%d", expected)+" times, but got "+fmt.Sprintf("%d", invoked)+" times\n\n")

		if len(errlogs) > 0 {
			pcs := make([]uintptr, 10)
			max := runtime.Callers(2, pcs)

			var (
				pcfunc *runtime.Func
				pcfile string
				pcline int
			for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
				pcfunc = runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[i] - 1)
				if strings.HasPrefix(pcfunc.Name(), "runtime.") {

				pcfile, pcline = pcfunc.FileLine(pcs[i])

			// format errlogs
			for i, errlog := range errlogs {
				errlogs[i] = fmt.Sprintf(errlog, filepath.Base(pcfile), pcline)

			fmt.Printf("--- FAIL: %s\n%s", pcfunc.Name(), strings.Join(errlogs, "\n"))

	mitm.testing = nil
	mitm.stubs = make(map[string]*Responser)
Beispiel #4
func newTestState(pc uintptr, f *runtime.Func) (*testState, error) {
	state := &testState{
		pc:       pc,
		fullName: f.Name(),

	state.fileName, state.fileLine = f.FileLine(pc)

	splits := strings.Split(state.fullName, ".") = splits[len(splits)-1]

	return state, nil
Beispiel #5
func (this *Trace) Trace(level int) *Trace {
	var ok bool
	var pc uintptr
	var fn *runtime.Func
	var buf []byte
	var tmp []string
	var i int

	this.Record = r.NewRecord()
	if level == 0 {
		level = STEP_BACK
	buf = make([]byte, 1<<16)
	pc, this.Record.FileNameLong, this.Record.FileLine, ok = runtime.Caller(level)
	if ok == true {
		fn = runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
		if fn != nil {
			this.Record.Function = fn.Name()
		i = runtime.Stack(buf, true)
		this.Record.CallStack = string(buf[:i])

		tmp = strings.Split(this.Record.Function, packageSeparator)
		if len(tmp) > 1 {
			this.Record.Package += strings.Join(tmp[:len(tmp)-1], packageSeparator)
			this.Record.Function = tmp[len(tmp)-1]
		tmp = strings.SplitN(this.Record.Function, `.`, 2)
		if len(tmp) == 2 {
			if this.Record.Package != "" {
				this.Record.Package += packageSeparator
			this.Record.Package += tmp[0]
			this.Record.Function = tmp[1]

		// Filename short
		tmp = strings.Split(this.Record.FileNameLong, packageSeparator)
		if len(tmp) > 0 {
			this.Record.FileNameShort = tmp[len(tmp)-1]

		// Module name
		tmp = strings.Split(this.Record.Package, packageSeparator)
		if len(tmp) > 0 {
			this.Record.Module = tmp[len(tmp)-1]
	return this
Beispiel #6
func packageAndName(fn *runtime.Func) (string, string) {
	name := fn.Name()
	pkg := ""

	// we first remove the path prefix if there is one.
	if lastslash := strings.LastIndex(name, "/"); lastslash >= 0 {
		pkg += name[:lastslash] + "/"
		name = name[lastslash+1:]
	if period := strings.Index(name, "."); period >= 0 {
		pkg += name[:period]
		name = name[period+1:]

	return pkg, name
Beispiel #7
/* "FuncName" or "Receiver.MethodName" */
func shortFuncName(f *runtime.Func) string {
	// f.Name() is like one of these:
	// - ""
	// - ""
	// - "*PtrReceiver).MethodName"
	longName := f.Name()

	withoutPath := longName[strings.LastIndex(longName, "/")+1:]
	withoutPackage := withoutPath[strings.Index(withoutPath, ".")+1:]

	shortName := withoutPackage
	shortName = strings.Replace(shortName, "(", "", 1)
	shortName = strings.Replace(shortName, "*", "", 1)
	shortName = strings.Replace(shortName, ")", "", 1)

	return shortName
Beispiel #8
func (t *trace) Trace(level int) *trace {
	var ok bool
	var pc uintptr
	var fn *runtime.Func
	var buf []byte
	var tmp []string
	var i int

	if level == 0 {
		level = traceStepBack
	buf = make([]byte, 1<<16)
	pc, t.File, t.Line, ok = runtime.Caller(level)
	if ok == true {
		fn = runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
		if fn != nil {
			t.Function = fn.Name()
		i = runtime.Stack(buf, true)
		t.Stack = string(buf[:i])

		tmp = strings.Split(t.Function, packageSeparator)
		if len(tmp) > 1 {
			t.Package += strings.Join(tmp[:len(tmp)-1], packageSeparator)
			t.Function = tmp[len(tmp)-1]
		tmp = strings.SplitN(t.Function, `.`, 2)
		if len(tmp) == 2 {
			if t.Package != "" {
				t.Package += packageSeparator
			t.Package += tmp[0]
			t.Function = tmp[1]

	return t
Beispiel #9
func packageAndName(fn *runtime.Func) (string, string) {
	name := fn.Name()
	pkg := ""

	// The name includes the path name to the package, which is unnecessary
	// since the file name is already included.  Plus, it has center dots.
	// That is, we see
	//  runtime/debug.*T·ptrmethod
	// and want
	//  *T.ptrmethod
	// Since the package path might contains dots (e.g.,
	// we first remove the path prefix if there is one.
	if lastslash := strings.LastIndex(name, "/"); lastslash >= 0 {
		pkg += name[:lastslash] + "/"
		name = name[lastslash+1:]
	if period := strings.Index(name, "."); period >= 0 {
		pkg += name[:period]
		name = name[period+1:]

	name = strings.Replace(name, "·", ".", -1)
	return pkg, name
Beispiel #10
func isTestRunner(f *runtime.Func) bool {
	return f != nil && f.Name() == "testing.tRunner"