Beispiel #1
func fsGetData(log *logging.Logger, section *common.Section, cfg *ini.File) {
	var previous int
	var res common.JSONFile
	var db database.DB

	if section.Dataset-1 == 0 {
		previous = cfg.Section("dataset").Key(section.Grace).MustInt()
	} else {
		previous = section.Dataset - 1

	db.Open(log, cfg)
	defer db.Close()

	for _, item := range []string{"directory", "file", "symlink"} {
		for res = range database.ListItems(log, &db, section, item) {
			switch item {
			case "directory":
				fsSaveData(log, cfg, section, res, false)
			case "symlink":
				fsSaveData(log, cfg, section, res, false)
			case "file":
				if database.ItemExist(log, &db, &res, section, previous) {
					fsSaveData(log, cfg, section, res, true)
				} else {
					fsSaveData(log, cfg, section, res, false)
Beispiel #2
func FileRestore(log *logging.Logger, section *common.Section, cfg *ini.File) {
	var cmd common.JSONMessage
	var res common.JSONFile
	var db database.DB
	var err error

	db.Open(log, cfg)
	defer db.Close()

	cmd.Context = "file"
	cmd.Command.Name = "put"

	if cfg.Section(section.Name).Key("path").String() == "" {
		log.Debug("About to full restore")
		cmd.Command.ACL = cfg.Section(section.Name).Key("acl").MustBool()
		for _, item := range []string{"directory", "file", "symlink"} {
			for res = range database.ListItems(log, &db, section, item) {
				if cmd.Command.ACL {
					log.Debug("About to restore ACLs for " + res.Name)
					res.Acl, err = database.GetAcls(log, &db, res.Name, section)
					if err != nil {
						log.Error("ACLs extraction error for " + res.Name)
						log.Debug("error: " + err.Error())

				cmd.Command.Element = res
				put(log, section, cfg, &cmd)
	} else {
		log.Debug("About to restore path " + cfg.Section(section.Name).Key("path").String())

		cmd.Command.Element, err = database.GetItem(log, &db, cfg.Section(section.Name).Key("path").String(), section)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Error when putting data to section " + section.Name)
			log.Debug("error: " + err.Error())
		} else {
			cmd.Command.ACL = cfg.Section(section.Name).Key("acl").MustBool()
			put(log, section, cfg, &cmd)