Beispiel #1
// Create in the temp dir a Dockerfile proper to the exec type
func CreateDockerfile(tmp_dir_path string, new_exec_path string, exec_file_name string, category categorization) (imageName string) {

	imageName_arrays := strings.SplitN(exec_file_name, ".", -1)
	imageName = imageName_arrays[0]

	execPathDest := fmt.Sprintf("bin/%s", exec_file_name)
	entryPoint := fmt.Sprintf("bin/%s", exec_file_name)

	// cp the templates/Dockerfile into the tmp dir
	newDockerfilePath := tmp_dir_path + "/Dockerfile"

	// read new Dockerfile
	DockerfileString := T_GENERIC

	// replace the placeholders to build the acutal Dockerfile
	replaceBaseImage := strings.NewReplacer("<BASE_IMAGE>", category.baseDockerImage)
	DockerfileStringReplaced := replaceBaseImage.Replace(DockerfileString)

	replaceExecPathSrc := strings.NewReplacer("<EXEC_PATH_SRC>", exec_file_name)
	DockerfileStringReplaced = replaceExecPathSrc.Replace(DockerfileStringReplaced)

	replaceExecPathDest := strings.NewReplacer("<EXEC_PATH_DEST>", execPathDest)
	DockerfileStringReplaced = replaceExecPathDest.Replace(DockerfileStringReplaced)

	replaceEntrypoint := strings.NewReplacer("<ENTRYPOINT>", entryPoint)
	DockerfileStringReplaced = replaceEntrypoint.Replace(DockerfileStringReplaced)

	// write in the Dockerfile the actual content with replaced values
	DockerfileBytesReplaced := []byte(DockerfileStringReplaced)
	err2 := ioutil.WriteFile(newDockerfilePath, DockerfileBytesReplaced, 0644)

Beispiel #2
// darwinRelink makes paths of linked libraries relative to executable.
//   /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.3.0/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets
//   /usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets
//   ->
//   @executable_path/../Frameworks/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets
func darwinRelink(qlib, name string, strict bool) (err error) {
	file, err := macho.Open(name)
	if err != nil {
	defer file.Close()
	libs, err := file.ImportedLibraries()
	if err != nil {
	var qlib2 string
	// detect alternative qlib (homebrew symlinks Qt to /usr/local/opt)
	for _, lib := range libs {
		idx := strings.Index(lib, "QtCore")
		if idx > 0 {
			qlib2 = lib[:idx-1] // drop sep
	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(qlib, relinkBase, qlib2, relinkBase)
	if len(qlib2) < 1 && strict {
		return fmt.Errorf("darwin relink: corrupt binary: %s", name)
	} else if !strict {
		replacer = strings.NewReplacer(qlib, relinkBase)
	// replace qlib/qlib2 to relinkBase
	for _, lib := range libs {
		rlib := replacer.Replace(lib)
		cmd := exec.Command("install_name_tool", "-change", lib, rlib, name)
		if err = cmd.Run(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("darwin relink: %v", err)
// Configure initializes this formatter with values from a plugin config.
func (format *CollectdToInflux10) Configure(conf core.PluginConfig) error {
	plugin, err := core.NewPluginWithType(conf.GetString("CollectdToInflux1009", "format.Forward"), conf)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	format.base = plugin.(core.Formatter)
	format.tagString = strings.NewReplacer(",", "\\,", " ", "\\ ")
	format.stringString = strings.NewReplacer("\"", "\\\"")
	return nil
Beispiel #4
// Strips html markup, then limits to 280 characters. If the original text was
// longer than 280 chars, an ellipsis is appended.
func stripAndCrop(content string) string {
	content = processString(content,
		strings.NewReplacer("\n", " ").Replace,
		strings.NewReplacer("  ", " ").Replace,

	if len(content) <= 280 {
		return content

	return strings.TrimSpace(content[0:279]) + "…"
Beispiel #5
func isMatch(s1, s2 string) bool {

	// Return immediate failure for empty value.
	if s1 == "" {
		return false

	// Return immediate success for wildcard.
	if s2 == "*" {
		return true

	// Make case-insensitive
	s1 = strings.ToLower(s1)
	s2 = strings.ToLower(s2)

	// Return immediate success for full match (case-insensitive).
	if s1 == s2 {
		return true

	// Replace ":", ";", "," and "/" chars with whitespace.
	// Split s1 into whitespace separated fields.
	r := strings.NewReplacer(":", " ", ";", " ", ",", " ", "/", " ")
	fields := strings.Fields(r.Replace(s1))

	// Adjust any wildcards.
	if strings.ContainsAny(s2, "?*") {
		r := strings.NewReplacer("?", ".?", "*", ".*")
		s2 = r.Replace(s2)

	// Default return value.
	retval := false

	// Create the regexp match checker (type *regexp.Regexp).
	checkMatch := regexp.MustCompile(s2)

	// Match the search term (s2) against each of s1's fields.
	for _, field := range fields {
		if checkMatch.MatchString(field) {
			retval = true

	return retval
Beispiel #6
func init() {
	var commonInitialismsForReplacer []string
	for _, initialism := range commonInitialisms {
		commonInitialismsForReplacer = append(commonInitialismsForReplacer, initialism, strings.Title(strings.ToLower(initialism)))
	commonInitialismsReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(commonInitialismsForReplacer...)
Beispiel #7
func postsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string) {
	log.Print("Title is: " + title)
	log.Print(len(strings.Split(title, "/")))
	if len(strings.Split(title, "/")) > 2 {
		p, err := loadPage(title+".html", config.RootDesc, config.SiteName)
		if err != nil {
			http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound)
		renderTemplate(w, "root", p)
	} else {
		r := strings.NewReplacer("_", " ")
		var data bytes.Buffer
		for i := len(posts) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			s := posts[i]
			row := fmt.Sprintf("<p><a href=\"/%s\">%s</a>\n\t\t\t\t<span class=\"blog-post-meta\">%s</span>\n\t\t\t\t</p>\n",
				strings.Split(s, ".html")[0], r.Replace(strings.Split(filepath.Base(s), ".html")[0]), dateFromPath(s))
		p := &Page{SiteName: config.SiteName, PageTitle: "blargh", Body: template.HTML(data.String()), PostDate: "N/A", PostTitle: "plupp", Description: config.PostsDesc}
		renderTemplate(w, "posts", p)
Beispiel #8
func parserPkg(pkgRealpath, pkgpath string) error {
	rep := strings.NewReplacer("/", "_", ".", "_")
	commentFilename = COMMENTFL + rep.Replace(pkgpath) + ".go"
	if !compareFile(pkgRealpath) {
		Info(pkgRealpath + " has not changed, not reloading")
		return nil
	genInfoList = make(map[string][]ControllerComments)
	fileSet := token.NewFileSet()
	astPkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(fileSet, pkgRealpath, func(info os.FileInfo) bool {
		name := info.Name()
		return !info.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") && strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go")
	}, parser.ParseComments)

	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, pkg := range astPkgs {
		for _, fl := range pkg.Files {
			for _, d := range fl.Decls {
				switch specDecl := d.(type) {
				case *ast.FuncDecl:
					if specDecl.Recv != nil {
						parserComments(specDecl.Doc, specDecl.Name.String(), fmt.Sprint(specDecl.Recv.List[0].Type.(*ast.StarExpr).X), pkgpath)
	return nil
Beispiel #9
func (ttb *tosTCByte) escape() []canonTOSTCByteRecord {
	trs := make([]canonTOSTCByteRecord, len(ttb.Records))
	sr := strings.NewReplacer(
		"Capable", "",
		"(", "",
		")", "",
		"+", "",
		"-", "",
		"/", "",
		".", "",
		" ", "",
	for i, tr := range ttb.Records {
		s := strings.TrimSpace(tr.Keyword)
		trs[i].OrigKeyword = s
		ss := strings.Split(s, " ")
		if len(ss) > 1 {
			trs[i].Keyword = strings.Join(ss[1:], " ")
		} else {
			trs[i].Keyword = ss[0]
		trs[i].Keyword = sr.Replace(trs[i].Keyword)
		n, err := strconv.ParseUint(tr.Binary, 2, 8)
		if err != nil {
		trs[i].Value = int(n)
	return trs
Beispiel #10
func CMD(c *cli.Context) {

	args := c.Args().First()

	hosts := []string{}

	for name, ip := range allNodes() {
		hosts = append(hosts, name, ip)

	r := strings.NewReplacer(hosts...)
	argsWithIPs := fmt.Sprintf(r.Replace(args))

	parts := strings.Split(argsWithIPs, " ")

	cmd := exec.Command(parts[0], parts[1:]...)
	cmd.Stdout = stdout
	cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin

	err := cmd.Run()

	if err != nil {
Beispiel #11
// Prepares strings by splitting by caps, spaces, dashes, and underscore
func split(str string) (words []string) {
	repl := strings.NewReplacer(
		"@", "At ",
		"&", "And ",
		"|", "Pipe ",
		"$", "Dollar ",
		"!", "Bang ",
		"-", " ",
		"_", " ",

	rex1 := regexp.MustCompile(`(\p{Lu})`)
	rex2 := regexp.MustCompile(`(\pL|\pM|\pN|\p{Pc})+`)

	str = trim(str)

	// Convert dash and underscore to spaces
	str = repl.Replace(str)

	// Split when uppercase is found (needed for Snake)
	str = rex1.ReplaceAllString(str, " $1")
	// check if consecutive single char things make up an initialism

	for _, k := range initialisms {
		str = strings.Replace(str, rex1.ReplaceAllString(k, " $1"), " "+k, -1)
	// Get the final list of words
	words = rex2.FindAllString(str, -1)

Beispiel #12
func (b ServiceBroker) ToJSON() string {
	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(assets.NewAssets().ServiceBroker + "/cats.json")

	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(
		"<fake-service>", b.Service.Name,
		"<fake-service-guid>", b.Service.ID,
		"<dashboard-client-key>", b.Service.DashboardClient.Key,
		"<sso-test>", b.Service.DashboardClient.ID,
		"<sso-secret>", b.Service.DashboardClient.Secret,
		"<sso-redirect-uri>", b.Service.DashboardClient.RedirectUri,
		"<fake-plan>", b.SyncPlans[0].Name,
		"<fake-plan-guid>", b.SyncPlans[0].ID,
		"<fake-plan-2>", b.SyncPlans[1].Name,
		"<fake-plan-2-guid>", b.SyncPlans[1].ID,
		"<fake-async-plan>", b.AsyncPlans[0].Name,
		"<fake-async-plan-guid>", b.AsyncPlans[0].ID,
		"<fake-async-plan-2>", b.AsyncPlans[1].Name,
		"<fake-async-plan-2-guid>", b.AsyncPlans[1].ID,
		"<fake-sso-plan>", b.SsoPlans[0].Name,
		"<fake-sso-plan-guid>", b.SsoPlans[0].ID,
		"<sso-plan-client-id>", b.SsoPlans[0].DashboardClient.ID,
		"<sso-plan-secret>", b.SsoPlans[0].DashboardClient.Secret,

	return replacer.Replace(string(bytes))
Beispiel #13
func TestRead_TildePath(t *testing.T) {
	isPath := true
	home, err := homedir.Dir()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
	f, cleanup := testTempFile(t, home)
	defer cleanup()

	if _, err := io.WriteString(f, "foobar"); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	r := strings.NewReplacer(home, "~")
	homePath := r.Replace(f.Name())
	contents, wasPath, err := Read(homePath)

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
	if wasPath != isPath {
		t.Fatalf("expected wasPath: %t, got %t", isPath, wasPath)
	if contents != "foobar" {
		t.Fatalf("expected contents %s, got %s", "foobar", contents)
Beispiel #14
func markdownEscape(s string) string {
	return strings.NewReplacer(
		"_", "\\_",
		"*", "\\*",
		"[", "\\[",
Beispiel #15
//	格式化日志信息
func logMagFormat(format string, msg *LogMsg) string {

	if nil == msg {
		return ""
	if 0 == len(format) {
		format = "${yyyy}-${MM}-${dd} ${hh}:${mm}:${ss}${SSSSSS} [${TARGET}] ([${LOG_GROUP}][${LOG_TAG}][L${FILE_LINE} ${FUNC_NAME}])\n${MSG}"

	//	格式化时间
	format = SFTimeUtil.YMDHMSSSignFormat(msg.dateTime, format)

	//	日志的格式化信息,别随意更换顺序,因为根据设计来进行日志信息的格式化操作
	logFormat := []string{
		"${LOG_GROUP}", msg.logGroup,
		"${LOG_TAG}", msg.logTag,
		"${FILE_LINE}", strconv.Itoa(msg.fileLine),
		"${FILE_PATH}", msg.filePath,
		"${FUNC_NAME}", msg.funcName,
		"${STACK}", msg.stack,
		"${TARGET}", string(,
		"${MSG}", msg.msg,

	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(logFormat...)

	return replacer.Replace(format)
Beispiel #16
func parseDockerfileTemplate(template string) string {
	r := strings.NewReplacer(
		"$(ARCH)", getArch(),
		"$(PROJECT_VERSION)", metadata.Version)

	return r.Replace(template)
Beispiel #17
func usageMessage() string {
	template := strings.TrimLeft(usageMessageRaw, "\n")
	replacements := []string{
		"$models", modelsReadable(),
	return strings.NewReplacer(replacements...).Replace(template)
Beispiel #18
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// -  TRANSLATION  --------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
func newTranslation(pattern string, replacement string) (instruction, error) {
	rc1 := utf8.RuneCountInString(pattern)
	rc2 := utf8.RuneCountInString(replacement)
	if rc1 != rc2 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Translation 'y' pattern and replacement must be equal length")

	// fill out repls array with alternating patterns and their replacements
	var repls = make([]string, rc1+rc2)
	idx := 0
	for _, ch := range pattern {
		repls[idx] = string(ch)
		idx += 2
	idx = 1
	for _, ch := range replacement {
		repls[idx] = string(ch)
		idx += 2

	stringReplacer := strings.NewReplacer(repls...)

	// now return a custom-made instruction for this translation:
	return func(svm *vm) error {
		svm.pat = stringReplacer.Replace(svm.pat)
		return nil
	}, nil
Beispiel #19
func (g *Generator) generatePerModelFiles(templateFileNames []string, modelTpls *template.Template, modelsDir string, filter func(modelInfo *modelInfo) bool) error {
	for _, tplFileName := range templateFileNames {
		tplName := filepath.Base(tplFileName)
		// Apply the templates to each model in the API
		for _, modelInfo := range g.modelsInfo {
			if filter(modelInfo) {
			// TODO: Do this concurrently
			repl := strings.NewReplacer(
				templateExt, "",
				fileNameModelNameInterpolation, modelInfo.Name,
				fileNameAPINameInterpolation, g.config.APIName,
				fileNameAPIPrefixInterpolation, g.config.APIPrefix,
			fileName := repl.Replace(tplName)
			err := generateFile(path.Join(modelsDir, fileName), modelTpls.Lookup(tplName), templateData{
				Config:           g.config,
				API:              g.api,
				CurrentModelInfo: modelInfo,
				AllModelsInfo:    g.modelsInfo,
				AuthInfo:         g.authInfo,
				CurrentTime:      time.Now(),
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Annotatef(err, "when generating model or service %q", modelInfo.Name)
	return nil
Beispiel #20
// Return s decorated with quote characters so it can safely be
// included in a shell command.
func ShellQuote(s string) string {
	if len(s) > 0 && !strings.ContainsAny(s, shellmeta) {
		return s // fast path for common case
	double := strings.Contains(s, "\"")
	single := strings.Contains(s, "'")
	if double && single {
		if shellreplacer == nil {
			pairs := make([]string, len(shellmeta)*2)
			for i := 0; i < len(shellmeta); i++ {
				pairs[i*2] = string(shellmeta[i])
				pairs[i*2+1] = "\\" + string(shellmeta[i])
			shellreplacer = strings.NewReplacer(pairs...)
		return shellreplacer.Replace(s)
	} else if single {
		// use double quotes, but be careful of $
		return "\"" + strings.Replace(s, "$", "\\$", -1) + "\""
	} else {
		// use single quotes
		return "'" + s + "'"
	panic("unreachable code")
Beispiel #21
func (ri *routeInfo) reverse(v ...interface{}) string {
	route := ri.route
	switch vlen, nlen := len(v), len(ri.paramNames); {
	case vlen < nlen:
		panic(fmt.Errorf("too few arguments: %v (controller is %v)", route.Name, reflect.TypeOf(route.Controller).Name()))
	case vlen > nlen:
		panic(fmt.Errorf("too many arguments: %v (controller is %v)", route.Name, reflect.TypeOf(route.Controller).Name()))
	case vlen+nlen == 0:
		return route.Path
	var arg MethodArgs
	for _, arg = range route.MethodTypes {
	for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
		t := arg[ri.paramNames[i]]
		validateParser := typeValidateParsers[t]
		if !validateParser.Validate(v[i]) {
			panic(fmt.Errorf("parameter type mismatch: %v (controller is %v)", route.Name, reflect.TypeOf(route.Controller).Name()))
	var oldnew []string
	for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
		oldnew = append(oldnew, ri.rawParamNames[i], fmt.Sprint(v[i]))
	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(oldnew...)
	path := replacer.Replace(route.Path)
	return normPath(path)
Beispiel #22
// Initialize the seek journal file for keeping track of our place in a log
// file.
func (fm *FileMonitor) setupJournalling(journalName string) (err error) {
	// Check that the `seekjournals` directory exists, try to create it if
	// not.
	journalDir := PrependBaseDir("seekjournals")
	var dirInfo os.FileInfo
	if dirInfo, err = os.Stat(journalDir); err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			if err = os.MkdirAll(journalDir, 0700); err != nil {
				fm.LogMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating seek journal folder %s: %s",
					journalDir, err))
		} else {
			fm.LogMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Error accessing seek journal folder %s: %s",
				journalDir, err))
	} else if !dirInfo.IsDir() {
		return fmt.Errorf("%s doesn't appear to be a directory", journalDir)

	// Generate the full file path and save it on the FileMonitor struct.
	r := strings.NewReplacer(string(os.PathSeparator), "_", ".", "_")
	journalName = r.Replace(journalName)
	fm.seekJournalPath = filepath.Join(journalDir, journalName)

	return fm.recoverSeekPosition()
Beispiel #23
func init() {
	// Handle permitted constructions like "100L200,230"
	pathCmdSub = strings.NewReplacer(",", " ",
		"L", " L ", "l", " l ",
		"C", " C ", "c", " c ",
		"M", " M ", "m", " m ")
Beispiel #24
func (db DBU) StreamJSON(w io.Writer, query string, args ...interface{}) error {
	fn := func(columns []string, count int, buffer []interface{}) {
		if count > 0 {
			fmt.Fprintln(w, ",")
		fmt.Fprintln(w, "  {")
		repl := strings.NewReplacer("\n", "\\\\n", "\t", "\\\\t", "\r", "\\\\r", `"`, `\"`)
		for i, s := range toString(buffer) {
			comma := ",\n"
			if i >= len(buffer)-1 {
				comma = "\n"
			if isNumber(s) {
				fmt.Fprintf(w, `    "%s": %s%s`, columns[i], s, comma)
			} else {
				s = repl.Replace(s)
				fmt.Fprintf(w, `    "%s": "%s"%s`, columns[i], s, comma)
		fmt.Fprint(w, "  }")
	fmt.Fprintln(w, "[")
	defer fmt.Fprintln(w, "\n]")
	return db.Stream(fn, query, args...)
Beispiel #25
// 构建请求URL
func (this *URL) getURL(params map[string]string) string {
	kv := make([]string, 10)
	for k, v := range params {
		kv = append(kv, k, v)
	return strings.NewReplacer(kv...).Replace(this.value)
Beispiel #26
// Format formats Entry
func (f *TextFormatter) Format(entry *Entry) []byte {
	result := f.format

	additionalBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	data := filterEntryFields(entry)
	if marshaledData, err := json.Marshal(data); err == nil {

	replaces := make([]string, 0, 2+len(entry.Fields))
	replaces = append(
		":level:", entry.Level.String(),
		":time:", entry.Time.UTC().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000-07:00"),
		":message:", entry.Message,
		":additional:", additionalBuf.String(),

	for key, value := range entry.Fields {
		replaces = append(replaces, fmt.Sprintf(":%s:", key), fmt.Sprintf("%s", value))

	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(replaces...)

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}

	replacer.WriteString(buf, result)


	return buf.Bytes()
Beispiel #27
// Get query data as string.
// @return string
func (this *Query) ToString() string {
	if this.DataString != "" {
		return this.DataString

	for key, value := range this.Data {
		if util.TypeReal(value) == "[]string" {
			value = _fmt.Sprintf("[\"%s\"]", _str.Join(value.([]string), "\",\""))
		this.DataString += _fmt.Sprintf(
			"%s=%s&", util.UrlEncode(key), util.UrlEncode(util.String(value)))

	if this.DataString != "" {
		// drop last "&"
		this.DataString = this.DataString[0 : len(this.DataString)-1]
		// purify some encoded stuff
		this.DataString = _str.NewReplacer(
			"%5B", "[",
			"%5D", "]",
			"%2C", ",",

	return this.DataString
Beispiel #28
func downloadArtifactsForSuite(dirPrefix string, allArtifacts map[string][]devicefarm.ListArtifactsOutput, suite devicefarm.Suite) {
	suiteArn := *suite.Arn
	artifactTypes := []string{"LOG", "SCREENSHOT", "FILE"}

	r := strings.NewReplacer(":suite:", ":artifact:")
	artifactPrefix := r.Replace(suiteArn)

	for _, artifactType := range artifactTypes {
		typedArtifacts := allArtifacts[artifactType]
		for _, artifactList := range typedArtifacts {
			count := 0
			for _, artifact := range artifactList.Artifacts {
				if strings.HasPrefix(*artifact.Arn, artifactPrefix) {
					//pathFull := strings.Split(suiteArn, ":")[6]
					//pathSuffix := strings.Split(pathFull, "/")
					//runId := pathSuffix[0]
					//jobId := pathSuffix[1]
					//suiteId := pathSuffix[2]
					//artifactId := pathSuffix[3]
					fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d_%s.%s", dirPrefix, count, *artifact.Name, *artifact.Extension)
					//fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", dirPrefix, suiteId, artifactId, *artifact.Name, *artifact.Extension)
					fmt.Printf("- [%s] %s\n", artifactType, fileName)
					//fmt.Printf("- [%s] %s.%s\n", artifactType, *artifact.Name, *artifact.Extension)
					downloadArtifact(fileName, artifact)

Beispiel #29
func (w *ResponseWriter) WriteHeader(status int) {
	proto := "HTTP/1.0"
	if w.r.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) {
		proto = "HTTP/1.1"
	codestring := http.StatusText(status)
	w.headers_chunk += proto + " " + strconv.Itoa(status) + " " + codestring + "\r\n"
	if w.headers.Get("Content-Type") == "" {
		w.headers.Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
	for k := range w.headers {
		for _, v := range w.headers[k] {
			v = strings.NewReplacer("\n", " ", "\r", " ").Replace(v)
			v = strings.TrimSpace(v)
			w.headers_chunk += k + ": " + v + "\r\n"
	w.headers_chunk += "\r\n"
	c_h_chunk := C.CString(w.headers_chunk)
	C.uwsgi_simple_response_write_header(w.wsgi_req, c_h_chunk, C.size_t(len(w.headers_chunk)))
	w.wroteHeader = true
Beispiel #30
// Start entry point for chaincodes bootstrap.
func Start(cc Chaincode) error {
	replacer := strings.NewReplacer(".", "_")

	flag.StringVar(&peerAddress, "peer.address", "", "peer address")


	chaincodeLogger.Debug("Peer address: %s", getPeerAddress())

	// Establish connection with validating peer
	clientConn, err := newPeerClientConnection()
	if err != nil {
		chaincodeLogger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error trying to connect to local peer: %s", err))
		return fmt.Errorf("Error trying to connect to local peer: %s", err)

	chaincodeLogger.Debug("os.Args returns: %s", os.Args)

	chaincodeSupportClient := pb.NewChaincodeSupportClient(clientConn)

	err = chatWithPeer(chaincodeSupportClient, cc)

	return err