Beispiel #1
//Converts a string representation of the method type into the internal constant
func ToMethod(method string) Method {
	switch method {
	case "GET":
		return GET
	case "POST":
		return POST
	case "PUT":
		return PUT
	case "HEAD":
		return HEAD
	case "DELETE":
		return DELETE
		log.Error("Unable to decode Http method " + method)
		return GET
Beispiel #2
// Registers a new handler
// Will check that it does not conflict with a route that is already configured
func Register(path string, method Method, consumes []string, produces []string,
	handler func(Request) (int, []byte)) bool {

	//Trim trailing slash if it exits
	var trailingSlash, _ = regexp.MatchString(".+/$", path)
	if trailingSlash {
		path = path[0 : len(path)-1]

	regRoute := Route{path, method, consumes, produces, handler}
	for _, route := range routes {
		var match, status, _, _ = route.matchRoute(regRoute)
		if match && status == http.StatusOK {
			log.Error("Route %v already registered, ignoring ", regRoute)
			return false

	log.Debug("Route %v registered.", regRoute)
	routes = append(routes, regRoute)
	return true