Beispiel #1
// If paths is empty, all targets will be removed.
func (r *Repo) RemoveTargetsWithExpires(paths []string, expires time.Time) error {
	if !validExpires(expires) {
		return ErrInvalidExpires{expires}

	t, err := r.targets()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(paths) == 0 {
		t.Targets = make(data.Files)
	} else {
		removed := false
		for _, path := range paths {
			path = util.NormalizeTarget(path)
			if _, ok := t.Targets[path]; !ok {
			removed = true
			delete(t.Targets, path)
		if !removed {
			return nil
	t.Expires = expires.Round(time.Second)
	return r.setMeta("targets.json", t)
Beispiel #2
func writeTimestamp(w io.Writer, t time.Time) (err error) {
	nanoSeconds := t.Round(time.Microsecond).UnixNano()
	if t.IsZero() {
		return writeLong(w, math.MinInt64)
	return writeLong(w, nanoSeconds/int64(time.Microsecond))
Beispiel #3
// RoundTimeUp rounds the time to the next second/minute/hours depending on the duration
func RoundTimeUp(realTime time.Time, duration time.Duration) time.Time {
	tmpTime := realTime.Round(duration)
	if tmpTime.Before(realTime) {
		return tmpTime.Add(duration)
	return tmpTime
Beispiel #4
func (r *Repo) GenKeyWithExpires(keyRole string, expires time.Time) (string, error) {
	if !keys.ValidRole(keyRole) {
		return "", ErrInvalidRole{keyRole}

	if !validExpires(expires) {
		return "", ErrInvalidExpires{expires}

	root, err := r.root()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	key, err := keys.NewKey()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	if err := r.local.SaveKey(keyRole, key.SerializePrivate()); err != nil {
		return "", err

	role, ok := root.Roles[keyRole]
	if !ok {
		role = &data.Role{KeyIDs: []string{}, Threshold: 1}
		root.Roles[keyRole] = role
	role.KeyIDs = append(role.KeyIDs, key.ID)

	root.Keys[key.ID] = key.Serialize()
	root.Expires = expires.Round(time.Second)

	return key.ID, r.setMeta("root.json", root)
Beispiel #5
// cronHandler is called by app engine cron to check for work
// and also called by task queue invocations to run the work for
// a specific registered functions.
func cronHandler(ctxt appengine.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	list := cron.list

	force := req.FormValue("force") == "1"

	// We're being called by app engine master cron,
	// so look for new work to queue in tasks.
	now := time.Now()
	var old time.Time
	err := Transaction(ctxt, func(ctxt appengine.Context) error {
		if err := ReadMeta(ctxt, "app.cron.time", &old); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
			return err
		if !old.Before(now) {
			return nil
		return WriteMeta(ctxt, "app.cron.time", now)
	if err != nil { // already logged

	ctxt.Infof("cron %v -> %v", old, now)

	for _, cr := range list {
		if now.Round(cr.dt) != old.Round(cr.dt) || force {
			ctxt.Infof("start cron %s",
			Task(ctxt, "app.cron.", "cron",
Beispiel #6
// RoundFrac rounds fractional seconds precision with new fsp and returns a new one.
// We will use the “round half up” rule, e.g, >= 0.5 -> 1, < 0.5 -> 0,
// so 2011:11:11 10:10:10.888888 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:11
// and 2011:11:11 10:10:10.111111 round 0 -> 2011:11:11 10:10:10
func RoundFrac(t gotime.Time, fsp int) (gotime.Time, error) {
	_, err := checkFsp(fsp)
	if err != nil {
		return t, errors.Trace(err)
	return t.Round(gotime.Duration(math.Pow10(9-fsp)) * gotime.Nanosecond), nil
Beispiel #7
func (r *Repo) SnapshotWithExpires(t CompressionType, expires time.Time) error {
	if !validExpires(expires) {
		return ErrInvalidExpires{expires}

	snapshot, err := r.snapshot()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	db, err := r.db()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// TODO: generate compressed manifests
	for _, name := range snapshotManifests {
		if err := r.verifySignature(name, db); err != nil {
			return err
		var err error
		snapshot.Meta[name], err = r.fileMeta(name)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	snapshot.Expires = expires.Round(time.Second)
	return r.setMeta("snapshot.json", snapshot)
Beispiel #8
func (self *defaultDecoder) getContainerMetrics(container *source_api.Container, labels map[string]string) []sinksV1Api.Timeseries {
	if container == nil {
		return nil
	labels[sinksV1Api.LabelContainerName.Key] = container.Name
	// One metric value per data point.
	var result []sinksV1Api.Timeseries
	labelsAsString := util.LabelsToString(labels, ",")
	for _, stat := range container.Stats {
		if stat == nil {
		// Add all supported metrics that have values.
		for index, supported := range self.supportedStatMetrics {
			// Finest allowed granularity is seconds.
			stat.Timestamp = stat.Timestamp.Round(time.Second)
			key := timeseriesKey{
				Name:   supported.Name,
				Labels: labelsAsString,
			// TODO: remove this once the heapster source is tested to not provide duplicate stats.
			if data, ok := self.lastExported[key]; ok && data.After(stat.Timestamp) {

			if supported.HasValue(&container.Spec) {
				// Cumulative stats have container creation time as their start time.
				var startTime time.Time
				if supported.Type == sinksV1Api.MetricCumulative {
					startTime = container.Spec.CreationTime
				} else {
					startTime = stat.Timestamp
				points := supported.GetValue(&container.Spec, stat)
				for _, point := range points {
					labels := util.CopyLabels(labels)
					for name, value := range point.Labels {
						labels[name] = value
					timeseries := sinksV1Api.Timeseries{
						MetricDescriptor: &self.supportedStatMetrics[index].MetricDescriptor,
						Point: &sinksV1Api.Point{
							Name:   supported.Name,
							Labels: labels,
							Start:  startTime.Round(time.Second),
							End:    stat.Timestamp,
							Value:  point.Value,
					result = append(result, timeseries)
			self.lastExported[key] = stat.Timestamp

	return result
Beispiel #9
// nextTimeBoundary returns the time when the currently open time window closes.
func nextTimeBoundary(baseTime time.Time, windowSize time.Duration) time.Time {
	// This will round down before the halfway point.
	b := baseTime.Round(windowSize)
	if b.Before(baseTime) {
		// It was rounded down, adjust up to next boundary.
		b = b.Add(windowSize)
	return b
Beispiel #10
func (ac accumulator) getTime(t []time.Time) time.Time {
	var timestamp time.Time
	if len(t) > 0 {
		timestamp = t[0]
	} else {
		timestamp = time.Now()
	return timestamp.Round(ac.precision)
Beispiel #11
// Get the closest time before or equal to <t> that is an integer multiple of
// <period>.
func stratificationBoundary(t time.Time, period time.Duration) time.Time {
	return t.Round(period)
	/*secsSinceEpoch := t.Unix()
	  // TODO: Is it safe to use Unix for this?  Will leap seconds screw us up?
	  periodSecs := int64(period)/int64(time.Second)
	  // Round down to nearest stratification
	  boundarySecsSinceEpoch := secsSinceEpoch - (secsSinceEpoch % periodSecs)
	  return time.Unix(boundarySecsSinceEpoch)*/
Beispiel #12
Datei: id.go Projekt: Jwpe/l2met
// The number of time units returned represents
// the processing time accumulated within l2met.
// E.g. If the resolution of the bucket/id is 60s
// and the delay is 2, then it took 120s for l2met
// to process the bucket.
func (id *Id) Delay(t time.Time) int64 {
	t0 := id.Time.Round(id.Resolution).Unix()
	t1 := t.Round(id.Resolution).Unix()
	base := id.Resolution / time.Second
	if base != 0 {
		return (t1 - t0) / int64(base)
	return 0
Beispiel #13
func stateIdx(t time.Time) int {

	t = t.Round(durPrTick)

	a := time.Duration(t.Hour()) * time.Hour
	a += time.Duration(t.Minute()) * time.Minute
	a += time.Duration(t.Second()) * time.Second

	return int(a / durPrTick)
Beispiel #14
func insertNum(t *testing.T, conn *sql.Tx,
	small int, bigint string,
	notint float64, bigreal string,
	text string, date time.Time,
) bool {
	date = date.Round(time.Second)
	qry := fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO `+tbl+`
			(F_int, F_bigint, F_real, F_bigreal, F_text, F_date)
			VALUES (%d, %s, %3.3f, %s, '%s', TO_DATE('%s', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'))
			`, small, bigint, notint, bigreal, text, date.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
	if _, err := conn.Exec(qry); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("cannot insert into "+tbl+" (%q): %v", qry, err)
		return false
	row := conn.QueryRow("SELECT F_int, F_bigint, F_real, F_bigreal, F_text, F_date FROM "+tbl+" WHERE F_int = :1", small)
	var (
		smallO             int
		bigintO            big.Int
		notintO            float64
		bigrealF, bigrealO big.Rat
		bigintS, bigrealS  string
		textO              string
		dateO              time.Time
	if err := row.Scan(&smallO, &bigintS, &notintO, &bigrealS, &textO, &dateO); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("error scanning row[%d]: %v", small, errgo.Details(err))
		return false
	t.Logf("row: small=%d big=%s notint=%f bigreal=%s text=%q date=%s",
		smallO, bigintS, notintO, bigrealS, textO, dateO)

	if smallO != small {
		t.Errorf("small mismatch: got %d, awaited %d.", smallO, small)
	(&bigintO).SetString(bigintS, 10)
	if bigintO.String() != bigint {
		t.Errorf("bigint mismatch: got %s, awaited %s.", bigintO, bigint)
	if notintO != notint {
		t.Errorf("noting mismatch: got %f, awaited %f.", notintO, notint)
	if (&bigrealO).Cmp(&bigrealF) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("bigreal mismatch: got %s, awaited %f.", (&bigrealO), (&bigrealF))
	if textO != text {
		t.Errorf("text mismatch: got %q, awaited %q.", textO, text)
	if !dateO.Equal(date) {
		t.Errorf("date mismatch: got %s, awaited %s.", dateO, date.Round(time.Second))

	return true
Beispiel #15
// SetStartEnd sets the start date and the end date of an Usage
func (u *Usage) SetStartEnd(start, end time.Time) error {
	roundedStart := start.Round(u.Object.UsageGranularity)
	if roundedStart.After(start) {
		roundedStart = roundedStart.Add(-u.Object.UsageGranularity)
	roundedEnd := end.Round(u.Object.UsageGranularity)
	if roundedEnd.Before(end) {
		roundedEnd = roundedEnd.Add(u.Object.UsageGranularity)
	return u.SetDuration(roundedEnd.Sub(roundedStart))
Beispiel #16
// SetPrecision will round a time to the specified precision
func SetPrecision(t time.Time, precision string) time.Time {
	switch precision {
	case "n":
	case "u":
		return t.Round(time.Microsecond)
	case "ms":
		return t.Round(time.Millisecond)
	case "s":
		return t.Round(time.Second)
	case "m":
		return t.Round(time.Minute)
	case "h":
		return t.Round(time.Hour)
	return t
Beispiel #17
func (r *Repo) RevokeKeyWithExpires(keyRole, id string, expires time.Time) error {
	if !keys.ValidRole(keyRole) {
		return ErrInvalidRole{keyRole}

	if !validExpires(expires) {
		return ErrInvalidExpires{expires}

	root, err := r.root()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if _, ok := root.Keys[id]; !ok {
		return ErrKeyNotFound{keyRole, id}

	role, ok := root.Roles[keyRole]
	if !ok {
		return ErrKeyNotFound{keyRole, id}

	keyIDs := make([]string, 0, len(role.KeyIDs))
	for _, keyID := range role.KeyIDs {
		if keyID == id {
		keyIDs = append(keyIDs, keyID)
	if len(keyIDs) == len(role.KeyIDs) {
		return ErrKeyNotFound{keyRole, id}
	role.KeyIDs = keyIDs

	delete(root.Keys, id)
	root.Roles[keyRole] = role
	root.Expires = expires.Round(time.Second)

	return r.setMeta("root.json", root)
Beispiel #18
func (r *Repo) AddTargetsWithExpires(paths []string, custom json.RawMessage, expires time.Time) error {
	if !validExpires(expires) {
		return ErrInvalidExpires{expires}

	t, err := r.targets()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	normalizedPaths := make([]string, len(paths))
	for i, path := range paths {
		normalizedPaths[i] = util.NormalizeTarget(path)
	if err := r.local.WalkStagedTargets(normalizedPaths, func(path string, target io.Reader) (err error) {
		meta, err := util.GenerateFileMeta(target, r.hashAlgorithms...)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		path = util.NormalizeTarget(path)

		// if we have custom metadata, set it, otherwise maintain
		// existing metadata if present
		if len(custom) > 0 {
			meta.Custom = &custom
		} else if t, ok := t.Targets[path]; ok {
			meta.Custom = t.Custom

		t.Targets[path] = meta
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return err
	t.Expires = expires.Round(time.Second)
	return r.setMeta("targets.json", t)
Beispiel #19
func (r *Repo) TimestampWithExpires(expires time.Time) error {
	if !validExpires(expires) {
		return ErrInvalidExpires{expires}

	db, err := r.db()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := r.verifySignature("snapshot.json", db); err != nil {
		return err
	timestamp, err := r.timestamp()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	timestamp.Meta["snapshot.json"], err = r.fileMeta("snapshot.json")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	timestamp.Expires = expires.Round(time.Second)
	return r.setMeta("timestamp.json", timestamp)
Beispiel #20
func pt(t time.Time) string {
	r := t.Round(200 * time.Millisecond)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d", r.Minute(), r.Minute())
Beispiel #21
func (self *decoder) getContainerMetrics(container *cache.ContainerElement, labels map[string]string) []Timeseries {
	if container == nil {
		return nil
	labels[LabelContainerName.Key] = container.Name
	labels[LabelContainerBaseImage.Key] = container.Image
	// Add container specific labels along with existing labels.
	containerLabels := util.LabelsToString(container.Labels, ",")
	if labels[LabelLabels.Key] != "" {
		containerLabels = fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", labels[LabelLabels.Key], containerLabels)
	labels[LabelLabels.Key] = containerLabels

	if _, exists := labels[LabelHostID.Key]; !exists {
		labels[LabelHostID.Key] = container.ExternalID
	// One metric value per data point.
	var result []Timeseries
	labelsAsString := util.LabelsToString(labels, ",")
	for _, metric := range container.Metrics {
		if metric == nil || metric.Spec == nil || metric.Stats == nil {
		// Add all supported metrics that have values.
		for index, supported := range self.supportedStatMetrics {
			// Finest allowed granularity is seconds.
			metric.Stats.Timestamp = metric.Stats.Timestamp.Round(time.Second)
			key := timeseriesKey{
				Name:   supported.Name,
				Labels: labelsAsString,
			// TODO: remove this once the heapster source is tested to not provide duplicate metric.Statss.

			if data, ok := self.lastExported[key]; ok && data.After(metric.Stats.Timestamp) {

			if supported.HasValue(metric.Spec) {
				// Cumulative metric.Statss have container creation time as their start time.
				var startTime time.Time
				if supported.Type == MetricCumulative {
					startTime = metric.Spec.CreationTime
				} else {
					startTime = metric.Stats.Timestamp
				points := supported.GetValue(metric.Spec, metric.Stats)
				for _, point := range points {
					labels := util.CopyLabels(labels)
					for name, value := range point.Labels {
						labels[name] = value
					timeseries := Timeseries{
						MetricDescriptor: &self.supportedStatMetrics[index].MetricDescriptor,
						Point: &Point{
							Name:   supported.Name,
							Labels: labels,
							Start:  startTime.Round(time.Second),
							End:    metric.Stats.Timestamp,
							Value:  point.Value,
					result = append(result, timeseries)
			self.lastExported[key] = metric.Stats.Timestamp


	return result
Beispiel #22
func updateAnalyticsTick(t time.Time) {
	if os.Getenv("ABOT_ENV") == "test" {
	log.Info("updating analytics")
	createdAt := t.Round(24 * time.Hour)

	// User count
	var count int
		SELECT DISTINCT (flexid, flexidtype) FROM userflexids
	      ) AS t`
	if err := db.Get(&count, q); err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to retrieve user count.", err)
	aq := `INSERT INTO analytics (label, value, createdat)
	       VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
	       ON CONFLICT (label, createdat) DO UPDATE SET value=$2`
	_, err := db.Exec(aq, keyUserCount, count, createdAt)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to update analytics (user count).", err)

	// Message count
	q = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages`
	if err = db.Get(&count, q); err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to retrieve message count.", err)
	_, err = db.Exec(aq, keyMsgCount, count, createdAt)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to update analytics (msg count).", err)

	// Messages needing training
	q = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages
	     WHERE needstraining=TRUE AND abotsent=FALSE`
	if err = db.Get(&count, q); err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to retrieve user count.", err)
	_, err = db.Exec(aq, keyTrainCount, count, createdAt)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to update analytics (msg count).", err)

	// Version number
	client := &http.Client{Timeout: 15 * time.Minute}
	u := ""
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to retrieve version number.", err)
	reqResp, err := client.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to retrieve version number.", err)
	defer func() {
		if err = reqResp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Info("failed to close body.", err)
	var remoteConf PluginJSON
	if err = json.NewDecoder(reqResp.Body).Decode(&remoteConf); err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to retrieve version number.", err)
	_, err = db.Exec(aq, keyVersion, remoteConf.Version, createdAt)
	if err != nil {
		log.Info("failed to update analytics (version number).", err)
Beispiel #23
// MakeDTimestampTZ creates a DTimestampTZ with specified precision.
func MakeDTimestampTZ(t time.Time, precision time.Duration) *DTimestampTZ {
	return &DTimestampTZ{Time: t.Round(precision)}
Beispiel #24
func (s *status) summary(now time.Time) string {
	ts := s.start.Round(defaultTimeOutputScale)
	took := now.Round(defaultTimeOutputScale).Sub(ts)
	return fmt.Sprintf("[merged %d repeated lines in %s]", s.count, took)
Beispiel #25
func ModBySecond(t1 time.Time) time.Time {
	return t1.Round(time.Second)
Beispiel #26
// RoundTime rounds a time.Time to microseconds, which is the (undocumented)
// way that the AppEngine SDK stores it.
func RoundTime(t time.Time) time.Time {
	return t.Round(time.Microsecond)
Beispiel #27
func timeSince(t time.Time) string {
	return time.Now().Round(time.Second / 10).Sub(t.Round(time.Second / 10)).String()
Beispiel #28
// makeMetric either returns a metric, or returns nil if the metric doesn't
// need to be created (because of filtering, an error, etc.)
func (ac *accumulator) makeMetric(
	measurement string,
	fields map[string]interface{},
	tags map[string]string,
	mType telegraf.ValueType,
	t ...time.Time,
) telegraf.Metric {
	if len(fields) == 0 || len(measurement) == 0 {
		return nil
	if tags == nil {
		tags = make(map[string]string)

	// Override measurement name if set
	if len(ac.inputConfig.NameOverride) != 0 {
		measurement = ac.inputConfig.NameOverride
	// Apply measurement prefix and suffix if set
	if len(ac.inputConfig.MeasurementPrefix) != 0 {
		measurement = ac.inputConfig.MeasurementPrefix + measurement
	if len(ac.inputConfig.MeasurementSuffix) != 0 {
		measurement = measurement + ac.inputConfig.MeasurementSuffix

	// Apply plugin-wide tags if set
	for k, v := range ac.inputConfig.Tags {
		if _, ok := tags[k]; !ok {
			tags[k] = v
	// Apply daemon-wide tags if set
	for k, v := range ac.defaultTags {
		if _, ok := tags[k]; !ok {
			tags[k] = v

	// Apply the metric filter(s)
	if ok := ac.inputConfig.Filter.Apply(measurement, fields, tags); !ok {
		return nil

	for k, v := range fields {
		// Validate uint64 and float64 fields
		switch val := v.(type) {
		case uint64:
			// InfluxDB does not support writing uint64
			if val < uint64(9223372036854775808) {
				fields[k] = int64(val)
			} else {
				fields[k] = int64(9223372036854775807)
		case float64:
			// NaNs are invalid values in influxdb, skip measurement
			if math.IsNaN(val) || math.IsInf(val, 0) {
				if ac.debug {
					log.Printf("Measurement [%s] field [%s] has a NaN or Inf "+
						"field, skipping",
						measurement, k)
				delete(fields, k)

		fields[k] = v

	var timestamp time.Time
	if len(t) > 0 {
		timestamp = t[0]
	} else {
		timestamp = time.Now()
	timestamp = timestamp.Round(ac.precision)

	var m telegraf.Metric
	var err error
	switch mType {
	case telegraf.Counter:
		m, err = telegraf.NewCounterMetric(measurement, tags, fields, timestamp)
	case telegraf.Gauge:
		m, err = telegraf.NewGaugeMetric(measurement, tags, fields, timestamp)
		m, err = telegraf.NewMetric(measurement, tags, fields, timestamp)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error adding point [%s]: %s\n", measurement, err.Error())
		return nil

	if ac.trace {
		fmt.Println("> " + m.String())

	return m
Beispiel #29
func (ac *accumulator) AddFields(
	measurement string,
	fields map[string]interface{},
	tags map[string]string,
	t ...time.Time,
) {
	if len(fields) == 0 || len(measurement) == 0 {

	if !ac.inputConfig.Filter.ShouldNamePass(measurement) {

	if !ac.inputConfig.Filter.ShouldTagsPass(tags) {

	// Override measurement name if set
	if len(ac.inputConfig.NameOverride) != 0 {
		measurement = ac.inputConfig.NameOverride
	// Apply measurement prefix and suffix if set
	if len(ac.inputConfig.MeasurementPrefix) != 0 {
		measurement = ac.inputConfig.MeasurementPrefix + measurement
	if len(ac.inputConfig.MeasurementSuffix) != 0 {
		measurement = measurement + ac.inputConfig.MeasurementSuffix

	if tags == nil {
		tags = make(map[string]string)
	// Apply plugin-wide tags if set
	for k, v := range ac.inputConfig.Tags {
		if _, ok := tags[k]; !ok {
			tags[k] = v
	// Apply daemon-wide tags if set
	for k, v := range ac.defaultTags {
		if _, ok := tags[k]; !ok {
			tags[k] = v

	result := make(map[string]interface{})
	for k, v := range fields {
		// Filter out any filtered fields
		if ac.inputConfig != nil {
			if !ac.inputConfig.Filter.ShouldFieldsPass(k) {

		// Validate uint64 and float64 fields
		switch val := v.(type) {
		case uint64:
			// InfluxDB does not support writing uint64
			if val < uint64(9223372036854775808) {
				result[k] = int64(val)
			} else {
				result[k] = int64(9223372036854775807)
		case float64:
			// NaNs are invalid values in influxdb, skip measurement
			if math.IsNaN(val) || math.IsInf(val, 0) {
				if ac.debug {
					log.Printf("Measurement [%s] field [%s] has a NaN or Inf "+
						"field, skipping",
						measurement, k)

		result[k] = v
	fields = nil
	if len(result) == 0 {

	var timestamp time.Time
	if len(t) > 0 {
		timestamp = t[0]
	} else {
		timestamp = time.Now()
	timestamp = timestamp.Round(ac.precision)

	m, err := telegraf.NewMetric(measurement, tags, result, timestamp)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error adding point [%s]: %s\n", measurement, err.Error())
	if ac.trace {
		fmt.Println("> " + m.String())
	ac.metrics <- m
Beispiel #30
// ExecuteContinuousQuery executes a single CQ.
func (s *Service) ExecuteContinuousQuery(dbi *meta.DatabaseInfo, cqi *meta.ContinuousQueryInfo, now time.Time) error {
	// TODO: re-enable stats

	// Local wrapper / helper.
	cq, err := NewContinuousQuery(dbi.Name, cqi)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get the last time this CQ was run from the service's cache.
	cq.LastRun = s.lastRuns[cqi.Name]

	// Set the retention policy to default if it wasn't specified in the query.
	if cq.intoRP() == "" {

	// See if this query needs to be run.
	computeNoMoreThan := time.Duration(s.Config.ComputeNoMoreThan)
	run, err := cq.shouldRunContinuousQuery(s.Config.ComputeRunsPerInterval, computeNoMoreThan)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	} else if !run {
		return nil

	// We're about to run the query so store the time.
	lastRun := time.Now()
	cq.LastRun = lastRun
	s.lastRuns[cqi.Name] = lastRun

	// Get the group by interval.
	interval, err := cq.q.GroupByInterval()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	} else if interval == 0 {
		return nil

	// Calculate and set the time range for the query.
	startTime := now.Round(interval)
	if startTime.UnixNano() > now.UnixNano() {
		startTime = startTime.Add(-interval)

	if err := cq.q.SetTimeRange(startTime, startTime.Add(interval)); err != nil {
		s.Logger.Printf("error setting time range: %s\n", err)

	if s.loggingEnabled {
		s.Logger.Printf("executing continuous query %s", cq.Info.Name)

	// Do the actual processing of the query & writing of results.
	if err := s.runContinuousQueryAndWriteResult(cq); err != nil {
		s.Logger.Printf("error: %s. running: %s\n", err, cq.q.String())
		return err

	recomputeNoOlderThan := time.Duration(s.Config.RecomputeNoOlderThan)

	for i := 0; i < s.Config.RecomputePreviousN; i++ {
		// if we're already more time past the previous window than we're going to look back, stop
		if now.Sub(startTime) > recomputeNoOlderThan {
			return nil
		newStartTime := startTime.Add(-interval)

		if err := cq.q.SetTimeRange(newStartTime, startTime); err != nil {
			s.Logger.Printf("error setting time range: %s\n", err)
			return err

		if err := s.runContinuousQueryAndWriteResult(cq); err != nil {
			s.Logger.Printf("error during recompute previous: %s. running: %s\n", err, cq.q.String())
			return err

		startTime = newStartTime
	return nil