Beispiel #1
// check coordinates and start event
func (this *WorldMap) StartEvent(w, x, y, z int) {
	tile := this.getTile(w, x, y, z)
	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	switch tile {
	case VOID:
		fmt.Println("Where are you? There's nothing here!")
	case FIELD: // 50% chance of spawning monster
		fmt.Println("You are in a field.")
		if r.Intn(10) < 5 {
			startBattle(w, x, y, z)
	case FORREST: // 70% chance of spawning monster
		fmt.Println("You are in a forrest.")
		if r.Intn(10) < 7 {
			startBattle(w, x, y, z)
	case RIVER: // 30% chance of spawning monster
		fmt.Println("You are in a river.")
		if r.Intn(10) < 3 {
			startBattle(w, x, y, z)
	case OCEAN: // 50% chance of spawning monster
		fmt.Println("You are in the ocean.")
		if r.Intn(10) < 5 {
			startBattle(w, x, y, z)
	default: // print error message
Beispiel #2
// start a new player by assigning the input character as the player
func initPlayer() {
	var newChar string
	tool.DPrint("Choose your character: ")
	upperNewChar := strings.ToUpper(newChar)
	switch upperNewChar {
	case "ALPHA":
		player = entity.Alpha
	case "ELIZE":
		player = entity.Elize
	case "DIVYA":
		player = entity.Divya
		tool.DPrintlnErr() // print error
		initPlayer()       // recursive repeat