Beispiel #1
func TestList(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	dir, sh := buildInstallers(t), gosh.NewShell(t)
	sh.Vars["JIRI_ROOT"] = fake.X.Root
	sh.Vars["PATH"] = envvar.PrependUniqueToken(os.Getenv("PATH"), ":", dir)
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	if got, want := run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "list", "--target=arch-os"),
		"i1:eg, i2:eg\n"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	if got, want := run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "list"), "i1:eg, i2:eg\n"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	for _, arg := range []string{"", "--info=SchemaVersion"} {
		sh.ContinueOnError = true
		sh.Err = nil
		got := run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "list", "--target=no-suchtarget", arg)
		if sh.Err == nil {
			t.Errorf("expected an error for: jiri profile list --target=no-suchtarget %s", arg)
		if want := "ERROR: no matching targets for no-suchtarget@\n"; got != want {
			t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
Beispiel #2
func TestReader(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	rd, err := profilesreader.NewReader(fake.X, profilesreader.UseProfiles, filepath.Join("testdata", "m2.xml"))
	if err != nil {
	rd.Vars = envvar.VarsFromOS()
	native, err := profiles.NewTarget("amd64-darwin", "")
	if err != nil {
	rd.MergeEnvFromProfiles(profilesreader.JiriMergePolicies(), native, "test::go", "test::syncbase")
	if got, want := rd.Get("CGO_CFLAGS"), "-IX -IY -IA -IB"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	if got, want := rd.DebugString(), "Root: "+fake.X.Root+`
Path: testdata/m2.xml
test:go: [email protected] dir: --env= envvars:[CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=darwin GOROOT=/goroot CGO_CFLAGS=-IX -IY]
test:syncbase: amd64-darwin@1 dir: --env= envvars:[CGO_CFLAGS=-IA -IB CGO_LDFLAGS=-LA -LB]
`; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
Beispiel #3
// Test using a fake jiri root.
func TestJiriFakeRoot(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	profilesDBDir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, jiri.ProfilesDBDir)
	pdb := profiles.NewDB()
	t1, err := profiles.NewTarget("cpu1-os1@1", "A=B,C=D")
	if err != nil {
	pdb.InstallProfile("test", "b", "")
	if err := pdb.AddProfileTarget("test", "b", t1); err != nil {
	if err := pdb.Write(fake.X, "test", profilesDBDir); err != nil {

	rd, err := profilesreader.NewReader(fake.X, profilesreader.UseProfiles, profilesDBDir)
	if err != nil {

	if got, want := rd.ProfileNames(), []string{"test:b"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	dir, sh := buildJiri(t), gosh.NewShell(t)
	sh.Vars["JIRI_ROOT"] = fake.X.Root
	sh.Vars["PATH"] = envvar.PrependUniqueToken(sh.Vars["PATH"], ":", dir)
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "list", "-v")
Beispiel #4
func TestReadingV3AndV4(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	for i, c := range []struct {
		filename, prefix, variable string
		version                    profiles.Version
		{"v3.xml", "", "", profiles.V3},
		{"v4.xml", fake.X.Root, "${JIRI_ROOT}", profiles.V4},
	} {
		pdb := profiles.NewDB()
		err := pdb.Read(fake.X, filepath.Join("testdata", c.filename))
		if err != nil {
		if got, want := pdb.SchemaVersion(), c.version; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%d: got %v, want %v", i, got, want)
		target, err := profiles.NewTarget("cpu1-os1@1", "")
		if err != nil {
		p := pdb.LookupProfile("", "a")
		// We need to expand the variable here for a V4 profile if we want
		// to get the full absolute path.
		if got, want := p.Root(), c.variable+"/an/absolute/root"; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%d: got %v, want %v", i, got, want)
		lt := pdb.LookupProfileTarget("", "a", target)
		if got, want := lt.InstallationDir, c.variable+"/an/absolute/dir"; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%d: got %v, want %v", i, got, want)
Beispiel #5
func TestManagerInstallUninstall(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	dir, sh := buildInstallers(t), gosh.NewShell(t)
	createProfilesDB(t, fake.X)
	sh.Vars["JIRI_ROOT"] = fake.X.Root
	sh.Vars["PATH"] = envvar.PrependUniqueToken(sh.Vars["PATH"], ":", dir)

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "list", "-v")

	i1 := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, ".jiri_root/profile_db/i1")
	i2 := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, ".jiri_root/profile_db/i2")

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	for _, installer := range []string{"i1", "i2"} {
		tdir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, jiri.ProfilesRootDir, installer, "eg", "arch_os")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "version"), "3")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "3"), "3")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1a.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2a.xml"))

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	// Installs are idempotent.
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	for _, installer := range []string{"i1", "i2"} {
		tdir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, jiri.ProfilesRootDir, installer, "eg", "arch_os")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "version"), "2")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "3"), "3")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "2"), "2")

	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1b.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2b.xml"))

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "uninstall", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	for _, installer := range []string{"i1", "i2"} {
		tdir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, jiri.ProfilesRootDir, installer, "eg", "arch_os")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "version"), "2")
		contains(t, filepath.Join(tdir, "3"), "3")
		if got, want := exists(filepath.Join(tdir, "2")), false; got != want {
			t.Errorf("%s: got %v, want %v", filepath.Join(tdir, "2"), got, want)
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1c.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2c.xml"))

	// Put v2 back.
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "list", "-v")
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1b.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2b.xml"))
Beispiel #6
func TestGetSnapshotDir(t *testing.T) {
	defer resetFlags()
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()

	// With all flags at default values, snapshot dir should be default.
	got, err := getSnapshotDir(fake.X)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("getSnapshotDir() failed: %v\n", err)
	if want := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, defaultSnapshotDir); got != want {
		t.Errorf("unexpected snapshot dir: got %v want %v", got, want)

	// With dir flag set to absolute path, snapshot dir should be value of dir
	// flag.
	tempDir, err := fake.X.NewSeq().TempDir("", "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("TempDir() failed: %v", err)
	defer fake.X.NewSeq().RemoveAll(tempDir).Done()
	snapshotDirFlag = tempDir
	got, err = getSnapshotDir(fake.X)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("getSnapshotDir() failed: %v\n", err)
	if want := snapshotDirFlag; got != want {
		t.Errorf("unexpected snapshot dir: got %v want %v", got, want)

	// With dir flag set to relative path, snapshot dir should absolute path
	// rooted at current working dir.
	snapshotDirFlag = "some/relative/path"
	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("os.Getwd() failed: %v", err)
	defer fake.X.NewSeq().RemoveAll(filepath.Join(cwd, "some"))
	got, err = getSnapshotDir(fake.X)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("getSnapshotDir() failed: %v\n", err)
	if want := filepath.Join(cwd, snapshotDirFlag); got != want {
		t.Errorf("unexpected snapshot dir: got %v want %v", got, want)
Beispiel #7
func TestRemoteImportCycle(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()

	// Set up two remote manifest projects, remote1 and remote1.
	if err := fake.CreateRemoteProject("remote1"); err != nil {
	if err := fake.CreateRemoteProject("remote2"); err != nil {
	remote1 := fake.Projects["remote1"]
	remote2 := fake.Projects["remote2"]

	fileA, fileB := filepath.Join(remote1, "A"), filepath.Join(remote2, "B")

	// Set up the cycle .jiri_manifest -> remote1+A -> remote2+B -> remote1+A
	jiriManifest := project.Manifest{
		Imports: []project.Import{
			{Manifest: "A", Name: "n1", Remote: remote1},
	manifestA := project.Manifest{
		Imports: []project.Import{
			{Manifest: "B", Name: "n2", Remote: remote2},
	manifestB := project.Manifest{
		Imports: []project.Import{
			{Manifest: "A", Name: "n3", Remote: remote1},
	if err := jiriManifest.ToFile(fake.X, fake.X.JiriManifestFile()); err != nil {
	if err := manifestA.ToFile(fake.X, fileA); err != nil {
	if err := manifestB.ToFile(fake.X, fileB); err != nil {
	commitFile(t, fake.X, remote1, fileA, "commit A")
	commitFile(t, fake.X, remote2, fileB, "commit B")

	// The update should complain about the cycle.
	err := project.UpdateUniverse(fake.X, false)
	if got, want := fmt.Sprint(err), "import cycle detected in remote manifest imports"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("got error %v, want substr %v", got, want)
Beispiel #8
func TestManagerUpdate(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	dir, sh := buildInstallers(t), gosh.NewShell(t)
	createProfilesDB(t, fake.X)
	sh.Vars["JIRI_ROOT"] = fake.X.Root
	sh.Vars["PATH"] = envvar.PrependUniqueToken(sh.Vars["PATH"], ":", dir)

	i1 := filepath.Join(fake.X.ProfilesDBDir(), "i1")
	i2 := filepath.Join(fake.X.ProfilesDBDir(), "i2")

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg", "i2:eg")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1d.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2d.xml"))

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "update")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1e.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2e.xml"))

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "cleanup", "-gc")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1f.xml"))
	cmpFiles(t, i2, filepath.Join("testdata", "i2f.xml"))

	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "cleanup", "-rm-all")
	profiledir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, jiri.ProfilesRootDir)
	for _, dir := range []string{
		filepath.Join(profiledir, "i1"),
		filepath.Join(profiledir, "i2"),
	} {
		_, err := os.Stat(dir)
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			t.Errorf("%v still exists: %v", dir, err)
	// Start over, make sure update is idempotent.
	createProfilesDB(t, fake.X)
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@2", "i1:eg")
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "update")
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "update")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1g.xml"))
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "install", "--target=arch-os@4", "i1:eg")
	run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "update")
	cmpFiles(t, i1, filepath.Join("testdata", "i1h.xml"))
Beispiel #9
func TestManagerAvailable(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	dir, sh := buildInstallers(t), gosh.NewShell(t)
	createProfilesDB(t, fake.X)
	sh.Vars["JIRI_ROOT"] = fake.X.Root
	sh.Vars["PATH"] = envvar.PrependUniqueToken(sh.Vars["PATH"], ":", dir)
	stdout := run(sh, dir, "jiri", "profile", "available", "-v")
	for _, installer := range []string{"i1", "i2"} {
		re := regexp.MustCompile("Available Subcommands:.*profile-" + installer + ".*\n")
		if got := stdout; !re.MatchString(got) {
			t.Errorf("%v does not match %v\n", got, re.String())
		if got, want := stdout, installer+":eg"; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
			t.Errorf("%v does not contain %v\n", got, want)
Beispiel #10
func TestEnvFromTarget(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	pdb := profiles.NewDB()
	pdb.InstallProfile("test", "a", "root")
	pdb.InstallProfile("test", "b", "root")
	t1, t2 := &profiles.Target{}, &profiles.Target{}

	t1.Env.Set("A=B C=D,B=C Z=Z")
	pdb.AddProfileTarget("test", "a", *t1)
	pdb.AddProfileTarget("test", "b", *t2)
	pdb.Write(fake.X, "test", "profile-manifest")
	filename := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, "profile-manifest")
	if err := pdb.Write(fake.X, "test", filename); err != nil {
	rd, err := profilesreader.NewReader(fake.X, profilesreader.UseProfiles, filename)
	if err != nil {
	rd.Vars = envvar.VarsFromSlice([]string{})
	t1Target, err := profiles.NewTarget("cpu1-os1@1", "")
	if err != nil {
		"A": profilesreader.AppendFlag,
		"B": profilesreader.UseLast,
		"Z": profilesreader.IgnoreBaseUseLast},
		t1Target, "test::a", "test::b")
	vars := rd.ToMap()
	if got, want := len(vars), 3; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	if got, want := rd.Get("A"), "B C=D Z"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	if got, want := rd.Get("B"), "Z"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
Beispiel #11
// TestCreatePushRemote checks that creating a snapshot with the -push-remote
// flag causes the snapshot to be committed and pushed upstream.
func TestCreatePushRemote(t *testing.T) {
	defer resetFlags()

	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()

	defer fake.DisableRemoteManifestPush()

	manifestDir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, "manifest")
	snapshotDir := filepath.Join(manifestDir, "snapshot")
	label := "test"

	git := gitutil.New(fake.X.NewSeq(), gitutil.RootDirOpt(manifestDir))
	commitCount, err := git.CountCommits("master", "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("git.CountCommits(\"master\", \"\") failed: %v", err)

	// Create snapshot with -push-remote flag set to true.
	snapshotDirFlag = snapshotDir
	pushRemoteFlag = true
	if err := runSnapshotCreate(fake.X, []string{label}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Check that repo has one new commit.
	newCommitCount, err := git.CountCommits("master", "")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("git.CountCommits(\"master\", \"\") failed: %v", err)
	if got, want := newCommitCount, commitCount+1; got != want {
		t.Errorf("unexpected commit count: got %v want %v", got, want)

	// Check that new label is commited.
	labelFile := filepath.Join(snapshotDir, "labels", label)
	if !git.IsFileCommitted(labelFile) {
		t.Errorf("expected file %v to be committed but it was not", labelFile)
Beispiel #12
// setupTest creates a setup for testing the review tool.
func setupTest(t *testing.T, installHook bool) (fake *jiritest.FakeJiriRoot, repoPath, originPath, gerritPath string, cleanup func()) {
	oldWD, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Getwd() failed: %v", err)
	var cleanupFake func()
	if fake, cleanupFake = jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	repoPath, originPath, gerritPath = createTestRepos(t, fake.X)
	if installHook == true {
		for _, path := range []string{repoPath, originPath, gerritPath} {
			installCommitMsgHook(t, fake.X, path)
	chdir(t, fake.X, repoPath)
	cleanup = func() {
		chdir(t, fake.X, oldWD)
Beispiel #13
// setupUniverse creates a fake jiri root with 3 remote projects.  Each project
// has a README with text "initial readme".
func setupUniverse(t *testing.T) ([]project.Project, *jiritest.FakeJiriRoot, func()) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	success := false
	defer func() {
		if !success {

	// Create some projects and add them to the remote manifest.
	numProjects := 3
	localProjects := []project.Project{}
	for i := 0; i < numProjects; i++ {
		name := projectName(i)
		path := fmt.Sprintf("path-%d", i)
		if err := fake.CreateRemoteProject(name); err != nil {
		p := project.Project{
			Name:   name,
			Path:   filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, path),
			Remote: fake.Projects[name],
		localProjects = append(localProjects, p)
		if err := fake.AddProject(p); err != nil {

	// Create initial commit in each repo.
	for _, remoteProjectDir := range fake.Projects {
		writeReadme(t, fake.X, remoteProjectDir, "initial readme")

	success = true
	return localProjects, fake, cleanup
Beispiel #14
func TestRunP(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	projects := addProjects(t, fake)
	dir, sh := buildJiri(t), gosh.NewShell(t)

	if got, want := len(projects), 5; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
	defer os.Chdir(cwd)

	chdir := func(dir string) {
		if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {

	manifestKey := strings.Replace(string(projects[0].Key()), "r.a", "manifest", -1)
	keys := []string{manifestKey}
	for _, p := range projects {
		keys = append(keys, string(p.Key()))


	got := run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--show-name-prefix", "-v", "echo")
	hdr := "Project Names: manifest r.a r.b r.c r.t1 r.t2\n"
	hdr += "Project Keys: " + strings.Join(keys, " ") + "\n"

	if want := hdr + "manifest: \nr.a: \nr.b: \nr.c: \nr.t1: \nr.t2:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "-v", "--interactive=false", "basename", "$(", "jiri", "project", "info", "-f", "{{.Project.Path}}", ")")
	if want := hdr + "manifest\nr.a\nr.b\nr.c\nr.t1\nr.t2"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--interactive=false", "git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
	if want := "master\nmaster\nmaster\nmaster\nmaster\nmaster"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "-interactive=false", "--show-name-prefix=true", "git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
	if want := "manifest: master\nr.a: master\nr.b: master\nr.c: master\nr.t1: master\nr.t2: master"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--interactive=false", "--show-key-prefix=true", "git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
	if want := strings.Join(keys, ": master\n") + ": master"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	uncollated := run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--interactive=false", "--collate-stdout=false", "--show-name-prefix=true", "git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD")
	split := strings.Split(uncollated, "\n")
	got = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(split, "\n"))
	if want := "manifest: master\nr.a: master\nr.b: master\nr.c: master\nr.t1: master\nr.t2: master"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--show-name-prefix", "--projects=r.t[12]", "echo")
	if want := "r.t1: \nr.t2:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	rb := projects[1].Path
	rc := projects[2].Path
	t1 := projects[3].Path

	s := fake.X.NewSeq()
	newfile := func(dir, file string) {
		testfile := filepath.Join(dir, file)
		_, err := s.Create(testfile)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("failed to create %s: %v", testfile, err)

	git := func(dir string) *gitutil.Git {
		return gitutil.New(fake.X.NewSeq(), gitutil.RootDirOpt(dir))

	newfile(rb, "untracked.go")

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-untracked", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.b:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-untracked=false", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "manifest: \nr.a: \nr.c: \nr.t1: \nr.t2:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	newfile(rc, "uncommitted.go")

	if err := git(rc).Add("uncommitted.go"); err != nil {

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-uncommitted", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.c:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-uncommitted=false", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "manifest: \nr.a: \nr.b: \nr.t1: \nr.t2:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	// test ordering of has-<x> flags
	newfile(rc, "untracked.go")
	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-untracked", "--has-uncommitted", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.c:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-uncommitted", "--has-untracked", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.c:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)



	// Just the projects with branch b2.
	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.b: \nr.c:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	// All projects since --projects takes precendence over branches.
	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--projects=.*", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "manifest: \nr.a: \nr.b: \nr.c: \nr.t1: \nr.t2:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	if err := s.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rb, ".jiri", "a1"), os.FileMode(0755)).Done(); err != nil {
	newfile(rb, filepath.Join(".jiri", "a1", ".gerrit_commit_message"))


	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-gerrit-message", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.b:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	got = run(sh, dir, "jiri", "runp", "--has-gerrit-message=false", "--show-name-prefix", "echo")
	if want := "r.t1:"; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

Beispiel #15
// TestCreate tests creating and checking out a snapshot.
func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
	defer resetFlags()
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	s := fake.X.NewSeq()

	// Setup the initial remote and local projects.
	numProjects, remoteProjects := 2, []string{}
	for i := 0; i < numProjects; i++ {
		if err := fake.CreateRemoteProject(remoteProjectName(i)); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		if err := fake.AddProject(project.Project{
			Name:   remoteProjectName(i),
			Path:   localProjectName(i),
			Remote: fake.Projects[remoteProjectName(i)],
		}); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Create initial commits in the remote projects and use UpdateUniverse()
	// to mirror them locally.
	for i := 0; i < numProjects; i++ {
		writeReadme(t, fake.X, fake.Projects[remoteProjectName(i)], "revision 1")
	if err := project.UpdateUniverse(fake.X, true); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Create a snapshot.
	var stdout bytes.Buffer
	fake.X.Context = tool.NewContext(tool.ContextOpts{Stdout: &stdout})
	if err := runSnapshotCreate(fake.X, []string{"test-local"}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Remove the local project repositories.
	for i, _ := range remoteProjects {
		localProject := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, localProjectName(i))
		if err := s.RemoveAll(localProject).Done(); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// Check that invoking the UpdateUniverse() with the snapshot restores the
	// local repositories.
	snapshotDir := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, defaultSnapshotDir)
	snapshotFile := filepath.Join(snapshotDir, "test-local")
	localX := fake.X.Clone(tool.ContextOpts{
		Manifest: &snapshotFile,
	if err := project.UpdateUniverse(localX, true); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
	for i, _ := range remoteProjects {
		localProject := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, localProjectName(i))
		checkReadme(t, fake.X, localProject, "revision 1")
Beispiel #16
func TestList(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()

	snapshotDir1 := "" // Should use default dir.
	snapshotDir2 := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, "some/other/dir")

	// Create a test suite.
	tests := []config{
			dir: snapshotDir1,
			dir: snapshotDir2,
	labels := []label{
			name:      "beta",
			snapshots: []string{"beta-1", "beta-2", "beta-3"},
			name:      "stable",
			snapshots: []string{"stable-1", "stable-2", "stable-3"},

	for _, test := range tests {
		snapshotDirFlag = test.dir
		// Create the snapshots directory and populate it with the
		// data specified by the test suite.
		for _, label := range labels {
			createLabelDir(t, fake.X, test.dir,, label.snapshots)

		// Check that running "jiri snapshot list" with no arguments
		// returns the expected output.
		var stdout bytes.Buffer
		fake.X.Context = tool.NewContext(tool.ContextOpts{Stdout: &stdout})
		if err := runSnapshotList(fake.X, nil); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		got, want := stdout.String(), generateOutput(labels)
		if got != want {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected output:\ngot\n%v\nwant\n%v\n", got, want)

		// Check that running "jiri snapshot list" with one argument
		// returns the expected output.
		if err := runSnapshotList(fake.X, []string{"stable"}); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		got, want = stdout.String(), generateOutput(labels[1:])
		if got != want {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected output:\ngot\n%v\nwant\n%v\n", got, want)

		// Check that running "jiri snapshot list" with
		// multiple arguments returns the expected output.
		if err := runSnapshotList(fake.X, []string{"beta", "stable"}); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%v", err)
		got, want = stdout.String(), generateOutput(labels)
		if got != want {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected output:\ngot\n%v\nwant\n%v\n", got, want)
Beispiel #17
func TestMultiPart(t *testing.T) {
	fake, cleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer cleanup()
	projects := addProjects(t, fake)

	origCleanupFlag, origCurrentProjectFlag := cleanupMultiPartFlag, currentProjectFlag
	defer func() {
		cleanupMultiPartFlag, currentProjectFlag = origCleanupFlag, origCurrentProjectFlag
	cleanupMultiPartFlag, currentProjectFlag = false, false

	name, err := gitutil.New(fake.X.NewSeq()).CurrentBranchName()
	if err != nil {
	if name == "master" {
		// The test cases below assume that they are run on a feature-branch,
		// but this is not necessarily always the case when running under
		// jenkins, so if it's run on a master branch it will create
		// a feature branch.
		if err := gitutil.New(fake.X.NewSeq()).CreateAndCheckoutBranch("feature-branch"); err != nil {
		defer func() {
			git := gitutil.New(fake.X.NewSeq())
			git.CheckoutBranch("master", gitutil.ForceOpt(true))
			git.DeleteBranch("feature-branch", gitutil.ForceOpt(true))

	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
	defer os.Chdir(cwd)

	relchdir := func(dir string) {
		chdir(t, fake.X, dir)

	initMP := func() *multiPart {
		mp, err := initForMultiPart(fake.X)
		if err != nil {
			_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
			t.Fatalf("%s:%d: %v", filepath.Base(file), line, err)
		return mp

	wr := func(mp *multiPart) *multiPart {
		return mp

	git := func(dir string) *gitutil.Git {
		return gitutil.New(fake.X.NewSeq(), gitutil.RootDirOpt(dir))

	cleanupMultiPartFlag = true
	if got, want := initMP(), wr(&multiPart{clean: true}); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("got %#v, want %#v", got, want)

	currentProjectFlag = true
	if got, want := initMP(), wr(&multiPart{clean: true, current: true}); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("got %#v, want %#v", got, want)
	cleanupMultiPartFlag, currentProjectFlag = false, false

	// Test metadata generation.
	ra := projects[0].Path
	rb := projects[1].Path
	rc := projects[2].Path
	t1 := projects[3].Path

	if got, want := initMP(), wr(&multiPart{current: true, currentKey: projects[0].Key(), currentBranch: "a1"}); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("got %#v, want %#v", got, want)

	mp := initMP()
	if mp.current != false || mp.clean != false {
		t.Errorf("current or clean not false: %v, %v", mp.current, mp.clean)
	if got, want := len(mp.keys), 2; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	tmp := &multiPart{
		keys: project.ProjectKeys{projects[0].Key(), projects[1].Key()},
	for i, k := range mp.keys {
		if got, want := k, tmp.keys[i]; got != want {
			t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	if got, want := len(mp.states), 2; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	mp = initMP()
	if got, want := len(mp.keys), 3; got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	if err := mp.writeMultiPartMetadata(fake.X); err != nil {

	hasMetaData := func(total int, branch string, projectPaths ...string) {
		_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
		loc := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filepath.Base(file), line)
		for i, dir := range projectPaths {
			filename := filepath.Join(dir, jiri.ProjectMetaDir, branch, multiPartMetaDataFileName)
			msg, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%s: %v", loc, err)
			if got, want := string(msg), fmt.Sprintf("MultiPart: %d/%d\n", i+1, total); got != want {
				t.Errorf("%v: got %v, want %v", dir, got, want)

	hasNoMetaData := func(branch string, projectPaths ...string) {
		_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
		loc := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filepath.Base(file), line)
		for _, dir := range projectPaths {
			filename := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, dir, jiri.ProjectMetaDir, branch, multiPartMetaDataFileName)
			_, err := os.Stat(filename)
			if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
				t.Fatalf("%s: %s should not exist", loc, filename)

	newFile := func(dir, file string) {
		testfile := filepath.Join(dir, file)
		_, err := fake.X.NewSeq().Create(testfile)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("failed to create %s: %v", testfile, err)

	hasMetaData(len(mp.keys), "a1", ra, rb, rc)
	hasNoMetaData(t1, "a2")
	if err := mp.cleanMultiPartMetadata(fake.X); err != nil {
	hasNoMetaData(ra, "a1", rb, rc, t1)

	// Test CL messages.

	for _, p := range projects {
		// Install commit hook so that Change-Id is written.
		installCommitMsgHook(t, fake.X, p.Path)


	// Create a fake jiri root for the fake gerrit repos.
	gerritFake, gerritCleanup := jiritest.NewFakeJiriRoot(t)
	defer gerritCleanup()


	if err := mp.writeMultiPartMetadata(fake.X); err != nil {
	hasMetaData(len(mp.keys), "a1", ra, rb, rc)

	gitAddFiles := func(name string, repos ...string) {
		for _, dir := range repos {
			newFile(dir, name)
			if err := git(dir).Add(name); err != nil {

	gitCommit := func(msg string, repos ...string) {
		for _, dir := range repos {
			committer := git(dir).NewCommitter(false)
			if err := committer.Commit(msg); err != nil {

	gitAddFiles("new-file", ra, rb, rc)
	_, err = initForMultiPart(fake.X)
	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "uncommitted changes:") {
		t.Fatalf("expected an error about uncommitted changes: got %v", err)

	gitCommit("oh multipart test\n", ra, rb, rc)
	bodyMessage := "xyz\n\na simple message\n"
	messageFile := filepath.Join(fake.X.Root, jiri.RootMetaDir, "message-body")
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(messageFile, []byte(bodyMessage), 0666); err != nil {

	mp = initMP()
	setTopicFlag = false
	commitMessageBodyFlag = messageFile

	testCommitMsgs := func(branch string, cls ...*project.Project) {
		_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
		loc := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filepath.Base(file), line)

		total := len(cls)
		for index, p := range cls {
			// Create a new gerrit repo each time we commit, since we can't
			// push more than once to the fake gerrit repo without actually
			// running gerrit.
			gp := createRepoFromOrigin(t, gerritFake.X, "gerrit", p.Remote)
			defer os.Remove(gp)
			review, err := newReview(fake.X, *p, gerrit.CLOpts{
				Presubmit: gerrit.PresubmitTestTypeNone,
				Remote:    gp,
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v: %v: %v", loc, p.Path, err)
			// use the default commit message
			if err :=; err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v: %v, %v", loc, p.Path, err)
			filename, err := getCommitMessageFileName(fake.X, branch)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v: %v", loc, err)
			msg, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v: %v", loc, err)
			if total < 2 {
				if strings.Contains(string(msg), "MultiPart") {
					t.Errorf("%v: commit message contains MultiPart when it should not: %v", loc, string(msg))
			expected := fmt.Sprintf("\nMultiPart: %d/%d\n", index+1, total)
			if !strings.Contains(string(msg), expected) {
				t.Errorf("%v: commit message for %v does not contain %v: %v", loc, p.Path, expected, string(msg))
			if got, want := string(msg), bodyMessage+"PresubmitTest: none"+expected+"Change-Id: I0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"; got != want {
				t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	testCommitMsgs("a1", projects[0], projects[1], projects[2])

	cl := mp.commandline("", []string{"-r=alice"})
	expected := []string{
		"--projects=" + string(projects[0].Key()) + "," + string(projects[1].Key()) + "," + string(projects[2].Key()),
	if got, want := strings.Join(cl, " "), strings.Join(expected, " "); got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)
	cl = mp.commandline(projects[0].Key(), []string{"-r=bob"})
	expected[2] = "--projects=" + string(projects[1].Key()) + "," + string(projects[2].Key())
	expected[len(expected)-1] = "-r=bob"
	if got, want := strings.Join(cl, " "), strings.Join(expected, " "); got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, want)

	gitAddFiles("new-file1", ra, rc)
	gitCommit("oh multipart test: 2\n", ra, rc)

	mp = initMP()
	if err := mp.writeMultiPartMetadata(fake.X); err != nil {
	hasMetaData(len(mp.keys), "a1", ra, rc)
	testCommitMsgs("a1", projects[0], projects[2])


	mp = initMP()
	if err := mp.writeMultiPartMetadata(fake.X); err != nil {
	testCommitMsgs("a1", projects[2])