Beispiel #1
// TestMain must cleanup these directories created by this function.
func buildInstallers(t *testing.T) string {
	buildInstallersOnce.Do(func() {
		binDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
		if err != nil {
		sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
		defer sh.Cleanup()
		prefix := ""
		gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, "", "-o", "jiri")
		gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, prefix+"i1", "-o", "jiri-profile-i1")
		gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, prefix+"i2", "-o", "jiri-profile-i2")
		buildInstallersBinDir = binDir
	return buildInstallersBinDir
Beispiel #2
func buildJiri(t *testing.T) string {
	buildJiriOnce.Do(func() {
		binDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
		if err != nil {
		sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
		defer sh.Cleanup()
		gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, "", "-o", "jiri")
		buildJiriBinDir = binDir
	return buildJiriBinDir
Beispiel #3
func TestImport(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []importTestCase{
			Stderr: `wrong number of arguments`,
			Args:   []string{"a"},
			Stderr: `wrong number of arguments`,
			Args:   []string{"a", "b", "c"},
			Stderr: `wrong number of arguments`,
		// Remote imports, default append behavior
			Args: []string{"-name=name", "-remote-branch=remotebranch", "-root=root", "foo", ""},
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="name" remote="" remotebranch="remotebranch" root="root"/>
			Args: []string{"foo", ""},
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Args:     []string{"-out=file", "foo", ""},
			Filename: `file`,
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Args: []string{"-out=-", "foo", ""},
			Stdout: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Args: []string{"foo", ""},
			Exist: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="bar" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="bar" name="manifest" remote=""/>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
		// Remote imports, explicit overwrite behavior
			Args: []string{"-overwrite", "foo", ""},
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Args:     []string{"-overwrite", "-out=file", "foo", ""},
			Filename: `file`,
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Args: []string{"-overwrite", "-out=-", "foo", ""},
			Stdout: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Args: []string{"-overwrite", "foo", ""},
			Exist: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="bar" name="manifest" remote=""/>
			Want: `<manifest>
    <import manifest="foo" name="manifest" remote=""/>
	sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
	defer sh.Cleanup()
	jiriTool := gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, sh.MakeTempDir(), "")
	for _, test := range tests {
		if err := testImport(t, jiriTool, test); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%v: %v", test.Args, err)