Ejemplo n.º 1
func main() {
	var help bool
	var bindto, config_file string
	var config_contents []byte
	var application_tmpl, memberlist_tmpl, print_tmpl *template.Template
	var unique_member_detail_template *template.Template
	var authenticator *ancientauth.Authenticator
	var debug_authenticator bool
	var config membersys.MembersysConfig
	var db *membersys.MembershipDB
	var err error

	flag.BoolVar(&help, "help", false, "Display help")
	flag.StringVar(&bindto, "bind", "",
		"The address to bind the web server to")
	flag.StringVar(&config_file, "config", "",
		"Path to a file containing a MembersysConfig protocol buffer")
	flag.BoolVar(&debug_authenticator, "debug-authenticator", false,
		"Debug the authenticator?")

	if help || config_file == "" {

	config_contents, err = ioutil.ReadFile(config_file)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to read ", config_file, ": ", err)
	err = proto.Unmarshal(config_contents, &config)
	if err != nil {
		err = proto.UnmarshalText(string(config_contents), &config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error parsing ", config_file, ": ", err)

	// Load and parse the HTML templates to be displayed.
	application_tmpl, err = template.ParseFiles(
		config.GetTemplateDir() + "/form.html")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to parse form template: ", err)

	print_tmpl, err = template.ParseFiles(
		config.GetTemplateDir() + "/printlayout.html")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to parse print layout template: ", err)

	memberlist_tmpl = template.New("memberlist")
	memberlist_tmpl, err = memberlist_tmpl.ParseFiles(
		config.GetTemplateDir() + "/memberlist.html")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to parse member list template: ", err)

	unique_member_detail_template = template.New("memberdetail")
	unique_member_detail_template, err =
			config.GetTemplateDir() + "/memberdetail.html")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to parse member detail template: ", err)

	authenticator, err = ancientauth.NewAuthenticator(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to assemble authenticator: ", err)

	if debug_authenticator {

	db, err = membersys.NewMembershipDB(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to connect to the cassandra DB ",
			config.DatabaseConfig.GetDatabaseServer(), " at ",
			config.DatabaseConfig.GetDatabaseName(), ": ", err)

	// Register the URL handlers to be invoked.
	http.Handle("/admin/api/members", &MemberListHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,
		pagesize:   config.GetResultPageSize(),

	http.Handle("/admin/api/applicants", &ApplicantListHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,
		pagesize:   config.GetResultPageSize(),

	http.Handle("/admin/api/queue", &MemberQueueListHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,
		pagesize:   config.GetResultPageSize(),

	http.Handle("/admin/api/dequeue", &MemberDeQueueListHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,
		pagesize:   config.GetResultPageSize(),

	http.Handle("/admin/api/trash", &MemberTrashListHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,
		pagesize:   config.GetResultPageSize(),

	http.Handle("/admin/api/accept", &MemberAcceptHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin/api/reject", &MemberRejectHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin/api/editfee", &MemberFeeHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin/api/agreement-upload", &MemberAgreementUploadHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin/api/cancel-queued", &MemberQueueCancelHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin/api/goodbye-member", &MemberGoodbyeHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin/api/member", &MemberDetailHandler{
		admingroup: config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:       authenticator,
		database:   db,

	http.Handle("/admin", &TotalListHandler{
		admingroup:           config.AuthenticationConfig.GetAuthGroup(),
		auth:                 authenticator,
		database:             db,
		pagesize:             config.GetResultPageSize(),
		template:             memberlist_tmpl,
		uniqueMemberTemplate: unique_member_detail_template,

	http.HandleFunc("/barcode", MakeBarcode)

	http.Handle("/", &FormInputHandler{
		applicationTmpl: application_tmpl,
		database:        db,
		passthrough:     http.FileServer(http.Dir(config.GetTemplateDir())),
		printTmpl:       print_tmpl,
		useProxyRealIP:  config.GetUseProxyRealIp(),

	err = http.ListenAndServe(bindto, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func main() {
	var help bool
	var bindto, template_dir string
	var lockserv, lockboot, servicename string
	var ca, pub, priv, authserver string
	var requested_scope string
	var dbserver, keyspace string
	var searchif_tmpl *template.Template
	var permission_denied_tmpl *template.Template
	var exporter *exportedservice.ServiceExporter
	var authenticator *ancientauth.Authenticator
	var client *cassandra.RetryCassandraClient
	var ire *cassandra.InvalidRequestException
	var err error

	flag.BoolVar(&help, "help", false, "Display help")
	flag.StringVar(&bindto, "bind", "[::1]:8080",
		"The address to bind the web server to")
	flag.StringVar(&lockserv, "lockserver-uri",
		"URI of a Doozer cluster to connect to")
	flag.StringVar(&ca, "cacert", "cacert.pem",
		"Path to the X.509 certificate of the certificate authority")
	flag.StringVar(&pub, "cert", "starstock.pem",
		"Path to the X.509 certificate")
	flag.StringVar(&priv, "key", "starstock.key",
		"Path to the X.509 private key file")
	flag.StringVar(&authserver, "auth-server",
		"The server to send the user to")
	flag.StringVar(&template_dir, "template-dir", "",
		"Path to the directory with the HTML templates")
	flag.StringVar(&lockboot, "lockserver-boot-uri",
		"Boot URI to resolve the Doozer cluster name (if required)")
	flag.StringVar(&servicename, "service-name",
		"", "Service name to publish as to the lock server")
	flag.StringVar(&requested_scope, "scope",
		"staff", "People need to be in this scope to use the application")
	flag.StringVar(&dbserver, "cassandra-server", "localhost:9160",
		"Cassandra database server to use")
	flag.StringVar(&keyspace, "keyspace", "starstock",
		"Cassandra keyspace to use for accessing stock data")

	if help {

	if len(template_dir) <= 0 {
		log.Fatal("The --template-dir flag must not be empty")

	// Load and parse the HTML templates to be displayed.
	searchif_tmpl, err = template.ParseFiles(template_dir + "/search.tmpl")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to parse search template: ", err)

	// Load and parse the HTML templates to be displayed.
	permission_denied_tmpl, err = template.ParseFiles(template_dir +
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Unable to parse form template: ", err)

	// Create the AncientAuth client
	authenticator, err = ancientauth.NewAuthenticator("StarStock", pub,
		priv, ca, authserver)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("NewAuthenticator: ", err)

	// Connect to the Cassandra server.
	client, err = cassandra.NewRetryCassandraClientTimeout(dbserver,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error opening connection to ", dbserver, ": ", err)

	ire, err = client.SetKeyspace(keyspace)
	if ire != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error setting keyspace to ", keyspace, ": ", ire.Why)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error setting keyspace to ", keyspace, ": ", err)

	// Register the URL handler to be invoked.
	http.Handle("/css/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(template_dir)))
	http.Handle("/js/", http.FileServer(http.Dir(template_dir)))
	http.Handle("/api/product", &ProductViewAPI{
		authenticator: authenticator,
		client:        client,
		scope:         requested_scope,
	http.Handle("/api/edit-product", &ProductEditAPI{
		authenticator: authenticator,
		client:        client,
		scope:         requested_scope,
	http.Handle("/api/products", &ProductSearchAPI{
		authenticator: authenticator,
		client:        client,
		scope:         requested_scope,
	http.Handle("/", &ProductSearchForm{
		authenticator:        authenticator,
		scope:                requested_scope,
		searchifTmpl:         searchif_tmpl,
		permissionDeniedTmpl: permission_denied_tmpl,

	// If a lock server was specified, attempt to use an anonymous port as
	// a Doozer exported HTTP service. Otherwise, just bind to the address
	// given in bindto, for debugging etc.
	if len(lockserv) > 0 {
		exporter, err = exportedservice.NewExporter(lockserv, lockboot)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("doozer.DialUri ", lockserv, " (",
				lockboot, "): ", err)

		defer exporter.UnexportPort()
		err = exporter.ListenAndServeNamedHTTP(servicename, bindto, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err)
	} else {
		err = http.ListenAndServe(bindto, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err)