Ejemplo n.º 1
func sigaction__reopen_logs(sig os.Signal) {
	log.Infof("got %s, reopening logfile: %s", SignalName(sig), logPath)

	if err := reopenLogfile(logPath, logLevel); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("can't reopen log file: %s", err)

	log.Infof("sigaction__reopen_logs: new log opened: %s", logPath)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func sigaction__graceful_restart(sig os.Signal) {
	log.Infof("got %s, restarting gracefully", SignalName(sig))

	if err := InitiateRestart(); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("can't initiate restart: %s", err)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func wait_for_signals() ExitMethod {
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 5)
	signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGUSR1, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGUSR2)

	for {
		select {
		case sig := <-c:

			switch sig {
			case syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT:

			case syscall.SIGUSR1:
				if RestartInprogress() == false { // FIXME: why ingore log reopen ?
				} else {
					log.Infof("service is restarting. ignoring %s", SignalName(sig))

			case syscall.SIGUSR2:
				if RestartInprogress() == false {
				} else {
					log.Infof("service is restarting. ignoring %s", SignalName(sig))

			case syscall.SIGQUIT:
				if RestartInprogress() == false {
					// not a restart sequence, someone's just sent us SIGQUIT


		case wp := <-RestartChildWaitChan():

		case <-RestartChildTimeoutChan():
Ejemplo n.º 4
func WriteLogsThread(filename string) {
	log.Infof("Started write logs thread to file=%s", filename)

	reopenTick := time.Tick(time.Second * 10)

	fp, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	var wr *bufio.Writer

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not open %s: %s", filename, err.Error())
	} else {
		wr = bufio.NewWriterSize(fp, 65536)

	for {
		select {
		case <-reopenTick:
			if fp != nil {

			fp, err = os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("Could not reopen %s: %s", err.Error())
				wr = nil
				fp = nil
			} else {
				wr = bufio.NewWriterSize(fp, 65536)
		case ev := <-rqhLog:
			l := len(rqhLog)
			evs := make([]*FinishResult, 0, l+1)
			evs = append(evs, ev)

			for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
				evs = append(evs, <-rqhLog)

			if wr != nil {
				encoder := json.NewEncoder(wr)

				for _, e := range evs {
					if err = encoder.Encode(e); err != nil {
						log.Errorf("Could not write to %s: %s", filename, err.Error())

				if err = wr.Flush(); err != nil {
					log.Errorf("Could not flush contents to %s: %s", filename, err.Error())
			} else {
				log.Errorf("Failed to write %d events to rqh log because file %s could not be opened", len(evs), filename)

Ejemplo n.º 5
func getOrCreateDispatcherThread(className, location string) *DispatcherData {
	defer dispatchThreads.Unlock()

	el, ok := dispatchThreads.v[className]

	if !ok {
		el = make(map[string]*DispatcherData)
		dispatchThreads.v[className] = el

	dt, ok := el[location]

	if !ok {
		dt = &DispatcherData{
			className:          className,
			location:           location,
			newJobsCh:          make(chan *NewJobs, 1),
			redispatchCh:       make(chan bool, 1),
			rusageCh:           make(chan *ScriptRusageEntry, 1),
			finishCh:           make(chan *FinishEvent, 1),
			zeroTTCh:           make(chan bool, 1),
			allJobsCh:          make(chan []*TimetableEntry, 1),
			debugCh:            make(chan *DebugPrintRequest, 1),
			killRequestCh:      make(chan *KillRequest, 1),
			jobsCountCh:        make(chan *JobsCountRequest, 1),
			tickCheckDeletedCh: make(chan bool, 1),

		log.Infof("Creating a goroutine for class=%s and location=%s", className, location)

		el[location] = dt
		go dt.dispatchThread()

	return dt
Ejemplo n.º 6
func getOrCreateLauncherThread(hostname string) *LauncherData {
	defer launcherThreads.Unlock()

	dt, ok := launcherThreads.v[hostname]

	if !ok {
		dt = &LauncherData{
			hostname:              hostname,
			waitingCh:             make(chan *RunQueueEntry, 100),
			allRowsCh:             make(chan []*RunQueueEntry, 1),
			debugCh:               make(chan *LauncherDebugPrintRequest, 1),
			updateStatusRequestCh: make(chan *LauncherUpdateStatusRequest, 5),
			logFinishRequestCh:    make(chan *LauncherLogFinishRequest, 5),

		log.Infof("Creating a launcher goroutine for hostname=%s", hostname)

		launcherThreads.v[hostname] = dt
		go dt.mainThread()

	return dt
Ejemplo n.º 7
func sigaction__graceful_shutdown(sig os.Signal) {
	log.Infof("got %s, shutting down", SignalName(sig))
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (server *Server) serveConnection(conn net.Conn) {
	log.Debugf("accepted connection: %s -> %s", conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())
	defer func() {
		atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.ConnCur, ^uint64(0)) // decrements the value, ref: http://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic/#AddUint64
		log.Debugf("closing connection: %s -> %s", conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())

		if server.onDisconnect != nil {
				Server: server,
				Conn:   conn,


	atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.ConnCur, 1)
	atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.ConnTotal, 1)

	for {
		// need these as var here, since goto might jump over their definition below
		var (
			result      ResultT
			request     RequestT
			startTime   time.Time
			pinbaReq    pinba.Request
			requestTime time.Duration

		msgid, msg, bytes_read, status, err := server.Codec.ReadRequest(server.Proto, conn)
		if err != nil {
			if status == ConnEOF {
				// connection was closed gracefully from client side
			if status == ConnOK {
				// misunderstanding on protobuf level
				result = server.Proto.ErrorGeneric(err)

				// FIXME(antoxa): remove this goto, it's annoying to code around
				goto write_response
			// IO error or similar
			log.Infof("aborting connection: %v", err)

		// FIXME(antoxa): stats will not be incremented when ReadRequest returns err != nil and status == ConnOK
		atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.BytesRead, uint64(bytes_read))
		atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.Requests, 1)

		request = RequestT{
			Server:    server,
			Conn:      conn,
			RequestId: atomic.AddUint64(&globalRequestId, 1),
			MessageId: msgid,
			Message:   msg,
			PinbaReq:  &pinbaReq,

		if msgid < MaxMsgID {
			atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.RequestsIdStat[msgid], 1)

		startTime = time.Now()

		result = server.Proto.Dispatch(request, server.Handler)

		requestTime = time.Since(startTime)

		// log slow request if needed
		if server.slowRequestTime > 0 && server.slowRequestTime <= requestTime {
			if msg != nil {
				requestInfo := func() string {
					reqName := MapRequestIdToName(server.Proto, msgid)
					body, err := json.Marshal(msg)
					if err != nil {
						return fmt.Sprintf("%s %v", reqName, err)
					return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", reqName, body)

				log.Warnf("slow request (%d ms): %s; addr: %s <- %s", requestTime/time.Millisecond, requestInfo, conn.LocalAddr(), conn.RemoteAddr())

		server.sendToPinba(&pinbaReq, server.pinbaReqNames[msgid], requestTime)


		if result.Action == ACTION_RESULT {
			writeln, err := server.Codec.WriteResponse(server.Proto, conn, result.Message)
			if err != nil {
				// write error: can't recover
				log.Infof("unrecoverable error while writing: %v", err)
			atomic.AddUint64(&server.Stats.BytesWritten, uint64(writeln))

		if result.Action == ACTION_CLOSE {
Ejemplo n.º 9
func Initialize(default_config_path string, service_conf Config) {
	flag.StringVar(&flags.ConfFile, "c", default_config_path, "path to config file")
	flag.StringVar(&flags.LogFile, "l", "", "path to log file, special value '-' means 'stdout'")
	flag.StringVar(&flags.PidFile, "p", "", "path to pid file. if empty, pidfile will not be created")
	flag.BoolVar(&flags.Testconf, "t", false, "test configuration and exit")
	flag.BoolVar(&flags.Version, "v", false, "print version")
	flag.BoolVar(&flags.FullVersion, "V", false, "print full version info")
	flag.BoolVar(&flags.Debug, "debug", false, "force DEBUG log level")

	if flags.Version {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", VersionInfo.GetVersion())

	if flags.FullVersion {
		data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(VersionInfo, "", "  ")
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", data)

	var err error

	config = service_conf                    // save a pointer to service's config (NOT a copy, mon!)
	commandLine = strings.Join(os.Args, " ") // XXX(antoxa): couldn't think of a better way
	hostname = getHostname()                 // get hostname early

	// moved here from init(), just importing a package should not publish expvars

	// current executable full path (symlinks and shit sometimes complicate things)
	binaryPath = func() string {
		path, err := osutil.GetCurrentBinary()
		if err != nil {
			// log as notice, non-critical error (only stats affected)
			log.Infof("couldn't get current binary (using argv[0] = %q): %v", os.Args[0], err)
			return os.Args[0]
		return path

	// config path
	confPath := func() string {
		if flags.ConfFile != "" {
			return flags.ConfFile
		return default_config_path

	// resolve absolute config path, convenient for stats
	configPath = func(path string) string {
		var err error
		if path, err = filepath.Abs(path); err != nil {
			return path
		if path, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(path); err != nil {
			return path
		return path

	// parse config and construct final config merged with command line flags
	// use path as supplied to us in args (i.e. unresolved), just to avoid 'too smart, outsmarted yourself' gotchas
	err = ParseConfigFromFile(confPath, service_conf)
	if err != nil {
		err_message := func(err error) string {
			switch real_err := err.(type) {
			case nil:
				return "syntax is ok"
			case *json.SyntaxError:
				return fmt.Sprintf("%v at offset %d", real_err, real_err.Offset)
			case *os.PathError:
				return fmt.Sprintf("%v", real_err)
				return fmt.Sprintf("(%T) %v", real_err, real_err)

		stderrLogger.Fatalf("Error in config: %s", err_message)

	} else {
		if flags.Testconf {
			fmt.Printf("testconf %s: syntax is ok\n", configPath)

	mergeCommandlineFlagsToConfig(flags, config)

	daemonConfig := config.GetDaemonConfig()

	// antoxa: need the fancy wrapper function to have testconf behave properly
	// FIXME: testconf should check more stuff (below) and graceful restart also
	initPidfileLogfile := func() error {

		// FIXME(antoxa): this testconf thingy is everywhere! must... resist... full rewrite
		if flags.Testconf {
			err = PidfileTest(daemonConfig.GetPidFile())
		} else {
			pidfile, err = PidfileOpen(daemonConfig.GetPidFile())

		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("can't open pidfile: %s", err)

		// FIXME: this is shit ugly
		//  need better integration between logger and daemon-config
		//  or 1-to-1 mapping
		//  or better log package :)
		log_level := daemonConfig.GetLogLevel()
		if log_level == 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("unknown log_level, supported: %v", badoo_config.ServiceConfigDaemonConfigTLogLevels_name)
		err = reopenLogfile(daemonConfig.GetLogFile(), log.Level(log_level))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("can't open logfile: %s", err)

		return nil

	err = initPidfileLogfile()
	if err != nil {
		if flags.Testconf {
			stderrLogger.Errorf("%v", err)
			fmt.Printf("testconf failed\n")
		} else {
			stderrLogger.Errorf("%v", err) // always pidfile/logfile errors to stderr
	} else {
		if flags.Testconf {
			fmt.Printf("testconf successful\n")

	// log some version info like libangel does
	versionString := func() string {
		vi := &VersionInfo
		version := func() string {
			if vi.GetAutoBuildTag() != "" {
				return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", vi.GetVersion(), vi.GetAutoBuildTag())
			} else {
				return vi.GetVersion()
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s version %s, git %s, built %s on %s",
			vi.GetVcsBasename(), version, vi.GetVcsShortHash(), vi.GetBuildDate(), vi.GetBuildHost())
	log.Infof("%s", versionString)

	// max cpus, 0 = all of them
	numCPU := func() int {
		maxCpus := int(daemonConfig.GetMaxCpus())
		if maxCpus <= 0 || maxCpus > runtime.NumCPU() {
			maxCpus = runtime.NumCPU()
		return maxCpus

	// gc percent, <0 - disables GC
	if daemonConfig.GcPercent != nil {

	// process pinba configuration and related stuff
	pinbaSender, err = func() (*PinbaSender, error) { // assigns a global
		if daemonConfig.GetPinbaAddress() == "" {
			return nil, nil // user doesn't want pinba configured

		pi, err := PinbaInfoFromConfig(config)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return NewPinbaSender(pi), nil

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("pinba config error: %v", err)

	// graceful restart handling
	//  see restart.go and signals.go for more details
	restartData, err = ParseRestartDataFromEnv()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("can't parse restart data: %v", err)
	if restartData != nil {
		log.Debugf("[CHILD] this is a restart, parent: %d, me: %d", restartData.PPid, os.Getpid())

	// start http pprof server (possibly - inherit fd from parent if this is a restart)
	err = func() (err error) {
		HttpServer, err = newHttpServer(config, restartData) // assigning a global here
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if HttpServer != nil { // nil here means it has not been configured
			go HttpServer.Serve()

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("can't start http_pprof server: %v", err)
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Call this when you want to start your servers and stuff
func EventLoop(ports []Port) {
	defer log.Debug("exiting")

	initPhaseDuration = time.Since(startupTime)

	daemonConfig := config.GetDaemonConfig()

	// service-stats ports
	ports = append(ports, GpbPort("service-stats-gpb", stats_ctx, badoo_service.Gpbrpc))
	ports = append(ports, JsonPort("service-stats-gpb/json", stats_ctx, badoo_service.Gpbrpc))

	// build map of ports and do some sanity checks
	ph := make(map[string]*Port)
	for i := 0; i < len(ports); i++ {
		p := &ports[i]
		ph[p.Name] = p

		// json and gpb ports should have the same context
		//  so try and warn user about passing plain values in (as it makes a copy)
		if reflect.ValueOf(p.Handler).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
			log.Infof("port[%d].Handler should be a pointer (you want gpbs and json to use the same context, right?) (now: %T)", i, p.Handler)

	getRestartSocket := func(rcd *RestartChildData, portName, portAddr string) (*RestartSocket, *os.File) {
		if rcd == nil {
			return nil, nil

		restartSocket, exists := rcd.GpbrpcSockets[portName]
		if exists == false {
			return nil, nil

		restartFile := os.NewFile(restartSocket.Fd, "")

		if restartSocket.Address != portAddr {
			return nil, restartFile

		return &restartSocket, restartFile

	// start 'em all
	for _, lcf := range daemonConfig.GetListen() {
		portName, portAddr := lcf.GetProto(), lcf.GetAddress()
		port := ph[portName]

		if nil == port {
			log.Warnf("ignoring unknown port: %s at %s", portName, portAddr)

		if port.IsStarted {
			log.Warnf("ignoring double startup for port: %s at %s", portName, portAddr)

		listener, err := func() (listener net.Listener, err error) { // it's important that this should be a function, see defer inside
			restartSocket, restartFile := getRestartSocket(restartData, portName, portAddr)

			// this whole fd/file affair is very inconvenient to
			//  since when getRestartSocket() returns fd - it can't close it yet, as it can be used by FileListener
			defer restartFile.Close()

			if restartSocket == nil {
				listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", portAddr)
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("listen failed for server %s at %s: %s", portName, portAddr, err)
				log.Infof("port %s bound to address %s", portName, listener.Addr())

			} else {

				listener, err = net.FileListener(restartFile) // this dup()-s
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("failed to grab parent fd %d for %s at %s: %s", restartSocket.Fd, portName, portAddr, err)

				log.Infof("port %s bound to address %s (parent fd: %d)", portName, listener.Addr(), restartSocket.Fd)

		if err != nil {

		// enable pinba only for ports that explicitly request it
		ps := func() gpbrpc.PinbaSender {
			if !lcf.GetPinbaEnabled() {
				return nil // explicit nil here

			if pinbaSender == nil {
				log.Warnf("pinba is not configured, but pinba_enabled IS set for port %s: %s", portName, portAddr)
				return nil // explicit nil here

			log.Infof("pinba configured for port %s:%s -> %s", portName, portAddr, pinbaSender.Address)
			return pinbaSender

		// slow request log time
		slowRequestTime := time.Duration(daemonConfig.GetSlowRequestMs()) * time.Millisecond

		srv := &Server{
			Name:    lcf.GetProto(),
			Address: lcf.GetAddress(),
			Server:  gpbrpc.NewServer(listener, port.Proto, port.Codec, port.Handler, ps, slowRequestTime),
		go srv.Server.Serve()

		port.IsStarted = true
		StartedServers[port.Name] = srv // save it for laterz

	// kill parent if this is a child of graceful restart
	if restartData != nil {
		syscall.Kill(restartData.PPid, syscall.SIGQUIT)

	log.Infof("entering event loop")

	exitMethod := wait_for_signals()

	if exitMethod == EXIT_GRACEFULLY { // wait for established connections to close and then die

		// FIXME: should stop servers from accepting new connections here!

		const ATTEMPTS_PER_SEC = 2
		maxAttempts := daemonConfig.GetParentWaitTimeout() * ATTEMPTS_PER_SEC

		for i := uint32(0); i < maxAttempts; i++ {
			for _, srv := range StartedServers {
				currConn := atomic.LoadUint64(&srv.Server.Stats.ConnCur)
				if currConn > 0 {
					log.Debugf("%s still has %d connections", srv.Name, currConn)
					time.Sleep(time.Second / ATTEMPTS_PER_SEC)
	} else {
		// do nothing for EXIT_IMMEDIATELY

	// doing cleanups here
	// XXX: can this be moved to defer at the start of this function?
	if pidfile != nil {