Ejemplo n.º 1
// Creates a regular expression from the given pattern string and
// the flags bit field. May throw a JavaScript exception as
// described in ECMA-262,
// For example,
//   NewRegExp("foo", RF_Global | RF_Multiline)
// is equivalent to evaluating "/foo/gm".
func (e *Engine) NewRegExp(pattern string, flags RegExpFlags) *Value {
	patternPtr := unsafe.Pointer((*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&pattern)).Data)

	return newValue(e, C.V8_NewRegExp(
		e.self, (*C.char)(patternPtr), C.int(len(pattern)), C.int(flags),
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Creates a regular expression from the given pattern string and
// the flags bit field. May throw a JavaScript exception as
// described in ECMA-262,
// For example,
//   NewRegExp("foo", RF_Global | RF_Multiline)
// is equivalent to evaluating "/foo/gm".
func (cs ContextScope) NewRegExp(pattern string, flags RegExpFlags) *Value {
	patternPtr := unsafe.Pointer((*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&pattern)).Data)

	return newValue(C.V8_NewRegExp(
		cs.context.self, (*C.char)(patternPtr), C.int(len(pattern)), C.int(flags),