Ejemplo n.º 1
// This function opens a virtual machine on the host
// and returns a VM instance.
// Parameters:
//   VmxFile: The path name of the virtual machine configuration file on the
//   local host.
//   Password: If VM is encrypted, this is the password for VIX to be able to
//   open it.
// Remarks:
//   * This function opens a virtual machine on the host instance
//     The virtual machine is identified by vmxFile, which is a path name to the
//     configuration file (.VMX file) for that virtual machine.
//   * The format of the path name depends on the host operating system.
//     For example, a path name for a Windows host requires backslash as a
//     directory separator, whereas a Linux host requires a forward slash. If the
//     path name includes backslash characters, you need to precede each one with
//     an escape character. For VMware Server 2.x, the path contains a preceeding
//     data store, for example [storage1] vm/vm.vmx.
//   * For VMware Server hosts, a virtual machine must be registered before you
//     can open it. You can register a virtual machine by opening it with the
//     VMware Server Console, through the vmware-cmd command with the register
//     parameter, or with Host.RegisterVM().
//   * For vSphere, the virtual machine opened may not be the one desired if more
//     than one Datacenter contains VmxFile.
//   * To open an encrypted virtual machine, pass its correspondent password.
// Since VMware Workstation 7.0
func (h *Host) OpenVM(vmxFile, password string) (*VM, error) {
	var jobHandle C.VixHandle = C.VIX_INVALID_HANDLE
	var propertyHandle C.VixHandle = C.VIX_INVALID_HANDLE
	var vmHandle C.VixHandle = C.VIX_INVALID_HANDLE
	var err C.VixError = C.VIX_OK

	defer C.Vix_ReleaseHandle(propertyHandle)
	defer C.Vix_ReleaseHandle(jobHandle)

	if password != "" {
		cpassword := C.CString(password)
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpassword))

		err = C.alloc_vm_pwd_proplist(h.handle,

		if C.VIX_OK != err {
			return nil, &Error{
				Operation: "host.OpenVM",
				Code:      int(err & 0xFFFF),
				Text:      C.GoString(C.Vix_GetErrorText(err, nil)),

	cVmxFile := C.CString(vmxFile)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cVmxFile))

	jobHandle = C.VixHost_OpenVM(h.handle,
		nil, // callbackProc
		nil) // clientData

	err = C.get_vix_handle(jobHandle,

	if C.VIX_OK != err {
		return nil, &Error{
			Operation: "host.OpenVM.get_vix_handle",
			Code:      int(err & 0xFFFF),
			Text:      C.GoString(C.Vix_GetErrorText(err, nil)),

	return NewVirtualMachine(vmHandle, vmxFile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Connects to a Provider
// Parameters:
//  config: See type ConnectConfig documentation for details
// Remarks:
//   * To specify the local host (where the API client runs) with VMware
//     Workstation and VMware Player, pass empty values for the hostname, port,
//     login, and password parameters or just don't set them.
//   * With vCenter Server, ESX/ESXi hosts, and VMware Server 2.0, the URL for
//     the hostname argument may specify the port.
//     Otherwise a HTTPS connection is attempted on port 443. HTTPS is strongly
//     recommended.
//     Port numbers are set during installation of Server 2.0. The installer's
//     default HTTP and HTTPS values are 8222 and 8333 for Server on Windows, or
//     (if not already in use) 80 and 443 for Server on Linux, and 902 for the
//     automation socket, authd. If connecting to a virtual machine through a
//     firewall, port 902 and the communicating port must be opened to allow
//     guest operations.
//   * If a VMware ESX host is being managed by a VMware VCenter Server, you
//     should call VixHost_Connect with the hostname or IP address of the VCenter
//     server, not the ESX host.
//     Connecting directly to an ESX host while bypassing its VCenter Server can
//     cause state inconsistency.
//   * On Windows, this function should not be called multiple times with
//     different service providers in the same process; doing so will result in
//     A single client process can connect to multiple hosts as long as it
//     connects using the same service provider type.
//   * To enable SSL certificate verification, set the value of the options
//     parameter to include the bit flag specified by VERIFY_SSL_CERT.
//     This option can also be set in the VMware config file by assigning
//     vix.enableSslCertificateCheck as TRUE or FALSE.
//     The vix.sslCertificateFile config option specifies the path to a file
//     containing CA certificates in PEM format.
//     The vix.sslCertificateDirectory config option can specify a directory
//     containing files that each contain a CA certificate.
//     Upon encountering a SSL validation error, the host handle is not created
//     with a resulting error code of E_NET_HTTP_SSL_SECURITY.
//   * With VMware vCenter Server and ESX/ESXi 4.0 hosts, an existing VI API
//     session can be used instead of the username/password pair to authenticate
//     when connecting. To use an existing VI API session, a VI "clone ticket"
//     is required; call the VI API AcquireCloneTicket() method of the
//     SessionManager object to get this ticket.
//     Using the ticket string returned by this method, call vix.Connect()
//     with "" as the 'username' and the ticket as the 'password'.
// Since VMware Server 1.0
func Connect(config ConnectConfig) (*Host, error) {
	var jobHandle C.VixHandle = C.VIX_INVALID_HANDLE
	var hostHandle C.VixHandle = C.VIX_INVALID_HANDLE
	var err C.VixError = C.VIX_OK

	chostname := C.CString(config.Hostname)
	cusername := C.CString(config.Username)
	cpassword := C.CString(config.Password)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(chostname))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cusername))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpassword))

	jobHandle = C.VixHost_Connect(C.VIX_API_VERSION,
		C.VIX_INVALID_HANDLE, // propertyListHandle
		nil,                  // callbackProc
		nil)                  // clientData

	err = C.get_vix_handle(jobHandle,

	defer C.Vix_ReleaseHandle(jobHandle)

	if C.VIX_OK != err {
		return nil, &Error{
			Operation: "vix.Connect",
			Code:      int(err & 0xFFFF),
			Text:      C.GoString(C.Vix_GetErrorText(err, nil)),

	host := &Host{
		handle:   hostHandle,
		Provider: config.Provider,

	runtime.SetFinalizer(host, cleanupHost)

	return host, nil