Ejemplo n.º 1
func startServer(port int, keyFile, certFile, caCertFile string) *grpc.Server {
	// Arbitrary large numbers so the cleaner never needs to run.
	cache := server.NewCache("src/cache/test_data", 20*time.Hour, 100000, 100000000, 1000000000)
	s, lis := server.BuildGrpcServer(port, cache, keyFile, certFile, caCertFile, "", "")
	go s.Serve(lis)
	return s
Ejemplo n.º 2
func init() {
	osName = runtime.GOOS + "_" + runtime.GOARCH
	label = core.NewBuildLabel("pkg/name", "label_name")
	target = core.NewBuildTarget(label)

	// Arbitrary large numbers so the cleaner never needs to run.
	cache := server.NewCache("src/cache/test_data", 20*time.Hour, 100000, 100000000, 1000000000)
	key, _ = ioutil.ReadFile("src/cache/test_data/testfile")
	testServer := httptest.NewServer(server.BuildRouter(cache))

	config := core.DefaultConfiguration()
	config.Cache.HttpUrl = testServer.URL
	config.Cache.HttpWriteable = true
	httpcache = newHttpCache(config)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func main() {
	cli.ParseFlagsOrDie("Please HTTP cache server", "5.5.0", &opts)
	if opts.LogFile != "" {
		cli.InitFileLogging(opts.LogFile, opts.Verbosity)
	log.Notice("Initialising cache server...")
	cache := server.NewCache(opts.Dir, time.Duration(opts.CleanFlags.CleanFrequency),
		uint64(opts.CleanFlags.LowWaterMark), uint64(opts.CleanFlags.HighWaterMark))
	log.Notice("Starting up http cache server on port %d...", opts.Port)
	router := server.BuildRouter(cache)
	http.Handle("/", router)
	http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", opts.Port), router)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func main() {
	cli.ParseFlagsOrDie("Please RPC cache server", "5.5.0", &opts)
	if opts.LogFile != "" {
		cli.InitFileLogging(opts.LogFile, opts.Verbosity)
	if (opts.TLSFlags.KeyFile == "") != (opts.TLSFlags.CertFile == "") {
		log.Fatalf("Must pass both --key_file and --cert_file if you pass one")
	} else if opts.TLSFlags.KeyFile == "" && (opts.TLSFlags.WritableCerts != "" || opts.TLSFlags.ReadonlyCerts != "") {
		log.Fatalf("You can only use --writable_certs / --readonly_certs with https (--key_file and --cert_file)")
	log.Notice("Scanning existing cache directory %s...", opts.Dir)
	cache := server.NewCache(opts.Dir, time.Duration(opts.CleanFlags.CleanFrequency),
		uint64(opts.CleanFlags.LowWaterMark), uint64(opts.CleanFlags.HighWaterMark))
	log.Notice("Starting up RPC cache server on port %d...", opts.Port)
	server.ServeGrpcForever(opts.Port, cache, opts.TLSFlags.KeyFile, opts.TLSFlags.CertFile,
		opts.TLSFlags.CACertFile, opts.TLSFlags.ReadonlyCerts, opts.TLSFlags.WritableCerts)