Ejemplo n.º 1
func (im *imp) MakeTestData() http.RoundTripper {

	const (
		apiURL        = "https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api"
		nAlbums       = 10 // Arbitrary number of albums generated.
		nEntries      = 3  // number of albums or photos returned in the feed at each call.
		defaultUserId = "default"

	albumsListCached := make(map[int]string)
	okHeader := `HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


	responses := make(map[string]func() *http.Response)

	// register the get albums list calls
	for i := 1; i < nAlbums+1; i += nEntries {
		url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/user/%s?start-index=%d", apiURL, defaultUserId, i)
		response := okHeader + fakeAlbumsList(i, nAlbums, nEntries, albumsListCached)
		responses[url] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)

	// register the get album calls
	for i := 1; i < nAlbums+1; i++ {
		albumId := blob.RefFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Album %d", i)).DigestPrefix(10)
		for j := 1; j < i+1; j += nEntries {
			url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/user/%s/albumid/%s?imgmax=d&start-index=%d", apiURL, defaultUserId, albumId, j)
			// Using i as nTotal argument means album N will have N photos in it.
			response := okHeader + fakePhotosList(j, i, nEntries)
			responses[url] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)

	// register the photo download calls
	pudgyPic := fakePhoto()
	photoURL1 := "https://camlistore.org/pic/pudgy1.png"
	photoURL2 := "https://camlistore.org/pic/pudgy2.png"
	responses[photoURL1] = httputil.FileResponder(pudgyPic)
	responses[photoURL2] = httputil.FileResponder(pudgyPic)

	return httputil.NewFakeTransport(responses)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (im *imp) MakeTestData() http.RoundTripper {
	const (
		fakeMaxId = int64(486450108201201664) // Most recent tweet.
		nTweets   = 300                       // Arbitrary number of tweets generated.
	fakeMinId := fakeMaxId - nTweets // Oldest tweet in our timeline.

	timeLineURL := apiURL + userTimeLineAPIPath
	timeLineCached := make(map[int64]string)
	okHeader := `HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

	timeLineResponse := okHeader + fakeTimeLine(fakeMaxId, fakeMinId, timeLineCached)

	fakePic := fakePicture()
	responses := map[string]func() *http.Response{
		timeLineURL: httputil.StaticResponder(timeLineResponse),
		fmt.Sprintf("%s?count=%d&user_id=fakeUserID", timeLineURL, tweetRequestLimit): httputil.StaticResponder(timeLineResponse),
		"https://twitpic.com/show/large/bar":                                          httputil.FileResponder(fakePic),
		"https://i.imgur.com/foo.gif":                                                 httputil.FileResponder(fakePic),

	// register all the user_timeline calls (max_id varies) that should occur,
	responses[fmt.Sprintf("%s?count=%d&max_id=%d&user_id=fakeUserID", timeLineURL, tweetRequestLimit, fakeMaxId-nTweets+1)] = httputil.StaticResponder(okHeader + fakeTimeLine(fakeMaxId-nTweets+1, fakeMinId, timeLineCached))
	if nTweets > tweetRequestLimit {
		// that is, once every tweetRequestLimit-1, going down from fakeMaxId.
		for i := fakeMaxId; i > fakeMinId; i -= tweetRequestLimit - 1 {
			responses[fmt.Sprintf("%s?count=%d&max_id=%d&user_id=fakeUserID", timeLineURL, tweetRequestLimit, i)] = httputil.StaticResponder(okHeader + fakeTimeLine(i, fakeMinId, timeLineCached))

	// register all the possible combinations of media twimg
	for _, scheme := range []string{"http://", "https://"} {
		for _, picsize := range []string{"thumb", "small", "medium", "large"} {
			responses[fmt.Sprintf("%spbs.twimg.com/media/foo.jpg:%s", scheme, picsize)] = httputil.FileResponder(fakePic)
			responses[fmt.Sprintf("%spbs.twimg.com/media/bar.png:%s", scheme, picsize)] = httputil.FileResponder(fakePic)

	return httputil.NewFakeTransport(responses)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (im *imp) MakeTestData() http.RoundTripper {

	const nCheckins = 150 // Arbitrary number of checkins generated.

	// if you add another venue, make sure the venueCounter reset
	// in fakeCheckinsList allows for that case to happen.
	// We could use global vars instead, but don't want to pollute the
	// fousquare pkg namespace.
	towns := map[int]*venueLocationItem{
		0: {
			Address:    "Baker street",
			City:       "Dublin",
			PostalCode: "0",
			State:      "none",
			Country:    "Ireland",
			Lat:        53.4053427,
			Lng:        -8.3320801,
		1: {
			Address:    "Fish&Ships street",
			City:       "London",
			PostalCode: "1",
			State:      "none",
			Country:    "England",
			Lat:        55.3617609,
			Lng:        -3.4433238,
		2: {
			Address:    "Haggis street",
			City:       "Glasgow",
			PostalCode: "2",
			State:      "none",
			Country:    "Scotland",
			Lat:        57.7394571,
			Lng:        -4.686997,
		3: {
			Address:    "rue du croissant",
			City:       "Grenoble",
			PostalCode: "38000",
			State:      "none",
			Country:    "France",
			Lat:        45.1841655,
			Lng:        5.7155424,
		4: {
			Address:    "burrito street",
			City:       "San Francisco",
			PostalCode: "94114",
			State:      "CA",
			Country:    "US",
			Lat:        37.7593625,
			Lng:        -122.4266995,

	// We need to compute the venueIds in advance, because the venue id is used as a parameter
	// in some of the requests we need to register.
	var venueIds []string
	for _, v := range towns {
		venueIds = append(venueIds, blob.RefFromString(v.City).DigestPrefix(10))

	checkinsURL := apiURL + checkinsAPIPath
	checkinsListCached := make(map[int]string)
	okHeader := `HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


	responses := make(map[string]func() *http.Response)

	// register all the checkins calls; offset varies.
	for i := 0; i < nCheckins; i += checkinsRequestLimit {
		url := fmt.Sprintf("%s?limit=%d&oauth_token=fakeAccessToken&offset=%d&v=%s",
			checkinsURL, checkinsRequestLimit, i, apiVersion)
		response := okHeader + fakeCheckinsList(i, nCheckins, towns, checkinsListCached)
		responses[url] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)

	// register all the venue photos calls (venueId varies)
	photosURL := apiURL + "venues"
	photosResponse := okHeader + fakePhotosList()
	for _, id := range venueIds {
		url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/photos?limit=%d&oauth_token=fakeAccessToken&v=%s",
			photosURL, id, photosRequestLimit, apiVersion)
		responses[url] = httputil.StaticResponder(photosResponse)

	// register the photoitem calls
	pudgyPic := fakePhoto()
	photoURL := "https://camlistore.org/pic/pudgy.png"
	originalPhotoURL := "https://camlistore.org/original/pic/pudgy.png"
	iconURL := "https://camlistore.org/bg_88/pic/pudgy.png"
	responses[photoURL] = httputil.FileResponder(pudgyPic)
	responses[originalPhotoURL] = httputil.FileResponder(pudgyPic)
	responses[iconURL] = httputil.FileResponder(pudgyPic)

	return httputil.NewFakeTransport(responses)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (im imp) MakeTestData() http.RoundTripper {
	const (
		nPhotosets = 5 // Arbitrary number of sets.
		perPage    = 3 // number of photos per page (both when getting sets and when getting photos).
		fakeUserId = "fakeUserId"
	// Photoset N has N photos, so we've got 15 ( = 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) photos in total.
	var nPhotos int
	for i := 1; i <= nPhotosets; i++ {
		nPhotos += i
	nPhotosPages := nPhotos / perPage
	if nPhotos%perPage != 0 {

	okHeader := `HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


	// TODO(mpl): this scheme does not take into account that we could have the same photo
	// in different albums. These two photos will end up with a different photoId.
	buildPhotoIds := func(nsets, perPage int) []string {
		var ids []string
		for i := 1; i <= nsets; i++ {
			photosetId := blob.RefFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Photoset %d", i)).DigestPrefix(10)
			page := 1
			// Photoset N has N photos.
			indexOnPage := 1
			for j := 1; j <= i; j++ {
				photoId := blob.RefFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Photo %d on page %d of photoset %s", indexOnPage, page, photosetId)).DigestPrefix(10)
				ids = append(ids, photoId)
				if indexOnPage > perPage {
					indexOnPage = 1
		return ids
	photoIds := buildPhotoIds(nPhotosets, perPage)

	responses := make(map[string]func() *http.Response)
	// Initial photo sets list
	photosetsURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?format=json&method=%s&nojsoncallback=1&user_id=%s", apiURL, photosetsAPIPath, fakeUserId)
	response := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", okHeader, fakePhotosetsList(nPhotosets))
	responses[photosetsURL] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)

	// All the photoset calls. One call for each page of each photoset.
	// Each page as perPage photos, or maybe less if end of the photoset.
		pageStart := 0
		albumEnd, pageEnd, albumNum, pages, page := 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
		photosetId := blob.RefFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Photoset %d", albumNum)).DigestPrefix(10)
		photosURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?extras=original_format&format=json&method=%s&nojsoncallback=1&page=%d&photoset_id=%s&user_id=%s",
			apiURL, photosetAPIPath, page, photosetId, fakeUserId)
		response := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", okHeader, fakePhotoset(photosetId, page, pages, photoIds[pageStart:pageEnd]))
		responses[photosURL] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)
		for k, _ := range photoIds {
			if k < pageEnd {
			pageStart = k
			pageEnd = k + perPage
			if page > pages {
				page = 1
				pages = albumNum / perPage
				if albumNum%perPage != 0 {
				albumEnd = pageStart + albumNum
				photosetId = blob.RefFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Photoset %d", albumNum)).DigestPrefix(10)
			if pageEnd > albumEnd {
				pageEnd = albumEnd
			photosURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?extras=original_format&format=json&method=%s&nojsoncallback=1&page=%d&photoset_id=%s&user_id=%s",
				apiURL, photosetAPIPath, page, photosetId, fakeUserId)
			response := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", okHeader, fakePhotoset(photosetId, page, pages, photoIds[pageStart:pageEnd]))
			responses[photosURL] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)

	// All the photo page calls (to get the photos info).
	// Each page has perPage photos, until end of photos.
	for i := 1; i <= nPhotosPages; i++ {
		photosURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s?extras=", apiURL) +
			url.QueryEscape("description,date_upload,date_taken,original_format,last_update,geo,tags,machine_tags,views,media,url_o") +
			fmt.Sprintf("&format=json&method=%s&nojsoncallback=1&page=%d&user_id=%s", photosAPIPath, i, fakeUserId)
		response := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", okHeader, fakePhotosPage(i, nPhotosPages, perPage, photoIds))
		responses[photosURL] = httputil.StaticResponder(response)

	// Actual photo(s) URL.
	pudgyPic := fakePicture()
	for _, v := range photoIds {
		photoURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2897/14198397111_%s_o.jpg?user_id=%s", v, fakeUserId)
		responses[photoURL] = httputil.FileResponder(pudgyPic)

	return httputil.NewFakeTransport(responses)
Ejemplo n.º 5
func newGeocodeContext() *context.Context {
	url := "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Uitdam&sensor=false"
	transport := httputil.NewFakeTransport(map[string]func() *http.Response{url: httputil.StaticResponder(uitdamGoogle)})
	return context.New(context.WithHTTPClient(&http.Client{Transport: transport}))