Ejemplo n.º 1
	BeforeEach(func() {
		logger = lagertest.NewTestLogger("test")
		natsPort = test_util.NextAvailPort()
		natsRunner = test_util.NewNATSRunner(int(natsPort))

		proxyPort := test_util.NextAvailPort()
		statusPort := test_util.NextAvailPort()

		sslPort := test_util.NextAvailPort()

		cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("../test/assets/certs/server.pem", "../test/assets/certs/server.key")

		config = test_util.SpecConfig(statusPort, proxyPort, natsPort)
		config.EnableSSL = true
		config.SSLPort = sslPort
		config.SSLCertificate = cert
		config.CipherSuites = []uint16{tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA}
		config.EndpointTimeout = 5 * time.Second

		mbusClient = natsRunner.MessageBus
		registry = rregistry.NewRouteRegistry(logger, config, new(fakes.FakeRouteRegistryReporter))
		varz = vvarz.NewVarz(registry)
		logcounter := schema.NewLogCounter()
		atomic.StoreInt32(&healthCheck, 0)
		p = proxy.NewProxy(proxy.ProxyArgs{
			Logger:               logger,
			EndpointTimeout:      config.EndpointTimeout,
			Ip:                   config.Ip,
Ejemplo n.º 2

	configDrainSetup := func(cfg *config.Config, pruneInterval, pruneThreshold, drainWait int) {
		// ensure the threshold is longer than the interval that we check,
		// because we set the route's timestamp to time.Now() on the interval
		// as part of pausing
		cfg.PruneStaleDropletsInterval = time.Duration(pruneInterval) * time.Second
		cfg.DropletStaleThreshold = time.Duration(pruneThreshold) * time.Second
		cfg.StartResponseDelayInterval = 1 * time.Second
		cfg.EndpointTimeout = 5 * time.Second
		cfg.DrainTimeout = 1 * time.Second
		cfg.DrainWait = time.Duration(drainWait) * time.Second

	createConfig := func(cfgFile string, statusPort, proxyPort uint16, pruneInterval, pruneThreshold, drainWait int, suspendPruning bool, natsPorts ...uint16) *config.Config {
		cfg := test_util.SpecConfig(statusPort, proxyPort, natsPorts...)

		configDrainSetup(cfg, pruneInterval, pruneThreshold, drainWait)

		cfg.SuspendPruningIfNatsUnavailable = suspendPruning
		caCertsPath := filepath.Join("test", "assets", "certs", "uaa-ca.pem")
		caCertsPath, err := filepath.Abs(caCertsPath)
		cfg.LoadBalancerHealthyThreshold = 0
		cfg.OAuth = config.OAuthConfig{
			TokenEndpoint:     "",
			Port:              8443,
			ClientName:        "client-id",
			ClientSecret:      "client-secret",
			SkipSSLValidation: false,
			CACerts:           caCertsPath,