Ejemplo n.º 1
func (s *StandaloneSuite) TestUploadToStubKeepServerBufferReader(c *C) {

	st := StubPutHandler{
		make(chan string)}

	UploadToStubHelper(c, st,
		func(kc *KeepClient, url string, reader io.ReadCloser,
			writer io.WriteCloser, upload_status chan uploadStatus) {

			tr := streamer.AsyncStreamFromReader(512, reader)
			defer tr.Close()

			br1 := tr.MakeStreamReader()

			go kc.uploadToKeepServer(url, st.expectPath, br1, upload_status, 3, "TestUploadToStubKeepServerBufferReader")



			status := <-upload_status
			c.Check(status, DeepEquals, uploadStatus{nil, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", url, st.expectPath), 200, 1, ""})

	log.Printf("TestUploadToStubKeepServerBufferReader done")
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Put a block given the block hash, a reader, and the number of bytes
// to read from the reader (which must be between 0 and BLOCKSIZE).
// Returns the locator for the written block, the number of replicas
// written, and an error.
// Returns an InsufficientReplicas error if 0 <= replicas <
// kc.Wants_replicas.
func (kc *KeepClient) PutHR(hash string, r io.Reader, dataBytes int64) (string, int, error) {
	// Buffer for reads from 'r'
	var bufsize int
	if dataBytes > 0 {
		if dataBytes > BLOCKSIZE {
			return "", 0, OversizeBlockError
		bufsize = int(dataBytes)
	} else {
		bufsize = BLOCKSIZE

	t := streamer.AsyncStreamFromReader(bufsize, HashCheckingReader{r, md5.New(), hash})
	defer t.Close()

	return kc.putReplicas(hash, t, dataBytes)