Ejemplo n.º 1
// Start architecture
func Start(a *archV0r1) {
	var r string
	if archaius.Conf.Population < 1 {
		log.Fatal("architecture: can't create less than 1 microservice")
	} else {
		log.Printf("architecture: scaling to %v%%", archaius.Conf.Population)
	asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone

	for _, s := range a.Services {
		log.Printf("Starting: %v\n", s)
		r = asgard.Create(s.Name, s.Gopackage, s.Regions*archaius.Conf.Regions, s.Count*archaius.Conf.Population/100, s.Dependencies...)
	asgard.Run(r, a.Victim) // run the last service in the list, and point chaos monkey at the victim
Ejemplo n.º 2
// main handles command line flags and starts up an architecture
func main() {
	flag.StringVar(&archaius.Conf.Arch, "a", "netflixoss", "Architecture to create or read, fsm, lamp, migration, netflixoss or json/????_arch.json")
	flag.IntVar(&archaius.Conf.Population, "p", 100, "Pirate population for fsm or scale factor % for netflixoss etc.")
	flag.IntVar(&duration, "d", 10, "Simulation duration in seconds")
	flag.IntVar(&archaius.Conf.Regions, "w", 1, "Wide area regions")
	flag.BoolVar(&graphmlEnabled, "g", false, "Enable GraphML logging of nodes and edges to <arch>.graphml")
	flag.BoolVar(&graphjsonEnabled, "j", false, "Enable GraphJSON logging of nodes and edges to <arch>.json")
	flag.BoolVar(&archaius.Conf.Msglog, "m", false, "Enable console logging of every message")
	flag.BoolVar(&reload, "r", false, "Reload json/<arch>.json to setup architecture")
	flag.BoolVar(&archaius.Conf.Collect, "c", false, "Collect metrics to json/<arch>_metrics.json and via http:")
	flag.IntVar(&archaius.Conf.StopStep, "s", 0, "Stop creating microservices at this step, 0 = don't stop")
	flag.StringVar(&archaius.Conf.EurekaPoll, "u", "1s", "Polling interval for Eureka name service")
	flag.BoolVar(&archaius.Conf.Filter, "f", false, "Filter output names to simplify graph")
	flag.IntVar(&cpucount, "cpus", runtime.NumCPU(), "Number of CPUs for Go runtime")
	var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "Write cpu profile to file")
	if *cpuprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
		if err != nil {
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
	if archaius.Conf.Collect {
		collect.Serve(8123) // start web server at port
	if graphjsonEnabled || graphmlEnabled {
		if graphjsonEnabled {
			archaius.Conf.GraphjsonFile = archaius.Conf.Arch
		if graphmlEnabled {
			archaius.Conf.GraphmlFile = archaius.Conf.Arch
		// make a buffered channel so logging can start before edda is scheduled
		edda.Logchan = make(chan gotocol.Message, 100)
	archaius.Conf.RunDuration = time.Duration(duration) * time.Second
	// start up the selected architecture
	go edda.Start(archaius.Conf.Arch + ".edda") // start edda first
	if reload {
		asgard.Run(asgard.Reload(archaius.Conf.Arch), "")
	} else {
		switch archaius.Conf.Arch {
		case "fsm":
		//case "netflixoss":  replaced by json_arch/netflixoss_arch.json
		//	netflixoss.Start()
		//case "lamp":  replaced by json_arch/lamp_arch.json
		//	lamp.Start()
		case "migration":
			migration.Start() // step by step from lamp to netflixoss
			a := architecture.ReadArch(archaius.Conf.Arch)
			if a == nil {
				log.Fatal("Architecture " + archaius.Conf.Arch + " isn't recognized")
			} else {
	log.Println("spigo: complete")
	// stop edda if it's running and wait for edda to flush messages
	if edda.Logchan != nil {
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Start lamp to netflixoss step by step migration
func Start() {
	regions := archaius.Conf.Regions
	if archaius.Conf.Population < 1 {
		log.Fatal("migration: can't create less than 1 microservice")
	} else {
		log.Printf("migration: scaling to %v%%", archaius.Conf.Population)
	// Build the configuration step by step
	// start mysql data store layer, which connects to itself
	mysqlcount := 2
	sname := "rds-mysql"
	// start memcached layer, only one per region
	mname := "memcache"
	mcount := 1
	if archaius.Conf.StopStep >= 3 {
		// start evcache layer, one per zone
		mname = "evcache"
		mcount = 3
	// priam managed Cassandra cluster, turtle because it's used to configure other clusters
	priamCassandracount := 12 * archaius.Conf.Population / 100
	cname := "cassTurtle"
	// staash data access layer connects to mysql master and slave, and evcache
	staashcount := 6 * archaius.Conf.Population / 100
	tname := "turtle"
	//  php business logic, we can create a network of simple services from the karyon package
	phpcount := 9 * archaius.Conf.Population / 100
	pname := "php"
	// some node microservice logic, we can create a network of simple services from the karyon package
	nodecount := 9 * archaius.Conf.Population / 100
	nname := "node"
	// zuul api proxies and insert between elb and php
	zuulcount := 9 * archaius.Conf.Population / 100
	zuname := "wwwproxy"
	// AWS elastic load balancer
	elbname := "www-elb"
	// DNS endpoint
	dns := "www"
	switch archaius.Conf.StopStep {
	case 0: // basic LAMP
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(sname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mysqlcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.MonolithPkg, regions, phpcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, pname)
	case 1: // basic LAMP with memcache
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(sname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mysqlcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.MonolithPkg, regions, phpcount, sname, mname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, pname)
	case 2: // LAMP with zuul and memcache
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(sname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mysqlcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.MonolithPkg, regions, phpcount, sname, mname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 3: // LAMP with zuul and staash and evcache
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(sname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mysqlcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, sname, mname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 4: // added node microservice
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(sname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mysqlcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, sname, mname, cname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(nname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, nodecount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname, nname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 5: // added cassandra alongside mysql
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(cname, asgard.PriamCassandraPkg, regions, priamCassandracount, cname)
		asgard.Create(sname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mysqlcount, sname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, sname, mname, cname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(nname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, nodecount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname, nname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 6: // removed mysql so that multi-region will work properly
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(cname, asgard.PriamCassandraPkg, regions, priamCassandracount, cname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, mname, cname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(nname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, nodecount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname, nname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 7: // set two regions with disconnected priamCassandra
		regions = 2
		archaius.Conf.Regions = regions
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(cname, asgard.PriamCassandraPkg, regions, priamCassandracount, cname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, mname, cname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(nname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, nodecount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname, nname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 8: // set two regions with connected priamCassandra
		regions = 2
		archaius.Conf.Regions = regions
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(cname, asgard.PriamCassandraPkg, regions, priamCassandracount, "eureka", cname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, mname, cname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(nname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, nodecount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname, nname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	case 9: // set three regions with disconnected priamCassandra
		regions = 3
		archaius.Conf.Regions = regions
		asgard.CreateEureka() // service registries for each zone
		asgard.Create(cname, asgard.PriamCassandraPkg, regions, priamCassandracount, "eureka", cname)
		asgard.Create(mname, asgard.StorePkg, regions, mcount)
		asgard.Create(tname, asgard.StaashPkg, regions, staashcount, mname, cname)
		asgard.Create(pname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, phpcount, tname)
		asgard.Create(nname, asgard.KaryonPkg, regions, nodecount, tname)
		asgard.Create(zuname, asgard.ZuulPkg, regions, zuulcount, pname, nname)
		asgard.Create(elbname, asgard.ElbPkg, regions, 0, zuname)
	dnsname := asgard.Create(dns, asgard.DenominatorPkg, 0, 0, elbname)
	asgard.Run(dnsname, "")