Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: s3.go Proyecto: ncw/rclone
// Update the Object from in with modTime and size
func (o *Object) Update(in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo) error {
	modTime := src.ModTime()

	uploader := s3manager.NewUploader(o.fs.ses, func(u *s3manager.Uploader) {
		u.Concurrency = 2
		u.LeavePartsOnError = false
		u.S3 = o.fs.c
		u.PartSize = s3manager.MinUploadPartSize
		size := src.Size()

		// Adjust PartSize until the number of parts is small enough.
		if size/u.PartSize >= s3manager.MaxUploadParts {
			// Calculate partition size rounded up to the nearest MB
			u.PartSize = (((size / s3manager.MaxUploadParts) >> 20) + 1) << 20

	// Set the mtime in the meta data
	metadata := map[string]*string{
		metaMtime: aws.String(swift.TimeToFloatString(modTime)),

	// Guess the content type
	mimeType := fs.MimeType(src)

	key := o.fs.root + o.remote
	req := s3manager.UploadInput{
		Bucket:      &o.fs.bucket,
		ACL:         &o.fs.acl,
		Key:         &key,
		Body:        in,
		ContentType: &mimeType,
		Metadata:    metadata,
		//ContentLength: &size,
	if o.fs.sse != "" {
		req.ServerSideEncryption = &o.fs.sse
	if o.fs.storageClass != "" {
		req.StorageClass = &o.fs.storageClass
	_, err := uploader.Upload(&req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Read the metadata from the newly created object
	o.meta = nil // wipe old metadata
	err = o.readMetaData()
	return err
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: s3.go Proyecto: egidijus/s3
func (self *S3Filesystem) Create(src File) error {
	var fullpath string
	if self.path == "" || strings.HasSuffix(self.path, "/") {
		fullpath = filepath.Join(self.path, src.Relative())
	} else {
		fullpath = self.path
	input := s3manager.UploadInput{
		ACL:    aws.String(acl),
		Bucket: aws.String(self.bucket),
		Key:    aws.String(fullpath),

	switch t := src.(type) {
	case *S3File:
		// special case for S3File to preserve header information
		getObjectInput := s3.GetObjectInput{
			Bucket: aws.String(t.bucket),
			Key:    t.object.Key,
		output, err := self.conn.GetObject(&getObjectInput)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer output.Body.Close()
		input.Body = output.Body
		// transfer existing headers across
		input.ContentType = output.ContentType
		// input.LastModified = output.LastModified
		input.StorageClass = output.StorageClass
		reader, err := src.Reader()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		input.Body = reader
		defer reader.Close()
		input.ContentType = aws.String(guessMimeType(src.Relative()))

	u := s3manager.NewUploaderWithClient(self.conn)
	_, err := u.Upload(&input)
	return err