Ejemplo n.º 1
func cleanupDomain(r53 *route53.Route53, id string) {
	// delete all non-default SOA/NS records
	rrsets, err := cli53.ListAllRecordSets(r53, id)
	changes := []*route53.Change{}
	for _, rrset := range rrsets {
		if *rrset.Type != "NS" && *rrset.Type != "SOA" {
			change := &route53.Change{
				Action:            aws.String("DELETE"),
				ResourceRecordSet: rrset,
			changes = append(changes, change)

	if len(changes) > 0 {
		req2 := route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsInput{
			HostedZoneId: &id,
			ChangeBatch: &route53.ChangeBatch{
				Changes: changes,
		_, err = r53.ChangeResourceRecordSets(&req2)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Warning: cleanup failed - %s\n", err)

	req3 := route53.DeleteHostedZoneInput{Id: &id}
	_, err = r53.DeleteHostedZone(&req3)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Warning: cleanup failed - %s\n", err)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func hasRecord(name, record string) bool {
	r53 := getService()
	zone := domainZone(name)
	rrsets, err := cli53.ListAllRecordSets(r53, *zone.Id)

	for _, rrset := range rrsets {
		rrs := cli53.ConvertRRSetToBind(rrset)
		cli53.UnexpandSelfAliases(rrs, zone, false)
		for _, rr := range rrs {
			line := rr.String()
			line = strings.Replace(line, "\t", " ", -1)
			if record == line {
				return true
	return false
Ejemplo n.º 3
func init() {
	Before("", func() {
		// randomize temporary test domain name
		World["$domain"] = fmt.Sprintf("example%s.com", uniqueReference())

	After("", func() {
		delete(World, "$domain")
		delete(World, "$delegationSet")
		if len(cleanupIds) > 0 {
			// cleanup
			r53 := getService()
			for _, id := range cleanupIds {
				cleanupDomain(r53, id)
			cleanupIds = []string{}
		if len(cleanupDSIds) > 0 {
			// cleanup
			r53 := getService()
			for _, id := range cleanupDSIds {
				cleanupReusableDelegationSet(r53, id)
			cleanupDSIds = []string{}

	Given(`^I have a domain "(.+?)"$`, func(name string) {
		name = domain(name)
		// create a test domain
		r53 := getService()
		callerReference := uniqueReference()
		req := route53.CreateHostedZoneInput{
			CallerReference: &callerReference,
			Name:            &name,
		resp, err := r53.CreateHostedZone(&req)
		cleanupIds = append(cleanupIds, *resp.HostedZone.Id)

	Given(`^I have a delegation set$`, func() {
		r53 := getService()
		callerReference := uniqueReference()
		req := route53.CreateReusableDelegationSetInput{
			CallerReference: &callerReference,
		resp, err := r53.CreateReusableDelegationSet(&req)
		id := *resp.DelegationSet.Id
		World["$delegationSet"] = id
		cleanupDSIds = append(cleanupDSIds, id)

	When(`^I run "(.+?)"$`, func(cmd string) {
		cmd = replaceMagics(cmd)
		args := safeSplit(cmd)
		if os.Getenv("COVERAGE") != "" {
			args = coverageArgs(args)
		ps := exec.Command("./"+args[0], args[1:]...)
		out, err := ps.CombinedOutput()
		if err != nil {
			T.Errorf("Error: %s Output: %s", err, out)
		} else {
			runOutput = string(out)

	When(`^I execute "(.+?)"$`, func(cmd string) {
		cmd = domain(cmd)
		args := safeSplit(cmd)
		ps := exec.Command("./"+args[0], args[1:]...)
		out, err := ps.CombinedOutput()
		runOutput = string(out)
		if err, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
			waitStatus := err.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
			retCode = waitStatus.ExitStatus()
		} else if err != nil {
			T.Errorf("Error: %s Output: %s", err, out)
		} else {
			runOutput = string(out)

	Then(`^the domain "(.+?)" is created$`, func(name string) {
		name = domain(name)
		id := domainId(name)
		if id == "" {
			T.Errorf("Domain %s was not created", name)
		} else {
			cleanupIds = append(cleanupIds, id)

	Then(`^the domain "(.+?)" is deleted$`, func(name string) {
		name = domain(name)
		id := domainId(name)
		if id == "" {
			cleanupIds = []string{} // drop from cleanupIds
		} else {
			T.Errorf("Domain %s was not deleted", name)
			cleanupIds = append(cleanupIds, id)

	Then(`^the domain "(.+?)" has (\d+) records$`, func(name string, expected int) {
		name = domain(name)
		r53 := getService()
		id := domainId(name)
		rrsets, err := cli53.ListAllRecordSets(r53, id)
		actual := len(rrsets)
		if expected != actual {
			T.Errorf("Domain %s: Expected %d records, actually %d records ", name, expected, actual)

	Then(`^the domain "(.+?)" has record "(.+)"$`, func(name, record string) {
		name = domain(name)
		record = domain(record)
		if !hasRecord(name, record) {
			T.Errorf("Domain %s: missing record %s", name, record)

	Then(`^the domain "(.+?)" doesn't have record "(.+)"$`, func(name, record string) {
		name = domain(name)
		record = domain(record)
		if hasRecord(name, record) {
			T.Errorf("Domain %s: present record %s", name, record)

	Then(`^the domain "(.+?)" export matches file "(.+?)"( including auth)?$`, func(name, filename, auth string) {
		name = domain(name)
		r53 := getService()
		zone := domainZone(name)
		out := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cli53.ExportBindToWriter(r53, zone, false, out)
		actual := out.Bytes()
		rfile, err := os.Open(filename)
		defer rfile.Close()
		expected, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rfile)

		errors := compareDomains(expected, actual, auth != "")
		if len(errors) > 0 {

	Then(`^the output contains "(.+?)"$`, func(s string) {
		s = unquote(domain(s))
		if !strings.Contains(runOutput, s) {
			T.Errorf("Output did not contain \"%s\"\nactual: %s", s, runOutput)

	Then(`^the output matches "(.+?)"$`, func(s string) {
		re, err := regexp.Compile(s)
		match := re.FindStringSubmatch(runOutput)
		if match == nil {
			T.Errorf("Output did not match \"%s\"", s)
		backReferences = match

	Then(`^the exit code was (\d+)$`, func(code int) {
		if code != retCode {
			T.Errorf("Exit code expected: %d != actual: %d", code, retCode)

	Then(`^the delegation set "(.+?)" is created$`, func(id string) {
		id = replaceMagics(id)
		ds := reusableDelegationSet(id)
		if ds == nil {
			T.Errorf("Reusable delegation set %s was not created", id)
		} else {
			cleanupDSIds = append(cleanupDSIds, id)

	Then(`^the delegation set "(.+?)" is deleted$`, func(id string) {
		id = replaceMagics(id)
		ds := reusableDelegationSet(id)
		if ds == nil {
			cleanupDSIds = []string{}
		} else {
			T.Errorf("Reusable delegation set %s was not deleted", id)
			cleanupDSIds = append(cleanupDSIds, id)