Ejemplo n.º 1
// consensusChecksum grabs a checksum of the consensus set by pushing all of
// the elements in sorted order into a merkle tree and taking the root. All
// consensus sets with the same current block should have identical consensus
// checksums.
func consensusChecksum(tx *bolt.Tx) crypto.Hash {
	// Create a checksum tree.
	tree := crypto.NewTree()

	// For all of the constant buckets, push every key and every value. Buckets
	// are sorted in byte-order, therefore this operation is deterministic.
	consensusSetBuckets := []*bolt.Bucket{
	for i := range consensusSetBuckets {
		err := consensusSetBuckets[i].ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)

	// Iterate through all the buckets looking for buckets prefixed with
	// prefixDSCO or prefixFCEX. Buckets are presented in byte-sorted order by
	// name.
	err := tx.ForEach(func(name []byte, b *bolt.Bucket) error {
		// If the bucket is not a delayed siacoin output bucket or a file
		// contract expiration bucket, skip.
		if !bytes.HasPrefix(name, prefixDSCO) && !bytes.HasPrefix(name, prefixFCEX) {
			return nil

		// The bucket is a prefixed bucket - add all elements to the tree.
		return b.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	return tree.Root()
Ejemplo n.º 2
// refreshDB saves, deletes, and then restores all of the buckets in the
// database. This eliminates bugs during reorgs. The exact source of the bugs
// is unknown, but the problem is that after excessive use by Sia, calling
// Delete on a bucket will occasionally delete many more elements than the
// single element being targeted. It is strongly suspected that this is due to
// an error in the boltdb code, but the source remains unknown for the time
// being. Refreshing the database between blocks has solved the issue for the
// time being - it is currently unknown whether large blocks are able to
// trigger the error, but it is suspected that large blocks are safe.
func refreshDB(tx *bolt.Tx) {
	// Get a list of buckets.
	var bucketNames [][]byte
	err := tx.ForEach(func(bucketName []byte, _ *bolt.Bucket) error {
		bucketNames = append(bucketNames, bucketName)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	for _, bucketName := range bucketNames {
		var keys [][]byte
		var values [][]byte
		err := tx.Bucket(bucketName).ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
			keys = append(keys, k)
			values = append(values, v)
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)

		err = tx.DeleteBucket(bucketName)
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)
		bucket, err := tx.CreateBucket(bucketName)
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)
		for i := range keys {
			err := bucket.Put(keys[i], values[i])
			if err != nil {
				manageErr(tx, err)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// checkDSCOs scans the sets of delayed siacoin outputs and checks for
// consistency.
func checkDSCOs(tx *bolt.Tx) {
	// Create a map to track which delayed siacoin output maps exist, and
	// another map to track which ids have appeared in the dsco set.
	dscoTracker := make(map[types.BlockHeight]struct{})
	idMap := make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]struct{})

	// Iterate through all the buckets looking for the delayed siacoin output
	// buckets, and check that they are for the correct heights.
	err := tx.ForEach(func(name []byte, b *bolt.Bucket) error {
		// If the bucket is not a delayed siacoin output bucket or a file
		// contract expiration bucket, skip.
		if !bytes.HasPrefix(name, prefixDSCO) {
			return nil

		// Add the bucket to the dscoTracker.
		var height types.BlockHeight
		err := encoding.Unmarshal(name[len(prefixDSCO):], &height)
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)
		_, exists := dscoTracker[height]
		if exists {
			return errors.New("repeat dsco map")
		dscoTracker[height] = struct{}{}

		var total types.Currency
		err = b.ForEach(func(idBytes, delayedOutput []byte) error {
			// Check that the output id has not appeared in another dsco.
			var id types.SiacoinOutputID
			copy(id[:], idBytes)
			_, exists := idMap[id]
			if exists {
				return errors.New("repeat delayed siacoin output")
			idMap[id] = struct{}{}

			// Sum the funds in the bucket.
			var sco types.SiacoinOutput
			err := encoding.Unmarshal(delayedOutput, &sco)
			if err != nil {
				manageErr(tx, err)
			total = total.Add(sco.Value)
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Check that the minimum value has been achieved - the coinbase from
		// an earlier block is guaranteed to be in the bucket.
		minimumValue := types.CalculateCoinbase(height - types.MaturityDelay)
		if total.Cmp(minimumValue) < 0 {
			return errors.New("total number of coins in the delayed output bucket is incorrect")
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	// Check that all of the correct heights are represented.
	currentHeight := blockHeight(tx)
	expectedBuckets := 0
	for i := currentHeight + 1; i <= currentHeight+types.MaturityDelay; i++ {
		if i < types.MaturityDelay {
		_, exists := dscoTracker[i]
		if !exists {
			manageErr(tx, errors.New("missing a dsco bucket"))
	if len(dscoTracker) != expectedBuckets {
		manageErr(tx, errors.New("too many dsco buckets"))
Ejemplo n.º 4
// checkSiacoinCount checks that the number of siacoins countable within the
// consensus set equal the expected number of siacoins for the block height.
func checkSiacoinCount(tx *bolt.Tx) {
	// Iterate through all the buckets looking for the delayed siacoin output
	// buckets, and check that they are for the correct heights.
	var dscoSiacoins types.Currency
	err := tx.ForEach(func(name []byte, b *bolt.Bucket) error {
		// Check if the bucket is a delayed siacoin output bucket.
		if !bytes.HasPrefix(name, prefixDSCO) {
			return nil

		// Sum up the delayed outputs in this bucket.
		err := b.ForEach(func(_, delayedOutput []byte) error {
			var sco types.SiacoinOutput
			err := encoding.Unmarshal(delayedOutput, &sco)
			if err != nil {
				manageErr(tx, err)
			dscoSiacoins = dscoSiacoins.Add(sco.Value)
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	// Add all of the siacoin outputs.
	var scoSiacoins types.Currency
	err = tx.Bucket(SiacoinOutputs).ForEach(func(_, scoBytes []byte) error {
		var sco types.SiacoinOutput
		err := encoding.Unmarshal(scoBytes, &sco)
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)
		scoSiacoins = scoSiacoins.Add(sco.Value)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	// Add all of the payouts from file contracts.
	var fcSiacoins types.Currency
	err = tx.Bucket(FileContracts).ForEach(func(_, fcBytes []byte) error {
		var fc types.FileContract
		err := encoding.Unmarshal(fcBytes, &fc)
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)
		var fcCoins types.Currency
		for _, output := range fc.ValidProofOutputs {
			fcCoins = fcCoins.Add(output.Value)
		fcSiacoins = fcSiacoins.Add(fcCoins)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	// Add all of the siafund claims.
	var claimSiacoins types.Currency
	err = tx.Bucket(SiafundOutputs).ForEach(func(_, sfoBytes []byte) error {
		var sfo types.SiafundOutput
		err := encoding.Unmarshal(sfoBytes, &sfo)
		if err != nil {
			manageErr(tx, err)

		coinsPerFund := getSiafundPool(tx).Sub(sfo.ClaimStart)
		claimCoins := coinsPerFund.Mul(sfo.Value).Div(types.SiafundCount)
		claimSiacoins = claimSiacoins.Add(claimCoins)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		manageErr(tx, err)

	// Count how many coins should exist
	deflationBlocks := types.BlockHeight(types.InitialCoinbase - types.MinimumCoinbase)
	expectedSiacoins := types.CalculateCoinbase(0).Add(types.CalculateCoinbase(blockHeight(tx))).Div(types.NewCurrency64(2))
	if blockHeight(tx) < deflationBlocks {
		expectedSiacoins = expectedSiacoins.Mul(types.NewCurrency64(uint64(blockHeight(tx) + 1)))
	} else {
		expectedSiacoins = expectedSiacoins.Mul(types.NewCurrency64(uint64(deflationBlocks + 1)))
		trailingSiacoins := types.NewCurrency64(uint64(blockHeight(tx) - deflationBlocks)).Mul(types.CalculateCoinbase(blockHeight(tx)))
		expectedSiacoins = expectedSiacoins.Add(trailingSiacoins)

	totalSiacoins := dscoSiacoins.Add(scoSiacoins).Add(fcSiacoins).Add(claimSiacoins)
	if totalSiacoins.Cmp(expectedSiacoins) != 0 {
		diagnostics := fmt.Sprintf("Wrong number of siacoins\nDsco: %v\nSco: %v\nFc: %v\nClaim: %v\n", dscoSiacoins, scoSiacoins, fcSiacoins, claimSiacoins)
		if totalSiacoins.Cmp(expectedSiacoins) < 0 {
			diagnostics += fmt.Sprintf("total: %v\nexpected: %v\n expected is bigger: %v", totalSiacoins, expectedSiacoins, expectedSiacoins.Sub(totalSiacoins))
		} else {
			diagnostics += fmt.Sprintf("total: %v\nexpected: %v\n expected is bigger: %v", totalSiacoins, expectedSiacoins, totalSiacoins.Sub(expectedSiacoins))
		manageErr(tx, errors.New(diagnostics))