Ejemplo n.º 1
// disconnectTransactions updates the passed map by undoing transaction and
// spend information for all transactions in the passed block.  Only
// transactions in the passed map are updated.
func disconnectTransactions(txStore TxStore, block *btcutil.Block) error {
	// Loop through all of the transactions in the block to see if any of
	// them are ones that need to be undone based on the transaction store.
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		// Clear this transaction from the transaction store if needed.
		// Only clear it rather than deleting it because the transaction
		// connect code relies on its presence to decide whether or not
		// to update the store and any transactions which exist on both
		// sides of a fork would otherwise not be updated.
		if txD, exists := txStore[*tx.Sha()]; exists {
			txD.Tx = nil
			txD.BlockHeight = 0
			txD.Spent = nil
			txD.Err = database.ErrTxShaMissing

		// Unspend the origin transaction output.
		for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
			originHash := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash
			originIndex := txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Index
			originTx, exists := txStore[*originHash]
			if exists && originTx.Tx != nil && originTx.Err == nil {
				if originIndex > uint32(len(originTx.Spent)) {
				originTx.Spent[originIndex] = false

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// checkBlockScripts executes and validates the scripts for all transactions in
// the passed block using multiple goroutines.
func checkBlockScripts(block *btcutil.Block, utxoView *UtxoViewpoint, scriptFlags txscript.ScriptFlags, sigCache *txscript.SigCache) error {
	// Collect all of the transaction inputs and required information for
	// validation for all transactions in the block into a single slice.
	numInputs := 0
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		numInputs += len(tx.MsgTx().TxIn)
	txValItems := make([]*txValidateItem, 0, numInputs)
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		for txInIdx, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
			// Skip coinbases.
			if txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Index == math.MaxUint32 {

			txVI := &txValidateItem{
				txInIndex: txInIdx,
				txIn:      txIn,
				tx:        tx,
			txValItems = append(txValItems, txVI)

	// Validate all of the inputs.
	validator := newTxValidator(utxoView, scriptFlags, sigCache)
	return validator.Validate(txValItems)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// indexBlock extract all of the standard addresses from all of the transactions
// in the passed block and maps each of them to the assocaited transaction using
// the passed map.
func (idx *AddrIndex) indexBlock(data writeIndexData, block *btcutil.Block, view *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) {
	for txIdx, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		// Coinbases do not reference any inputs.  Since the block is
		// required to have already gone through full validation, it has
		// already been proven on the first transaction in the block is
		// a coinbase.
		if txIdx != 0 {
			for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
				// The view should always have the input since
				// the index contract requires it, however, be
				// safe and simply ignore any missing entries.
				origin := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint
				entry := view.LookupEntry(&origin.Hash)
				if entry == nil {

				pkScript := entry.PkScriptByIndex(origin.Index)
				idx.indexPkScript(data, pkScript, txIdx)

		for _, txOut := range tx.MsgTx().TxOut {
			idx.indexPkScript(data, txOut.PkScript, txIdx)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// checkProofOfWork ensures the block header bits which indicate the target
// difficulty is in min/max range and that the block hash is less than the
// target difficulty as claimed.
// The flags modify the behavior of this function as follows:
//  - BFNoPoWCheck: The check to ensure the block hash is less than the target
//    difficulty is not performed.
func checkProofOfWork(block *btcutil.Block, powLimit *big.Int, flags BehaviorFlags) error {
	// The target difficulty must be larger than zero.
	target := CompactToBig(block.MsgBlock().Header.Bits)
	if target.Sign() <= 0 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("block target difficulty of %064x is too low",
		return ruleError(ErrUnexpectedDifficulty, str)

	// The target difficulty must be less than the maximum allowed.
	if target.Cmp(powLimit) > 0 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("block target difficulty of %064x is "+
			"higher than max of %064x", target, powLimit)
		return ruleError(ErrUnexpectedDifficulty, str)

	// The block hash must be less than the claimed target unless the flag
	// to avoid proof of work checks is set.
	if flags&BFNoPoWCheck != BFNoPoWCheck {
		// The block hash must be less than the claimed target.
		blockHash, err := block.Sha()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		hashNum := ShaHashToBig(blockHash)
		if hashNum.Cmp(target) > 0 {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("block hash of %064x is higher than "+
				"expected max of %064x", hashNum, target)
			return ruleError(ErrHighHash, str)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// getPrevNodeFromBlock returns a block node for the block previous to the
// passed block (the passed block's parent).  When it is already in the memory
// block chain, it simply returns it.  Otherwise, it loads the previous block
// from the block database, creates a new block node from it, and returns it.
// The returned node will be nil if the genesis block is passed.
func (b *BlockChain) getPrevNodeFromBlock(block *btcutil.Block) (*blockNode, error) {
	// Genesis block.
	prevHash := &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
	if prevHash.IsEqual(zeroHash) {
		return nil, nil

	// Latest checkpoint block
	if prevHash.IsEqual(b.chainParams.Checkpoints[len(b.chainParams.Checkpoints)-1].Hash) {
		return nil, nil

	// Return the existing previous block node if it's already there.
	if bn, ok := b.index[*prevHash]; ok {
		return bn, nil

	// Dynamically load the previous block from the block database, create
	// a new block node for it, and update the memory chain accordingly.
	prevBlockNode, err := b.loadBlockNode(prevHash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return prevBlockNode, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// checkBIP0030 ensures blocks do not contain duplicate transactions which
// 'overwrite' older transactions that are not fully spent.  This prevents an
// attack where a coinbase and all of its dependent transactions could be
// duplicated to effectively revert the overwritten transactions to a single
// confirmation thereby making them vulnerable to a double spend.
// For more details, see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0030 and
// http://r6.ca/blog/20120206T005236Z.html.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for reads).
func (b *BlockChain) checkBIP0030(node *blockNode, block *btcutil.Block, view *UtxoViewpoint) error {
	// Fetch utxo details for all of the transactions in this block.
	// Typically, there will not be any utxos for any of the transactions.
	fetchSet := make(map[chainhash.Hash]struct{})
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		fetchSet[*tx.Hash()] = struct{}{}
	err := view.fetchUtxos(b.db, fetchSet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Duplicate transactions are only allowed if the previous transaction
	// is fully spent.
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		txEntry := view.LookupEntry(tx.Hash())
		if txEntry != nil && !txEntry.IsFullySpent() {
			str := fmt.Sprintf("tried to overwrite transaction %v "+
				"at block height %d that is not fully spent",
				tx.Hash(), txEntry.blockHeight)
			return ruleError(ErrOverwriteTx, str)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// ConnectBlock is invoked by the index manager when a new block has been
// connected to the main chain.  This indexer adds a mapping for each address
// the transactions in the block involve.
// This is part of the Indexer interface.
func (idx *AddrIndex) ConnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block, view *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) error {
	// The offset and length of the transactions within the serialized
	// block.
	txLocs, err := block.TxLoc()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get the internal block ID associated with the block.
	blockID, err := dbFetchBlockIDByHash(dbTx, block.Hash())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Build all of the address to transaction mappings in a local map.
	addrsToTxns := make(writeIndexData)
	idx.indexBlock(addrsToTxns, block, view)

	// Add all of the index entries for each address.
	addrIdxBucket := dbTx.Metadata().Bucket(addrIndexKey)
	for addrKey, txIdxs := range addrsToTxns {
		for _, txIdx := range txIdxs {
			err := dbPutAddrIndexEntry(addrIdxBucket, addrKey,
				blockID, txLocs[txIdx])
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
// makeUtxoView creates a mock unspent transaction output view by using the
// transaction index in order to look up all inputs referenced by the
// transactions in the block.  This is sometimes needed when catching indexes up
// because many of the txouts could actually already be spent however the
// associated scripts are still required to index them.
func makeUtxoView(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block) (*blockchain.UtxoViewpoint, error) {
	view := blockchain.NewUtxoViewpoint()
	for txIdx, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		// Coinbases do not reference any inputs.  Since the block is
		// required to have already gone through full validation, it has
		// already been proven on the first transaction in the block is
		// a coinbase.
		if txIdx == 0 {

		// Use the transaction index to load all of the referenced
		// inputs and add their outputs to the view.
		for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
			originOut := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint
			originTx, err := dbFetchTx(dbTx, &originOut.Hash)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			view.AddTxOuts(btcutil.NewTx(originTx), 0)

	return view, nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
// connectBlock handles connecting the passed node/block to the end of the main
// (best) chain.
func (b *BlockChain) connectBlock(node *blockNode, block *btcutil.Block) error {
	// Make sure it's extending the end of the best chain.
	prevHash := &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
	if b.bestChain != nil && !prevHash.IsEqual(b.bestChain.hash) {
		return fmt.Errorf("connectBlock must be called with a block " +
			"that extends the main chain")

	// Insert the block into the database which houses the main chain.
	_, err := b.db.InsertBlock(block)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Add the new node to the memory main chain indices for faster
	// lookups.
	node.inMainChain = true
	b.index[*node.hash] = node
	b.depNodes[*prevHash] = append(b.depNodes[*prevHash], node)

	// This node is now the end of the best chain.
	b.bestChain = node

	// Notify the caller that the block was connected to the main chain.
	// The caller would typically want to react with actions such as
	// updating wallets.
	b.sendNotification(NTBlockConnected, block)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
// connectTransactions updates the passed map by applying transaction and
// spend information for all the transactions in the passed block.  Only
// transactions in the passed map are updated.
func connectTransactions(txStore TxStore, block *btcutil.Block) error {
	// Loop through all of the transactions in the block to see if any of
	// them are ones we need to update and spend based on the results map.
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		// Update the transaction store with the transaction information
		// if it's one of the requested transactions.
		msgTx := tx.MsgTx()
		if txD, exists := txStore[*tx.Sha()]; exists {
			txD.Tx = tx
			txD.BlockHeight = block.Height()
			txD.Spent = make([]bool, len(msgTx.TxOut))
			txD.Err = nil

		// Spend the origin transaction output.
		for _, txIn := range msgTx.TxIn {
			originHash := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash
			originIndex := txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Index
			if originTx, exists := txStore[*originHash]; exists {
				if originIndex > uint32(len(originTx.Spent)) {
				originTx.Spent[originIndex] = true

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// dbRemoveTxIndexEntries uses an existing database transaction to remove the
// latest transaction entry for every transaction in the passed block.
func dbRemoveTxIndexEntries(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block) error {
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		err := dbRemoveTxIndexEntry(dbTx, tx.Hash())
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
// DropAfterBlockBySha will remove any blocks from the database after
// the given block.
func (db *LevelDb) DropAfterBlockBySha(sha *wire.ShaHash) (rerr error) {
	defer db.dbLock.Unlock()
	defer func() {
		if rerr == nil {
			rerr = db.processBatches()
		} else {

	startheight := db.nextBlock - 1

	keepidx, err := db.getBlkLoc(sha)
	if err != nil {
		// should the error here be normalized ?
		log.Tracef("block loc failed %v ", sha)
		return err

	for height := startheight; height > keepidx; height = height - 1 {
		var blk *btcutil.Block
		blksha, buf, err := db.getBlkByHeight(height)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		blk, err = btcutil.NewBlockFromBytes(buf)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		for _, tx := range blk.MsgBlock().Transactions {
			err = db.unSpend(tx)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		// rather than iterate the list of tx backward, do it twice.
		for _, tx := range blk.Transactions() {
			var txUo txUpdateObj
			txUo.delete = true
			db.txUpdateMap[*tx.Sha()] = &txUo

	// update the last block cache
	db.lastBlkShaCached = true
	db.lastBlkSha = *sha
	db.lastBlkIdx = keepidx
	db.nextBlock = keepidx + 1

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
// SubmitBlockAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get the
// result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on the
// returned instance.
// See SubmitBlock for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) SubmitBlockAsync(block *btcutil.Block, options *btcjson.SubmitBlockOptions) FutureSubmitBlockResult {
	blockHex := ""
	if block != nil {
		blockBytes, err := block.Bytes()
		if err != nil {
			return newFutureError(err)

		blockHex = hex.EncodeToString(blockBytes)

	cmd := btcjson.NewSubmitBlockCmd(blockHex, options)
	return c.sendCmd(cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 14
// dbIndexDisconnectBlock removes all of the index entries associated with the
// given block using the provided indexer and updates the tip of the indexer
// accordingly.  An error will be returned if the current tip for the indexer is
// not the passed block.
func dbIndexDisconnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, indexer Indexer, block *btcutil.Block, view *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) error {
	// Assert that the block being disconnected is the current tip of the
	// index.
	idxKey := indexer.Key()
	curTipHash, _, err := dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !curTipHash.IsEqual(block.Sha()) {
		return AssertError(fmt.Sprintf("dbIndexDisconnectBlock must "+
			"be called with the block at the current index tip "+
			"(%s, tip %s, block %s)", indexer.Name(),
			curTipHash, block.Sha()))

	// Notify the indexer with the disconnected block so it can remove all
	// of the appropriate entries.
	if err := indexer.DisconnectBlock(dbTx, block, view); err != nil {
		return err

	// Update the current index tip.
	prevHash := &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
	return dbPutIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey, prevHash, block.Height()-1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
// DisconnectBlock is invoked by the index manager when a block has been
// disconnected from the main chain.  This indexer removes the
// hash-to-transaction mapping for every transaction in the block.
// This is part of the Indexer interface.
func (idx *TxIndex) DisconnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block, view *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) error {
	// Remove all of the transactions in the block from the index.
	if err := dbRemoveTxIndexEntries(dbTx, block); err != nil {
		return err

	// Remove the block ID index entry for the block being disconnected and
	// decrement the current internal block ID to account for it.
	if err := dbRemoveBlockIDIndexEntry(dbTx, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
// fetchInputUtxos loads utxo details about the input transactions referenced
// by the transactions in the given block into the view from the database as
// needed.  In particular, referenced entries that are earlier in the block are
// added to the view and entries that are already in the view are not modified.
func (view *UtxoViewpoint) fetchInputUtxos(db database.DB, block *btcutil.Block) error {
	// Build a map of in-flight transactions because some of the inputs in
	// this block could be referencing other transactions earlier in this
	// block which are not yet in the chain.
	txInFlight := map[wire.ShaHash]int{}
	transactions := block.Transactions()
	for i, tx := range transactions {
		txInFlight[*tx.Sha()] = i

	// Loop through all of the transaction inputs (except for the coinbase
	// which has no inputs) collecting them into sets of what is needed and
	// what is already known (in-flight).
	txNeededSet := make(map[wire.ShaHash]struct{})
	for i, tx := range transactions[1:] {
		for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
			// It is acceptable for a transaction input to reference
			// the output of another transaction in this block only
			// if the referenced transaction comes before the
			// current one in this block.  Add the outputs of the
			// referenced transaction as available utxos when this
			// is the case.  Otherwise, the utxo details are still
			// needed.
			// NOTE: The >= is correct here because i is one less
			// than the actual position of the transaction within
			// the block due to skipping the coinbase.
			originHash := &txIn.PreviousOutPoint.Hash
			if inFlightIndex, ok := txInFlight[*originHash]; ok &&
				i >= inFlightIndex {

				originTx := transactions[inFlightIndex]
				view.AddTxOuts(originTx, block.Height())

			// Don't request entries that are already in the view
			// from the database.
			if _, ok := view.entries[*originHash]; ok {

			txNeededSet[*originHash] = struct{}{}

	// Request the input utxos from the database.
	return view.fetchUtxosMain(db, txNeededSet)
Ejemplo n.º 17
// CheckConnectBlock performs several checks to confirm connecting the passed
// block to the main chain does not violate any rules.  An example of some of
// the checks performed are ensuring connecting the block would not cause any
// duplicate transaction hashes for old transactions that aren't already fully
// spent, double spends, exceeding the maximum allowed signature operations
// per block, invalid values in relation to the expected block subsidy, or fail
// transaction script validation.
// This function is safe for concurrent access.
func (b *BlockChain) CheckConnectBlock(block *btcutil.Block) error {
	defer b.chainLock.Unlock()

	prevNode := b.bestNode
	newNode := newBlockNode(&block.MsgBlock().Header, block.Hash(),
	newNode.parent = prevNode
	newNode.workSum.Add(prevNode.workSum, newNode.workSum)

	// Leave the spent txouts entry nil in the state since the information
	// is not needed and thus extra work can be avoided.
	view := NewUtxoViewpoint()
	return b.checkConnectBlock(newNode, block, view, nil)
Ejemplo n.º 18
// addOrphanBlock adds the passed block (which is already determined to be
// an orphan prior calling this function) to the orphan pool.  It lazily cleans
// up any expired blocks so a separate cleanup poller doesn't need to be run.
// It also imposes a maximum limit on the number of outstanding orphan
// blocks and will remove the oldest received orphan block if the limit is
// exceeded.
func (b *BlockChain) addOrphanBlock(block *btcutil.Block) {
	// Remove expired orphan blocks.
	for _, oBlock := range b.orphans {
		if time.Now().After(oBlock.expiration) {

		// Update the oldest orphan block pointer so it can be discarded
		// in case the orphan pool fills up.
		if b.oldestOrphan == nil || oBlock.expiration.Before(b.oldestOrphan.expiration) {
			b.oldestOrphan = oBlock

	// Limit orphan blocks to prevent memory exhaustion.
	if len(b.orphans)+1 > maxOrphanBlocks {
		// Remove the oldest orphan to make room for the new one.
		b.oldestOrphan = nil

	// Get the block sha.  It is safe to ignore the error here since any
	// errors would've been caught prior to calling this function.
	blockSha, _ := block.Sha()

	// Protect concurrent access.  This is intentionally done here instead
	// of near the top since removeOrphanBlock does its own locking and
	// the range iterator is not invalidated by removing map entries.
	defer b.orphanLock.Unlock()

	// Insert the block into the orphan map with an expiration time
	// 1 hour from now.
	expiration := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
	oBlock := &orphanBlock{
		block:      block,
		expiration: expiration,
	b.orphans[*blockSha] = oBlock

	// Add to previous hash lookup index for faster dependency lookups.
	prevHash := &block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock
	b.prevOrphans[*prevHash] = append(b.prevOrphans[*prevHash], oBlock)

Ejemplo n.º 19
// ConnectBlock is invoked by the index manager when a new block has been
// connected to the main chain.  This indexer adds a hash-to-transaction mapping
// for every transaction in the passed block.
// This is part of the Indexer interface.
func (idx *TxIndex) ConnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block, view *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) error {
	// Increment the internal block ID to use for the block being connected
	// and add all of the transactions in the block to the index.
	newBlockID := idx.curBlockID + 1
	if err := dbAddTxIndexEntries(dbTx, block, newBlockID); err != nil {
		return err

	// Add the new block ID index entry for the block being connected and
	// update the current internal block ID accordingly.
	err := dbPutBlockIDIndexEntry(dbTx, block.Hash(), newBlockID)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	idx.curBlockID = newBlockID
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 20
// indexBlockAddrs returns a populated index of the all the transactions in the
// passed block based on the addresses involved in each transaction.
func (a *addrIndexer) indexBlockAddrs(blk *btcutil.Block) (database.BlockAddrIndex, error) {
	addrIndex := make(database.BlockAddrIndex)
	txLocs, err := blk.TxLoc()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for txIdx, tx := range blk.Transactions() {
		// Tx's offset and length in the block.
		locInBlock := &txLocs[txIdx]

		// Coinbases don't have any inputs.
		if !blockchain.IsCoinBase(tx) {
			// Index the SPK's of each input's previous outpoint
			// transaction.
			for _, txIn := range tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
				// Lookup and fetch the referenced output's tx.
				prevOut := txIn.PreviousOutPoint
				txList, err := a.server.db.FetchTxBySha(&prevOut.Hash)
				if len(txList) == 0 {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("transaction %v not found",
				if err != nil {
					adxrLog.Errorf("Error fetching tx %v: %v",
						prevOut.Hash, err)
					return nil, err
				prevOutTx := txList[len(txList)-1]
				inputOutPoint := prevOutTx.Tx.TxOut[prevOut.Index]

				indexScriptPubKey(addrIndex, inputOutPoint.PkScript, locInBlock)

		for _, txOut := range tx.MsgTx().TxOut {
			indexScriptPubKey(addrIndex, txOut.PkScript, locInBlock)
	return addrIndex, nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
// LogBlockHeight logs a new block height as an information message to show
// progress to the user. In order to prevent spam, it limits logging to one
// message every 10 seconds with duration and totals included.
func (b *blockProgressLogger) LogBlockHeight(block *btcutil.Block) {
	defer b.Unlock()

	b.receivedLogTx += int64(len(block.MsgBlock().Transactions))

	now := time.Now()
	duration := now.Sub(b.lastBlockLogTime)
	if duration < time.Second*10 {

	// Truncate the duration to 10s of milliseconds.
	durationMillis := int64(duration / time.Millisecond)
	tDuration := 10 * time.Millisecond * time.Duration(durationMillis/10)

	// Log information about new block height.
	blockStr := "blocks"
	if b.receivedLogBlocks == 1 {
		blockStr = "block"
	txStr := "transactions"
	if b.receivedLogTx == 1 {
		txStr = "transaction"
	b.subsystemLogger.Infof("%s %d %s in the last %s (%d %s, height %d, %s)",
		b.progressAction, b.receivedLogBlocks, blockStr, tDuration, b.receivedLogTx,
		txStr, block.Height(), block.MsgBlock().Header.Timestamp)

	b.receivedLogBlocks = 0
	b.receivedLogTx = 0
	b.lastBlockLogTime = now
Ejemplo n.º 22
// dbAddTxIndexEntries uses an existing database transaction to add a
// transaction index entry for every transaction in the passed block.
func dbAddTxIndexEntries(dbTx database.Tx, block *btcutil.Block, blockID uint32) error {
	// The offset and length of the transactions within the serialized
	// block.
	txLocs, err := block.TxLoc()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// As an optimization, allocate a single slice big enough to hold all
	// of the serialized transaction index entries for the block and
	// serialize them directly into the slice.  Then, pass the appropriate
	// subslice to the database to be written.  This approach significantly
	// cuts down on the number of required allocations.
	offset := 0
	serializedValues := make([]byte, len(block.Transactions())*txEntrySize)
	for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		putTxIndexEntry(serializedValues[offset:], blockID, txLocs[i])
		endOffset := offset + txEntrySize
		err := dbPutTxIndexEntry(dbTx, tx.Hash(),
		if err != nil {
			return err
		offset += txEntrySize

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 23
// checkBIP0030 ensures blocks do not contain duplicate transactions which
// 'overwrite' older transactions that are not fully spent.  This prevents an
// attack where a coinbase and all of its dependent transactions could be
// duplicated to effectively revert the overwritten transactions to a single
// confirmation thereby making them vulnerable to a double spend.
// For more details, see https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0030 and
// http://r6.ca/blog/20120206T005236Z.html.
func (b *BlockChain) checkBIP0030(node *blockNode, block *btcutil.Block) error {
	// Attempt to fetch duplicate transactions for all of the transactions
	// in this block from the point of view of the parent node.
	fetchSet := make(map[wire.ShaHash]struct{})
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		fetchSet[*tx.Sha()] = struct{}{}
	txResults, err := b.fetchTxStore(node, fetchSet)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Examine the resulting data about the requested transactions.
	for _, txD := range txResults {
		switch txD.Err {
		// A duplicate transaction was not found.  This is the most
		// common case.
		case database.ErrTxShaMissing:

		// A duplicate transaction was found.  This is only allowed if
		// the duplicate transaction is fully spent.
		case nil:
			if !isTransactionSpent(txD) {
				str := fmt.Sprintf("tried to overwrite "+
					"transaction %v at block height %d "+
					"that is not fully spent", txD.Hash,
				return ruleError(ErrOverwriteTx, str)

		// Some other unexpected error occurred.  Return it now.
			return txD.Err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 24
// createBlock creates a new block building from the previous block.
func createBlock(prevBlock *btcutil.Block, inclusionTxs []*btcutil.Tx,
	blockVersion int32, blockTime time.Time,
	miningAddr btcutil.Address, net *chaincfg.Params) (*btcutil.Block, error) {

	prevHash := prevBlock.Hash()
	blockHeight := prevBlock.Height() + 1

	// If a target block time was specified, then use that as the header's
	// timestamp. Otherwise, add one second to the previous block unless
	// it's the genesis block in which case use the current time.
	var ts time.Time
	switch {
	case !blockTime.IsZero():
		ts = blockTime
		ts = prevBlock.MsgBlock().Header.Timestamp.Add(time.Second)

	extraNonce := uint64(0)
	coinbaseScript, err := standardCoinbaseScript(blockHeight, extraNonce)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	coinbaseTx, err := createCoinbaseTx(coinbaseScript, blockHeight,
		miningAddr, net)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Create a new block ready to be solved.
	blockTxns := []*btcutil.Tx{coinbaseTx}
	if inclusionTxs != nil {
		blockTxns = append(blockTxns, inclusionTxs...)
	merkles := blockchain.BuildMerkleTreeStore(blockTxns)
	var block wire.MsgBlock
	block.Header = wire.BlockHeader{
		Version:    blockVersion,
		PrevBlock:  *prevHash,
		MerkleRoot: *merkles[len(merkles)-1],
		Timestamp:  ts,
		Bits:       net.PowLimitBits,
	for _, tx := range blockTxns {
		if err := block.AddTransaction(tx.MsgTx()); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	found := solveBlock(&block.Header, net.PowLimit)
	if !found {
		return nil, errors.New("Unable to solve block")

	utilBlock := btcutil.NewBlock(&block)
	return utilBlock, nil
Ejemplo n.º 25
// maybeAcceptBlock potentially accepts a block into the block chain and, if
// accepted, returns whether or not it is on the main chain.  It performs
// several validation checks which depend on its position within the block chain
// before adding it.  The block is expected to have already gone through
// ProcessBlock before calling this function with it.
// The flags modify the behavior of this function as follows:
//  - BFDryRun: The memory chain index will not be pruned and no accept
//    notification will be sent since the block is not being accepted.
// The flags are also passed to checkBlockContext and connectBestChain.  See
// their documentation for how the flags modify their behavior.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
func (b *BlockChain) maybeAcceptBlock(block *btcutil.Block, flags BehaviorFlags) (bool, error) {
	dryRun := flags&BFDryRun == BFDryRun

	// Get a block node for the block previous to this one.  Will be nil
	// if this is the genesis block.
	prevNode, err := b.getPrevNodeFromBlock(block)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("getPrevNodeFromBlock: %v", err)
		return false, err

	// The height of this block is one more than the referenced previous
	// block.
	blockHeight := int32(0)
	if prevNode != nil {
		blockHeight = prevNode.height + 1

	// The block must pass all of the validation rules which depend on the
	// position of the block within the block chain.
	err = b.checkBlockContext(block, prevNode, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Create a new block node for the block and add it to the in-memory
	// block chain (could be either a side chain or the main chain).
	blockHeader := &block.MsgBlock().Header
	newNode := newBlockNode(blockHeader, block.Hash(), blockHeight)
	if prevNode != nil {
		newNode.parent = prevNode
		newNode.height = blockHeight
		newNode.workSum.Add(prevNode.workSum, newNode.workSum)

	// Connect the passed block to the chain while respecting proper chain
	// selection according to the chain with the most proof of work.  This
	// also handles validation of the transaction scripts.
	isMainChain, err := b.connectBestChain(newNode, block, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	// Notify the caller that the new block was accepted into the block
	// chain.  The caller would typically want to react by relaying the
	// inventory to other peers.
	if !dryRun {
		b.sendNotification(NTBlockAccepted, block)

	return isMainChain, nil
Ejemplo n.º 26
// CheckConnectBlock performs several checks to confirm connecting the passed
// block to the main chain does not violate any rules.  An example of some of
// the checks performed are ensuring connecting the block would not cause any
// duplicate transaction hashes for old transactions that aren't already fully
// spent, double spends, exceeding the maximum allowed signature operations
// per block, invalid values in relation to the expected block subsidy, or fail
// transaction script validation.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent access.
func (b *BlockChain) CheckConnectBlock(block *btcutil.Block) error {
	prevNode := b.bestChain
	newNode := newBlockNode(&block.MsgBlock().Header, block.Sha(),
	if prevNode != nil {
		newNode.parent = prevNode
		newNode.workSum.Add(prevNode.workSum, newNode.workSum)

	return b.checkConnectBlock(newNode, block)
Ejemplo n.º 27
// connectTransactions updates the view by adding all new utxos created by all
// of the transactions in the passed block, marking all utxos the transactions
// spend as spent, and setting the best hash for the view to the passed block.
// In addition, when the 'stxos' argument is not nil, it will be updated to
// append an entry for each spent txout.
func (view *UtxoViewpoint) connectTransactions(block *btcutil.Block, stxos *[]spentTxOut) error {
	for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
		err := view.connectTransaction(tx, block.Height(), stxos)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Update the best hash for view to include this block since all of its
	// transactions have been connected.
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
// checkBlockContext peforms several validation checks on the block which depend
// on its position within the block chain.
// The flags modify the behavior of this function as follows:
//  - BFFastAdd: The transaction are not checked to see if they are finalized
//    and the somewhat expensive BIP0034 validation is not performed.
// The flags are also passed to checkBlockHeaderContext.  See its documentation
// for how the flags modify its behavior.
// This function MUST be called with the chain state lock held (for writes).
func (b *BlockChain) checkBlockContext(block *btcutil.Block, prevNode *blockNode, flags BehaviorFlags) error {
	// The genesis block is valid by definition.
	if prevNode == nil {
		return nil

	// Perform all block header related validation checks.
	header := &block.MsgBlock().Header
	err := b.checkBlockHeaderContext(header, prevNode, flags)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fastAdd := flags&BFFastAdd == BFFastAdd
	if !fastAdd {
		// The height of this block is one more than the referenced
		// previous block.
		blockHeight := prevNode.height + 1

		// Ensure all transactions in the block are finalized.
		for _, tx := range block.Transactions() {
			if !IsFinalizedTransaction(tx, blockHeight,
				header.Timestamp) {

				str := fmt.Sprintf("block contains unfinalized "+
					"transaction %v", tx.Hash())
				return ruleError(ErrUnfinalizedTx, str)

		// Ensure coinbase starts with serialized block heights for
		// blocks whose version is the serializedHeightVersion or newer
		// once a majority of the network has upgraded.  This is part of
		// BIP0034.
		if ShouldHaveSerializedBlockHeight(header) &&
			b.isMajorityVersion(serializedHeightVersion, prevNode,
				b.chainParams.BlockEnforceNumRequired) {

			coinbaseTx := block.Transactions()[0]
			err := checkSerializedHeight(coinbaseTx, blockHeight)
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 29
// dbIndexConnectBlock adds all of the index entries associated with the
// given block using the provided indexer and updates the tip of the indexer
// accordingly.  An error will be returned if the current tip for the indexer is
// not the previous block for the passed block.
func dbIndexConnectBlock(dbTx database.Tx, indexer Indexer, block *btcutil.Block, view *blockchain.UtxoViewpoint) error {
	// Assert that the block being connected properly connects to the
	// current tip of the index.
	idxKey := indexer.Key()
	curTipHash, _, err := dbFetchIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !curTipHash.IsEqual(&block.MsgBlock().Header.PrevBlock) {
		return AssertError(fmt.Sprintf("dbIndexConnectBlock must be "+
			"called with a block that extends the current index "+
			"tip (%s, tip %s, block %s)", indexer.Name(),
			curTipHash, block.Sha()))

	// Notify the indexer with the connected block so it can index it.
	if err := indexer.ConnectBlock(dbTx, block, view); err != nil {
		return err

	// Update the current index tip.
	return dbPutIndexerTip(dbTx, idxKey, block.Sha(), block.Height())
Ejemplo n.º 30
// submitBlock submits the passed block to network after ensuring it passes all
// of the consensus validation rules.
func (m *CPUMiner) submitBlock(block *btcutil.Block) bool {
	defer m.submitBlockLock.Unlock()

	// Ensure the block is not stale since a new block could have shown up
	// while the solution was being found.  Typically that condition is
	// detected and all work on the stale block is halted to start work on
	// a new block, but the check only happens periodically, so it is
	// possible a block was found and submitted in between.
	latestHash, _ := m.server.blockManager.chainState.Best()
	msgBlock := block.MsgBlock()
	if !msgBlock.Header.PrevBlock.IsEqual(latestHash) {
		minrLog.Debugf("Block submitted via CPU miner with previous "+
			"block %s is stale", msgBlock.Header.PrevBlock)
		return false

	// Process this block using the same rules as blocks coming from other
	// nodes.  This will in turn relay it to the network like normal.
	isOrphan, err := m.server.blockManager.ProcessBlock(block, blockchain.BFNone)
	if err != nil {
		// Anything other than a rule violation is an unexpected error,
		// so log that error as an internal error.
		if _, ok := err.(blockchain.RuleError); !ok {
			minrLog.Errorf("Unexpected error while processing "+
				"block submitted via CPU miner: %v", err)
			return false

		minrLog.Debugf("Block submitted via CPU miner rejected: %v", err)
		return false
	if isOrphan {
		minrLog.Debugf("Block submitted via CPU miner is an orphan")
		return false

	// The block was accepted.
	blockSha, _ := block.Sha()
	coinbaseTx := block.MsgBlock().Transactions[0].TxOut[0]
	minrLog.Infof("Block submitted via CPU miner accepted (hash %s, "+
		"amount %v)", blockSha, btcutil.Amount(coinbaseTx.Value))
	return true