Ejemplo n.º 1
// RefreshLeases starts a goroutine that refreshes the lease manager
// leases for tables received in the latest system configuration via gossip.
func (m *LeaseManager) RefreshLeases(s *stop.Stopper, db *client.DB, gossip *gossip.Gossip) {
	s.RunWorker(func() {
		descKeyPrefix := keys.MakeTablePrefix(uint32(sqlbase.DescriptorTable.ID))
		gossipUpdateC := gossip.RegisterSystemConfigChannel()
		for {
			select {
			case <-gossipUpdateC:
				cfg, _ := gossip.GetSystemConfig()
				if m.testingKnobs.GossipUpdateEvent != nil {
				// Read all tables and their versions
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Info(context.TODO(), "received a new config; will refresh leases")

				// Loop through the configuration to find all the tables.
				for _, kv := range cfg.Values {
					if !bytes.HasPrefix(kv.Key, descKeyPrefix) {
					// Attempt to unmarshal config into a table/database descriptor.
					var descriptor sqlbase.Descriptor
					if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&descriptor); err != nil {
						log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "%s: unable to unmarshal descriptor %v", kv.Key, kv.Value)
					switch union := descriptor.Union.(type) {
					case *sqlbase.Descriptor_Table:
						table := union.Table
						if err := table.ValidateTable(); err != nil {
							log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "%s: received invalid table descriptor: %v", kv.Key, table)
						if log.V(2) {
							log.Infof(context.TODO(), "%s: refreshing lease table: %d (%s), version: %d, deleted: %t",
								kv.Key, table.ID, table.Name, table.Version, table.Dropped())
						// Try to refresh the table lease to one >= this version.
						if t := m.findTableState(table.ID, false /* create */); t != nil {
							if err := t.purgeOldLeases(
								db, table.Dropped(), table.Version, m.LeaseStore); err != nil {
								log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "error purging leases for table %d(%s): %s",
									table.ID, table.Name, err)
					case *sqlbase.Descriptor_Database:
						// Ignore.
				if m.testingKnobs.TestingLeasesRefreshedEvent != nil {

			case <-s.ShouldStop():