Ejemplo n.º 1
func encodeTableKey(b []byte, val parser.Datum) ([]byte, error) {
	if val == parser.DNull {
		return encoding.EncodeNull(b), nil

	switch t := val.(type) {
	case parser.DBool:
		if t {
			return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 1), nil
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 0), nil
	case parser.DInt:
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, int64(t)), nil
	case parser.DFloat:
		return encoding.EncodeFloat(b, float64(t)), nil
	case parser.DString:
		return encoding.EncodeString(b, string(t)), nil
	case parser.DBytes:
		return encoding.EncodeString(b, string(t)), nil
	case parser.DDate:
		return encoding.EncodeTime(b, t.Time), nil
	case parser.DTimestamp:
		return encoding.EncodeTime(b, t.Time), nil
	case parser.DInterval:
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, int64(t.Duration)), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode table key: %T", val)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// encodeTableKey encodes a single element of a table key, appending the
// encoded value to b.
func encodeTableKey(b []byte, v reflect.Value) ([]byte, error) {
	switch t := v.Interface().(type) {
	case []byte:
		return roachencoding.EncodeBytes(b, t), nil
	case string:
		return roachencoding.EncodeBytes(b, []byte(t)), nil

	switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Bool:
		if v.Bool() {
			return roachencoding.EncodeVarint(b, 1), nil
		return roachencoding.EncodeVarint(b, 0), nil

	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
		return roachencoding.EncodeVarint(b, v.Int()), nil

	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
		return roachencoding.EncodeUvarint(b, v.Uint()), nil

	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
		return roachencoding.EncodeNumericFloat(b, v.Float()), nil

	case reflect.String:
		return roachencoding.EncodeBytes(b, []byte(v.String())), nil

	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode key: %s", v)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// MakeDataKey creates a time series data key for the given series name, source,
// Resolution and timestamp. The timestamp is expressed in nanoseconds since the
// epoch; it will be truncated to an exact multiple of the supplied
// Resolution's KeyDuration.
func MakeDataKey(name string, source string, r Resolution, timestamp int64) roachpb.Key {
	// Normalize timestamp into a timeslot before recording.
	timeslot := timestamp / r.KeyDuration()

	k := append(roachpb.Key(nil), keyDataPrefix...)
	k = encoding.EncodeBytes(k, []byte(name))
	k = encoding.EncodeVarint(k, int64(r))
	k = encoding.EncodeVarint(k, timeslot)
	k = append(k, source...)
	return k
Ejemplo n.º 4
// TestStoreRangeSplitInsideRow verifies an attempt to split a range inside of
// a table row will cause a split at a boundary between rows.
func TestStoreRangeSplitInsideRow(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)
	defer config.TestingDisableTableSplits()()
	store, stopper := createTestStore(t)
	defer stopper.Stop()

	// Manually create some the column keys corresponding to the table:
	tableKey := keys.MakeTablePrefix(keys.MaxReservedDescID + 1)
	rowKey := roachpb.Key(encoding.EncodeVarint(append([]byte(nil), tableKey...), 1))
	rowKey = encoding.EncodeString(encoding.EncodeVarint(rowKey, 1), "a")
	col1Key := keys.MakeColumnKey(append([]byte(nil), rowKey...), 1)
	col2Key := keys.MakeColumnKey(append([]byte(nil), rowKey...), 2)

	// We don't care about the value, so just store any old thing.
	if pErr := store.DB().Put(col1Key, "column 1"); pErr != nil {
	if pErr := store.DB().Put(col2Key, "column 2"); pErr != nil {

	// Split between col1Key and col2Key by splitting before col2Key.
	args := adminSplitArgs(col2Key, col2Key)
	_, pErr := client.SendWrapped(rg1(store), nil, &args)
	if pErr != nil {
		t.Fatalf("%s: split unexpected error: %s", col1Key, pErr)

	rng1 := store.LookupReplica(col1Key, nil)
	rng2 := store.LookupReplica(col2Key, nil)
	// Verify the two columns are still on the same range.
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(rng1, rng2) {
		t.Fatalf("%s: ranges differ: %+v vs %+v", roachpb.Key(col1Key), rng1, rng2)
	// Verify we split on a row key.
	if startKey := rng1.Desc().StartKey; !startKey.Equal(rowKey) {
		t.Fatalf("%s: expected split on %s, but found %s",
			roachpb.Key(col1Key), roachpb.Key(rowKey), startKey)

	// Verify the previous range was split on a row key.
	rng3 := store.LookupReplica(tableKey, nil)
	if endKey := rng3.Desc().EndKey; !endKey.Equal(rowKey) {
		t.Fatalf("%s: expected split on %s, but found %s",
			roachpb.Key(col1Key), roachpb.Key(rowKey), endKey)
Ejemplo n.º 5
func encodeTableKey(b []byte, v parser.Datum) ([]byte, error) {
	switch t := v.(type) {
	case parser.DBool:
		if t {
			return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 1), nil
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 0), nil
	case parser.DInt:
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, int64(t)), nil
	case parser.DFloat:
		return encoding.EncodeNumericFloat(b, float64(t)), nil
	case parser.DString:
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, []byte(t)), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode table key: %T", v)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func encodeTableKey(b []byte, v sqlwire.Datum) ([]byte, error) {
	if v.BoolVal != nil {
		if *v.BoolVal {
			return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 1), nil
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 0), nil
	} else if v.IntVal != nil {
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, *v.IntVal), nil
	} else if v.FloatVal != nil {
		return encoding.EncodeNumericFloat(b, *v.FloatVal), nil
	} else if v.BytesVal != nil {
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, v.BytesVal), nil
	} else if v.StringVal != nil {
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, []byte(*v.StringVal)), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode table key: %T", v)
Ejemplo n.º 7
func encodeTableKey(b []byte, v parser.Datum) ([]byte, error) {
	switch t := v.(type) {
	case parser.DBool:
		if t {
			return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 1), nil
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 0), nil
	case parser.DInt:
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, int64(t)), nil
	case parser.DFloat:
		return encoding.EncodeNumericFloat(b, float64(t)), nil
	case parser.DString:
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, []byte(t)), nil
	case parser.DNull:
		// TODO(tamird,pmattis): This is a hack; we should have proper nil encoding.
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, nil), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode table key: %T", v)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func encodeTableKey(b []byte, v driver.Value) ([]byte, error) {
	switch t := v.(type) {
	case int64:
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, t), nil
	case float64:
		return encoding.EncodeNumericFloat(b, t), nil
	case bool:
		if t {
			return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 1), nil
		return encoding.EncodeVarint(b, 0), nil
	case []byte:
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, t), nil
	case string:
		return encoding.EncodeBytes(b, []byte(t)), nil
	case time.Time:
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO(pmattis): encode index key: time.Time")
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode table key: %T", v)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func TestPrettyPrint(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)

	tm, _ := time.Parse(time.UnixDate, "Sat Mar  7 11:06:39 UTC 2015")

	testCases := []struct {
		key roachpb.Key
		exp string
		// local
		{StoreIdentKey(), "/Local/Store/storeIdent"},
		{StoreGossipKey(), "/Local/Store/gossipBootstrap"},
		{SequenceCacheKeyPrefix(roachpb.RangeID(1000001), []byte("test0")), `/Local/RangeID/1000001/SequenceCache/"test0"`},
		{SequenceCacheKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001), []byte("test0"), uint32(111), uint32(222)), `/Local/RangeID/1000001/SequenceCache/"test0"/epoch:111/seq:222`},
		{RaftLeaderLeaseKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftLeaderLease"},
		{RaftTombstoneKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftTombstone"},
		{RaftHardStateKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftHardState"},
		{RaftAppliedIndexKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftAppliedIndex"},
		{RaftLogKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001), uint64(200001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftLog/logIndex:200001"},
		{RaftTruncatedStateKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftTruncatedState"},
		{RaftLastIndexKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RaftLastIndex"},
		{RangeLastVerificationTimestampKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RangeLastVerificationTimestamp"},
		{RangeStatsKey(roachpb.RangeID(1000001)), "/Local/RangeID/1000001/RangeStats"},

		{MakeRangeKeyPrefix(roachpb.RKey("ok")), `/Local/Range/"ok"`},
		{RangeDescriptorKey(roachpb.RKey("111")), `/Local/Range/RangeDescriptor/"111"`},
		{RangeTreeNodeKey(roachpb.RKey("111")), `/Local/Range/RangeTreeNode/"111"`},
		{TransactionKey(roachpb.Key("111"), []byte("22222")), `/Local/Range/Transaction/addrKey:/"111"/id:"22222"`},

		{LocalMax, "/Local/Max"},

		// system
		{roachpb.MakeKey(Meta2Prefix, roachpb.Key("foo")), `/Meta2/"foo"`},
		{roachpb.MakeKey(Meta1Prefix, roachpb.Key("foo")), `/Meta1/"foo"`},

		{StoreStatusKey(2222), "/System/StatusStore/2222"},
		{NodeStatusKey(1111), "/System/StatusNode/1111"},

		{SystemMax, "/System/Max"},

		// table
		{UserTableDataMin, "/Table/50"},
		{MakeTablePrefix(111), "/Table/111"},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey("foo")), `/Table/42/"foo"`},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeFloat(nil, float64(233.221112)))), "/Table/42/233.221112"},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeVarint(nil, 1222)), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeString(nil, "handsome man"))), `/Table/42/1222/"handsome man"`},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeBytes(nil, []byte{1, 2, 8, 255}))), `/Table/42/"\x01\x02\b\xff"`},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeBytes(nil, []byte{1, 2, 8, 255})), roachpb.RKey("bar")), `/Table/42/"\x01\x02\b\xff"/"bar"`},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeNull(nil))), "/Table/42/NULL"},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeNotNull(nil))), "/Table/42/#"},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey(encoding.EncodeTime(nil, tm))), "/Table/42/Sat Mar  7 11:06:39 UTC 2015"},

		// others
		{MakeKey([]byte("")), "/Min"},
		{MakeKey(MakeTablePrefix(42), roachpb.RKey([]byte{0x20, 'a', 0x00, 0x02})), "/Table/42/<util/encoding/encoding.go:407: unknown escape>"},
	for i, test := range testCases {
		keyInfo := PrettyPrint(test.key)
		if test.exp != keyInfo {
			t.Fatalf("%d: expected %s, got %s", i, test.exp, keyInfo)

		if test.exp != test.key.String() {
			t.Fatalf("%d: expected %s, got %s", i, test.exp, keyInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	// RangeIDGenerator is the global range ID generator sequence.
	RangeIDGenerator = roachpb.Key(MakeKey(SystemPrefix, roachpb.RKey("range-idgen")))
	// StoreIDGenerator is the global store ID generator sequence.
	StoreIDGenerator = roachpb.Key(MakeKey(SystemPrefix, roachpb.RKey("store-idgen")))
	// RangeTreeRoot specifies the root range in the range tree.
	RangeTreeRoot = roachpb.Key(MakeKey(SystemPrefix, roachpb.RKey("range-tree-root")))

	// StatusPrefix specifies the key prefix to store all status details.
	StatusPrefix = roachpb.Key(MakeKey(SystemPrefix, roachpb.RKey("status-")))
	// StatusStorePrefix stores all status info for stores.
	StatusStorePrefix = roachpb.Key(MakeKey(StatusPrefix, roachpb.RKey("store-")))
	// StatusNodePrefix stores all status info for nodes.
	StatusNodePrefix = roachpb.Key(MakeKey(StatusPrefix, roachpb.RKey("node-")))

	// TableDataMin is the start of the range of table data keys.
	TableDataMin = roachpb.Key(encoding.EncodeVarint(nil, math.MinInt64))
	// TableDataMin is the end of the range of table data keys.
	TableDataMax = roachpb.Key(encoding.EncodeVarint(nil, math.MaxInt64))

	// ReservedTableDataMin is the start key of reserved structured data
	// (excluding SystemDB).
	ReservedTableDataMin = roachpb.Key(MakeTablePrefix(MaxSystemDescID + 1))

	// UserTableDataMin is the start key of user structured data.
	UserTableDataMin = roachpb.Key(MakeTablePrefix(MaxReservedDescID + 1))

	// MaxKey is the infinity marker which is larger than any other key.
	MaxKey = roachpb.KeyMax
	// MinKey is a minimum key value which sorts before all other keys.
	MinKey = roachpb.KeyMin