Ejemplo n.º 1
// ServiceCreate creates service
func (ac *APIController) ServiceCreate(service *contivModel.Service) error {
	log.Infof("Received ServiceCreate: %+v", service)

	// check params
	if (service.TenantName == "") || (service.AppName == "") {
		return errors.New("Invalid parameters")

	// Make sure tenant exists
	tenant := contivModel.FindTenant(service.TenantName)
	if tenant == nil {
		return errors.New("Tenant not found")

	// Find the app this service belongs to
	app := contivModel.FindApp(service.TenantName + ":" + service.AppName)
	if app == nil {
		return errors.New("App not found")

	// Setup links
	modeldb.AddLink(&service.Links.App, app)
	modeldb.AddLinkSet(&app.LinkSets.Services, service)

	// Save the app too since we added the links
	err := app.Write()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Check if user specified any networks
	if len(service.Networks) == 0 {
		service.Networks = append(service.Networks, "privateNet")

	// link service with network
	for _, netName := range service.Networks {
		netKey := service.TenantName + ":" + netName
		network := contivModel.FindNetwork(netKey)
		if network == nil {
			log.Errorf("Service: %s could not find network %s", service.Key, netKey)
			return errors.New("Network not found")

		// Link the network
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&service.LinkSets.Networks, network)
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&network.LinkSets.Services, service)

		// save the network
		err := network.Write()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Check if user specified any endpoint group for the service
	if len(service.EndpointGroups) == 0 {
		// Create one default endpointGroup per network
		for _, netName := range service.Networks {
			// params for default endpoint group
			dfltEpgName := service.AppName + "." + service.ServiceName + "." + netName
			endpointGroup := contivModel.EndpointGroup{
				Key:         service.TenantName + ":" + dfltEpgName,
				TenantName:  service.TenantName,
				NetworkName: netName,
				GroupName:   dfltEpgName,

			// Create default endpoint group for the service
			err = contivModel.CreateEndpointGroup(&endpointGroup)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error creating endpoint group: %+v, Err: %v", endpointGroup, err)
				return err

			// Add the endpoint group to the list
			service.EndpointGroups = append(service.EndpointGroups, dfltEpgName)

	// Link the service and endpoint group
	for _, epgName := range service.EndpointGroups {
		endpointGroup := contivModel.FindEndpointGroup(service.TenantName + ":" + epgName)
		if endpointGroup == nil {
			log.Errorf("Error: could not find endpoint group: %s", epgName)
			return errors.New("could not find endpointGroup")

		// setup links
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&service.LinkSets.EndpointGroups, endpointGroup)
		modeldb.AddLinkSet(&endpointGroup.LinkSets.Services, service)

		// save the endpointGroup
		err = endpointGroup.Write()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Check if user specified any volume profile
	if service.VolumeProfile == "" {
		service.VolumeProfile = "default"

	volProfKey := service.TenantName + ":" + service.VolumeProfile
	volProfile := contivModel.FindVolumeProfile(volProfKey)
	if volProfile == nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not find the volume profile: %s", service.VolumeProfile)
		return errors.New("VolumeProfile not found")

	// fixup default values
	if service.Scale == 0 {
		service.Scale = 1

	// Create service instances
	for idx := int64(0); idx < service.Scale; idx++ {
		instID := fmt.Sprintf("%d", idx+1)
		var volumes []string

		// Create a volume for each instance based on the profile
		if volProfile.DatastoreType != "none" {
			instVolName := service.AppName + "." + service.ServiceName + "." + instID
			err = contivModel.CreateVolume(&contivModel.Volume{
				Key:           service.TenantName + ":" + instVolName,
				VolumeName:    instVolName,
				TenantName:    service.TenantName,
				DatastoreType: volProfile.DatastoreType,
				PoolName:      volProfile.PoolName,
				Size:          volProfile.Size,
				MountPoint:    volProfile.MountPoint,
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error creating volume %s. Err: %v", instVolName, err)
				return err
			volumes = []string{instVolName}

		// build instance params
		instKey := service.TenantName + ":" + service.AppName + ":" + service.ServiceName + ":" + instID
		inst := contivModel.ServiceInstance{
			Key:         instKey,
			InstanceID:  instID,
			TenantName:  service.TenantName,
			AppName:     service.AppName,
			ServiceName: service.ServiceName,
			Volumes:     volumes,

		// create the instance
		err := contivModel.CreateServiceInstance(&inst)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Error creating service instance: %+v. Err: %v", inst, err)
			return err

	return nil