Ejemplo n.º 1
// DumpNetpluginLogs prints netplugin logs from the specified testbed node
func DumpNetpluginLogs(node stu.TestbedNode) {
	cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf("sudo cat /tmp/netplugin.log")
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err == nil {
		log.Debugf("logs on node %s: \n%s\n", node.GetName(), output)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// StartClientWithEnvAndArgs starts a client container with specified env-variables.
// It expects ping to server container to succeed
func StartClientWithEnvAndArgs(t *testing.T, node stu.TestbedNode, contName, ipAddress string,
	env, dockerArgs []string) {
	cmdStr := "sudo %s docker run %s --name=" + contName +
		" ubuntu /bin/bash -c \"ping -c5 " + ipAddress + "\""
	cmdStr = fmt.Sprintf(cmdStr, strings.Join(env, " "),
		strings.Join(dockerArgs, " "))
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error '%s' launching container '%s', Output: \n%s\n",
			err, contName, output)

	cmdStr = fmt.Sprintf("sudo docker logs %s", contName)
	output, err = node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error '%s' fetching container '%s' logs, Output: \n%s\n",
			err, contName, output)

	//verify that the output indicates <100% loss (some loss is expected due to
	// timing of interface creation and starting ping)
	if strings.Contains(string(output), ", 100% packet loss,") {
		t.Fatalf("Ping test failed for container '%s', Output: \n%s\n",
			contName, output)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// GetIPAddress returns IP-address information for specified endpoint
func GetIPAddress(t *testing.T, node stu.TestbedNode, ep, stateStore string) string {
	cmdStr := "netdcli -oper get -construct endpoint " + ep + " 2>&1"
	if stateStore != "" {
		cmdStr = "netdcli -oper get -state-store " + stateStore + " -construct endpoint " + ep + " 2>&1"
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)

	if err != nil || string(output) == "" {
		time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
		output, err = node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
		if err != nil || output == "" {
			t.Fatalf("Error getting ip for ep %s. Error: %s, Cmdstr: %s, Output: \n%s\n",
				err, ep, cmdStr, output)

	output = strings.Trim(string(output), "[]")

	epStruct := drivers.OvsOperEndpointState{}

	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(output), &epStruct); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error getting ip for ep %s. Error: %s, Cmdstr: %s, Output: \n%s\n",
			err, ep, cmdStr, output)

	return epStruct.IPAddress
Ejemplo n.º 4
func getContainerUUID(node stu.TestbedNode, contName string) (string, error) {
	cmdStr := "sudo docker inspect --format='{{.Id}}' " + contName
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil {
		output = ""
	return strings.TrimSpace(output), err
Ejemplo n.º 5
// StartServerWithEnvAndArgs starts a server container with specified env-variables
func StartServerWithEnvAndArgs(t *testing.T, node stu.TestbedNode, contName string,
	env, dockerArgs []string) {
	cmdStr := "sudo %s docker run -d %s --name=" + contName +
		" ubuntu /bin/bash -c \"mkfifo foo && < foo\""
	cmdStr = fmt.Sprintf(cmdStr, strings.Join(env, " "),
		strings.Join(dockerArgs, " "))
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error '%s' launching container '%s', Output: \n%s\n",
			err, contName, output)
Ejemplo n.º 6
// NetworkStateExists tests if state for specified network exists
func NetworkStateExists(node stu.TestbedNode, network, stateStore string) error {
	cmdStr := "netdcli -oper get -construct network " + network + " 2>&1"
	if stateStore != "" {
		cmdStr = "netdcli -state-store " + stateStore + "-oper get -construct network " + network + " 2>&1"
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)

	if err != nil {
		return err
	if string(output) == "" {
		return core.Errorf("got null output")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// StartClientFailureWithEnvAndArgs starts a client container with specified env-variables.
// It expects ping to server container to failure
func StartClientFailureWithEnvAndArgs(t *testing.T, node stu.TestbedNode, contName, ipAddress string,
	env, dockerArgs []string) {
	cmdStr := "sudo %s docker run %s --name=" + contName +
		" ubuntu /bin/bash -c \"ping -c5 " + ipAddress + "\""
	cmdStr = fmt.Sprintf(cmdStr, strings.Join(env, " "),
		strings.Join(dockerArgs, " "))
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Ping did not fail as expected, err '%s' container '%s', "+
			"Output: \n%s\n", err, contName, output)

	cmdStr = fmt.Sprintf("sudo docker logs %s", contName)
	output, err = node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil || !strings.Contains(string(output), ", 100% packet loss,") {
		t.Fatalf("Ping did not fail as expected, err '%s' container '%s', "+
			"Output: \n%s\n", err, contName, output)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func applyConfig(t *testing.T, cfgType, jsonCfg string, node stu.TestbedNode, stateStore string) {
	// replace newlines with space and "(quote) with \"(escaped quote) for
	// echo to consume and produce desired json config
	jsonCfg = getEchoCompatibleStr(jsonCfg)
	cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf("echo \"%s\" > /tmp/netdcli.cfg", jsonCfg)
	output, err := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error '%s' creating config file\nCmd: %q\n Output : %s \n",
			err, cmdStr, output)
	cmdStr = "netdcli -" + cfgType + " /tmp/netdcli.cfg 2>&1"
	if stateStore != "" {
		cmdStr = "netdcli -state-store " + stateStore + " -" + cfgType + " /tmp/netdcli.cfg 2>&1"
	output, err = node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to apply config. Error: %s\nCmd: %q\n Output : %s\n",
			err, cmdStr, output)
Ejemplo n.º 9
// OvsDumpInfo dumps the ovs state on the specified testbed node
func OvsDumpInfo(node stu.TestbedNode) {
	cmdStr := "sudo ovs-vsctl show"
	output, _ := node.RunCommandWithOutput(cmdStr)
	log.Debugf("ovs-vsctl on node %s: \n%s\n", node.GetName(), output)