Ejemplo n.º 1
// InternalGet gets the node of the given nodePath.
func (s *store) internalGet(nodePath string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))

	walkFunc := func(parent *node, name string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {

		if !parent.IsDir() {
			err := etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, parent.Path, s.CurrentIndex)
			return nil, err

		child, ok := parent.Children[name]
		if ok {
			return child, nil

		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeKeyNotFound, path.Join(parent.Path, name), s.CurrentIndex)

	f, err := s.walk(nodePath, walkFunc)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return f, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (s *store) CompareAndSwap(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64,
	value string, expireTime time.Time) (*Event, error) {

	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)

	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if n.IsDir() { // can only compare and swap file
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex)

	// If both of the prevValue and prevIndex are given, we will test both of them.
	// Command will be executed, only if both of the tests are successful.
	if ok, which := n.Compare(prevValue, prevIndex); !ok {
		cause := getCompareFailCause(n, which, prevValue, prevIndex)
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeTestFailed, cause, s.CurrentIndex)

	// update etcd index

	e := newEvent(CompareAndSwap, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
	eNode := e.Node

	// if test succeed, write the value
	n.Write(value, s.CurrentIndex)

	// copy the value for safety
	valueCopy := value
	eNode.Value = &valueCopy
	eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(s.clock)


	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Update updates the value/ttl of the node.
// If the node is a file, the value and the ttl can be updated.
// If the node is a directory, only the ttl can be updated.
func (s *store) Update(nodePath string, newValue string, expireTime time.Time) (*Event, error) {
	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)

	currIndex, nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex, s.CurrentIndex+1

	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)

	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
		return nil, err

	e := newEvent(Update, nodePath, nextIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
	e.EtcdIndex = nextIndex
	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
	eNode := e.Node

	if n.IsDir() && len(newValue) != 0 {
		// if the node is a directory, we cannot update value to non-empty
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, currIndex)

	n.Write(newValue, nextIndex)

	if n.IsDir() {
		eNode.Dir = true
	} else {
		// copy the value for safety
		newValueCopy := newValue
		eNode.Value = &newValueCopy

	// update ttl

	eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(s.clock)



	s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex

	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Remove function remove the node.
func (n *node) Remove(dir, recursive bool, callback func(path string)) *etcdErr.Error {

	if n.IsDir() {
		if !dir {
			// cannot delete a directory without recursive set to true
			return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, n.Path, n.store.CurrentIndex)

		if len(n.Children) != 0 && !recursive {
			// cannot delete a directory if it is not empty and the operation
			// is not recursive
			return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeDirNotEmpty, n.Path, n.store.CurrentIndex)

	if !n.IsDir() { // key-value pair
		_, name := path.Split(n.Path)

		// find its parent and remove the node from the map
		if n.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Children[name] == n {
			delete(n.Parent.Children, name)

		if callback != nil {

		if !n.IsPermanent() {

		return nil

	for _, child := range n.Children { // delete all children
		child.Remove(true, true, callback)

	// delete self
	_, name := path.Split(n.Path)
	if n.Parent != nil && n.Parent.Children[name] == n {
		delete(n.Parent.Children, name)

		if callback != nil {

		if !n.IsPermanent() {


	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (s *store) CompareAndDelete(nodePath string, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64) (*Event, error) {
	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))

	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()

	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)

	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
		return nil, err

	if n.IsDir() { // can only compare and delete file
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex)

	// If both of the prevValue and prevIndex are given, we will test both of them.
	// Command will be executed, only if both of the tests are successful.
	if ok, which := n.Compare(prevValue, prevIndex); !ok {
		cause := getCompareFailCause(n, which, prevValue, prevIndex)
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeTestFailed, cause, s.CurrentIndex)

	// update etcd index

	e := newEvent(CompareAndDelete, nodePath, s.CurrentIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
	e.EtcdIndex = s.CurrentIndex
	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)

	callback := func(path string) { // notify function
		// notify the watchers with deleted set true
		s.WatcherHub.notifyWatchers(e, path, true)

	err = n.Remove(false, false, callback)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Read function gets the value of the node.
// If the receiver node is not a key-value pair, a "Not A File" error will be returned.
func (n *node) Read() (string, *etcdErr.Error) {
	if n.IsDir() {
		return "", etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, "", n.store.CurrentIndex)

	return n.Value, nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Add function adds a node to the receiver node.
// If the receiver is not a directory, a "Not A Directory" error will be returned.
// If there is a existing node with the same name under the directory, a "Already Exist"
// error will be returned
func (n *node) Add(child *node) *etcdErr.Error {
	if !n.IsDir() {
		return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, "", n.store.CurrentIndex)

	_, name := path.Split(child.Path)

	_, ok := n.Children[name]

	if ok {
		return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNodeExist, "", n.store.CurrentIndex)

	n.Children[name] = child

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
func TestWriteError(t *testing.T) {
	// nil error should not panic
	rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
	writeError(rec, nil)
	h := rec.Header()
	if len(h) > 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected non-empty headers: %#v", h)
	b := rec.Body.String()
	if len(b) > 0 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected non-empty body: %q", b)

	tests := []struct {
		err   error
		wcode int
		wi    string
			etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeKeyNotFound, "/foo/bar", 123),
			etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeTestFailed, "/foo/bar", 456),
			err:   errors.New("something went wrong"),
			wcode: http.StatusInternalServerError,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
		writeError(rw, tt.err)
		if code := rw.Code; code != tt.wcode {
			t.Errorf("#%d: code=%d, want %d", i, code, tt.wcode)
		if idx := rw.Header().Get("X-Etcd-Index"); idx != tt.wi {
			t.Errorf("#%d: X-Etcd-Index=%q, want %q", i, idx, tt.wi)
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Delete deletes the node at the given path.
// If the node is a directory, recursive must be true to delete it.
func (s *store) Delete(nodePath string, dir, recursive bool) (*Event, error) {
	defer s.worldLock.Unlock()

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))
	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", s.CurrentIndex)

	// recursive implies dir
	if recursive == true {
		dir = true

	n, err := s.internalGet(nodePath)

	if err != nil { // if the node does not exist, return error
		return nil, err

	nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex + 1
	e := newEvent(Delete, nodePath, nextIndex, n.CreatedIndex)
	e.EtcdIndex = nextIndex
	e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)
	eNode := e.Node

	if n.IsDir() {
		eNode.Dir = true

	callback := func(path string) { // notify function
		// notify the watchers with deleted set true
		s.WatcherHub.notifyWatchers(e, path, true)

	err = n.Remove(dir, recursive, callback)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// update etcd index



	return e, nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Write function set the value of the node to the given value.
// If the receiver node is a directory, a "Not A File" error will be returned.
func (n *node) Write(value string, index uint64) *etcdErr.Error {
	if n.IsDir() {
		return etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, "", n.store.CurrentIndex)

	n.Value = value
	n.ModifiedIndex = index

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// GetChild function returns the child node under the directory node.
// On success, it returns the file node
func (n *node) GetChild(name string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
	if !n.IsDir() {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, n.Path, n.store.CurrentIndex)

	child, ok := n.Children[name]

	if ok {
		return child, nil

	return nil, nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
// List function return a slice of nodes under the receiver node.
// If the receiver node is not a directory, a "Not A Directory" error will be returned.
func (n *node) List() ([]*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
	if !n.IsDir() {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, "", n.store.CurrentIndex)

	nodes := make([]*node, len(n.Children))

	i := 0
	for _, node := range n.Children {
		nodes[i] = node

	return nodes, nil
Ejemplo n.º 13
// scan enumerates events from the index history and stops at the first point
// where the key matches.
func (eh *EventHistory) scan(key string, recursive bool, index uint64) (*Event, *etcdErr.Error) {
	defer eh.rwl.RUnlock()

	// index should be after the event history's StartIndex
	if index < eh.StartIndex {
		return nil,
				fmt.Sprintf("the requested history has been cleared [%v/%v]",
					eh.StartIndex, index), 0)

	// the index should come before the size of the queue minus the duplicate count
	if index > eh.LastIndex { // future index
		return nil, nil

	offset := index - eh.StartIndex
	i := (eh.Queue.Front + int(offset)) % eh.Queue.Capacity

	for {
		e := eh.Queue.Events[i]

		ok := (e.Node.Key == key)

		if recursive {
			// add tailing slash
			key := path.Clean(key)
			if key[len(key)-1] != '/' {
				key = key + "/"

			ok = ok || strings.HasPrefix(e.Node.Key, key)

		if ok {
			return e, nil

		i = (i + 1) % eh.Queue.Capacity

		if i == eh.Queue.Back {
			return nil, nil
Ejemplo n.º 14
// writeKeyError logs and writes the given Error to the ResponseWriter.
// If Error is not an etcdErr, the error will be converted to an etcd error.
func writeKeyError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
	if err == nil {
	switch e := err.(type) {
	case *etcdErr.Error:
		if err == etcdserver.ErrTimeoutDueToLeaderFail {
		} else {
			plog.Errorf("got unexpected response error (%v)", err)
		ee := etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRaftInternal, err.Error(), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
// checkDir will check whether the component is a directory under parent node.
// If it is a directory, this function will return the pointer to that node.
// If it does not exist, this function will create a new directory and return the pointer to that node.
// If it is a file, this function will return error.
func (s *store) checkDir(parent *node, dirName string) (*node, *etcdErr.Error) {
	node, ok := parent.Children[dirName]

	if ok {
		if node.IsDir() {
			return node, nil

		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotDir, node.Path, s.CurrentIndex)

	n := newDir(s, path.Join(parent.Path, dirName), s.CurrentIndex+1, parent, Permanent)

	parent.Children[dirName] = n

	return n, nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
func writeKeyNoAuth(w http.ResponseWriter) {
	e := etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeUnauthorized, "Insufficient credentials", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
func (s *store) internalCreate(nodePath string, dir bool, value string, unique, replace bool,
	expireTime time.Time, action string) (*Event, error) {

	currIndex, nextIndex := s.CurrentIndex, s.CurrentIndex+1

	if unique { // append unique item under the node path
		nodePath += "/" + fmt.Sprintf("%020s", strconv.FormatUint(nextIndex, 10))

	nodePath = path.Clean(path.Join("/", nodePath))

	// we do not allow the user to change "/"
	if s.readonlySet.Contains(nodePath) {
		return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeRootROnly, "/", currIndex)

	// Assume expire times that are way in the past are
	// This can occur when the time is serialized to JS
	if expireTime.Before(minExpireTime) {
		expireTime = Permanent

	dirName, nodeName := path.Split(nodePath)

	// walk through the nodePath, create dirs and get the last directory node
	d, err := s.walk(dirName, s.checkDir)

	if err != nil {
		err.Index = currIndex
		return nil, err

	e := newEvent(action, nodePath, nextIndex, nextIndex)
	eNode := e.Node

	n, _ := d.GetChild(nodeName)

	// force will try to replace a existing file
	if n != nil {
		if replace {
			if n.IsDir() {
				return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNotFile, nodePath, currIndex)
			e.PrevNode = n.Repr(false, false, s.clock)

			n.Remove(false, false, nil)
		} else {
			return nil, etcdErr.NewError(etcdErr.EcodeNodeExist, nodePath, currIndex)

	if !dir { // create file
		// copy the value for safety
		valueCopy := value
		eNode.Value = &valueCopy

		n = newKV(s, nodePath, value, nextIndex, d, expireTime)

	} else { // create directory
		eNode.Dir = true

		n = newDir(s, nodePath, nextIndex, d, expireTime)

	// we are sure d is a directory and does not have the children with name n.Name

	// node with TTL
	if !n.IsPermanent() {

		eNode.Expiration, eNode.TTL = n.expirationAndTTL(s.clock)

	s.CurrentIndex = nextIndex

	return e, nil