Ejemplo n.º 1
func (bucket CouchbaseBucketGoCB) WriteCas(k string, flags int, exp int, cas uint64, v interface{}, opt sgbucket.WriteOptions) (casOut uint64, err error) {

	bucket.singleOps <- struct{}{}
	defer func() {

	// we only support the sgbucket.Raw WriteOption at this point
	if opt != sgbucket.Raw {
		LogPanic("WriteOption must be sgbucket.Raw")

	// also, flags must be 0, since that is not supported by gocb
	if flags != 0 {
		LogPanic("flags must be 0")

	worker := func() (shouldRetry bool, err error, value interface{}) {

		if cas == 0 {
			// Try to insert the value into the bucket
			gocbExpvars.Add("WriteCas_Insert", 1)
			newCas, err := bucket.Bucket.Insert(k, v, uint32(exp))
			shouldRetry = isRecoverableGoCBError(err)
			return shouldRetry, err, uint64(newCas)

		// Otherwise, replace existing value
		gocbExpvars.Add("WriteCas_Replace", 1)
		newCas, err := bucket.Bucket.Replace(k, v, gocb.Cas(cas), uint32(exp))
		shouldRetry = isRecoverableGoCBError(err)
		return shouldRetry, err, uint64(newCas)


	sleeper := CreateDoublingSleeperFunc(

	// Kick off retry loop
	description := fmt.Sprintf("WriteCas with key %v", k)
	err, result := RetryLoop(description, worker, sleeper)

	// If the retry loop returned a nil result, set to 0 to prevent type assertion on nil error
	if result == nil {
		result = uint64(0)

	// Type assertion of result
	cas, ok := result.(uint64)
	if !ok {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("Error doing type assertion of %v into a uint64,  Key: %v", result, k)

	return cas, err

Ejemplo n.º 2
func (bucket CouchbaseBucketGoCB) processBulkSetEntriesBatch(entries []*sgbucket.BulkSetEntry) (error, []*sgbucket.BulkSetEntry) {

	retryEntries := []*sgbucket.BulkSetEntry{}
	var items []gocb.BulkOp

	for _, entry := range entries {

		switch entry.Cas {
		case 0:
			// if no CAS val, treat it as an insert (similar to WriteCas())
			item := &gocb.InsertOp{
				Key:   entry.Key,
				Value: entry.Value,
			items = append(items, item)
			// otherwise, treat it as a replace
			item := &gocb.ReplaceOp{
				Key:   entry.Key,
				Value: entry.Value,
				Cas:   gocb.Cas(entry.Cas),
			items = append(items, item)


	// Do the underlying bulk operation
	if err := bucket.Do(items); err != nil {
		return err, retryEntries

	for index, item := range items {
		entry := entries[index]
		switch item := item.(type) {
		case *gocb.InsertOp:
			entry.Cas = uint64(item.Cas)
			entry.Error = item.Err
			if item.Err != nil && isRecoverableGoCBError(item.Err) {
				retryEntries = append(retryEntries, entry)
		case *gocb.ReplaceOp:
			entry.Cas = uint64(item.Cas)
			entry.Error = item.Err
			if item.Err != nil && isRecoverableGoCBError(item.Err) {
				retryEntries = append(retryEntries, entry)

	return nil, retryEntries

Ejemplo n.º 3
func (bucket CouchbaseBucketGoCB) Update(k string, exp int, callback sgbucket.UpdateFunc) error {

	bucket.singleOps <- struct{}{}
	defer func() {

	maxCasRetries := 100000 // prevent infinite loop
	for i := 0; i < maxCasRetries; i++ {

		var value interface{}
		var err error

		// Load the existing value.
		// NOTE: ignore error and assume it's a "key not found" error.  If it's a more
		// serious error, it will probably recur when calling other ops below

		gocbExpvars.Add("Update_Get", 1)
		cas, _ := bucket.Get(k, &value)

		var callbackParam []byte
		if value != nil {
			callbackParam = value.([]byte)

		// Invoke callback to get updated value
		value, err = callback(callbackParam)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if cas == 0 {
			// If the Get fails, the cas will be 0 and so call Insert().
			// If we get an error on the insert, due to a race, this will
			// go back through the cas loop

			gocbExpvars.Add("Update_Insert", 1)
			_, err = bucket.Bucket.Insert(k, value, uint32(exp))
		} else {
			if value == nil {
				// In order to match the go-couchbase bucket behavior, if the
				// callback returns nil, we delete the doc
				gocbExpvars.Add("Update_Remove", 1)
				_, err = bucket.Bucket.Remove(k, gocb.Cas(cas))
			} else {
				// Otherwise, attempt to do a replace.  won't succeed if
				// updated underneath us
				gocbExpvars.Add("Update_Replace", 1)
				_, err = bucket.Bucket.Replace(k, value, gocb.Cas(cas), uint32(exp))

		// If there was no error, we're done
		if err == nil {
			return nil


	return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update after %v CAS attempts", maxCasRetries)
