Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestLargeDocumentSize(t *testing.T) {
	log.Printf("In TestLargeDocumentSize()")

	u, _ := user.Current()
	datapath := filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "testdata/TwitterFeed1.txt.gz")
	tc.DownloadDataFile(tc.IndexTypesTwitterFeed1JSONDataS3, datapath, true)
	largeDocs := datautility.LoadJSONFromCompressedFile(datapath, "id_str")
	UpdateKVDocs(largeDocs, docs)

	log.Printf("Length of docs and largeDocs = %d and %d", len(docs), len(largeDocs))

	bucketName := "default"
	index1 := "index_userscreenname"

	kvutility.SetKeyValues(largeDocs, bucketName, "", clusterconfig.KVAddress)

	err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(index1, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"`user`.screen_name"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil)
	FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t)

	docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanAllResponse(docs, "user.screen_name")
	scanResults, err := secondaryindex.ScanAll(index1, bucketName, indexScanAddress, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil)
	FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1: ", t)
	err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults)
	FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan 1:  result validation", t)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func init() {
	log.Printf("In init()")

	var configpath string
	flag.StringVar(&configpath, "cbconfig", "../config/clusterrun_conf.json", "Path of the configuration file with data about Couchbase Cluster")
	clusterconfig = tc.GetClusterConfFromFile(configpath)
	kvaddress = clusterconfig.KVAddress
	indexManagementAddress = clusterconfig.KVAddress
	indexScanAddress = clusterconfig.KVAddress
	seed = 1
	proddir, bagdir = tc.FetchMonsterToolPath()

	// setup cbauth
	if _, err := cbauth.InternalRetryDefaultInit(kvaddress, clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize cbauth: %s", err)
	secondaryindex.CheckCollation = true
	e := secondaryindex.DropAllSecondaryIndexes(indexManagementAddress)
	tc.HandleError(e, "Error in DropAllSecondaryIndexes")

	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
	// Working with Users10k and Users_mut dataset.
	u, _ := user.Current()
	dataFilePath = filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "testdata/Users10k.txt.gz")
	mutationFilePath = filepath.Join(u.HomeDir, "testdata/Users_mut.txt.gz")
	tc.DownloadDataFile(tc.IndexTypesStaticJSONDataS3, dataFilePath, true)
	tc.DownloadDataFile(tc.IndexTypesMutationJSONDataS3, mutationFilePath, true)
	docs = datautility.LoadJSONFromCompressedFile(dataFilePath, "docid")
	mut_docs = datautility.LoadJSONFromCompressedFile(mutationFilePath, "docid")
	log.Printf("Emptying the default bucket")
	kvutility.EnableBucketFlush("default", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress)
	kvutility.FlushBucket("default", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress)
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	log.Printf("Create Index On the empty default Bucket()")
	var indexName = "index_eyeColor"
	var bucketName = "default"

	err := secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"eyeColor"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil)
	tc.HandleError(err, "Error in creating the index")

	// Populate the bucket now
	log.Printf("Populating the default bucket")
	kvutility.SetKeyValues(docs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// After bucket delete:-
// 1) query for old index before loading bucket
// 2) query for old index after loading bucket
// 3) create new indexes and query
// 4) list indexes: should list only new indexes
func TestBucketDefaultDelete(t *testing.T) {
	kvutility.DeleteBucket("default", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress)
	time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) // Sleep after bucket create or delete
	kvutility.CreateBucket("default", "none", "", clusterconfig.Username, clusterconfig.Password, kvaddress, "256", "11212")
	time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) // Sleep after bucket create or delete

	docs = datautility.LoadJSONFromCompressedFile(dataFilePath, "docid")
	mut_docs = datautility.LoadJSONFromCompressedFile(mutationFilePath, "docid")
	log.Printf("Populating the default bucket")
	kvutility.SetKeyValues(docs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress)
	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

	var indexName = "index_isActive"
	var bucketName = "default"

	scanResults, err := secondaryindex.Lookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"BIOSPAN"}, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil)
	if err == nil {
		log.Printf("Scan did not fail as expected. Got scanresults: %v\n", scanResults)
		e := errors.New("Scan did not fail as expected after bucket delete")
		FailTestIfError(e, "Error in TestBucketDefaultDelete", t)
	} else {
		log.Printf("Scan failed as expected with error: %v", err)

	log.Printf("Populating the default bucket after it was deleted")
	kvutility.SetKeyValues(docs, "default", "", clusterconfig.KVAddress)

	err = secondaryindex.CreateSecondaryIndex(indexName, bucketName, indexManagementAddress, "", []string{"company"}, false, nil, true, defaultIndexActiveTimeout, nil)
	FailTestIfError(err, "Error in creating the index", t)

	docScanResults := datautility.ExpectedScanResponse_string(docs, "company", "BIOSPAN", "BIOSPAN", 3)
	scanResults, err = secondaryindex.Lookup(indexName, bucketName, indexScanAddress, []interface{}{"BIOSPAN"}, true, defaultlimit, c.SessionConsistency, nil)
	FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan", t)
	err = tv.Validate(docScanResults, scanResults)
	FailTestIfError(err, "Error in scan result validation", t)
	// todo: list the index and confirm there is only index created