Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestRebuildUserRoles(t *testing.T) {
	computer := mockComputer{roles: ch.AtSequence(base.SetOf("role1", "role2"), 3)}
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, &computer)
	user, _ := auth.NewUser("testUser", "letmein", nil)
	user.SetExplicitRoles(ch.TimedSet{"role3": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(1), "role1": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(1)})
	err := auth.InvalidateRoles(user)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	user2, err := auth.GetUser("testUser")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	expected := ch.AtSequence(base.SetOf("role1", "role3"), 1)
	expected.AddChannel("role2", 3)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2.RoleNames(), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestRoleInheritance(t *testing.T) {
	// Create some roles:
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, nil)
	role, _ := auth.NewRole("square", ch.SetOf("dull", "duller", "dullest"))
	assert.Equals(t, auth.Save(role), nil)
	role, _ = auth.NewRole("frood", ch.SetOf("hoopy", "hoopier", "hoopiest"))
	assert.Equals(t, auth.Save(role), nil)

	user, _ := auth.NewUser("arthur", "password", ch.SetOf("britain"))
	user.(*userImpl).setRolesSince(ch.TimedSet{"square": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x3), "nonexistent": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x42), "frood": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x4)})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.RoleNames(), ch.TimedSet{"square": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x3), "nonexistent": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x42), "frood": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x4)})

	user2, err := auth.GetUser("arthur")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	log.Printf("Channels = %s", user2.Channels())
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2.Channels(), ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf("!", "britain"), 1))
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2.InheritedChannels(),
		ch.TimedSet{"!": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x1), "britain": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x1), "dull": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x3), "duller": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x3), "dullest": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x3), "hoopy": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x4), "hoopier": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x4), "hoopiest": ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x4)})
	assert.True(t, user2.CanSeeChannel("britain"))
	assert.True(t, user2.CanSeeChannel("duller"))
	assert.True(t, user2.CanSeeChannel("hoopy"))
	assert.Equals(t, user2.AuthorizeAllChannels(ch.SetOf("britain", "dull", "hoopiest")), nil)
Ejemplo n.º 3
func TestAccessFunction(t *testing.T) {

		var logKeys = map[string]bool {
			"CRUD": true,
			"Access": true,

		base.UpdateLogKeys(logKeys, true)

	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)

	authenticator := auth.NewAuthenticator(db.Bucket, db)

	var err error
	db.ChannelMapper = channels.NewChannelMapper(`function(doc){access(doc.users,doc.userChannels);}`)

	user, _ := authenticator.NewUser("naomi", "letmein", channels.SetOf("Netflix"))
	user.SetExplicitRoles(channels.TimedSet{"animefan": channels.NewVbSimpleSequence(1), "tumblr": channels.NewVbSimpleSequence(1)})
	assertNoError(t, authenticator.Save(user), "Save")

	body := Body{"users": []string{"naomi"}, "userChannels": []string{"Hulu"}}
	_, err = db.Put("doc1", body)
	assertNoError(t, err, "")

	body = Body{"users": []string{"role:animefan"}, "userChannels": []string{"CrunchyRoll"}}
	_, err = db.Put("doc2", body)
	assertNoError(t, err, "")

	// Create the role _after_ creating the documents, to make sure the previously-indexed access
	// privileges are applied.
	role, _ := authenticator.NewRole("animefan", nil)

	user, err = authenticator.GetUser("naomi")
	assertNoError(t, err, "GetUser")
	expected := channels.AtSequence(channels.SetOf("Hulu", "Netflix", "!"), 1)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.Channels(), expected)

	expected.AddChannel("CrunchyRoll", 2)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.InheritedChannels(), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (auth *Authenticator) UnmarshalUser(data []byte, defaultName string, defaultSequence uint64) (User, error) {
	user := &userImpl{auth: auth}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, user); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if user.Name_ == "" {
		user.Name_ = defaultName
	defaultVbSequence := ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(defaultSequence)
	for channel, seq := range user.ExplicitChannels_ {
		if seq.Sequence == 0 {
			user.ExplicitChannels_[channel] = defaultVbSequence
	if err := user.validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return user, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
func (auth *Authenticator) UnmarshalRole(data []byte, defaultName string, defaultSeq uint64) (Role, error) {
	role := &roleImpl{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, role); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if role.Name_ == "" {
		role.Name_ = defaultName

	defaultVbSeq := ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(defaultSeq)
	for channel, seq := range role.ExplicitChannels_ {
		if seq.Sequence == 0 {
			role.ExplicitChannels_[channel] = defaultVbSeq
	if err := role.validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return role, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Updates any entries in the admin (explicit) channel set that have
// their sequence set to zero, to the provided sequence, and invalidates the user channels.
// Used during distributed index processing, where the sequence value is the vb sequence, and
// isn't known at initial write time. Using bucket.Update for cas handling, similar to updatePrincipal.
func (auth *Authenticator) updateVbucketSequences(docID string, factory func() Principal, seq uint64) error {

	sequence := ch.NewVbSimpleSequence(seq)
	err := auth.bucket.Update(docID, 0, func(currentValue []byte) ([]byte, error) {
		// Be careful: this block can be invoked multiple times if there are races!
		if currentValue == nil {
			return nil, couchbase.UpdateCancel
		princ := factory()
		if err := json.Unmarshal(currentValue, princ); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		channelsChanged := false
		for channel, vbSeq := range princ.ExplicitChannels() {
			seq := vbSeq.Sequence
			if seq == 0 {
				switch p := princ.(type) {
				case *roleImpl:
					p.ExplicitChannels_[channel] = sequence
				case *userImpl:
					p.ExplicitChannels_[channel] = sequence
				channelsChanged = true
		// Invalidate calculated channels if changed.
		if channelsChanged {

		// If user, also check for explicit roles.
		rolesChanged := false
		if userPrinc, ok := princ.(*userImpl); ok {
			for role, vbSeq := range userPrinc.ExplicitRoles() {
				seq := vbSeq.Sequence
				if seq == 0 {
					userPrinc.ExplicitRoles_[role] = sequence
					rolesChanged = true
			// Invalidate calculated roles if changed.
			if rolesChanged {


		if channelsChanged || rolesChanged {
			// Save the updated principal doc.
			return json.Marshal(princ)
		} else {
			// No entries found requiring update, so cancel update.
			return nil, couchbase.UpdateCancel

	if err != nil && err != couchbase.UpdateCancel {
		return err
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
func TestUserAPI(t *testing.T) {
	// PUT a user
	var rt restTester
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_user/snej", ""), 404)
	response := rt.sendAdminRequest("PUT", "/db/_user/snej", `{"email":"*****@*****.**", "password":"******", "admin_channels":["foo", "bar"]}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)

	// GET the user and make sure the result is OK
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_user/snej", "")
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)
	var body db.Body
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &body)
	assert.Equals(t, body["name"], "snej")
	assert.Equals(t, body["email"], "*****@*****.**")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, body["admin_channels"], []interface{}{"bar", "foo"})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, body["all_channels"], []interface{}{"!", "bar", "foo"})
	assert.Equals(t, body["password"], nil)

	// Check the list of all users:
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_user/", "")
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)
	assert.Equals(t, string(response.Body.Bytes()), `["snej"]`)

	// Check that the actual User object is correct:
	user, _ := rt.ServerContext().Database("db").Authenticator().GetUser("snej")
	assert.Equals(t, user.Name(), "snej")
	assert.Equals(t, user.Email(), "*****@*****.**")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.ExplicitChannels(), channels.TimedSet{"bar": channels.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x1), "foo": channels.NewVbSimpleSequence(0x1)})
	assert.True(t, user.Authenticate("letmein"))

	// Change the password and verify it:
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("PUT", "/db/_user/snej", `{"email":"*****@*****.**", "password":"******", "admin_channels":["foo", "bar"]}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	user, _ = rt.ServerContext().Database("db").Authenticator().GetUser("snej")
	assert.True(t, user.Authenticate("123"))

	// DELETE the user
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendAdminRequest("DELETE", "/db/_user/snej", ""), 200)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_user/snej", ""), 404)

	// POST a user
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("POST", "/db/_user", `{"name":"snej", "password":"******", "admin_channels":["foo", "bar"]}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 301)
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("POST", "/db/_user/", `{"name":"snej", "password":"******", "admin_channels":["foo", "bar"]}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_user/snej", "")
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)
	body = nil
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &body)
	assert.Equals(t, body["name"], "snej")

	// Create a role
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_role/hipster", ""), 404)
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("PUT", "/db/_role/hipster", `{"admin_channels":["fedoras", "fixies"]}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)

	// Give the user that role
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("PUT", "/db/_user/snej", `{"admin_channels":["foo", "bar"],"admin_roles":["hipster"]}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	// GET the user and verify that it shows the channels inherited from the role
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_user/snej", "")
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)
	body = nil
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &body)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, body["admin_roles"], []interface{}{"hipster"})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, body["all_channels"], []interface{}{"!", "bar", "fedoras", "fixies", "foo"})

	// DELETE the user
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendAdminRequest("DELETE", "/db/_user/snej", ""), 200)