Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestAccessFunction(t *testing.T) {
	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)

	authenticator := auth.NewAuthenticator(db.Bucket, db)

	var err error
	db.ChannelMapper, err = channels.NewChannelMapper(`function(doc){access(doc.users,doc.userChannels);}`)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't create channel mapper")

	user, _ := authenticator.NewUser("naomi", "letmein", channels.SetOf("Netflix"))
	user.SetRoleNames([]string{"animefan", "tumblr"})

	body := Body{"users": []string{"naomi"}, "userChannels": []string{"Hulu"}}
	_, err = db.Put("doc1", body)
	assertNoError(t, err, "")

	body = Body{"users": []string{"role:animefan"}, "userChannels": []string{"CrunchyRoll"}}
	_, err = db.Put("doc2", body)
	assertNoError(t, err, "")

	// Create the role _after_ creating the documents, to make sure the previously-indexed access
	// privileges are applied.
	role, _ := authenticator.NewRole("animefan", nil)

	user, _ = authenticator.GetUser("naomi")
	expected := channels.SetOf("Hulu", "Netflix").AtSequence(1)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.Channels(), expected)

	expected.AddChannel("CrunchyRoll", 2)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.InheritedChannels(), expected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestRebuildRoleChannels(t *testing.T) {
	computer := mockComputer{channels: ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf("derived1", "derived2"), 1)}
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, &computer)
	role, _ := auth.NewRole("testRole", ch.SetOf("explicit1"))
	err := auth.InvalidateChannels(role)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	role2, err := auth.GetRole("testRole")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, role2.Channels(), ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf("explicit1", "derived1", "derived2"), 1))
Ejemplo n.º 3
func TestRebuildUserChannels(t *testing.T) {
	computer := mockComputer{channels: ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf("derived1", "derived2"), 1)}
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, &computer)
	user, _ := auth.NewUser("testUser", "password", ch.SetOf("explicit1"))
	err := auth.Save(user)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	user2, err := auth.GetUser("testUser")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	log.Printf("Channels = %s", user2.Channels())
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2.Channels(), ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf("explicit1", "derived1", "derived2"), 1))
Ejemplo n.º 4
func TestLogin(t *testing.T) {
	var rt restTester
	a := auth.NewAuthenticator(rt.bucket(), nil)
	user, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(user)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	user, err = a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.True(t, user.Disabled())

	response := rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc", `{"hi": "there"}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 401)

	user, err = a.NewUser("pupshaw", "letmein", channels.SetOf("*"))

	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("GET", "/db/_session", ""), 200)

	response = rt.sendRequest("POST", "/db/_session", `{"name":"pupshaw", "password":"******"}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)
	log.Printf("Set-Cookie: %s", response.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"))
	assert.True(t, response.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") != "")
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Updates the Channels property of a document object with current & past channels.
// Returns the set of channels that have changed (document joined or left in this revision)
func (doc *document) updateChannels(newChannels base.Set) (changedChannels base.Set) {
	var changed []string
	oldChannels := doc.Channels
	if oldChannels == nil {
		oldChannels = ChannelMap{}
		doc.Channels = oldChannels
	} else {
		// Mark every no-longer-current channel as unsubscribed:
		curSequence := doc.Sequence
		for channel, removal := range oldChannels {
			if removal == nil && !newChannels.Contains(channel) {
				oldChannels[channel] = &ChannelRemoval{
					Seq:     curSequence,
					RevID:   doc.CurrentRev,
					Deleted: doc.Deleted}
				changed = append(changed, channel)

	// Mark every current channel as subscribed:
	for channel, _ := range newChannels {
		if value, exists := oldChannels[channel]; value != nil || !exists {
			oldChannels[channel] = nil
			changed = append(changed, channel)
	if changed != nil {
		base.LogTo("CRUD", "\tDoc %q in channels %q", doc.ID, newChannels)
		changedChannels = channels.SetOf(changed...)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (auth *Authenticator) defaultGuestUser() User {
	user := &userImpl{
		roleImpl: roleImpl{
			ExplicitChannels_: ch.SetOf("*").AtSequence(1),
		auth: auth,
	user.Channels_ = user.ExplicitChannels_.Copy()
	return user
Ejemplo n.º 7
func TestSaveRoles(t *testing.T) {
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, nil)
	role, _ := auth.NewRole("testRole", ch.SetOf("test"))
	err := auth.Save(role)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	role2, err := auth.GetRole("testRole")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, role2, role)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func TestSaveUsers(t *testing.T) {
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, nil)
	user, _ := auth.NewUser("testUser", "password", ch.SetOf("test"))
	err := auth.Save(user)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	user2, err := auth.GetUser("testUser")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2, user)
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Creates a Go-channel of all the changes made on a channel.
// Does NOT handle the Wait option. Does NOT check authorization.
func (db *Database) changesFeed(channel string, options ChangesOptions) (<-chan *ChangeEntry, error) {
	dbExpvars.Add("channelChangesFeeds", 1)
	log, err := db.changeCache.GetChangesInChannel(channel, options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if len(log) == 0 {
		// There are no entries newer than 'since'. Return an empty feed:
		feed := make(chan *ChangeEntry)
		return feed, nil

	feed := make(chan *ChangeEntry, 1)
	go func() {
		defer close(feed)
		// Now write each log entry to the 'feed' channel in turn:
		for _, logEntry := range log {
			if !options.Conflicts && (logEntry.Flags&channels.Hidden) != 0 {
				//continue  // FIX: had to comment this out.
				// This entry is shadowed by a conflicting one. We would like to skip it.
				// The problem is that if this is the newest revision of this doc, then the
				// doc will appear under this sequence # in the changes view, which means
				// we won't emit the doc at all because we already stopped emitting entries
				// from the view before this point.
			if logEntry.Sequence >= options.Since.TriggeredBy {
				options.Since.TriggeredBy = 0
			seqID := SequenceID{
				Seq:         logEntry.Sequence,
				TriggeredBy: options.Since.TriggeredBy,
			change := ChangeEntry{
				Seq:      seqID,
				ID:       logEntry.DocID,
				Deleted:  (logEntry.Flags & channels.Deleted) != 0,
				Changes:  []ChangeRev{{"rev": logEntry.RevID}},
				branched: (logEntry.Flags & channels.Branched) != 0,
			if logEntry.Flags&channels.Removed != 0 {
				change.Removed = channels.SetOf(channel)

			select {
			case <-options.Terminator:
				base.LogTo("Changes+", "Aborting changesFeed")
			case feed <- &change:
	return feed, nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Unit test for bug #314
func TestChangesAfterChannelAdded(t *testing.T) {
	base.LogKeys["Cache"] = true
	base.LogKeys["Changes"] = true
	base.LogKeys["Changes+"] = true
	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)
	db.ChannelMapper = channels.NewDefaultChannelMapper()

	// Create a user with access to channel ABC
	authenticator := db.Authenticator()
	user, _ := authenticator.NewUser("naomi", "letmein", channels.SetOf("ABC"))

	// Create a doc on two channels (sequence 1):
	revid, _ := db.Put("doc1", Body{"channels": []string{"ABC", "PBS"}})

	// Modify user to have access to both channels (sequence 2):
	userInfo, err := db.GetPrincipal("naomi", true)
	assert.True(t, userInfo != nil)
	userInfo.ExplicitChannels = base.SetOf("ABC", "PBS")
	_, err = db.UpdatePrincipal(*userInfo, true, true)
	assertNoError(t, err, "UpdatePrincipal failed")

	// Check the _changes feed:
	db.user, _ = authenticator.GetUser("naomi")
	changes, err := db.GetChanges(base.SetOf("*"), ChangesOptions{Since: SequenceID{Seq: 1}})
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")

	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 2)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[0], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:     SequenceID{Seq: 1, TriggeredBy: 2},
		ID:      "doc1",
		Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": revid}}})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[1], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:     SequenceID{Seq: 2},
		ID:      "_user/naomi",
		Changes: []ChangeRev{}})

	// Add a new doc (sequence 3):
	revid, _ = db.Put("doc2", Body{"channels": []string{"PBS"}})

	// Check the _changes feed -- this is to make sure the changeCache properly received
	// sequence 2 (the user doc) and isn't stuck waiting for it.
	changes, err = db.GetChanges(base.SetOf("*"), ChangesOptions{Since: SequenceID{Seq: 2}})
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges (2nd)")

	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 1)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[0], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:     SequenceID{Seq: 3},
		ID:      "doc2",
		Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": revid}}})
Ejemplo n.º 11
func TestUpdateDesignDoc(t *testing.T) {
	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)

	_, err := db.Put("_design/official", Body{})
	assertNoError(t, err, "add design doc as admin")

	authenticator := auth.NewAuthenticator(db.Bucket, db)
	db.user, _ = authenticator.NewUser("naomi", "letmein", channels.SetOf("Netflix"))
	_, err = db.Put("_design/pwn3d", Body{})
	assertHTTPError(t, err, 403)
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Top-level handler for _changes feed requests.
func (h *handler) handleChanges() error {
	// http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/HTTP_database_API#Changes
	// http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/api/database/changes.html
	var options db.ChangesOptions
	options.Since = channels.TimedSetFromString(h.getQuery("since"))
	options.Limit = int(h.getIntQuery("limit", 0))
	options.Conflicts = (h.getQuery("style") == "all_docs")
	options.IncludeDocs = (h.getBoolQuery("include_docs"))

	options.Terminator = make(chan bool)
	defer close(options.Terminator)

	// Get the channels as parameters to an imaginary "bychannel" filter.
	// The default is all channels the user can access.
	userChannels := channels.SetOf("*")
	filter := h.getQuery("filter")
	if filter != "" {
		if filter != "sync_gateway/bychannel" {
			return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusBadRequest, "Unknown filter; try sync_gateway/bychannel")
		channelsParam := h.getQuery("channels")
		if channelsParam == "" {
			return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusBadRequest, "Missing 'channels' filter parameter")
		var err error
		userChannels, err = channels.SetFromArray(strings.Split(channelsParam, ","),
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if len(userChannels) == 0 {
			return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusBadRequest, "Empty channel list")

	defer h.db.ChangesClientStats.Decrement()

	switch h.getQuery("feed") {
	case "normal", "":
		return h.sendSimpleChanges(userChannels, options)
	case "longpoll":
		options.Wait = true
		return h.sendSimpleChanges(userChannels, options)
	case "continuous":
		return h.sendContinuousChangesByHTTP(userChannels, options)
	case "websocket":
		return h.sendContinuousChangesByWebSocket(userChannels, options)
		return base.HTTPErrorf(http.StatusBadRequest, "Unknown feed type")
Ejemplo n.º 13
func TestRebuildChannelsError(t *testing.T) {
	computer := mockComputer{}
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, &computer)
	role, err := auth.NewRole("testRole2", ch.SetOf("explicit1"))
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, auth.InvalidateChannels(role), nil)

	computer.err = fmt.Errorf("I'm sorry, Dave.")

	role2, err := auth.GetRole("testRole2")
	assert.Equals(t, role2, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, err, computer.err)
Ejemplo n.º 14
func TestSerializeRole(t *testing.T) {
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, nil)
	role, _ := auth.NewRole("froods", ch.SetOf("hoopy", "public"))
	encoded, _ := json.Marshal(role)
	assert.True(t, encoded != nil)
	log.Printf("Marshaled Role as: %s", encoded)

	elor := &roleImpl{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(encoded, elor)
	assert.True(t, err == nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, elor.Name(), role.Name())
	assert.DeepEquals(t, elor.ExplicitChannels(), role.ExplicitChannels())
Ejemplo n.º 15
func (auth *Authenticator) defaultGuestUser() User {
	user := &userImpl{
		roleImpl: roleImpl{
			ExplicitChannels_: ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf(), 1),
		userImplBody: userImplBody{
			Disabled_: true,
		auth: auth,
	user.Channels_ = user.ExplicitChannels_.Copy()
	return user
Ejemplo n.º 16
func TestSessionExtension(t *testing.T) {
	var rt restTester
	a := auth.NewAuthenticator(rt.bucket(), nil)
	user, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(user)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	user, err = a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.True(t, user.Disabled())

	response := rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc", `{"hi": "there"}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 401)

	user, err = a.NewUser("pupshaw", "letmein", channels.SetOf("*"))

	assertStatus(t, rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_session", ""), 200)

	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("POST", "/db/_session", `{"name":"pupshaw", "ttl":10}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	var body db.Body
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &body)
	sessionId := body["session_id"].(string)
	sessionExpiration := body["expires"].(string)
	assert.True(t, sessionId != "")
	assert.True(t, sessionExpiration != "")
	assert.True(t, body["cookie_name"].(string) == "SyncGatewaySession")

	reqHeaders := map[string]string{
		"Cookie": "SyncGatewaySession=" + body["session_id"].(string),
	response = rt.sendRequestWithHeaders("PUT", "/db/doc1", `{"hi": "there"}`, reqHeaders)
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)

	assert.True(t, response.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") == "")

	//Sleep for 2 seconds, this will ensure 10% of the 100 seconds session ttl has elapsed and
	//should cause a new Cookie to be sent by the server with the same session ID and an extended expiration date
	time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
	response = rt.sendRequestWithHeaders("PUT", "/db/doc2", `{"hi": "there"}`, reqHeaders)
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)

	assert.True(t, response.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") != "")
Ejemplo n.º 17
func TestRoleInheritance(t *testing.T) {
	// Create some roles:
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, nil)
	role, _ := auth.NewRole("square", ch.SetOf("dull", "duller", "dullest"))
	assert.Equals(t, auth.Save(role), nil)
	role, _ = auth.NewRole("frood", ch.SetOf("hoopy", "hoopier", "hoopiest"))
	assert.Equals(t, auth.Save(role), nil)

	user, _ := auth.NewUser("arthur", "password", ch.SetOf("britain"))
	user.(*userImpl).setRolesSince(ch.TimedSet{"square": 0x3, "nonexistent": 0x42, "frood": 0x4})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user.RoleNames(), ch.TimedSet{"square": 0x3, "nonexistent": 0x42, "frood": 0x4})

	user2, err := auth.GetUser("arthur")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	log.Printf("Channels = %s", user2.Channels())
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2.Channels(), ch.AtSequence(ch.SetOf("britain"), 1))
	assert.DeepEquals(t, user2.InheritedChannels(),
		ch.TimedSet{"britain": 0x1, "dull": 0x3, "duller": 0x3, "dullest": 0x3, "hoopy": 0x4, "hoopier": 0x4, "hoopiest": 0x4})
	assert.True(t, user2.CanSeeChannel("britain"))
	assert.True(t, user2.CanSeeChannel("duller"))
	assert.True(t, user2.CanSeeChannel("hoopy"))
	assert.Equals(t, user2.AuthorizeAllChannels(ch.SetOf("britain", "dull", "hoopiest")), nil)
Ejemplo n.º 18
func TestSerializeUser(t *testing.T) {
	auth := NewAuthenticator(gTestBucket, nil)
	user, _ := auth.NewUser("me", "letmein", ch.SetOf("me", "public"))
	encoded, _ := json.Marshal(user)
	assert.True(t, encoded != nil)
	log.Printf("Marshaled User as: %s", encoded)

	resu := &userImpl{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(encoded, resu)
	assert.True(t, err == nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, resu.Name(), user.Name())
	assert.DeepEquals(t, resu.Email(), user.Email())
	assert.DeepEquals(t, resu.ExplicitChannels(), user.ExplicitChannels())
	assert.True(t, resu.Authenticate("letmein"))
	assert.False(t, resu.Authenticate("123456"))
Ejemplo n.º 19
func (h *handler) handleChanges() error {
	// http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/HTTP_database_API#Changes
	var options db.ChangesOptions
	options.Since = h.getIntQuery("since", 0)
	options.Limit = int(h.getIntQuery("limit", 0))
	options.Conflicts = (h.getQuery("style") == "all_docs")
	options.IncludeDocs = (h.getBoolQuery("include_docs"))

	// Get the channels as parameters to an imaginary "bychannel" filter.
	// The default is all channels the user can access.
	userChannels := channels.SetOf("*")
	filter := h.getQuery("filter")
	if filter != "" {
		if filter != "sync_gateway/bychannel" {
			return &base.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Unknown filter; try sync_gateway/bychannel"}
		channelsParam := h.getQuery("channels")
		if channelsParam == "" {
			return &base.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Missing 'channels' filter parameter"}
		var err error
		userChannels, err = channels.SetFromArray(strings.Split(channelsParam, ","),
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if len(userChannels) == 0 {
			return &base.HTTPError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Empty channel list"}

	switch h.getQuery("feed") {
	case "continuous":
		return h.handleContinuousChanges(userChannels, options)
	case "longpoll":
		options.Wait = true
	return h.handleSimpleChanges(userChannels, options)
Ejemplo n.º 20
func TestLogin(t *testing.T) {
	bucket, _ := db.ConnectToBucket("walrus:", "default", "test")
	a := auth.NewAuthenticator(bucket, nil)
	user, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(user)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	user, err = a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.True(t, user.Disabled())

	response := callRESTOn(bucket, "PUT", "/db/doc", `{"hi": "there"}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 401)

	user, err = a.NewUser("pupshaw", "letmein", channels.SetOf("*"))

	response = callRESTOn(bucket, "POST", "/db/_session", `{"name":"pupshaw", "password":"******"}`)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)
	log.Printf("Set-Cookie: %s", response.Header().Get("Set-Cookie"))
	assert.True(t, response.Header().Get("Set-Cookie") != "")
Ejemplo n.º 21
func TestConflicts(t *testing.T) {
	AlwaysCompactChangeLog = true // Makes examining the change log deterministic
	defer func() { AlwaysCompactChangeLog = false }()

	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)
	db.ChannelMapper = channels.NewDefaultChannelMapper()

	// base.LogKeys["CRUD"] = true
	// base.LogKeys["Changes"] = true

	// Create rev 1 of "doc":
	body := Body{"n": 1, "channels": []string{"all", "1"}}
	assertNoError(t, db.PutExistingRev("doc", body, []string{"1-a"}), "add 1-a")

	log, _ := db.GetChangeLog("all", 0)
	assert.Equals(t, len(log.Entries), 1)
	assert.Equals(t, int(log.Since), 0)

	// Create two conflicting changes:
	body["n"] = 2
	body["channels"] = []string{"all", "2b"}
	assertNoError(t, db.PutExistingRev("doc", body, []string{"2-b", "1-a"}), "add 2-b")
	body["n"] = 3
	body["channels"] = []string{"all", "2a"}
	assertNoError(t, db.PutExistingRev("doc", body, []string{"2-a", "1-a"}), "add 2-a")

	// Verify the change with the higher revid won:
	gotBody, err := db.Get("doc")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "2-b", "n": int64(2),
		"channels": []interface{}{"all", "2b"}})

	// Verify we can still get the other two revisions:
	gotBody, err = db.GetRev("doc", "1-a", false, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "1-a", "n": int64(1),
		"channels": []interface{}{"all", "1"}})
	gotBody, err = db.GetRev("doc", "2-a", false, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "2-a", "n": int64(3),
		"channels": []interface{}{"all", "2a"}})

	// Verify the change-log of the "all" channel:
	log, _ = db.GetChangeLog("all", 0)
	assert.Equals(t, len(log.Entries), 3)
	assert.Equals(t, int(log.Since), 0)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, log.Entries[0], &channels.LogEntry{Sequence: 1})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, log.Entries[1], &channels.LogEntry{Sequence: 2, DocID: "doc", RevID: "2-b"})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, log.Entries[2], &channels.LogEntry{Sequence: 3, DocID: "doc", RevID: "2-a", Flags: channels.Hidden})

	// Verify the _changes feed:
	changes, err := db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("all"), ChangesOptions{Conflicts: true})
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 2)
	// (CouchDB would merge these into one entry, but the gateway doesn't.)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[0], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:     "all:2",
		ID:      "doc",
		Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": "2-b"}}})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[1], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:     "all:3",
		ID:      "doc",
		Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": "2-a"}}})

	changes, err = db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("all"), ChangesOptions{Conflicts: false})
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 1)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[0], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:     "all:2",
		ID:      "doc",
		Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": "2-b"}}})

	// Delete 2-b; verify this makes 2-a current:
	_, err = db.DeleteDoc("doc", "2-b")
	assertNoError(t, err, "delete 2-b")
	gotBody, err = db.Get("doc")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "2-a", "n": int64(3),
		"channels": []interface{}{"all", "2a"}})

	// Verify channel assignments are correct for channels defined by 2-a:
	doc, _ := db.getDoc("doc")
	chan2a, found := doc.Channels["2a"]
	assert.True(t, found)
	assert.True(t, chan2a == nil)             // currently in 2a
	assert.True(t, doc.Channels["2b"] != nil) // has been removed from 2b
Ejemplo n.º 22
func TestAllDocs(t *testing.T) {
	AlwaysCompactChangeLog = true // Makes examining the change log deterministic
	defer func() { AlwaysCompactChangeLog = false }()

	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)

	// Lower the log capacity to 50 to ensure the test will overflow, causing logs to be truncated,
	// so the changes feed will have to backfill from its view.
	oldMaxLogLength := MaxChangeLogLength
	MaxChangeLogLength = 50
	defer func() { MaxChangeLogLength = oldMaxLogLength }()

	base.LogKeys["Changes"] = true
	defer func() { base.LogKeys["Changes"] = false }()

	db.ChannelMapper = channels.NewDefaultChannelMapper()

	ids := make([]IDAndRev, 100)
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		channels := []string{"all"}
		if i%10 == 0 {
			channels = append(channels, "KFJC")
		body := Body{"serialnumber": i, "channels": channels}
		ids[i].DocID = fmt.Sprintf("alldoc-%02d", i)
		revid, err := db.Put(ids[i].DocID, body)
		ids[i].RevID = revid
		assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't create document")

	alldocs, err := db.AllDocIDs()
	assertNoError(t, err, "AllDocIDs failed")
	assert.Equals(t, len(alldocs), 100)
	for i, entry := range alldocs {
		assert.DeepEquals(t, entry, ids[i])

	// Now delete one document and try again:
	_, err = db.DeleteDoc(ids[23].DocID, ids[23].RevID)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't delete doc 23")

	alldocs, err = db.AllDocIDs()
	assertNoError(t, err, "AllDocIDs failed")
	assert.Equals(t, len(alldocs), 99)
	for i, entry := range alldocs {
		j := i
		if i >= 23 {
		assert.DeepEquals(t, entry, ids[j])

	// Inspect the channel log to confirm that it's only got the last 50 sequences.
	// There are 101 sequences overall, so the 1st one it has should be #52.
	log, err := db.GetChangeLog("all", 0)
	assertNoError(t, err, "GetChangeLog")
	assert.Equals(t, log.Since, uint64(51))
	assert.Equals(t, len(log.Entries), 50)
	assert.Equals(t, int(log.Entries[0].Sequence), 52)

	// Now check the changes feed:
	var options ChangesOptions
	changes, err := db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("all"), options)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 100)
	for i, change := range changes {
		seq := i + 1
		if i >= 23 {
		assert.Equals(t, change.Seq, fmt.Sprintf("all:%d", seq))
		assert.Equals(t, change.Deleted, i == 99)
		var removed base.Set
		if i == 99 {
			removed = channels.SetOf("all")
		assert.DeepEquals(t, change.Removed, removed)

	options.IncludeDocs = true
	changes, err = db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("KFJC"), options)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 10)
	for i, change := range changes {
		assert.Equals(t, change.Seq, fmt.Sprintf("KFJC:%d", 10*i+1))
		assert.Equals(t, change.ID, ids[10*i].DocID)
		assert.Equals(t, change.Deleted, false)
		assert.DeepEquals(t, change.Removed, base.Set(nil))
		assert.Equals(t, change.Doc["serialnumber"], int64(10*i))

	// Trying to add the existing log should fail with no error
	added, err := db.AddChangeLog("all", log)
	assertNoError(t, err, "add channel log")
	assert.False(t, added)

	// Delete the channel log to test if it can be rebuilt:
	assertNoError(t, db.Bucket.Delete(channelLogDocID("all")), "delete channel log")

	// Get the changes feed; result should still be correct:
	changes, err = db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("all"), options)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 100)

	// Verify it was rebuilt
	log, err = db.GetChangeLog("all", 0)
	assertNoError(t, err, "GetChangeLog")
	assert.Equals(t, len(log.Entries), 50)
	assert.Equals(t, int(log.Entries[0].Sequence), 52)
Ejemplo n.º 23
func TestRoleAccessChanges(t *testing.T) {
	base.LogKeys["Access"] = true
	base.LogKeys["CRUD"] = true
	base.LogKeys["Changes+"] = true

	rt := restTester{syncFn: `function(doc) {role(doc.user, doc.role);channel(doc.channel)}`}
	a := rt.ServerContext().Database("db").Authenticator()
	guest, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(guest)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	// Create users:
	alice, err := a.NewUser("alice", "letmein", channels.SetOf("alpha"))
	zegpold, err := a.NewUser("zegpold", "letmein", channels.SetOf("beta"))

	hipster, err := a.NewRole("hipster", channels.SetOf("gamma"))

	// Create some docs in the channels:
	response := rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/fashion",
		`{"user":"******","role":["role:hipster","role:bogus"]}`)) // seq=1
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)
	var body db.Body
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &body)
	assert.Equals(t, body["ok"], true)
	fashionRevID := body["rev"].(string)

	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/g1", `{"channel":"gamma"}`)), 201) // seq=2
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/a1", `{"channel":"alpha"}`)), 201) // seq=3
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/b1", `{"channel":"beta"}`)), 201)  // seq=4
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/d1", `{"channel":"delta"}`)), 201) // seq=5

	// Check user access:
	alice, _ = a.GetUser("alice")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, alice.InheritedChannels(), channels.TimedSet{"alpha": 0x1, "gamma": 0x1})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, alice.RoleNames(), channels.TimedSet{"bogus": 0x1, "hipster": 0x1})
	zegpold, _ = a.GetUser("zegpold")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, zegpold.InheritedChannels(), channels.TimedSet{"beta": 0x1})
	assert.DeepEquals(t, zegpold.RoleNames(), channels.TimedSet{})

	// Check the _changes feed:
	var changes struct {
		Results  []db.ChangeEntry
		Last_Seq interface{}
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "alice"))
	log.Printf("1st _changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 2)
	since := changes.Last_Seq
	assert.Equals(t, since, "3")

	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "zegpold"))
	log.Printf("2nd _changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)
	since = changes.Last_Seq
	assert.Equals(t, since, "4")

	// Update "fashion" doc to grant zegpold the role "hipster" and take it away from alice:
	str := fmt.Sprintf(`{"user":"******", "role":"role:hipster", "_rev":%q}`, fashionRevID)
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/fashion", str)), 201) // seq=6

	// Check user access again:
	alice, _ = a.GetUser("alice")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, alice.InheritedChannels(), channels.TimedSet{"alpha": 0x1})
	zegpold, _ = a.GetUser("zegpold")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, zegpold.InheritedChannels(), channels.TimedSet{"beta": 0x1, "gamma": 0x6})

	// The complete _changes feed for zegpold contains docs g1 and b1:
	changes.Results = nil
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "zegpold"))
	log.Printf("3rd _changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 2)
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Last_Seq, "6:2")
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "b1")
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[1].ID, "g1")

	// Changes feed with since=4 would ordinarily be empty, but zegpold got access to channel
	// gamma after sequence 4, so the pre-existing docs in that channel are included:
	base.LogKeys["Changes"] = true
	base.LogKeys["Cache"] = true
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes?since=4", "", "zegpold"))
	log.Printf("4th _changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	changes.Results = nil
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "g1")
	base.LogKeys["Cache"] = false
Ejemplo n.º 24
func TestChannelAccessChanges(t *testing.T) {
	// base.ParseLogFlags([]string{"Cache", "Changes+", "CRUD"})

	rt := restTester{syncFn: `function(doc) {access(doc.owner, doc._id);channel(doc.channel)}`}
	a := rt.ServerContext().Database("db").Authenticator()
	guest, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(guest)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	// Create users:
	alice, err := a.NewUser("alice", "letmein", channels.SetOf("zero"))
	zegpold, err := a.NewUser("zegpold", "letmein", channels.SetOf("zero"))

	// Create some docs that give users access:
	response := rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/alpha", `{"owner":"alice"}`)) // seq=1
	assertStatus(t, response, 201)
	var body db.Body
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &body)
	assert.Equals(t, body["ok"], true)
	alphaRevID := body["rev"].(string)

	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/beta", `{"owner":"boadecia"}`)), 201) // seq=2
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/delta", `{"owner":"alice"}`)), 201)   // seq=3
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/gamma", `{"owner":"zegpold"}`)), 201) // seq=4

	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/a1", `{"channel":"alpha"}`)), 201) // seq=5
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/b1", `{"channel":"beta"}`)), 201)  // seq=6
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/d1", `{"channel":"delta"}`)), 201) // seq=7
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/g1", `{"channel":"gamma"}`)), 201) // seq=8

	// Check the _changes feed:
	var changes struct {
		Results []db.ChangeEntry
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "zegpold"))
	log.Printf("_changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)
	since := changes.Results[0].Seq
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "g1")
	assert.Equals(t, since, db.SequenceID{Seq: 8})

	// Check user access:
	alice, _ = a.GetUser("alice")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, alice.Channels(), channels.TimedSet{"zero": 0x1, "alpha": 0x1, "delta": 0x3})
	zegpold, _ = a.GetUser("zegpold")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, zegpold.Channels(), channels.TimedSet{"zero": 0x1, "gamma": 0x4})

	// Update a document to revoke access to alice and grant it to zegpold:
	str := fmt.Sprintf(`{"owner":"zegpold", "_rev":%q}`, alphaRevID)
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/alpha", str)), 201) // seq=9

	// Check user access again:
	alice, _ = a.GetUser("alice")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, alice.Channels(), channels.TimedSet{"zero": 0x1, "delta": 0x3})
	zegpold, _ = a.GetUser("zegpold")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, zegpold.Channels(), channels.TimedSet{"zero": 0x1, "alpha": 0x9, "gamma": 0x4})

	// Look at alice's _changes feed:
	changes.Results = nil
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "alice"))
	log.Printf("//////// _changes for alice looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "d1")

	// The complete _changes feed for zegpold contains docs a1 and g1:
	changes.Results = nil
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "zegpold"))
	log.Printf("//////// _changes for zegpold looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 2)
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "g1")
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].Seq, db.SequenceID{Seq: 8})
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[1].ID, "a1")
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[1].Seq, db.SequenceID{Seq: 5, TriggeredBy: 9})

	// Changes feed with since=gamma:8 would ordinarily be empty, but zegpold got access to channel
	// alpha after sequence 8, so the pre-existing docs in that channel are included:
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/db/_changes?since=%s", since),
		"", "zegpold"))
	log.Printf("_changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	changes.Results = nil
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "a1")

	// What happens if we call access() with a nonexistent username?
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/epsilon", `{"owner":"waldo"}`)), 201)

	// Finally, throw a wrench in the works by changing the sync fn. Note that normally this wouldn't
	// be changed while the database is in use (only when it's re-opened) but for testing purposes
	// we do it now because we can't close and re-open an ephemeral Walrus database.
	dbc := rt.ServerContext().Database("db")
	db, _ := db.GetDatabase(dbc, nil)
	changed, err := db.UpdateSyncFun(`function(doc) {access("alice", "beta");channel("beta");}`)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.True(t, changed)
	changeCount, err := db.UpdateAllDocChannels(true, false)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, changeCount, 9)

	changes.Results = nil
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "alice"))
	log.Printf("_changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	expectedIDs := []string{"beta", "delta", "gamma", "a1", "b1", "d1", "g1", "alpha", "epsilon"}
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), len(expectedIDs))
	for i, expectedID := range expectedIDs {
		assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[i].ID, expectedID)

	// Check accumulated statistics:
	assert.Equals(t, db.ChangesClientStats.TotalCount(), uint32(5))
	assert.Equals(t, db.ChangesClientStats.MaxCount(), uint32(1))
	assert.Equals(t, db.ChangesClientStats.TotalCount(), uint32(0))
	assert.Equals(t, db.ChangesClientStats.MaxCount(), uint32(0))
Ejemplo n.º 25
func TestAccessControl(t *testing.T) {
	type allDocsRow struct {
		ID    string `json:"id"`
		Key   string `json:"key"`
		Value struct {
			Rev      string              `json:"rev"`
			Channels []string            `json:"channels,omitempty"`
			Access   map[string]base.Set `json:"access,omitempty"` // for admins only
		} `json:"value"`
		Doc   db.Body `json:"doc,omitempty"`
		Error string  `json:"error"`
	var allDocsResult struct {
		TotalRows int          `json:"total_rows"`
		Offset    int          `json:"offset"`
		Rows      []allDocsRow `json:"rows"`

	// Create some docs:
	var rt restTester
	a := auth.NewAuthenticator(rt.bucket(), nil)
	guest, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(guest)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc1", `{"channels":[]}`), 201)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc2", `{"channels":["CBS"]}`), 201)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc3", `{"channels":["CBS", "Cinemax"]}`), 201)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc4", `{"channels":["WB", "Cinemax"]}`), 201)

	err = a.Save(guest)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	// Create a user:
	alice, err := a.NewUser("alice", "letmein", channels.SetOf("Cinemax"))

	// Get a single doc the user has access to:
	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/doc3", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response := rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	// Get a single doc the user doesn't have access to:
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/doc2", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 403)

	// Check that _all_docs only returns the docs the user has access to:
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/_all_docs?channels=true", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	log.Printf("Response = %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &allDocsResult)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(allDocsResult.Rows), 2)
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].ID, "doc3")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].Value.Channels, []string{"Cinemax"})
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[1].ID, "doc4")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[1].Value.Channels, []string{"Cinemax"})

	// Check _all_docs with include_docs option:
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/_all_docs?include_docs=true", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	log.Printf("Response = %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &allDocsResult)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(allDocsResult.Rows), 2)
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].ID, "doc3")
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[1].ID, "doc4")

	// Check POST to _all_docs:
	body := `{"keys": ["doc4", "doc1", "doc3", "b0gus"]}`
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", "/db/_all_docs?channels=true", bytes.NewBufferString(body))
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	log.Printf("Response from POST _all_docs = %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &allDocsResult)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(allDocsResult.Rows), 4)
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].Key, "doc4")
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].ID, "doc4")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].Value.Channels, []string{"Cinemax"})
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[1].Key, "doc1")
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[1].Error, "forbidden")
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[2].ID, "doc3")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[2].Value.Channels, []string{"Cinemax"})
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[3].Key, "b0gus")
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[3].Error, "not_found")

	// Check _all_docs as admin:
	response = rt.sendAdminRequest("GET", "/db/_all_docs", "")
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	log.Printf("Admin response = %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &allDocsResult)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(allDocsResult.Rows), 4)
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[0].ID, "doc1")
	assert.Equals(t, allDocsResult.Rows[1].ID, "doc2")

Ejemplo n.º 26
func TestDocDeletionFromChannel(t *testing.T) {
	// See https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios/issues/59
	// base.LogKeys["Changes"] = true
	// base.LogKeys["Cache"] = true

	rt := restTester{syncFn: `function(doc) {channel(doc.channel)}`}
	a := rt.ServerContext().Database("db").Authenticator()

	// Create user:
	alice, _ := a.NewUser("alice", "letmein", channels.SetOf("zero"))

	// Create a doc Alice can see:
	response := rt.send(request("PUT", "/db/alpha", `{"channel":"zero"}`))

	// Check the _changes feed:
	var changes struct {
		Results []db.ChangeEntry
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/_changes", "", "alice"))
	log.Printf("_changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)
	since := changes.Results[0].Seq
	assert.Equals(t, since, db.SequenceID{Seq: 1})

	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "alpha")
	rev1 := changes.Results[0].Changes[0]["rev"]

	// Delete the document:
	assertStatus(t, rt.send(request("DELETE", "/db/alpha?rev="+rev1, "")), 200)

	// Get the updates from the _changes feed:
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", fmt.Sprintf("/db/_changes?since=%s", since),
		"", "alice"))
	log.Printf("_changes looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	changes.Results = nil
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &changes)
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes.Results), 1)

	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].ID, "alpha")
	assert.Equals(t, changes.Results[0].Deleted, true)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes.Results[0].Removed, base.SetOf("zero"))
	rev2 := changes.Results[0].Changes[0]["rev"]

	// Now get the deleted revision:
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/alpha?rev="+rev2, "", "alice"))
	assert.Equals(t, response.Code, 200)
	log.Printf("Deletion looks like: %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	var docBody db.Body
	json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &docBody)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, docBody, db.Body{"_id": "alpha", "_rev": rev2, "_deleted": true})

	// Access without deletion revID shouldn't be allowed (since doc is not in Alice's channels):
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/alpha", "", "alice"))
	assert.Equals(t, response.Code, 403)

	// A bogus rev ID should return a 404:
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/alpha?rev=bogus", "", "alice"))
	assert.Equals(t, response.Code, 404)

	// Get the old revision, which should still be accessible:
	response = rt.send(requestByUser("GET", "/db/alpha?rev="+rev1, "", "alice"))
	assert.Equals(t, response.Code, 200)
Ejemplo n.º 27
// Returns a list of all the changes made on a channel.
// Does NOT handle the Wait option. Does NOT check authorization.
func (db *Database) changesFeed(channel string, options ChangesOptions) (<-chan *ChangeEntry, error) {
	since := options.Since[channel]
	channelLog, err := db.changesWriter.getChangeLog(channel, since)
	if err != nil {
		base.Warn("Error reading channel-log %q (using view instead): %v", channel, err)
		channelLog = nil
	rebuildLog := channelLog == nil && err == nil && (EnableStarChannelLog || channel != "*")
	var log []*channels.LogEntry
	if channelLog != nil {
		log = channelLog.Entries

	var viewFeed <-chan *ChangeEntry
	if channelLog == nil || channelLog.Since > since {
		var upToSeq uint64
		if channelLog != nil {
			upToSeq = channelLog.Since
		// Channel log may not go back far enough, so also fetch view-based change feed:
		viewFeed, err = db.changesFeedFromView(channel, options, upToSeq)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	feed := make(chan *ChangeEntry, 5)
	go func() {
		defer close(feed)

		// First, if we need to backfill from the view, write its early entries to the channel:
		if viewFeed != nil {
			newLog := channels.ChangeLog{Since: since}
			for change := range viewFeed {
				if channelLog != nil && change.seqNo > channelLog.Since {
					// TODO: Close the view-based feed somehow

				select {
				case <-options.Terminator:
					base.LogTo("Changes+", "Aborting changesFeed (reading from view)")
				case feed <- change:

				if rebuildLog {
					// If there wasn't any channel log, build up a new one from the view:
					entry := channels.LogEntry{
						Sequence: change.seqNo,
						DocID:    change.ID,
						RevID:    change.Changes[0]["rev"],
					if change.Deleted {
						entry.Flags |= channels.Deleted
					if change.Removed != nil {
						entry.Flags |= channels.Removed

			if rebuildLog {
				// Save the missing channel log we just rebuilt:
				base.LogTo("Changes", "Saving rebuilt channel log %q with %d sequences",
					channel, len(newLog.Entries))
				db.changesWriter.addChangeLog(channel, &newLog)

		// Now write each log entry to the 'feed' channel in turn:
		for _, logEntry := range log {
			if !options.Conflicts && (logEntry.Flags&channels.Hidden) != 0 {
				//continue  // FIX: had to comment this out.
				// This entry is shadowed by a conflicting one. We would like to skip it.
				// The problem is that if this is the newest revision of this doc, then the
				// doc will appear under this sequence # in the changes view, which means
				// we won't emit the doc at all because we already stopped emitting entries
				// from the view before this point.
			change := ChangeEntry{
				seqNo:   logEntry.Sequence,
				ID:      logEntry.DocID,
				Deleted: (logEntry.Flags & channels.Deleted) != 0,
				Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": logEntry.RevID}},
			if logEntry.Flags&channels.Removed != 0 {
				change.Removed = channels.SetOf(channel)
			} else if options.IncludeDocs || options.Conflicts {
				doc, _ := db.GetDoc(logEntry.DocID)
				db.addDocToChangeEntry(doc, &change, options.IncludeDocs, false)

			select {
			case <-options.Terminator:
				base.LogTo("Changes+", "Aborting changesFeed")
			case feed <- &change:

			if options.Limit > 0 {
				if options.Limit == 0 {
	return feed, nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
// Returns a list of all the changes made on a channel, reading from a view instead of the
// channel log. This will include all historical changes, but may omit very recent ones.
func (db *Database) changesFeedFromView(channel string, options ChangesOptions, upToSeq uint64) (<-chan *ChangeEntry, error) {
	base.LogTo("Changes", "Getting 'changes' view for channel %q %#v", channel, options)
	since := options.Since[channel]
	endkey := []interface{}{channel, upToSeq}
	if upToSeq == 0 {
		endkey[1] = map[string]interface{}{} // infinity
	totalLimit := options.Limit
	usingDocs := options.Conflicts || options.IncludeDocs
	opts := Body{"stale": false, "update_seq": true,
		"endkey":       endkey,
		"include_docs": usingDocs}

	feed := make(chan *ChangeEntry, kChangesViewPageSize)

	// Generate the output in a new goroutine, writing to 'feed':
	go func() {
		defer close(feed)
		for {
			// Query the 'channels' view:
			opts["startkey"] = []interface{}{channel, since + 1}
			limit := totalLimit
			if limit == 0 || limit > kChangesViewPageSize {
				limit = kChangesViewPageSize
			opts["limit"] = limit

			var waiter *changeWaiter
			if options.Wait {
				waiter = db.tapListener.NewWaiterWithChannels(base.SetOf(channel), nil)
			var vres ViewResult
			var err error
			for len(vres.Rows) == 0 {
				base.LogTo("Changes+", "Querying 'changes' for channel %q %#v", channel, opts)
				vres = ViewResult{}
				err = db.Bucket.ViewCustom("sync_gateway", "channels", opts, &vres)
				if err != nil {
					base.Log("Error from 'channels' view: %v", err)
				if len(vres.Rows) == 0 {
					if waiter == nil || !waiter.Wait() {

			for _, row := range vres.Rows {
				key := row.Key.([]interface{})
				since = uint64(key[1].(float64))
				value := row.Value.([]interface{})
				docID := value[0].(string)
				revID := value[1].(string)
				entry := &ChangeEntry{
					seqNo:   since,
					ID:      docID,
					Changes: []ChangeRev{{"rev": revID}},
					Deleted: (len(value) >= 3 && value[2].(bool)),
				if len(value) >= 4 && value[3].(bool) {
					entry.Removed = channels.SetOf(channel)
				} else if usingDocs {
					doc, _ := unmarshalDocument(docID, row.Doc.Json)
					db.addDocToChangeEntry(doc, entry, options.IncludeDocs, options.Conflicts)

				select {
				case <-options.Terminator:
					base.LogTo("Changes+", "Aborting changesFeedFromView")
				case feed <- entry:

			// Step to the next page of results:
			nRows := len(vres.Rows)
			if nRows < kChangesViewPageSize || options.Wait {
			if totalLimit > 0 {
				totalLimit -= nRows
				if totalLimit <= 0 {
			delete(opts, "stale") // we only need to update the index once
	return feed, nil
Ejemplo n.º 29
func TestConflicts(t *testing.T) {
	db := setupTestDB(t)
	defer tearDownTestDB(t, db)
	db.ChannelMapper = channels.NewDefaultChannelMapper()

	//base.LogKeys["Cache"] = true
	// base.LogKeys["CRUD"] = true
	// base.LogKeys["Changes"] = true

	// Create rev 1 of "doc":
	body := Body{"n": 1, "channels": []string{"all", "1"}}
	assertNoError(t, db.PutExistingRev("doc", body, []string{"1-a"}), "add 1-a")

	time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // Wait for tap feed to catch up

	log := db.GetChangeLog("all", 0)
	assert.Equals(t, len(log), 1)

	// Create two conflicting changes:
	body["n"] = 2
	body["channels"] = []string{"all", "2b"}
	assertNoError(t, db.PutExistingRev("doc", body, []string{"2-b", "1-a"}), "add 2-b")
	body["n"] = 3
	body["channels"] = []string{"all", "2a"}
	assertNoError(t, db.PutExistingRev("doc", body, []string{"2-a", "1-a"}), "add 2-a")

	time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // Wait for tap feed to catch up

	// Verify the change with the higher revid won:
	gotBody, err := db.Get("doc")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "2-b", "n": int64(2),
		"channels": []interface{}{"all", "2b"}})

	// Verify we can still get the other two revisions:
	gotBody, err = db.GetRev("doc", "1-a", false, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "1-a", "n": 1,
		"channels": []string{"all", "1"}})
	gotBody, err = db.GetRev("doc", "2-a", false, nil)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "2-a", "n": 3,
		"channels": []string{"all", "2a"}})

	// Verify the change-log of the "all" channel:
	log = db.GetChangeLog("all", 0)
	assert.Equals(t, len(log), 1)
	assert.Equals(t, log[0].Sequence, uint64(3))
	assert.Equals(t, log[0].DocID, "doc")
	assert.Equals(t, log[0].RevID, "2-b")
	assert.Equals(t, log[0].Flags, uint8(channels.Hidden|channels.Branched|channels.Conflict))

	// Verify the _changes feed:
	options := ChangesOptions{
		Conflicts: true,
	changes, err := db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("all"), options)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 1)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[0], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:      SequenceID{Seq: 3},
		ID:       "doc",
		Changes:  []ChangeRev{{"rev": "2-b"}, {"rev": "2-a"}},
		branched: true})

	// Delete 2-b; verify this makes 2-a current:
	rev3, err := db.DeleteDoc("doc", "2-b")
	assertNoError(t, err, "delete 2-b")
	gotBody, err = db.Get("doc")
	assert.DeepEquals(t, gotBody, Body{"_id": "doc", "_rev": "2-a", "n": int64(3),
		"channels": []interface{}{"all", "2a"}})

	// Verify channel assignments are correct for channels defined by 2-a:
	doc, _ := db.GetDoc("doc")
	chan2a, found := doc.Channels["2a"]
	assert.True(t, found)
	assert.True(t, chan2a == nil)             // currently in 2a
	assert.True(t, doc.Channels["2b"] != nil) // has been removed from 2b

	// Verify the _changes feed:
	changes, err = db.GetChanges(channels.SetOf("all"), options)
	assertNoError(t, err, "Couldn't GetChanges")
	assert.Equals(t, len(changes), 1)
	assert.DeepEquals(t, changes[0], &ChangeEntry{
		Seq:      SequenceID{Seq: 4},
		ID:       "doc",
		Changes:  []ChangeRev{{"rev": "2-a"}, {"rev": rev3}},
		branched: true})
Ejemplo n.º 30
func TestAccessControl(t *testing.T) {
	type viewRow struct {
		ID    string            `json:"id"`
		Key   string            `json:"key"`
		Value map[string]string `json:"value"`
		Doc   db.Body           `json:"doc,omitempty"`
	var viewResult struct {
		TotalRows int       `json:"total_rows"`
		Offset    int       `json:"offset"`
		Rows      []viewRow `json:"rows"`

	// Create some docs:
	var rt restTester
	a := auth.NewAuthenticator(rt.bucket(), nil)
	guest, err := a.GetUser("")
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	err = a.Save(guest)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc1", `{"channels":[]}`), 201)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc2", `{"channels":["CBS"]}`), 201)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc3", `{"channels":["CBS", "Cinemax"]}`), 201)
	assertStatus(t, rt.sendRequest("PUT", "/db/doc4", `{"channels":["WB", "Cinemax"]}`), 201)

	err = a.Save(guest)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)

	// Create a user:
	alice, err := a.NewUser("alice", "letmein", channels.SetOf("Cinemax"))

	// Get a single doc the user has access to:
	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/doc3", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response := rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	// Get a single doc the user doesn't have access to:
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/doc2", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 403)

	// Check that _all_docs only returns the docs the user has access to:
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/_all_docs", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	log.Printf("Response = %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &viewResult)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(viewResult.Rows), 2)
	assert.Equals(t, viewResult.Rows[0].ID, "doc3")
	assert.Equals(t, viewResult.Rows[1].ID, "doc4")

	// Check _all_docs with include_docs option:
	request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "/db/_all_docs?include_docs=true", nil)
	request.SetBasicAuth("alice", "letmein")
	response = rt.send(request)
	assertStatus(t, response, 200)

	log.Printf("Response = %s", response.Body.Bytes())
	err = json.Unmarshal(response.Body.Bytes(), &viewResult)
	assert.Equals(t, err, nil)
	assert.Equals(t, len(viewResult.Rows), 2)
	assert.Equals(t, viewResult.Rows[0].ID, "doc3")
	assert.Equals(t, viewResult.Rows[1].ID, "doc4")