Ejemplo n.º 1
// PlotDeriv plots derivative dR[i][j][k]du[d] (2D only)
// option =  0 : use CalcBasisAndDerivs
//           1 : use NumericalDeriv
func (o *Nurbs) PlotDeriv(l, d int, args string, npts, option int) {
	lbls := []string{"N\\&dN", "numD"}
	switch o.gnd {
	// curve
	case 1:
	// surface
	case 2:
		xx := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		yy := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		zz := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		du0 := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		du1 := (o.b[1].tmax - o.b[1].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		drdu := make([]float64, 2)
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			u0 := o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du0
			for n := 0; n < npts; n++ {
				u1 := o.b[1].tmin + float64(n)*du1
				u := []float64{u0, u1}
				x := o.Point(u)
				xx[m][n] = x[0]
				yy[m][n] = x[1]
				switch option {
				case 0:
					o.GetDerivL(drdu, l)
				case 1:
					o.NumericalDeriv(drdu, u, l)
				zz[m][n] = drdu[d]
		plt.Title(io.Sf("%d,%d:%s", l, d, lbls[option]), "size=10")
		plt.Contour(xx, yy, zz, "fsz=8")
Ejemplo n.º 2
// PlotBasis plots basis function (2D only)
// option =  0 : use CalcBasis
//           1 : use CalcBasisAndDerivs
//           2 : use RecursiveBasis
func (o *Nurbs) PlotBasis(l int, args string, npts, option int) {
	lbls := []string{"Nonly", "N\\&dN", "recN"}
	switch o.gnd {
	// curve
	case 1:
		xx := make([]float64, npts)
		yy := make([]float64, npts)
		du0 := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			u0 := o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du0
			u := []float64{u0}
			x := o.Point(u)
			xx[m] = x[0]
			switch option {
			case 0:
				yy[m] = o.GetBasisL(l)
			case 1:
				yy[m] = o.GetBasisL(l)
			case 2:
				yy[m] = o.RecursiveBasis(u, l)
		plt.Plot(xx, yy, "fsz=8")
	// surface
	case 2:
		xx := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		yy := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		zz := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		du0 := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		du1 := (o.b[1].tmax - o.b[1].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			u0 := o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du0
			for n := 0; n < npts; n++ {
				u1 := o.b[1].tmin + float64(n)*du1
				u := []float64{u0, u1}
				x := o.Point(u)
				xx[m][n] = x[0]
				yy[m][n] = x[1]
				switch option {
				case 0:
					zz[m][n] = o.GetBasisL(l)
				case 1:
					zz[m][n] = o.GetBasisL(l)
				case 2:
					zz[m][n] = o.RecursiveBasis(u, l)
		plt.Contour(xx, yy, zz, "fsz=8")
	plt.Title(io.Sf("%d:%s", l, lbls[option]), "size=10")
Ejemplo n.º 3
// PlotBasis plots basis function (2D only)
// option =  0 : use CalcBasis
//           1 : use CalcBasisAndDerivs
//           2 : use RecursiveBasis
func (o *Nurbs) PlotBasis(l int, args string, npts, option int) {
	lbls := []string{"CalcBasis function", "CalcBasisAndDerivs function", "RecursiveBasis function"}
	switch o.gnd {
	// curve
	case 1:
		U := make([]float64, npts)
		S := make([]float64, npts)
		du := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		uvec := []float64{0}
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			U[m] = o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du
			uvec[0] = U[m]
			switch option {
			case 0:
				S[m] = o.GetBasisL(l)
			case 1:
				S[m] = o.GetBasisL(l)
			case 2:
				S[m] = o.RecursiveBasis(uvec, l)
		plt.Plot(U, S, args)
		plt.Gll("$u$", io.Sf("$S_%d$", l), "")
	// surface
	case 2:
		xx := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		yy := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		zz := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		du0 := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		du1 := (o.b[1].tmax - o.b[1].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			u0 := o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du0
			for n := 0; n < npts; n++ {
				u1 := o.b[1].tmin + float64(n)*du1
				u := []float64{u0, u1}
				x := o.Point(u)
				xx[m][n] = x[0]
				yy[m][n] = x[1]
				switch option {
				case 0:
					zz[m][n] = o.GetBasisL(l)
				case 1:
					zz[m][n] = o.GetBasisL(l)
				case 2:
					zz[m][n] = o.RecursiveBasis(u, l)
		plt.Contour(xx, yy, zz, "fsz=7")
	plt.Title(io.Sf("%s @ %d", lbls[option], l), "size=7")
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Draw draws or save figure with plot
//  dirout -- directory to save figure
//  fname  -- file name; e.g. myplot.eps or myplot.png. Use "" to skip saving
//  show   -- shows figure
//  extra  -- is called just after Subplot command and before any plotting
//  Note: subplots will be split if using 'eps' files
func Draw(dirout, fname string, show bool, extra ExtraPlt) {
	var fnk string // filename key
	var ext string // extension
	var eps bool   // is eps figure
	if fname != "" {
		fnk = io.FnKey(fname)
		ext = io.FnExt(fname)
		eps = ext == ".eps"
	nplots := len(Splots)
	nr, nc := utl.BestSquare(nplots)
	var k int
	for i := 0; i < nr; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < nc; j++ {
			if !eps {
				plt.Subplot(nr, nc, k+1)
			if extra != nil {
				extra(i+1, j+1, nplots)
			if Splots[k].Title != "" {
				plt.Title(Splots[k].Title, Splots[k].Topts)
			data := Splots[k].Data
			for _, d := range data {
				if d.Style.L == "" {
					d.Style.L = d.Alias
				x, y := d.X, d.Y
				if math.Abs(Splots[k].Xscale) > 0 {
					x = make([]float64, len(d.X))
					la.VecCopy(x, Splots[k].Xscale, d.X)
				if math.Abs(Splots[k].Yscale) > 0 {
					y = make([]float64, len(d.Y))
					la.VecCopy(y, Splots[k].Yscale, d.Y)
				plt.Plot(x, y, d.Style.GetArgs("clip_on=0"))
			plt.Gll(Splots[k].Xlbl, Splots[k].Ylbl, Splots[k].GllArgs)
			if eps {
				savefig(dirout, fnk, ext, k)
			k += 1
	if !eps && fname != "" {
		savefig(dirout, fnk, ext, -1)
	if show {
Ejemplo n.º 5
// PlotDeriv plots derivative dR[i][j][k]du[d] (2D only)
// option =  0 : use CalcBasisAndDerivs
//           1 : use NumericalDeriv
func (o *Nurbs) PlotDeriv(l, d int, args string, npts, option int) {
	lbls := []string{"CalcBasisAndDerivs function", "NumericalDeriv function"}
	switch o.gnd {
	// curve
	case 1:
		U := make([]float64, npts)
		G := make([]float64, npts)
		du := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		uvec := []float64{0}
		gvec := []float64{0}
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			U[m] = o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du
			uvec[0] = U[m]
			switch option {
			case 0:
				o.GetDerivL(gvec, l)
			case 1:
				o.NumericalDeriv(gvec, uvec, l)
			G[m] = gvec[0]
		plt.Plot(U, G, args)
		plt.Gll("$u$", io.Sf("$G_%d$", l), "")
	// surface
	case 2:
		xx := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		yy := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		zz := la.MatAlloc(npts, npts)
		du0 := (o.b[0].tmax - o.b[0].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		du1 := (o.b[1].tmax - o.b[1].tmin) / float64(npts-1)
		drdu := make([]float64, 2)
		for m := 0; m < npts; m++ {
			u0 := o.b[0].tmin + float64(m)*du0
			for n := 0; n < npts; n++ {
				u1 := o.b[1].tmin + float64(n)*du1
				u := []float64{u0, u1}
				x := o.Point(u)
				xx[m][n] = x[0]
				yy[m][n] = x[1]
				switch option {
				case 0:
					o.GetDerivL(drdu, l)
				case 1:
					o.NumericalDeriv(drdu, u, l)
				zz[m][n] = drdu[d]
		plt.Contour(xx, yy, zz, "fsz=7")
	plt.Title(io.Sf("%s @ %d,%d", lbls[option], l, d), "size=7")
Ejemplo n.º 6
// PlotX plots F and the gradient of F, Gx and Gy, for varying x and fixed t
//  hlZero  -- highlight F(t,x) = 0
//  axEqual -- use axis['equal']
func PlotX(o Func, dirout, fname string, tcte float64, xmin, xmax []float64, np int, args string, withGrad, hlZero, axEqual, save, show bool, extra func()) {
	if len(xmin) == 3 {
		chk.Panic("PlotX works in 2D only")
	X, Y := utl.MeshGrid2D(xmin[0], xmax[0], xmin[1], xmax[1], np, np)
	F := la.MatAlloc(np, np)
	var Gx, Gy [][]float64
	nrow := 1
	if withGrad {
		Gx = la.MatAlloc(np, np)
		Gy = la.MatAlloc(np, np)
		nrow += 1
	x := make([]float64, 2)
	g := make([]float64, 2)
	for i := 0; i < np; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			x[0], x[1] = X[i][j], Y[i][j]
			F[i][j] = o.F(tcte, x)
			if withGrad {
				o.Grad(g, tcte, x)
				Gx[i][j] = g[0]
				Gy[i][j] = g[1]
	prop, wid, dpi := 1.0, 600.0, 200
	os.MkdirAll(dirout, 0777)
	if withGrad {
		prop = 2
		plt.SetForPng(prop, wid, dpi)
		plt.Subplot(nrow, 1, 1)
		plt.Title("F(t,x)", "")
	} else {
		plt.SetForPng(prop, wid, dpi)
	plt.Contour(X, Y, F, args)
	if hlZero {
		plt.ContourSimple(X, Y, F, false, 8, "levels=[0], linewidths=[2], colors=['yellow']")
	if axEqual {
	if extra != nil {
	plt.Gll("x", "y", "")
	if withGrad {
		plt.Subplot(2, 1, 2)
		plt.Title("gradient", "")
		plt.Quiver(X, Y, Gx, Gy, args)
		if axEqual {
		plt.Gll("x", "y", "")
	if save {
		plt.Save(dirout + "/" + fname)
	if show {