Ejemplo n.º 1
// handleMissedTickets receives a list of hashes and some block information
// and submits it to the wstakemgr to handle SSRtx production.
func (w *Wallet) handleMissedTickets(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, blockHash *chainhash.Hash,
	blockHeight int64, tickets []*chainhash.Hash) error {

	stakemgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wstakemgrNamespaceKey)
	addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)

	if !w.StakeMiningEnabled {
		return nil

	if blockHeight >= w.chainParams.StakeValidationHeight+1 &&
		w.StakeMiningEnabled {
		ntfns, err := w.StakeMgr.HandleMissedTicketsNtfn(stakemgrNs, addrmgrNs,
			blockHash, blockHeight, tickets, w.AllowHighFees)

		if ntfns != nil {
			// Send notifications for newly created revocations by the RPC.
			for _, ntfn := range ntfns {
				if ntfn != nil {
					// Inform the console that we've revoked our ticket.
					log.Infof("Revoked missed ticket %v (tx hash: %v)",

		return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// disconnectBlock handles a chain server reorganize by rolling back all
// block history from the reorged block for a wallet in-sync with the chain
// server.
func (w *Wallet) disconnectBlock(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, b wtxmgr.BlockMeta) error {
	addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
	txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)

	if !w.ChainSynced() {
		return nil
	bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
		Height: b.Height,
		Hash:   b.Hash,
	log.Infof("Disconnecting block %v, height %v", bs.Hash, bs.Height)

	// Disconnect the last seen block from the manager if it matches the
	// removed block.
	err := w.TxStore.Rollback(txmgrNs, addrmgrNs, b.Height)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	prev, err := w.TxStore.GetBlockHash(txmgrNs, b.Height-1)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	prevBlock := &waddrmgr.BlockStamp{Hash: prev, Height: b.Height - 1}
	err = w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(addrmgrNs, prevBlock)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Notify interested clients of the disconnected block.

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (w *Wallet) extendMainChain(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, block *wtxmgr.BlockHeaderData, transactions [][]byte) error {
	txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)

	log.Infof("Connecting block %v, height %v", block.BlockHash,

	err := w.TxStore.ExtendMainChain(txmgrNs, block)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Notify interested clients of the connected block.
	var header wire.BlockHeader
	w.NtfnServer.notifyAttachedBlock(dbtx, &header, &block.BlockHash)

	blockMeta, err := w.TxStore.GetBlockMetaForHash(txmgrNs, &block.BlockHash)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, serializedTx := range transactions {
		err = w.processTransaction(dbtx, serializedTx,
			&block.SerializedHeader, &blockMeta)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// handleWinningTickets receives a list of hashes and some block information
// and submits it to the wstakemgr to handle SSGen production.
func (w *Wallet) handleWinningTickets(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, blockHash *chainhash.Hash,
	blockHeight int64, tickets []*chainhash.Hash) error {

	stakemgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wstakemgrNamespaceKey)
	addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)

	topBlockStamp := w.Manager.SyncedTo()

	// Even if stake voting is disabled, we should still store eligible
	// tickets for the current top block.
	// TODO The behaviour of this is not quite right if tons of blocks
	// are coming in quickly, because the address manager will end up
	// out of sync with the voting channel here. This should probably
	// be fixed somehow, but this should be stable for networks that
	// are voting at normal block speeds.
	if blockHeight >= w.chainParams.StakeValidationHeight-1 &&
		topBlockStamp.Hash.IsEqual(blockHash) {
		w.SetCurrentVotingInfo(blockHash, blockHeight, tickets)

	if blockHeight >= w.chainParams.StakeValidationHeight-1 &&
		w.StakeMiningEnabled {
		ntfns, err := w.StakeMgr.HandleWinningTicketsNtfn(

		if ntfns != nil {
			// Send notifications for newly created votes by the RPC.
			for _, ntfn := range ntfns {
				// Inform the console that we've voted, too.
				log.Infof("Voted on block %v (height %v) using ticket %v "+
					"(vote hash: %v)",

		return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// switchToSideChain performs a chain switch, switching the main chain to the
// in-memory side chain.  The old side chain becomes the new main chain.
func (w *Wallet) switchToSideChain(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
	addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
	txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)

	sideChain := w.sideChain
	if len(sideChain) == 0 {
		return errors.New("no side chain to switch to")

	sideChainForkHeight := sideChain[0].headerData.SerializedHeader.Height()

	// Notify detached blocks for each removed block, in reversed order.
	_, tipHeight := w.TxStore.MainChainTip(txmgrNs)
	for i := tipHeight; i >= sideChainForkHeight; i-- {
		hash, err := w.TxStore.GetMainChainBlockHashForHeight(txmgrNs, i)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	// Remove blocks on the current main chain that are at or above the
	// height of the block that begins the side chain.
	err := w.TxStore.Rollback(txmgrNs, addrmgrNs, sideChainForkHeight)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Extend the main chain with each sidechain block.
	for i := range sideChain {
		scBlock := &sideChain[i]
		err = w.extendMainChain(dbtx, &scBlock.headerData, scBlock.transactions)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (w *Wallet) addRelevantTx(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, rec *wtxmgr.TxRecord,
	block *wtxmgr.BlockMeta) error {

	addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
	stakemgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wstakemgrNamespaceKey)
	txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)

	// At the moment all notified transactions are assumed to actually be
	// relevant.  This assumption will not hold true when SPV support is
	// added, but until then, simply insert the transaction because there
	// should either be one or more relevant inputs or outputs.
	// TODO This function is pretty bad corruption wise, it's very easy
	// to corrupt the wallet if you ctrl+c while in this function. This
	// needs desperate refactoring.

	tx := dcrutil.NewTx(&rec.MsgTx)
	txHash := rec.Hash

	// Handle incoming SStx; store them in the stake manager if we own
	// the OP_SSTX tagged out, except if we're operating as a stake pool
	// server. In that case, additionally consider the first commitment
	// output as well.
	if is, _ := stake.IsSStx(&rec.MsgTx); is {
		// Errors don't matter here.  If addrs is nil, the range below
		// does nothing.
		txOut := tx.MsgTx().TxOut[0]

		_, addrs, _, _ := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(txOut.Version,
			txOut.PkScript, w.chainParams)
		insert := false
		for _, addr := range addrs {
			_, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, addr)
			if err == nil {
				// We own the voting output pubkey or script and we're
				// not operating as a stake pool, so simply insert this
				// ticket now.
				if !w.stakePoolEnabled {
					insert = true
				} else {
					// We are operating as a stake pool. The below
					// function will ONLY add the ticket into the
					// stake pool if it has been found within a
					// block.
					if block == nil {

					valid, errEval := w.evaluateStakePoolTicket(rec, block,
					if valid {
						// Be sure to insert this into the user's stake
						// pool entry into the stake manager.
						poolTicket := &wstakemgr.PoolTicket{
							Ticket:       txHash,
							HeightTicket: uint32(block.Height),
							Status:       wstakemgr.TSImmatureOrLive,
						errUpdate := w.StakeMgr.UpdateStakePoolUserTickets(
							stakemgrNs, addrmgrNs, addr, poolTicket)
						if errUpdate != nil {
							log.Warnf("Failed to insert stake pool "+
								"user ticket: %s", err.Error())
						log.Debugf("Inserted stake pool ticket %v for user %v "+
							"into the stake store database", txHash, addr)

						insert = true

					// Log errors if there were any. At this point the ticket
					// must be invalid, so insert it into the list of invalid
					// user tickets.
					if errEval != nil {
						log.Warnf("Ticket %v failed ticket evaluation for "+
							"the stake pool: %s", rec.Hash, err.Error())
					errUpdate := w.StakeMgr.UpdateStakePoolUserInvalTickets(
						stakemgrNs, addr, &rec.Hash)
					if errUpdate != nil {
						log.Warnf("Failed to update pool user %v with "+
							"invalid ticket %v", addr.EncodeAddress(),

		if insert {
			err := w.StakeMgr.InsertSStx(stakemgrNs, tx, w.VoteBits)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Failed to insert SStx %v"+
					"into the stake store.", tx.Sha())

	// Handle incoming SSGen; store them if we own
	// the ticket used to purchase them.
	if is, _ := stake.IsSSGen(&rec.MsgTx); is {
		if block != nil {
			txInHash := tx.MsgTx().TxIn[1].PreviousOutPoint.Hash
			if w.StakeMgr.CheckHashInStore(&txInHash) {
				w.StakeMgr.InsertSSGen(stakemgrNs, &block.Hash,

			// If we're running as a stake pool, insert
			// the stake pool user ticket update too.
			if w.stakePoolEnabled {
				txInHeight := tx.MsgTx().TxIn[1].BlockHeight
				poolTicket := &wstakemgr.PoolTicket{
					Ticket:       txInHash,
					HeightTicket: txInHeight,
					Status:       wstakemgr.TSVoted,
					SpentBy:      txHash,
					HeightSpent:  uint32(block.Height),

				poolUser, err := w.StakeMgr.SStxAddress(stakemgrNs, &txInHash)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warnf("Failed to fetch stake pool user for "+
						"ticket %v (voted ticket)", txInHash)
				} else {
					err = w.StakeMgr.UpdateStakePoolUserTickets(
						stakemgrNs, addrmgrNs, poolUser, poolTicket)
					if err != nil {
						log.Warnf("Failed to update stake pool ticket for "+
							"stake pool user %s after voting",
					} else {
						log.Debugf("Updated voted stake pool ticket %v "+
							"for user %v into the stake store database ("+
							"vote hash: %v)", txInHash, poolUser, txHash)
		} else {
			// If there's no associated block, it's potentially a
			// doublespent SSGen. Just ignore it and wait for it
			// to later get into a block.
			return nil

	// Handle incoming SSRtx; store them if we own
	// the ticket used to purchase them.
	if is, _ := stake.IsSSRtx(&rec.MsgTx); is {
		if block != nil {
			txInHash := tx.MsgTx().TxIn[0].PreviousOutPoint.Hash

			if w.StakeMgr.CheckHashInStore(&txInHash) {
				w.StakeMgr.InsertSSRtx(stakemgrNs, &block.Hash,

			// If we're running as a stake pool, insert
			// the stake pool user ticket update too.
			if w.stakePoolEnabled {
				txInHeight := tx.MsgTx().TxIn[0].BlockHeight
				poolTicket := &wstakemgr.PoolTicket{
					Ticket:       txInHash,
					HeightTicket: txInHeight,
					Status:       wstakemgr.TSMissed,
					SpentBy:      txHash,
					HeightSpent:  uint32(block.Height),

				poolUser, err := w.StakeMgr.SStxAddress(stakemgrNs, &txInHash)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warnf("failed to fetch stake pool user for "+
						"ticket %v (missed ticket)", txInHash)
				} else {
					err = w.StakeMgr.UpdateStakePoolUserTickets(
						stakemgrNs, addrmgrNs, poolUser, poolTicket)
					if err != nil {
						log.Warnf("failed to update stake pool ticket for "+
							"stake pool user %s after revoking",
					} else {
						log.Debugf("Updated missed stake pool ticket %v "+
							"for user %v into the stake store database ("+
							"revocation hash: %v)", txInHash, poolUser, txHash)

	err := w.TxStore.InsertTx(txmgrNs, addrmgrNs, rec, block)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Handle input scripts that contain P2PKs that we care about.
	for i, input := range rec.MsgTx.TxIn {
		if txscript.IsMultisigSigScript(input.SignatureScript) {
			rs, err :=
			if err != nil {
				return err

			class, addrs, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(
				txscript.DefaultScriptVersion, rs, w.chainParams)
			if err != nil {
				// Non-standard outputs are skipped.
			if class != txscript.MultiSigTy {
				// This should never happen, but be paranoid.

			isRelevant := false
			for _, addr := range addrs {
				_, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, addr)
				if err == nil {
					isRelevant = true
					err = w.Manager.MarkUsed(addrmgrNs, addr)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					log.Debugf("Marked address %v used", addr)
				} else {
					// Missing addresses are skipped.  Other errors should
					// be propagated.
					if !waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrAddressNotFound) {
						return err

			// Add the script to the script databases.
			// TODO Markused script address? cj
			if isRelevant {
				err = w.TxStore.InsertTxScript(txmgrNs, rs)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				var blockToUse *waddrmgr.BlockStamp
				if block != nil {
					blockToUse = &waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
						Height: block.Height,
						Hash:   block.Hash,
				mscriptaddr, err := w.Manager.ImportScript(addrmgrNs, rs, blockToUse)
				if err != nil {
					switch {
					// Don't care if it's already there.
					case waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrDuplicateAddress):
					case waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrLocked):
						log.Warnf("failed to attempt script importation "+
							"of incoming tx script %x because addrmgr "+
							"was locked", rs)
						return err
				} else {
					// This is the first time seeing this script address
					// belongs to us, so do a rescan and see if there are
					// any other outputs to this address.
					job := &RescanJob{
						Addrs:     []dcrutil.Address{mscriptaddr.Address()},
						OutPoints: nil,
						BlockStamp: waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
							Height: 0,
							Hash:   *w.chainParams.GenesisHash,

					// Submit rescan job and log when the import has completed.
					// Do not block on finishing the rescan.  The rescan success
					// or failure is logged elsewhere, and the channel is not
					// required to be read, so discard the return value.
					_ = w.SubmitRescan(job)

			// If we're spending a multisig outpoint we know about,
			// update the outpoint. Inefficient because you deserialize
			// the entire multisig output info. Consider a specific
			// exists function in wtxmgr. The error here is skipped
			// because the absence of an multisignature output for
			// some script can not always be considered an error. For
			// example, the wallet might be rescanning as called from
			// the above function and so does not have the output
			// included yet.
			mso, err := w.TxStore.GetMultisigOutput(txmgrNs, &input.PreviousOutPoint)
			if mso != nil && err == nil {
				w.TxStore.SpendMultisigOut(txmgrNs, &input.PreviousOutPoint,

	// Check every output to determine whether it is controlled by a wallet
	// key.  If so, mark the output as a credit.
	for i, output := range rec.MsgTx.TxOut {
		// Ignore unspendable outputs.
		if output.Value == 0 {

		class, addrs, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(output.Version,
			output.PkScript, w.chainParams)
		if err != nil {
			// Non-standard outputs are skipped.
		isStakeType := class == txscript.StakeSubmissionTy ||
			class == txscript.StakeSubChangeTy ||
			class == txscript.StakeGenTy ||
			class == txscript.StakeRevocationTy
		if isStakeType {
			class, err = txscript.GetStakeOutSubclass(output.PkScript)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Unknown stake output subclass parse error "+
					"encountered: %v", err)

		for _, addr := range addrs {
			ma, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, addr)
			if err == nil {
				// TODO: Credits should be added with the
				// account they belong to, so wtxmgr is able to
				// track per-account balances.
				err = w.TxStore.AddCredit(txmgrNs, rec, block,
					uint32(i), ma.Internal(), ma.Account())
				if err != nil {
					return err
				err = w.Manager.MarkUsed(addrmgrNs, addr)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				log.Debugf("Marked address %v used", addr)

			// Missing addresses are skipped.  Other errors should
			// be propagated.
			if !waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrAddressNotFound) {
				return err

		// Handle P2SH addresses that are multisignature scripts
		// with keys that we own.
		if class == txscript.ScriptHashTy {
			var expandedScript []byte
			for _, addr := range addrs {
				// Search both the script store in the tx store
				// and the address manager for the redeem script.
				var err error
				expandedScript, err =
				if err != nil {
					return err

				if expandedScript == nil {
					scrAddr, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, addr)
					if err == nil {
						sa, ok := scrAddr.(waddrmgr.ManagedScriptAddress)
						if !ok {
							log.Warnf("address %v is not a script"+
								" address (type %T)",
						retrievedScript, err := sa.Script()
						if err != nil {
							log.Errorf("failed to decode redeemscript for "+
								"address %v: %v", addr.EncodeAddress(),
						expandedScript = retrievedScript

					} else {
						// We can't find this redeem script anywhere.
						// Skip this output.
						log.Debugf("failed to find redeemscript for "+
							"address %v in address manager: %v",
							addr.EncodeAddress(), err.Error())

			// Otherwise, extract the actual addresses and
			// see if any belong to us.
			expClass, multisigAddrs, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Skip non-multisig scripts.
			if expClass != txscript.MultiSigTy {

			for _, maddr := range multisigAddrs {
				_, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, maddr)
				// An address we own; handle accordingly.
				if err == nil {
					errStore := w.TxStore.AddMultisigOut(
						txmgrNs, rec, block, uint32(i))
					if errStore != nil {
						// This will throw if there are multiple private keys
						// for this multisignature output owned by the wallet,
						// so it's routed to debug.
						log.Debugf("unable to add multisignature output: %v",

	// Send notification of mined or unmined transaction to any interested
	// clients.
	// TODO: Avoid the extra db hits.
	if block == nil {
		details, err := w.TxStore.UniqueTxDetails(txmgrNs, &rec.Hash, nil)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Cannot query transaction details for notifiation: %v",
		} else {
			w.NtfnServer.notifyUnminedTransaction(dbtx, details)
	} else {
		details, err := w.TxStore.UniqueTxDetails(txmgrNs, &rec.Hash, &block.Block)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Cannot query transaction details for notifiation: %v",
		} else {
			w.NtfnServer.notifyMinedTransaction(dbtx, details, block)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// connectBlock handles a chain server notification by marking a wallet
// that's currently in-sync with the chain server as being synced up to
// the passed block.
func (w *Wallet) connectBlock(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, b wtxmgr.BlockMeta) error {
	addrmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
	txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)

	chainClient, err := w.requireChainClient()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	bs := waddrmgr.BlockStamp{
		Height: b.Height,
		Hash:   b.Hash,
	log.Infof("Connecting block %v, height %v", bs.Hash, bs.Height)

	err = w.Manager.SetSyncedTo(addrmgrNs, &bs)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Handle automatic ticket purchasing if enabled.  This function should
	// not error due to an error purchasing tickets (several tickets may be
	// have been purhcased and successfully published, as well as addresses
	// created and used), so just log it instead.
	err = w.handleTicketPurchases(dbtx)
	switch err.(type) {
	case nil:
	case txauthor.InsufficientFundsError:
		log.Debugf("Insufficient funds to auto-purchase maximum number " +
			"of tickets")
		log.Errorf("Failed to perform automatic picket purchasing: %v", err)

	// Insert the block if we haven't already through a relevant tx.
	err = w.TxStore.InsertBlock(txmgrNs, &b)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Couldn't insert block %v into database: %v",
			b.Hash, err)
		return err

	// Rollback testing for simulation network, if enabled.
	if b.Height < rollbackTestHeight && w.rollbackTesting {
		dbd, err := w.TxStore.DatabaseDump(txmgrNs, addrmgrNs, b.Height, nil)
		if err != nil {
			panicStr := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump database at connection "+
				"of block %v (height %v): %v",

		if dbd.OneConfBalance != dbd.OneConfCalcBalance {
			log.Warnf("Balance calculations incongruent. The spendable "+
				"balance was %v, but the recalculated spendable balance "+
				"was %v",

		w.rollbackBlockDB[uint32(b.Height)] = dbd

	// We've reached the height to begin the rollback testing from.
	if b.Height == rollbackTestHeight && w.rollbackTesting {
		log.Infof("Height for rollback testing reached, beginning " +
			"database evaluations.")
		finalHeight := rollbackTestHeight - rollbackTestDepth
		for i := rollbackTestHeight; i >= finalHeight; i-- {
			err := w.TxStore.Rollback(txmgrNs, addrmgrNs, int32(i))
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("Error rolling back block at height %v: %v",
					i, err)

			rolledbackDb, err := w.TxStore.DatabaseDump(txmgrNs, addrmgrNs, int32(i-1),
			if err != nil {
				panicStr := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump database at "+
					"disconnection of block height %v: %v",
			is, errStr := w.rollbackBlockDB[uint32(i-1)].Equals(rolledbackDb,
			if !is {
				log.Errorf("Database incongruencies detected after rolling "+
					"back to block %v!\n"+
			} else {
				log.Infof("Rollback to height %v proceeded without error.",


	// Prune all expired transactions and all stake tickets that no longer
	// meet the minimum stake difficulty.
	block, err := chainClient.GetBlock(&b.Hash)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	stakeDifficulty := dcrutil.Amount(block.MsgBlock().Header.SBits)
	err = w.TxStore.PruneUnconfirmed(txmgrNs, bs.Height, int64(stakeDifficulty))
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to prune unconfirmed transactions when "+
			"connecting block height %v: %s", bs.Height, err.Error())
		return err

	isReorganizing, topHash := w.reorganizing, w.reorganizeToHash
	// If we've made it to the height where the reorganization is finished,
	// revert our reorganization state.
	if isReorganizing && bs.Hash == topHash {
		log.Infof("Wallet reorganization to block %v complete", topHash)
		w.reorganizing = false

	// Notify interested clients of the connected block.
	// TODO: move all notifications outside of the database transaction.
	w.NtfnServer.notifyAttachedBlock(dbtx, &b)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
// onBlockConnected is the entry point for processing chain server
// blockconnected notifications.
func (w *Wallet) onBlockConnected(dbtx walletdb.ReadWriteTx, serializedBlockHeader []byte, transactions [][]byte) error {
	var blockHeader wire.BlockHeader
	err := blockHeader.Deserialize(bytes.NewReader(serializedBlockHeader))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	block := wtxmgr.BlockHeaderData{BlockHash: blockHeader.BlockSha()}
	err = copyHeaderSliceToArray(&block.SerializedHeader, serializedBlockHeader)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	reorg, reorgToHash := w.reorganizing, w.reorganizeToHash
	if reorg {
		// add to side chain
		scBlock := sideChainBlock{
			transactions: transactions,
			headerData:   block,
		w.sideChain = append(w.sideChain, scBlock)
		log.Infof("Adding block %v (height %v) to sidechain",
			block.BlockHash, block.SerializedHeader.Height())

		if block.BlockHash != reorgToHash {
			// Nothing left to do until the later blocks are
			// received.
			return nil

		err = w.switchToSideChain(dbtx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		w.sideChain = nil
		w.reorganizing = false
		log.Infof("Wallet reorganization to block %v complete", reorgToHash)
	} else {
		err = w.extendMainChain(dbtx, &block, transactions)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	height := int32(blockHeader.Height)

	// Handle automatic ticket purchasing if enabled.  This function should
	// not error due to an error purchasing tickets (several tickets may be
	// have been purhcased and successfully published, as well as addresses
	// created and used), so just log it instead.
	err = w.handleTicketPurchases(dbtx, height)
	switch err.(type) {
	case nil:
	case txauthor.InsufficientFundsError:
		log.Debugf("Insufficient funds to auto-purchase maximum number " +
			"of tickets")
		log.Errorf("Failed to perform automatic picket purchasing: %v", err)

	// Prune all expired transactions and all stake tickets that no longer
	// meet the minimum stake difficulty.
	txmgrNs := dbtx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)
	err = w.TxStore.PruneUnconfirmed(txmgrNs, height, blockHeader.SBits)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to prune unconfirmed transactions when "+
			"connecting block height %v: %s", height, err.Error())

	return nil