Ejemplo n.º 1
func readConfig() *app.ConfigConode {
	conf := &app.ConfigConode{}
	if err := app.ReadTomlConfig(conf, "testdata/config.toml"); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read toml config... : ", err)
	dbg.Lvl2("Configuration file read")
	suite = app.GetSuite(conf.Suite)
	return conf
Ejemplo n.º 2
// NewStamp initializes a new stamp-client by reading all
// configuration from a "config.toml"-file.
// If an error occurs, it is returned by the second argument.
// It also initializes X0 and Suite for later use.
func NewStamp(file string) (*Stamp, error) {
	s := &Stamp{}
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(&s.Config, file)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	s.Suite = app.GetSuite(s.Config.Suite)
	pub, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(s.Config.AggPubKey)
	s.Suite.Read(bytes.NewReader(pub), &s.X0)
	return s, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Reads in the deterlab-config and drops out if there is an error
func (d *Deterlab) ReadConfig(name ...string) {
	configName := "deter.toml"
	if len(name) > 0 {
		configName = name[0]
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(d, configName)
	_, caller, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
	who := caller + ":" + strconv.Itoa(line)
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Couldn't read config in", who, ":", err)
	dbg.DebugVisible = d.Debug
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Reads in the localhost-config and drops out if there is an error
func (d *Localhost) ReadConfig(name ...string) {
	configName := defaultConfigName
	if len(name) > 0 {
		configName = name[0]
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(d, configName)
	_, caller, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
	who := caller + ":" + strconv.Itoa(line)
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Couldn't read config in", who, ":", err)
	dbg.DebugVisible = d.Debug
	dbg.Lvl4("Localhost: read the config, Hosts", d.Hosts)
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Checks whether host, login and project are defined. If any of them are missing, it will
// ask on the command-line.
// For the login-variable, it will try to set up a connection to d.Host and copy over the
// public key for a more easy communication
func (d *Deterlab) LoadAndCheckDeterlabVars() {
	deter := Deterlab{}
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(&deter, "deter.toml", d.DeterDir)
	d.Host, d.Login, d.Project, d.Experiment, d.ProxyRedirectionPort, d.ProxyRedirectionAddress, d.MonitorAddress =
		deter.Host, deter.Login, deter.Project, deter.Experiment,
		deter.ProxyRedirectionPort, deter.ProxyRedirectionAddress, deter.MonitorAddress

	if err != nil {
		dbg.Lvl1("Couldn't read config-file - asking for default values")

	if d.Host == "" {
		d.Host = readString("Please enter the hostname of deterlab", "users.deterlab.net")

	if d.Login == "" {
		d.Login = readString("Please enter the login-name on "+d.Host, "")

	if d.Project == "" {
		d.Project = readString("Please enter the project on deterlab", "SAFER")

	if d.Experiment == "" {
		d.Experiment = readString("Please enter the Experiment on "+d.Project, "Dissent-CS")

	if d.MonitorAddress == "" {
		d.MonitorAddress = readString("Please enter the Monitor address (where clients will connect)", "users.isi.deterlab.net")
	if d.ProxyRedirectionPort == "" {
		d.ProxyRedirectionPort = readString("Please enter the proxy redirection port", "4001")
	if d.ProxyRedirectionAddress == "" {
		d.ProxyRedirectionAddress = readString("Please enter the proxy redirection address", "localhost")

	app.WriteTomlConfig(*d, "deter.toml", d.DeterDir)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (sr *StampSignature) Open(file string) error {
	// Read in the toml-file
	sigStr := &sigFile{}
	err := app.ReadTomlConfig(sigStr, file)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	suite := app.GetSuite(sigStr.SuiteStr)

	sr.Timestamp = sigStr.Timestamp
	for _, pr := range sigStr.Proof {
		pro, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(pr)
		if err != nil {
			dbg.Lvl1("Couldn't decode proof:", pr)
			return err
		sr.Prf = append(sr.Prf, pro)
	// Read the root, the challenge and response
	sr.MerkleRoot, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(sigStr.MerkleRoot)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Could not decode Merkle Root from sig file:", err)
	sr.Response, err = cliutils.ReadSecret64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.Response))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Could not read secret challenge:", err)
	if sr.Challenge, err = cliutils.ReadSecret64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.Challenge)); err != nil {
		fmt.Errorf("Could not read the aggregate commitment:", err)
	if sr.AggCommit, err = cliutils.ReadPub64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.AggCommitment)); err != nil {
		return err
	if sr.AggPublic, err = cliutils.ReadPub64(suite, strings.NewReader(sigStr.AggPublic)); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Run will launch the conode server. It takes a config file and a key file
// First parse the key + config file and then run the actual server
func Run(configFile, key string) {
	var address string
	// Read the global config
	conf := &app.ConfigConode{}
	if err := app.ReadTomlConfig(conf, configFile); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Could not read toml config:", err)
	dbg.Lvl1("Configuration file read")
	// Read the private / public keys + binded address
	if sec, err := cliutils.ReadPrivKey(suite, namePriv(key)); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading private key file:", err)
	} else {
		conf.Secret = sec
	if pub, addr, err := cliutils.ReadPubKey(suite, namePub(key)); err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("Error reading public key file:", err)
	} else {
		conf.Public = pub
		address = addr
	peer := conode.NewPeer(address, conf)
	peer.LoopRounds(RoundStatsType, maxRounds)
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Creates the appropriate configuration-files and copies everything to the
// deterlab-installation.
func (d *Deterlab) Deploy(rc RunConfig) error {
	dbg.Lvlf1("Next run is %+v", rc)
	os.Mkdir(d.DeployDir, 0777)

	dbg.Lvl3("Writing config-files")

	// Initialize the deter-struct with our current structure (for debug-levels
	// and such), then read in the app-configuration to overwrite eventual
	// 'Machines', 'ppm', '' or other fields
	deter := *d
	appConfig := d.DeployDir + "/app.toml"
	deterConfig := d.DeployDir + "/deter.toml"
	ioutil.WriteFile(appConfig, rc.Toml(), 0666)

	d.MasterLogger = deter.MasterLogger
	app.WriteTomlConfig(deter, deterConfig)

	// Prepare special configuration preparation for each application - the
	// reading in twice of the configuration file, once for the deterConfig,
	// then for the appConfig, sets the deterConfig as defaults and overwrites
	// everything else with the actual appConfig (which comes from the
	// runconfig-file)
	switch d.App {
	case "sign", "stamp":
		conf := app.ConfigColl{}
		conf.StampsPerRound = -1
		conf.StampRatio = 1.0
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, deterConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		// Calculates a tree that is used for the timestampers
		var depth int
		conf.Tree, conf.Hosts, depth, _ = graphs.TreeFromList(deter.Virt[:], conf.Ppm, conf.Bf)
		dbg.Lvl2("Depth:", depth)
		dbg.Lvl2("Total peers:", len(conf.Hosts))
		total := deter.Machines * conf.Ppm
		if len(conf.Hosts) != total {
			dbg.Fatal("Only calculated", len(conf.Hosts), "out of", total, "hosts - try changing number of",
				"machines or hosts per node")
		deter.Hostnames = conf.Hosts
		// re-write the new configuration-file
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "skeleton":
		conf := app.ConfigSkeleton{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, deterConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		// Calculates a tree that is used for the timestampers
		var depth int
		conf.Tree, conf.Hosts, depth, _ = graphs.TreeFromList(deter.Virt[:], conf.Ppm, conf.Bf)
		dbg.Lvl2("Depth:", depth)
		dbg.Lvl2("Total peers:", len(conf.Hosts))
		total := deter.Machines * conf.Ppm
		if len(conf.Hosts) != total {
			dbg.Fatal("Only calculated", len(conf.Hosts), "out of", total, "hosts - try changing number of",
				"machines or hosts per node")
		deter.Hostnames = conf.Hosts
		// re-write the new configuration-file
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)

	case "shamir":
		conf := app.ConfigShamir{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, deterConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		_, conf.Hosts, _, _ = graphs.TreeFromList(deter.Virt[:], conf.Ppm, conf.Ppm)
		deter.Hostnames = conf.Hosts
		// re-write the new configuration-file
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "naive":
		conf := app.NaiveConfig{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, deterConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		_, conf.Hosts, _, _ = graphs.TreeFromList(deter.Virt[:], conf.Ppm, 2)
		deter.Hostnames = conf.Hosts
		dbg.Lvl3("Deterlab: naive applications:", conf.Hosts)
		dbg.Lvl3("Deterlab: naive app config:", conf)
		dbg.Lvl3("Deterlab: naive app virt:", deter.Virt[:])
		deter.Hostnames = conf.Hosts
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "ntree":
		conf := app.NTreeConfig{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, deterConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		var depth int
		conf.Tree, conf.Hosts, depth, _ = graphs.TreeFromList(deter.Virt[:], conf.Ppm, conf.Bf)
		dbg.Lvl2("Depth:", depth)
		deter.Hostnames = conf.Hosts
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)

	case "randhound":
	app.WriteTomlConfig(deter, "deter.toml", d.DeployDir)

	// copy the webfile-directory of the logserver to the remote directory
	err := exec.Command("cp", "-a", d.DeterDir+"/cothority.conf", d.DeployDir).Run()
	if err != nil {
		dbg.Fatal("error copying webfiles:", err)
	build, err := ioutil.ReadDir(d.BuildDir)
	for _, file := range build {
		err = exec.Command("cp", d.BuildDir+"/"+file.Name(), d.DeployDir).Run()
		if err != nil {
			dbg.Fatal("error copying build-file:", err)

	dbg.Lvl1("Copying over to", d.Login, "@", d.Host)
	// Copy everything over to Deterlabs
	err = cliutils.Rsync(d.Login, d.Host, d.DeployDir+"/", "remote/")
	if err != nil {
	dbg.Lvl2("Done copying")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
// If the server is only given with it's hostname, it supposes that the stamp
// server is run on port 2001. Else you will have to add the port yourself.
func main() {
	stamp := cli.NewApp()
	stamp.Name = "collective"
	stamp.Usage = "Used to sign files to a cothority tree and to verify issued signatures"
	stamp.Version = "0.0.1"
	stamp.Authors = []cli.Author{
			Name:  "Linus Gasser",
			Email: "*****@*****.**",
			Name:  "nikkolasg",
			Email: "",
	stamp.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:    "sign",
			Aliases: []string{"s"},
			Usage:   "Request a signed time-stamp on a file. Provide with FILE.",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				dbg.Lvl1("Requesting a timestamp on a cothority tree")
				server := c.String("server")
				StampFile(c.Args().First(), server)
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "server, s",
					Value: "",
					Usage: "Server in the cothority tree we wish to contact. If not given, it will select a random one.",
			Name:      "check",
			Aliases:   []string{"c"},
			Usage:     "Verify a given signature against a file",
			ArgsUsage: "FILE is the name of the file. Signature file should be file.sig otherwise use the sig option",
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
					Name:  "sig",
					Value: "",
					Usage: "signature file to verify",
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				sigFile := c.String("sig")
				if sigFile == "" {
					sigFile = c.Args().First() + sigExtension
				if VerifyFileSignature(c.Args().First(), sigFile) {
					dbg.Lvl1("Verification OK")
				} else {
					dbg.Lvl1("Verification of file failed")
	stamp.Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "config, c",
			Value: defaultConfigFile,
			Usage: "Configuration file of the cothority tree we are using.",
			Name:  "debug, d",
			Value: 1,
			Usage: "debug level from 1 (major operations) to 5 (very noisy text)",
	// Read the config file before
	stamp.Before = func(c *cli.Context) error {
		var cf string = c.String("config")
		if c.String("config") == "" {
			cf = defaultConfigFile
		conf = new(app.ConfigConode)
		err := app.ReadTomlConfig(conf, cf)
		suite = app.GetSuite(conf.Suite)
		pub, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(conf.AggPubKey)
		suite.Read(bytes.NewReader(pub), &public_X0)

		// sets the right debug options
		dbg.DebugVisible = c.GlobalInt("debug")
		return err

Ejemplo n.º 10
func (d *Localhost) Deploy(rc RunConfig) error {
	dbg.Lvl2("Localhost: Deploying and writing config-files")

	// Initialize the deter-struct with our current structure (for debug-levels
	// and such), then read in the app-configuration to overwrite eventual
	// 'Machines', 'Ppm', 'Loggers' or other fields
	appConfig := d.RunDir + "/app.toml"
	localConfig := d.RunDir + "/" + defaultConfigName
	ioutil.WriteFile(appConfig, rc.Toml(), 0666)

	app.WriteTomlConfig(d, localConfig)

	// Prepare special configuration preparation for each application - the
	// reading in twice of the configuration file, once for the deterConfig,
	// then for the appConfig, sets the deterConfig as defaults and overwrites
	// everything else with the actual appConfig (which comes from the
	// runconfig-file)
	switch d.App {
	case "sign", "stamp":
		conf := app.ConfigColl{}
		conf.StampsPerRound = -1
		conf.StampRatio = 1.0
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, localConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		// Calculates a tree that is used for the timestampers
		// ppm = 1
		conf.Tree = graphs.CreateLocalTree(d.Hosts, conf.Bf)
		conf.Hosts = d.Hosts

		dbg.Lvl2("Total hosts / depth:", len(conf.Hosts), graphs.Depth(conf.Tree))
		total := d.Machines * d.Ppm
		if len(conf.Hosts) != total {
			dbg.Fatal("Only calculated", len(conf.Hosts), "out of", total, "hosts - try changing number of",
				"machines or hosts per node")
		d.Hosts = conf.Hosts
		// re-write the new configuration-file
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "skeleton":
		conf := app.ConfigSkeleton{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, localConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		conf.Tree = graphs.CreateLocalTree(d.Hosts, conf.Bf)
		conf.Hosts = d.Hosts
		dbg.Lvl2("Total hosts / depth:", len(conf.Hosts), graphs.Depth(conf.Tree))
		total := d.Machines * d.Ppm
		if len(conf.Hosts) != total {
			dbg.Fatal("Only calculated", len(conf.Hosts), "out of", total, "hosts - try changing number of",
				"machines or hosts per node")
		d.Hosts = conf.Hosts
		// re-write the new configuration-file
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "shamir":
		conf := app.ConfigShamir{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, localConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		//_, conf.Hosts, _, _ = graphs.TreeFromList(d.Hosts, len(d.Hosts), 1)
		//d.Hosts = conf.Hosts
		dbg.Lvl4("Localhost: graphs.Tree for shamir", conf.Hosts)
		// re-write the new configuration-file
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "naive":
		conf := app.NaiveConfig{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, localConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		dbg.Lvl4("Localhost: naive applications:", conf.Hosts)
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "ntree":
		conf := app.NTreeConfig{}
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, localConfig)
		app.ReadTomlConfig(&conf, appConfig)
		conf.Tree = graphs.CreateLocalTree(d.Hosts, conf.Bf)
		conf.Hosts = d.Hosts
		dbg.Lvl3("Localhost: naive Tree applications:", conf.Hosts)
		d.Hosts = conf.Hosts
		app.WriteTomlConfig(conf, appConfig)
	case "randhound":
	//app.WriteTomlConfig(d, defaultConfigName, d.RunDir)
	debug := reflect.ValueOf(d).Elem().FieldByName("Debug")
	if debug.IsValid() {
		dbg.DebugVisible = debug.Interface().(int)
	dbg.Lvl2("Localhost: Done deploying")

	return nil
