Ejemplo n.º 1
// Creates resource-only containerName if it does not already exist and moves
// the current process to it.
// containerName must be an absolute container name.
func RunInResourceContainer(containerName string) error {
	manager := fs.Manager{
		Cgroups: &configs.Cgroup{
			Name:            containerName,
			AllowAllDevices: true,

	return manager.Apply(os.Getpid())
// Ensures the system container is created and all non-kernel threads and process 1
// without a container are moved to it.
// The reason of leaving kernel threads at root cgroup is that we don't want to tie the
// execution of these threads with to-be defined /system quota and create priority inversions.
// The reason of leaving process 1 at root cgroup is that libcontainer hardcoded on
// the base cgroup path based on process 1. Please see:
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/12789#issuecomment-132384126
// for detail explanation.
func ensureSystemContainer(rootContainer *fs.Manager, manager *fs.Manager) error {
	// Move non-kernel PIDs to the system container.
	attemptsRemaining := 10
	var errs []error
	for attemptsRemaining >= 0 {
		// Only keep errors on latest attempt.
		errs = []error{}

		allPids, err := rootContainer.GetPids()
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to list PIDs for root: %v", err))

		// Remove kernel pids and process 1
		pids := make([]int, 0, len(allPids))
		for _, pid := range allPids {
			if isKernelPid(pid) {

			// TODO(dawnchen): Remove this once the hard dependency on process 1 is removed
			// on systemd node.
			if pid == 1 {
			pids = append(pids, pid)
		glog.Infof("Found %d PIDs in root, %d of them are kernel related", len(allPids), len(allPids)-len(pids))

		// Check if we moved all the non-kernel PIDs.
		if len(pids) == 0 {

		glog.Infof("Moving non-kernel threads: %v", pids)
		for _, pid := range pids {
			err := manager.Apply(pid)
			if err != nil {
				errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to move PID %d into the system container %q: %v", pid, manager.Cgroups.Name, err))

	if attemptsRemaining < 0 {
		errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("ran out of attempts to create system containers %q", manager.Cgroups.Name))

	return errors.NewAggregate(errs)
// Ensures that the Docker daemon is in the desired container.
func ensureDockerInContainer(cadvisor cadvisor.Interface, oomScoreAdj int, manager *fs.Manager) error {
	// What container is Docker in?
	out, err := exec.Command("pidof", "docker").Output()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to find pid of Docker container: %v", err)

	// The output of pidof is a list of pids.
	// Docker may be forking and thus there would be more than one result.
	pids := []int{}
	for _, pidStr := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), " ") {
		pid, err := strconv.Atoi(pidStr)
		if err != nil {
		pids = append(pids, pid)

	// Move if the pid is not already in the desired container.
	errs := []error{}
	for _, pid := range pids {
		cont, err := getContainer(pid)
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to find container of PID %d: %v", pid, err))

		if cont != manager.Cgroups.Name {
			err = manager.Apply(pid)
			if err != nil {
				errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to move PID %d (in %q) to %q", pid, cont, manager.Cgroups.Name))

		// Also apply oom-score-adj to processes
		oomAdjuster := oom.NewOomAdjuster()
		if err := oomAdjuster.ApplyOomScoreAdj(pid, oomScoreAdj); err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply oom score %d to PID %d", oomScoreAdj, pid))

	return errors.NewAggregate(errs)