Ejemplo n.º 1
func main() {
	var cx, cy, cw, ch, midy int
	message := "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"

	w, h := openvg.Init()
	var speed openvg.VGfloat = 0.5
	var x openvg.VGfloat = 0
	midy = (h / 2)
	fontsize := w / 50
	cx = 0
	ch = fontsize * 2
	cw = w
	cy = midy - (ch / 2)

	rx, ry, rw, rh := openvg.VGfloat(cx), openvg.VGfloat(cy), openvg.VGfloat(cw), openvg.VGfloat(ch)
	// scroll the text, only in the clipping rectangle
	for x = 0; x < rw+speed; x += speed {
		openvg.Start(w, h)
		openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)
		openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .2)
		openvg.Rect(rx, ry, rw, rh)
		openvg.ClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch)
		openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
		openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
		openvg.Text(0, 0, message, "sans", fontsize)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// rshapes draws shapes with random colors, openvg.Strokes, and sizes.
func rshapes(width, height, n int) {

	var sx, sy, cx, cy, px, py, ex, ey, pox, poy openvg.VGfloat

	np := 10
	polyx := make([]openvg.VGfloat, np)
	polyy := make([]openvg.VGfloat, np)
	openvg.Start(width, height)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		openvg.FillRGB(randcolor(), randcolor(), randcolor(), openvg.VGfloat(rand.Float32()))
		openvg.Ellipse(randf(width), randf(height), randf(200), randf(100))
		openvg.Circle(randf(width), randf(height), randf(100))
		openvg.Rect(randf(width), randf(height), randf(200), randf(100))
		openvg.Arc(randf(width), randf(height), randf(200), randf(200), randf(360), randf(360))

		sx = randf(width)
		sy = randf(height)
		openvg.StrokeRGB(randcolor(), randcolor(), randcolor(), 1)
		openvg.Line(sx, sy, sx+randf(200), sy+randf(100))

		sx = randf(width)
		sy = randf(height)
		ex = sx + randf(200)
		ey = sy
		cx = sx + ((ex - sx) / 2.0)
		cy = sy + randf(100)
		openvg.Qbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, ex, ey)

		sx = randf(width)
		sy = randf(height)
		ex = sx + randf(200)
		ey = sy
		cx = sx + ((ex - sx) / 2.0)
		cy = sy + randf(100)
		px = cx
		py = sy - randf(100)
		openvg.Cbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, px, py, ex, ey)

		pox = randf(width)
		poy = randf(height)
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			polyx[j] = pox + randf(200)
			polyy[j] = poy + randf(100)
		openvg.Polygon(polyx, polyy) // , np)

		pox = randf(width)
		poy = randf(height)
		for j := 0; j < np; j++ {
			polyx[j] = pox + randf(200)
			polyy[j] = poy + randf(100)
		openvg.Polyline(polyx, polyy) // , np)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.Text(20, 20, "OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi", "sans", 32)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// tb draws a block of text
func tb(w, h int) {
	para := []string{
		"For lo,",
		"the winter is past,",
		"the rain is over and gone",
		"the flowers appear on the earth;",
		"the time for the singing of birds is come,",
		"and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land",

	tmargin := openvg.VGfloat(w) * 0.50
	lmargin := openvg.VGfloat(w) * 0.10
	top := openvg.VGfloat(h) * .9
	mid := openvg.VGfloat(h) * .6
	bot := openvg.VGfloat(h) * .3

	fontsize := 24
	leading := openvg.VGfloat(40.0)
	lfontsize := fontsize * 2
	midb := ((leading * 2) + (leading / 2)) - openvg.VGfloat(lfontsize/2)

	openvg.Start(w, h)
	openvg.FillRGB(49, 79, 79, 1)
	textlines(tmargin, top, para, "serif", fontsize, leading)
	textlines(tmargin, mid, para, "sans", fontsize, leading)
	textlines(tmargin, bot, para, "mono", fontsize, leading)
	openvg.Text(lmargin, top-midb, "Serif", "sans", lfontsize)
	openvg.Text(lmargin, mid-midb, "Sans", "sans", lfontsize)
	openvg.Text(lmargin, bot-midb, "Mono", "sans", lfontsize)
Ejemplo n.º 4
// showgrid xrays a slide
func showgrid(d deck.Deck, n int, p float64) {
	w := openvg.VGfloat(d.Canvas.Width)
	h := openvg.VGfloat(d.Canvas.Height)
	percent := openvg.VGfloat(p)
	fs := (w / 100) // labels are 1% of the width
	xpct := (percent / 100.0) * w
	ypct := (percent / 100.0) * h

	openvg.StrokeColor("lightgray", 0.5)

	// horizontal gridlines
	xl := percent
	for x := xpct; x <= w; x += xpct {
		openvg.Line(x, 0, x, h)
		openvg.Text(x, percent, fmt.Sprintf("%.0f%%", xl), "sans", int(fs))
		xl += percent

	// vertical gridlines
	yl := percent
	for y := ypct; y <= h; y += ypct {
		openvg.Line(0, y, w, y)
		openvg.Text(percent, y, fmt.Sprintf("%.0f%%", yl), "sans", int(fs))
		yl += percent

	// show boundary and location of images
	if n < 0 || n > len(d.Slide) {
	for _, im := range d.Slide[n].Image {
		x := pct(im.Xp, w)
		y := pct(im.Yp, h)
		iw := openvg.VGfloat(im.Width)
		ih := openvg.VGfloat(im.Height)
		if im.Scale > 0 {
			iw *= openvg.VGfloat(im.Scale / 100)
			ih *= openvg.VGfloat(im.Scale / 100)
		openvg.FillRGB(127, 0, 0, 0.3)
		openvg.Circle(x, y, fs)
		openvg.FillRGB(255, 0, 0, 0.1)
		openvg.Rect(x-iw/2, y-ih/2, iw, ih)
Ejemplo n.º 5
func paintBG(w, h openvg.VGfloat) {
	if !showTrails {
		openvg.Background(0, 0, 0)
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
	openvg.Rect(0, 0, w, h)
Ejemplo n.º 6
func imagetable(w, h int) {
	imgw, imgh := 422, 238
	itable := []it{
		{"desert0.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert1.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert2.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert3.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert4.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert5.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert6.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		{"desert7.jpg", imgw, imgh},
		//{"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3546/3338566612_9c56bfb53e_m.jpg", 240, 164},
		//{"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3642/3337734413_e36baba755_m.jpg", 240, 164},
	offset := openvg.VGfloat(50)
	left := offset
	bot := openvg.VGfloat(h-imgh) - offset
	gutter := offset
	x := left
	y := bot
	openvg.Start(w, h)
	for _, iname := range itable {
		openvg.Image(x, y, iname.width, iname.height, iname.name)
		openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, 0.3)
		openvg.Rect(x, y, openvg.VGfloat(imgw), 32)
		openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
		openvg.TextMid(x+openvg.VGfloat(imgw/2), y+10, iname.name, "sans", 16)
		x += openvg.VGfloat(iname.width) + gutter
		if x > openvg.VGfloat(w) {
			x = left
			y -= openvg.VGfloat(iname.height) + gutter
	y = openvg.VGfloat(h) * 0.1
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 128, 128, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(openvg.VGfloat(w/2), 100, "Joshua Tree National Park", "sans", 48)
Ejemplo n.º 7
// raspberry pi, scaled to the screen dimensions
func raspi(w, h int, s string) {
	midx := openvg.VGfloat(w) / 2
	midy := openvg.VGfloat(h) / 2
	rw := midx
	rh := (rw * 2) / 3
	fontsize := w / 25
	openvg.Start(w, h)
	openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)
	makepi(midx-(rw/2), midy-(rh/2), rw, rh)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, midy-(rh/2)-openvg.VGfloat(fontsize*2), s, "sans", fontsize)
Ejemplo n.º 8
//planets is an exploration of scale
func planets(width, height int, message string) {

	w := openvg.VGfloat(width)
	h := openvg.VGfloat(height)
	y := h / 2

	margin := openvg.VGfloat(100.0)
	minsize := openvg.VGfloat(7.0)
	labeloc := openvg.VGfloat(100.0)
	bgcolor := "black"
	labelcolor := "white"
	maxsize := (h / 2) * 0.05

	origin := sun.distance
	mostDistant := neptune.distance
	firstSize := mercury.radius
	lastSize := neptune.radius

	openvg.Start(width, height)

	for _, p := range solarSystem {
		x := vmap(p.distance, origin, mostDistant, margin, w-margin)
		r := vmap(p.radius, firstSize, lastSize, minsize, maxsize)

		if p.name == "Sun" {
			openvg.FillRGB(p.color.Red, p.color.Green, p.color.Blue, 1)
			openvg.Circle(margin-(r/2), y, r)
		} else {
			light(x, y, r, p.color)
			openvg.Circle(x, y, r)
			if p.name == "Saturn" {
				ringwidth := r * 2.35 // Saturn's rings are over 2x the planet radius
				openvg.StrokeRGB(p.color.Red, p.color.Green, p.color.Blue, 1)
				openvg.Line((x - ringwidth/2), y, (x + ringwidth/2), y)
		if p.name == "Earth" && len(message) > 1 {
			openvg.Line(x, y+(r/2), x, y+labeloc)
			openvg.TextMid(x, y+labeloc+10, message, "sans", 12)
Ejemplo n.º 9
func draw(w, h openvg.VGfloat) {
	paintBG(w, h)

	var p particle
	var grav = openvg.VGfloat(gravity)
	for i := 0; i < nparticles; i++ {
		p = particles[i]
		openvg.FillRGB(p.r, p.g, p.b, 1)
		openvg.Circle(p.x, p.y, p.radius)

		// Apply the velocity
		p.x += p.vx
		p.y += p.vy

		p.vx *= 0.98
		if p.vy > 0 {
			p.vy *= 0.97

		// Gravity
		p.vy -= grav

		// Stop p leaving the canvas
		if p.x < -50 {
			p.x = w + 50
		if p.x > w+50 {
			p.x = -50

		// When particle reaches the bottom of screen reset velocity & start posn
		if p.y < -50 {
			p.x = 0
			p.y = 0
			p.vx = openvg.VGfloat(rand.Intn(maxrand)%30) + 30
			p.vy = openvg.VGfloat(rand.Intn(maxrand)%20) + 40

			if directionRTL {
				p.vx *= -1
				p.x = w

		if p.y > h+50 {
			p.y = -50
		particles[i] = p
Ejemplo n.º 10
// advert is an ad for the package
func advert(w, h int) {
	y := openvg.VGfloat(h) / 4
	fontsize := (w * 4) / 100
	f3 := fontsize / 3
	s := "github.com/ajstarks/openvg"
	a := "*****@*****.**"

	imw := 110
	imh := 110
	rw := openvg.VGfloat(w / 4)
	rh := (rw * 2) / 3
	midx := openvg.VGfloat(w / 2)

	openvg.Start(w, h)
	makepi(midx-openvg.VGfloat(rw/2), openvg.VGfloat(h/2), rw, rh)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, y-openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/4), s, "sans", fontsize)
	y -= 100
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 128, 128, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, y, a, "sans", f3)
	openvg.Image(openvg.VGfloat(w/2)-openvg.VGfloat(imw/2), 20, imw, imh, "starx.jpg")
Ejemplo n.º 11
// fontrange shows a range of fonts
func fontrange(w, h int) {
	var x, lx, length openvg.VGfloat
	y := openvg.VGfloat(h) / 2.0
	w2 := openvg.VGfloat(w) / 2.0
	spacing := openvg.VGfloat(50.0)
	s2 := spacing / 2.0
	sizes := []int{6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96}

	openvg.Start(w, h)
	openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)

	// compute the length so we can center
	length = 0.0
	for _, s := range sizes {
		length += openvg.VGfloat(s) + spacing
	length -= spacing
	lx = w2 - (length / 2) // center point

	// for each size, display a character and label
	x = lx
	for _, s := range sizes {
		openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
		openvg.TextMid(x, y, "a", "serif", s)
		openvg.FillRGB(128, 128, 128, 1)
		openvg.TextMid(x, y-spacing, fmt.Sprintf("%d", s), "sans", 16)
		x += openvg.VGfloat(s) + spacing
	// draw a openvg.Line below the characters, a curve above
	x -= spacing
	openvg.StrokeRGB(150, 150, 150, 0.5)
	openvg.Line(lx, y-s2, x, y-s2)
	openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, 1)
	openvg.Qbezier(lx, y+s2, x, y+s2, x, y+(spacing*3))
Ejemplo n.º 12
// raspberry pi, scaled to the screen dimensions
func main() {
	w, h := openvg.Init()
	midx := openvg.VGfloat(w) / 2
	midy := openvg.VGfloat(h) / 2
	rw := midx
	rh := (rw * 2) / 3
	fontsize := w / 25
	openvg.Start(w, h)
	openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)
	makepi(midx-(rw/2), midy-(rh/2), rw, rh)
	makepi(200, 100, 75, 50)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, midy-(rh/2)-openvg.VGfloat(fontsize*2), "The Raspberry Pi", "sans", fontsize)
Ejemplo n.º 13
func main() {

	width, height := openvg.Init()

	w := openvg.VGfloat(width)
	h := openvg.VGfloat(height)
	y := h / 2
	var (
		margin  openvg.VGfloat = 100.0
		minsize openvg.VGfloat = 7.0
		labeloc openvg.VGfloat = 100.0
	bgcolor := "black"
	labelcolor := "white"
	maxsize := (h / 2) * 0.05

	origin := sun.distance
	mostDistant := neptune.distance
	firstSize := mercury.radius
	lastSize := neptune.radius

	openvg.Start(width, height)

	for _, p := range solarSystem {
		x := vmap(p.distance, origin, mostDistant, margin, w-margin)
		r := vmap(p.radius, firstSize, lastSize, minsize, maxsize)

		if p.name == "Sun" {
			openvg.FillRGB(p.color.Red, p.color.Green, p.color.Blue, 1)
			openvg.Circle(margin-(r/2), y, r)
		} else {
			light(x, y, r, p.color)
			openvg.Circle(x, y, r)
		if p.name == "Earth" && len(os.Args) > 1 {
			openvg.Line(x, y+(r/2), x, y+labeloc)
			openvg.TextMid(x, y+labeloc+10, os.Args[1], "sans", 12)
Ejemplo n.º 14
// makepi draws the Raspberry Pi
func makepi(x, y, w, h openvg.VGfloat) {
	// dimensions
	socw := h / 5
	compw := h / 5
	cjw := h / 10
	cjh := h / 8
	audw := h / 5
	aujw := h / 10
	aujh := cjh / 2
	hdw := w / 6
	hdh := w / 10
	gpw := w / 3
	gph := h / 8
	pw := h / 10
	usw := w / 5
	ush := h / 5
	etw := w / 5
	eth := h / 5
	sdw := w / 6
	sdh := w / 4
	offset := (w / 2) / 10
	w34 := (w * 3) / 4
	w2 := w / 2
	h2 := h / 2
	h40 := (h * 2) / 5

	openvg.FillRGB(0, 128, 0, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x, y, w, h) // board

	openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 0, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x+w2, (y+h)-compw, compw, compw) // composite
	openvg.FillRGB(192, 192, 192, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x+w2+(cjw/2), y+h, cjw, cjh) // composite jack

	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x+w34, y+h-audw, audw, audw)     // audio
	openvg.Rect(x+w34+(aujw/2), y+h, aujw, aujh) // audio jack

	openvg.FillRGB(192, 192, 192, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x+w2, y, hdw, hdh)                 // HDMI
	openvg.Rect((x+w)-etw, y, etw, eth)            // Ethernet
	openvg.Rect((x+w+offset)-usw, y+h40, usw, ush) // USB
	openvg.Rect(x, y, pw, pw)                      // Power

	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x+(w*2)/5, y+h40, socw, socw) // SoC
	openvg.Rect(x, (y+h)-gph, gpw, gph)       // GPIO
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 255, 1)
	openvg.Rect(x-sdw, (y+h2)-(sdh/2), sdw, sdh) // SD card
Ejemplo n.º 15
func main() {
	width, height := openvg.Init() // OpenGL, etc initialization

	w2 := openvg.VGfloat(width / 2)
	h2 := openvg.VGfloat(height / 2)
	w := openvg.VGfloat(width)

	openvg.Start(width, height)                               // Start the picture
	openvg.BackgroundColor("black")                           // Black background
	openvg.FillRGB(44, 100, 232, 1)                           // Big blue marble
	openvg.Circle(w2, 0, w)                                   // The "world"
	openvg.FillColor("white")                                 // White text
	openvg.TextMid(w2, h2, "hello, world", "serif", width/10) // Greetings
	openvg.End()                                              // End the picture
	bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).ReadBytes('\n')                 // Pause until [RETURN]
	openvg.Finish()                                           // Graphics cleanup
Ejemplo n.º 16
// dodeck sets up the graphics environment and kicks off the interaction
func dodeck(filename, searchterm string, pausetime time.Duration, slidenum, cw, ch int, gp float64) {
	firstrun = 0
	w, h := openvg.Init()
	openvg.FillRGB(200, 200, 200, 1)
	openvg.Rect(0, 0, openvg.VGfloat(w), openvg.VGfloat(h))
	if cw > 0 {
		w = cw
	if ch > 0 {
		h = ch
	if pausetime == 0 {
		interact(filename, searchterm, w, h, slidenum, gp)
	} else {
		loop(filename, w, h, slidenum, pausetime)
Ejemplo n.º 17
func gradient(width, height int) {
	w := openvg.VGfloat(width)
	h := openvg.VGfloat(height)
	stops := []openvg.Offcolor{
		{0.0, openvg.RGB{255, 255, 255}, 1.0},
		{0.5, openvg.RGB{128, 128, 128}, 1.0},
		{1.0, openvg.RGB{0, 0, 0}, 1.0},

	x1 := w / 8
	x2 := (w * 3) / 8
	y1 := h / 3
	y2 := (h * 2) / 3
	cx := (w * 3) / 4
	cy := (h / 2)
	r := (x2 - x1)
	fx := cx + (r / 4)
	fy := cy + (r / 4)
	openvg.Start(width, height)
	openvg.BackgroundRGB(128, 128, 128, 1)
	openvg.FillLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2, stops)
	openvg.Rect(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1)
	openvg.FillRadialGradient(cx, cy, fx, fy, r, stops)
	openvg.Circle(cx, cy, r)

	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
	openvg.Circle(x1, y1, 10)
	openvg.Circle(x2, y2, 10)
	openvg.Circle(cx, cy, 10)
	openvg.Circle(cx+r/2, cy, 10)
	openvg.Circle(fx, fy, 10)

	SansTypeface := "sans"
	openvg.TextMid(x1, y1-20, "(x1, y1)", SansTypeface, 18)
	openvg.TextMid(x2, y2+10, "(x2, y2)", SansTypeface, 18)
	openvg.TextMid(cx, cy, "(cx, cy)", SansTypeface, 18)
	openvg.TextMid(fx, fy, "(fx, fy)", SansTypeface, 18)
	openvg.TextEnd(cx+(r/2)+20, cy, "r", SansTypeface, 18)

	openvg.TextMid(x1+((x2-x1)/2), h/6, "Linear Gradient", SansTypeface, 36)
	openvg.TextMid(cx, h/6, "Radial Gradient", SansTypeface, 36)
Ejemplo n.º 18
// rotext draws text, rotated around the center of the screen, progressively faded
func rotext(w, h, n int, s string) {
	fade := (100.0 / openvg.VGfloat(n)) / 100.0
	deg := 360.0 / openvg.VGfloat(n)
	x := openvg.VGfloat(w) / 2.0
	y := openvg.VGfloat(h) / 2.0
	alpha := openvg.VGfloat(1.0)
	size := w / 8

	openvg.Start(w, h)
	openvg.Background(0, 0, 0)
	openvg.Translate(x, y)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, alpha)
		openvg.Text(0, 0, s, "serif", size)
		alpha -= fade // fade
		size += n     // enlarge
Ejemplo n.º 19
// testpattern shows a test pattern
func testpattern(w, h int, s string) {
	var midx, midy1, midy2, midy3 openvg.VGfloat
	fontsize := 256
	h2 := openvg.VGfloat(h / 2)
	by := openvg.VGfloat(h - 100)
	bx := openvg.VGfloat(w - 100)
	tw1 := &FW{"mono", 0, fontsize}
	tw2 := &FW{"sans", 0, fontsize}
	tw3 := &FW{"serif", 0, fontsize}

	openvg.Start(w, h)

	// colored squares in the corners
	openvg.FillRGB(255, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100)
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 255, 0, 1)
	openvg.Rect(0, by, 100, 100)
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 255, 1)
	openvg.Rect(bx, 0, 100, 100)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 128, 128, 1)
	openvg.Rect(bx, by, 100, 100)

	// for each font, (Sans, Serif, Mono), adjust the string to the w
	tw1.fitwidth(w, 20, s)
	tw2.fitwidth(w, 20, s)
	tw3.fitwidth(w, 20, s)

	midx = openvg.VGfloat(w / 2)

	// Adjust the baselines to be medial
	midy1 = h2 + 20 + openvg.VGfloat((tw1.fontsize)/2)
	midy2 = h2 - openvg.VGfloat((tw2.fontsize)/2)
	midy3 = h2 - 20 - openvg.VGfloat(tw2.fontsize) - openvg.VGfloat((tw3.fontsize)/2)

	openvg.FillRGB(128, 128, 128, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, midy1, s, tw1.font, tw1.fontsize)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, midy2, s, tw2.font, tw2.fontsize)
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 128, 1)
	openvg.TextMid(midx, midy3, s, tw3.font, tw3.fontsize)
Ejemplo n.º 20
func main() {
	var nr = flag.Int("n", 500, "number of objects")
	var message = flag.String("m", "Go/OpenVG", "message")
	var bgcolor = flag.String("bg", "white", "background color")
	var fgcolor = flag.String("fg", "maroon", "text color")


	width, height := openvg.Init()
	fw := openvg.VGfloat(width)
	fh := openvg.VGfloat(height)

	openvg.Start(width, height)
	for i := 0; i < *nr; i++ {

		red := uint8(rand.Intn(255))
		green := uint8(rand.Intn(255))
		blue := uint8(rand.Intn(255))
		alpha := randf()

		x := randf() * fw
		y := randf() * fh
		radius := randf() * fw / 10

		openvg.FillRGB(red, green, blue, alpha)
		openvg.Circle(x, y, radius)
	openvg.TextMid(fw/2, fh/2, *message, "sans", width/25)

Ejemplo n.º 21
func main() {
	var (
		filename     = flag.String("f", "svgcolors.txt", "input file")
		fontname     = flag.String("font", "sans", "fontname")
		neg          = flag.Bool("neg", false, "negative")
		showrgb      = flag.Bool("rgb", false, "show RGB")
		showcode     = flag.Bool("showcode", true, "show colors and codes")
		circsw       = flag.Bool("circle", true, "circle swatch")
		outline      = flag.Bool("outline", false, "outline swatch")
		fontsize     = flag.Int("fs", 12, "fontsize")
		rowsize      = flag.Int("r", 32, "rowsize")
		colw         = flag.Float64("c", 340, "column size")
		swatch       = flag.Float64("s", 16, "swatch size")
		gutter       = flag.Float64("g", 12, "gutter")
		err          error
		tcolor, line string

	f, oerr := os.Open(*filename)
	if oerr != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", oerr)
	width, height := openvg.Init()

	openvg.Start(width, height)
	fw := openvg.VGfloat(width)
	fh := openvg.VGfloat(height)
	if *neg {
		openvg.Rect(0, 0, fw, fh)
		tcolor = "white"
	} else {
		openvg.Rect(0, 0, fw, fh)
		tcolor = "black"
	top := fh - 32.0
	left := openvg.VGfloat(32.0)
	cw := openvg.VGfloat(*colw)
	sw := openvg.VGfloat(*swatch)
	g := openvg.VGfloat(*gutter)
	in := bufio.NewReader(f)

	for x, y, nr := left, top, 0; err == nil; nr++ {
		line, err = in.ReadString('\n')
		fields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line), "\t")
		if nr%*rowsize == 0 && nr > 0 {
			x += cw
			y = top
		if len(fields) == 3 {
			var red, green, blue uint8
			fmt.Sscanf(fields[2], "%d,%d,%d", &red, &green, &blue)
			openvg.FillRGB(red, green, blue, 1)
			if *outline {
			if *circsw {
				openvg.Circle(x+sw/2, y+sw/2, sw)
			} else {
				openvg.Rect(x, y, sw, sw)
			openvg.Text(x+sw+openvg.VGfloat(*fontsize/2), y, fields[0], *fontname, *fontsize)
			var label string
			if *showcode {
				if *showrgb {
					label = fields[1]
				} else {
					label = fields[2]
				openvg.TextEnd(x+cw-(sw+g), y, label, *fontname, *fontsize)
		y -= (sw + g)
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: sl.go Proyecto: Ebiroll/openvg
func main() {
	var sreenHeight, cx, cy, cw, ch, midy int
	message := "Scrolling texts could be useful if the information does not fit on screen"

	w, h := openvg.Init()
	sreenHeight = h
	var speed openvg.VGfloat = 0.5
	var x openvg.VGfloat = 0
	midy = (h / 2)
	fontsize := w / 50
	cx = 0
	ch = fontsize * 2
	cw = w
	cy = midy - (ch / 2)
	var jsonData SLData

	for {
		response, err := http.Get("http://localhost:8000")

		if err == nil {
			defer response.Body.Close()
			contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Error reading http data, %s", err)
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("Got: %s\n", string(contents))
				if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &jsonData); err != nil {

		openvg.Start(w, h)
		imgw, imgh := 0, 0
		openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)

		//SLHeight = 60
		var imgPosY = openvg.VGfloat(sreenHeight - 70)
		openvg.Image(4, imgPosY, imgw, imgh, "SL.jpg")

		var TAB1 = openvg.VGfloat(4 * w / 20)
		var TAB2 = openvg.VGfloat(8 * w / 20)

		rx1, rw1, rh1 := openvg.VGfloat(cx), openvg.VGfloat(cw), openvg.VGfloat(ch)
		ty := 0
		rix := 0

		// Buses
		for ty = sreenHeight - (80 + int(rh1)); ty > 0 && rix < len(jsonData.ResponseData.Buses); ty -= ch {
			tempy := openvg.VGfloat(ty)
			//ry := openvg.VGfloat(ty)
			if rix%2 == 0 {
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .2)
				//openvg.Rect(rx1, tempy, rw1, rh1)
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
				tempy = tempy + 6.0
			} else {
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .4)
				openvg.Rect(rx1, tempy, rw1, rh1)
				tempy = tempy + 6.0
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
			openvg.Text(rx1, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Buses[rix].LineNumber, "sans", fontsize)
			drawTypeOfTransport(rx1+60, tempy+2, rw1, ch-20, jsonData.ResponseData.Buses[rix].TransportMode)

			openvg.Text(rx1+100, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Buses[rix].StopPointDesignation, "sans", fontsize)
			openvg.Text(rx1+TAB1, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Buses[rix].DisplayTime, "sans", fontsize)
			var dest = jsonData.ResponseData.Buses[rix].Destination
			dest = replaceAO(dest)
			openvg.Text(rx1+TAB2, tempy, dest, "sans", fontsize)

			//openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
			rix = rix + 1
		var trainIx = 0
		for ty = ty - 20; ty > 0 && trainIx < len(jsonData.ResponseData.Trains); ty -= ch {
			tempy := openvg.VGfloat(ty)
			//ry := openvg.VGfloat(ty)
			if rix%2 == 0 {
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .2)
				//openvg.Rect(rx1, tempy, rw1, rh1)
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
				tempy = tempy + 6.0
			} else {
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .4)
				openvg.Rect(rx1, tempy, rw1, rh1)
				tempy = tempy + 6.0
				openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
			openvg.Text(rx1, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].LineNumber, "sans", fontsize)
			drawTypeOfTransport(rx1+55, tempy+4, rw1, ch-20, jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].TransportMode)
			openvg.Text(rx1+TAB1, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].DisplayTime, "sans", fontsize)
			var dest = jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].Destination
			dest = replaceAO(dest)
			openvg.Text(rx1+TAB2, tempy, dest, "sans", fontsize)

			//openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
			trainIx = trainIx + 1
			rix = rix + 1


		time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)


	rx, ry, rw, rh := openvg.VGfloat(cx), openvg.VGfloat(cy), openvg.VGfloat(cw), openvg.VGfloat(ch)
	// scroll the text, only in the clipping rectangle
	for x = 0; x < rw+speed; x += speed {
		openvg.Start(w, h)
		openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)
		openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .2)
		openvg.Rect(rx, ry, rw, rh)
		openvg.ClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch)
		openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
		openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
		openvg.Text(0, 0, message, "sans", fontsize)
Ejemplo n.º 23
func main() {
	var cy, ch, midy int
	var message []string
	message = []string{" Black", "cats", "skitter", "and", "ghouls", "patter", "Happy", "Halloween"}

	w, h := openvg.Init()
	//var speed openvg.VGfloat = 0.5
	var x openvg.VGfloat = 0
	var vw, vh openvg.VGfloat
	var midxx openvg.VGfloat = openvg.VGfloat(w / 2)
	midy = (h / 2)
	fontsize := w / 8
	//cx = 0
	ch = fontsize * 2
	//cw = w
	cy = midy - (ch / 2)
	var redness uint8
	var index int

	//rx , rw, rh := openvg.VGfloat(cx) , openvg.VGfloat(cw), openvg.VGfloat(ch)
	ry := openvg.VGfloat(cy)
	// scroll the text, only in the clipping rectangle
	index = 0
	for {
		for redness = 255; redness > 16; redness -= 2 {

			ch = fontsize * 2
			//cw = w
			cy = midy - (ch / 2)
			openvg.Start(w, h)
			openvg.Background(redness, 0, 0)
			openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, .2)
			//openvg.Rect(rx, ry, rw, rh)
			//openvg.ClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch)
			openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
			openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
			var fsiz int
			fsiz = int(255 - redness)
			openvg.TextMid(midxx, 0, message[index], "shf", fsiz)
		index = (index + 1) % 8
		if index == 0 {
			vw = openvg.VGfloat(w) - 200
			vh = openvg.VGfloat(h) - 200
			openvg.Video(100.0, 100.0, vw, vh, "test.h264")
		if index == 0 {
			var test, oix int
			var xpos [40]float32
			var ypos [40]float32
			var rotate [40]float32
			var spdx [40]float32
			var spdy [40]float32

			// Init positions
			for test = 0; test < 40; test++ {
				var rot = rand.Float32()
				var rax = rand.Float32()
				rax = float32(w) * rax
				var ray = rand.Float32()
				ray = float32(h) * ray

				spdx[test] = float32(test) * rand.Float32()
				spdy[test] = float32(test) * rand.Float32()

				ypos[test] = ray
				xpos[test] = rax
				rot = 0
				rotate[test] = rot


			// Move around
			for oix = 0; oix < 100; oix++ {
				openvg.Start(w, h)
				openvg.Background(0, 0, 0)

				for test = 0; test < 40; test++ {
					var rot = rand.Float32()
					var rax = rand.Float32()*float32(4.0) - float32(2.0)
					var ray = float32(4.0)*rand.Float32() - float32(2.0)

					spdy[test] += ray
					spdx[test] += rax

					xpos[test] = xpos[test] + spdx[test]
					ypos[test] = ypos[test] + spdy[test]
					rotate[test] = rotate[test] + float32(rot*4-2)

					openvg.Translate(openvg.VGfloat(xpos[test]), openvg.VGfloat(ypos[test]))

					openvg.TextMid(0, 0, "Happy Halloween", "shf", 30)

					openvg.Translate(-openvg.VGfloat(xpos[test]), -openvg.VGfloat(ypos[test]))


Ejemplo n.º 24
func main() {
	var sreenHeight, cx, cy, cw, ch int
	message := "Hej Sandra tack forden mysiga kramen ..... <3 <3 Puss puss"
	w, h := openvg.Init()
	sreenHeight = h
	var speed openvg.VGfloat = 4.0
	var x openvg.VGfloat = 0
	//midy = (h / 2)
	fontsize := w / 50
	cx = 0
	ch = fontsize * 2
	cw = w
	//cy = midy - (ch / 2)
	cy = h - 80
	var jsonData SLData
	var lastmill = makeTimestamp()

	response, err := http.Get("http://localhost:8000")

	if err == nil {
		defer response.Body.Close()
		contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error reading http data, %s", err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Got: %s\n", string(contents))
			if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &jsonData); err != nil {

	openvg.Start(w, h)
	go PlayVideo(w, h)

	for {

		openvg.Start(w, h)

		rx, ry, rw, rh := openvg.VGfloat(cx), openvg.VGfloat(cy), openvg.VGfloat(cw), openvg.VGfloat(ch)
		// scroll the text, only in the clipping rectangle

		for x = 0; x < rw+speed; x += speed {

			var mill = makeTimestamp()
			var delta = (mill - lastmill) / 5
			//fmt.Println("delta ", delta)

			x = openvg.VGfloat(delta)

			imgw, imgh := 0, 0
			openvg.Background(0, 0, 0)

			//SLHeight = 60
			var imgPosY = openvg.VGfloat(sreenHeight - 120)
			openvg.Image(8, imgPosY, imgw, imgh, "DA4FID.png")

			var TAB1 = openvg.VGfloat(4 * w / 20)
			//var TAB2 = openvg.VGfloat(8*w/20)

			rx1, rw1, rh1 := openvg.VGfloat(cx), openvg.VGfloat(cw), openvg.VGfloat(ch)
			ty := 0
			rix := 0

			// - (120 + int(rh1))
			ty = sreenHeight - 140

			var trainIx = 0
			for ty = ty - 20; ty > 0 && trainIx < len(jsonData.ResponseData.Trains); ty -= ch {
				tempy := openvg.VGfloat(ty)
				//ry := openvg.VGfloat(ty)
				if rix%2 == 0 {
					openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, .2)
					//openvg.Rect(rx1, tempy, rw1, rh1)
					tempy = tempy + 6.0
				} else {
					openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, .4)
					openvg.Rect(rx1, tempy, rw1/3, rh1)
					tempy = tempy + 6.0
				openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, 1)
				//openvg.Text(rx1, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].LineNumber , "sans", fontsize)
				openvg.Text(rx1, tempy, jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].DisplayTime, "sans", fontsize)
				var dest = jsonData.ResponseData.Trains[trainIx].Destination
				dest = replaceAO(dest)
				openvg.Text(rx1+TAB1, tempy, dest, "sans", fontsize)

				//openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
				trainIx = trainIx + 1
				rix = rix + 1

			imgw = 20
			imgh = 20

			//openvg.Image(8, 100 , imgw, imgh, "no_smoking.png")

			// openvg.Start(w, h)
			//openvg.Background(255, 255, 255)
			openvg.FillRGB(100, 0, 0, 1)
			openvg.Rect(rx, ry, rw, rh)
			//openvg.ClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch)
			//openvg.Translate(x, ry+openvg.VGfloat(fontsize/2))
			openvg.FillRGB(255, 255, 255, 1)
			var pxp openvg.VGfloat = openvg.VGfloat(w) - openvg.VGfloat(x)
			var pyp openvg.VGfloat = openvg.VGfloat(h) - openvg.VGfloat(58)
			openvg.Text(pxp, pyp, message, "sans", fontsize)




Ejemplo n.º 25
// coordpoint marks a coordinate, preserving a previous color
func coordpoint(x, y, size openvg.VGfloat, c Color) {
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 0.3)
	openvg.Circle(x, y, size)
	openvg.FillRGB(c.red, c.green, c.blue, c.alpha)
Ejemplo n.º 26
// refcard shows a reference card of shapes
func refcard(width, height int) {
	shapenames := []string{
		"Rounded Rectangle",
		"Quadratic Bezier",
		"Cubic Bezier",
	top := openvg.VGfloat(height) * .95
	sx := openvg.VGfloat(width) * 0.10
	sy := top
	sw := openvg.VGfloat(width) * .05
	sh := openvg.VGfloat(height) * .045
	dotsize := openvg.VGfloat(7.0)
	spacing := openvg.VGfloat(2.0)
	fontsize := int(openvg.VGfloat(height) * .033)
	shapecolor := Color{202, 225, 255, 1.0}

	openvg.Start(width, height)
	openvg.FillRGB(128, 0, 0, 1)
	openvg.TextEnd(openvg.VGfloat(width-20), openvg.VGfloat(height/2),
		"OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi", "sans", fontsize+(fontsize/2))
	openvg.FillRGB(0, 0, 0, 1)
	for _, s := range shapenames {
		openvg.Text(sx+sw+sw/2, sy, s, "sans", fontsize)
		sy -= sh * spacing
	sy = top
	cx := sx + (sw / 2)
	ex := sx + sw
	openvg.FillRGB(shapecolor.red, shapecolor.green, shapecolor.blue, shapecolor.alpha)
	openvg.Circle(cx, sy, sw)
	coordpoint(cx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing
	openvg.Ellipse(cx, sy, sw, sh)
	coordpoint(cx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing
	openvg.Rect(sx, sy, sw, sh)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing
	openvg.Roundrect(sx, sy, sw, sh, 20, 20)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	openvg.StrokeRGB(204, 204, 204, 1)
	openvg.Line(sx, sy, ex, sy)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(ex, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh

	px := []openvg.VGfloat{sx, sx + (sw / 4), sx + (sw / 2), sx + ((sw * 3) / 4), sx + sw}
	py := []openvg.VGfloat{sy, sy - sh, sy, sy - sh, sy}

	openvg.Polyline(px, py) // , 5)
	coordpoint(px[0], py[0], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[1], py[1], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[2], py[2], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[3], py[3], dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(px[4], py[4], dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	py[0] = sy
	py[1] = sy - sh
	py[2] = sy - (sh / 2)
	py[3] = py[1] - (sh / 4)
	py[4] = sy
	openvg.Polygon(px, py) // , 5)
	sy -= (sh * spacing) + sh

	openvg.Arc(sx+(sw/2), sy, sw, sh, 0, 180)
	coordpoint(sx+(sw/2), sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	var cy, ey openvg.VGfloat
	cy = sy + (sh / 2)
	ey = sy
	openvg.Qbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, ex, ey)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(cx, cy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(ex, ey, dotsize, shapecolor)
	sy -= sh * spacing

	ey = sy
	cy = sy + sh
	openvg.Cbezier(sx, sy, cx, cy, cx, sy, ex, ey)
	coordpoint(sx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(cx, cy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(cx, sy, dotsize, shapecolor)
	coordpoint(ex, ey, dotsize, shapecolor)

	sy -= (sh * spacing * 1.5)
	openvg.Image(sx, sy, 110, 110, "starx.jpg")
