Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: todo.go Proyecto: elos/elos
// runGoals runs the 'goals' subcommand, which prints the user's goals
func (c *TodoCommand) runGoals() int {
	tasks, err := tag.TasksFor(c.DB, c.UserID, "GOAL")
	if err != nil {
		c.errorf("retrieving GOAL tasks: %s", err)
		return failure

	taskIds := make(map[data.ID]bool)
	for i := range tasks {
		if !task.IsComplete(tasks[i]) {
			taskIds[tasks[i].ID()] = true

	if len(taskIds) == 0 {
		c.UI.Output("No goals set. Use `elos todo goal` to add a goal.")
		return success

	c.UI.Output("Current Goals:")
	c.printTaskList(func(t *models.Task) bool {
		_, ok := taskIds[t.ID()]
		return ok

	return success
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: todo.go Proyecto: elos/elos
// init performs some verification that the TodoCommand object
// is valid (has a non-null database & UI and a user id).
// It loads all of the UserID's tasks into the tasks field of the
// TodoCommand object.
// It loads all of the UserID's tags into the tags field of the
// TodoCommand object.
// A 0 return value indicates success, a 1 indiciates failure. The
// init command handles appropriate error printing the the UI.
func (c *TodoCommand) init() int {
	// ensure that we have a interface
	if c.UI == nil {
		return failure // we can't c.errorf because the user interface isn't defined

	// ensure that we have a database
	if c.DB == nil {
		c.errorf("initialization: no database")
		return failure

	// ensure that we have a user id
	if c.UserID == "" {
		c.errorf("initialization: no user id")
		return failure

	// Load the tasks

	iter, err := c.DB.Query(data.Kind(models.Kind_TASK.String())).
			"owner_id": c.UserID,
	if err != nil {
		c.errorf("data retrieval: querying tasks: %v", err)
		return failure

	t := new(models.Task)
	tasks := make([]*models.Task, 0)
	for iter.Next(t) {
		if !task.IsComplete(t) {
			tasks = append(tasks, t)
		t = new(models.Task)

	if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {
		c.errorf("data retrieval: querying tasks")
		return failure

	c.tasks = tasks


	return success
Ejemplo n.º 3
// TestTodoComplete tests the `complete` subcommand
func TestTodoComplete(t *testing.T) {
	ui, db, user, c := newMockTodoCommand(t)

	// setup that there is one task
	tsk := newTestTask(t, db, user)

	// load the input
	ui.InputReader = bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("0\n"))

	// run the effect of `elos todo complete`
	code := c.Run([]string{"complete"})

	errput := ui.ErrorWriter.String()
	output := ui.OutputWriter.String()
	t.Logf("Error output:\n %s", errput)
	t.Logf("Output:\n %s", output)

	// verify there were no errors
	if errput != "" {
		t.Fatalf("Expected no error output, got: %s", errput)

	// verify success
	if code != success {
		t.Fatalf("Expected successful exit code along with empty error output.")

	// verify some of the output
	if !strings.Contains(output, "0)") {
		t.Fatalf("Output should have contained a 0) for listing tasks")

	if !strings.Contains(output, "Which number?") {
		t.Fatalf("Output should have asked for a task number")

	t.Log("Checking that the task was completed")

	if err := db.PopulateByID(tsk); err != nil {

	t.Logf("Here's the task:\n%+v", tsk)

	if !task.IsComplete(tsk) {
		t.Fatalf("Expected the task to be complete")
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: todo.go Proyecto: elos/elos
// runToday executes the "elos todo today" command.
// Today prints the tasks that are were completed today
func (c *TodoCommand) runToday() int {
	iter, err := c.DB.Query(data.Kind(models.Kind_TASK.String())).Select(data.AttrMap{
		"owner_id": c.UserID,

	if err != nil {
		c.errorf("querying tasks: %s", err)

	t := new(models.Task)
	i := 0
	for iter.Next(t) {
		if task.IsComplete(t) && dayEquivalent(t.CompletedAt.Time().Local(), time.Now()) {
			c.UI.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%d) %s", i, String(t)))

	if i == 0 {
		c.UI.Output("You have completed no tasks today")

	return success