Ejemplo n.º 1
func CreateBlock(root interface{},
	prevHash []byte,
	base []byte,
	Difficulty *big.Int,
	Nonce []byte,
	extra string) *Block {

	block := &Block{
		PrevHash:    prevHash,
		Coinbase:    base,
		Difficulty:  Difficulty,
		Nonce:       Nonce,
		Time:        time.Now().Unix(),
		Extra:       extra,
		UncleSha:    EmptyShaList,
		GasUsed:     new(big.Int),
		MinGasPrice: new(big.Int),
		GasLimit:    new(big.Int),

	block.state = ethstate.New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, root))

	return block
Ejemplo n.º 2
func NewContract(address []byte, balance *big.Int, root []byte) *StateObject {
	contract := NewStateObject(address)
	contract.Balance = balance
	contract.State = New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, string(root)))

	return contract
Ejemplo n.º 3
func NewStateObject(addr []byte) *StateObject {
	// This to ensure that it has 20 bytes (and not 0 bytes), thus left or right pad doesn't matter.
	address := ethutil.Address(addr)

	object := &StateObject{address: address, Balance: new(big.Int), gasPool: new(big.Int)}
	object.State = New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, ""))
	object.storage = make(Storage)
	object.gasPool = new(big.Int)

	return object
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (c *StateObject) RlpDecode(data []byte) {
	decoder := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes(data)

	c.Nonce = decoder.Get(0).Uint()
	c.Balance = decoder.Get(1).BigInt()
	c.State = New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, decoder.Get(2).Interface()))
	c.storage = make(map[string]*ethutil.Value)
	c.gasPool = new(big.Int)

	c.CodeHash = decoder.Get(3).Bytes()

	c.Code, _ = ethutil.Config.Db.Get(c.CodeHash)
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Converts an transaction in to a state object
func MakeContract(tx *Transaction, state *ethstate.State) *ethstate.StateObject {
	// Create contract if there's no recipient
	if tx.IsContract() {
		addr := tx.CreationAddress()

		contract := state.NewStateObject(addr)
		contract.InitCode = tx.Data
		contract.State = ethstate.New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, ""))

		return contract

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
func CreateTxSha(receipts Receipts) (sha []byte) {
	trie := ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, "")
	for i, receipt := range receipts {
		trie.Update(string(ethutil.NewValue(i).Encode()), string(ethutil.NewValue(receipt.RlpData()).Encode()))

	switch trie.Root.(type) {
	case string:
		sha = []byte(trie.Root.(string))
	case []byte:
		sha = trie.Root.([]byte)
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid root type %T", trie.Root))

	return sha
Ejemplo n.º 7
func NewUncleBlockFromValue(header *ethutil.Value) *Block {
	block := &Block{}

	block.PrevHash = header.Get(0).Bytes()
	block.UncleSha = header.Get(1).Bytes()
	block.Coinbase = header.Get(2).Bytes()
	block.state = ethstate.New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, header.Get(3).Val))
	block.TxSha = header.Get(4).Bytes()
	block.Difficulty = header.Get(5).BigInt()
	block.Number = header.Get(6).BigInt()
	block.MinGasPrice = header.Get(7).BigInt()
	block.GasLimit = header.Get(8).BigInt()
	block.GasUsed = header.Get(9).BigInt()
	block.Time = int64(header.Get(10).BigInt().Uint64())
	block.Extra = header.Get(11).Str()
	block.Nonce = header.Get(12).Bytes()

	return block
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (block *Block) RlpValueDecode(decoder *ethutil.Value) {
	header := decoder.Get(0)

	block.PrevHash = header.Get(0).Bytes()
	block.UncleSha = header.Get(1).Bytes()
	block.Coinbase = header.Get(2).Bytes()
	block.state = ethstate.New(ethtrie.New(ethutil.Config.Db, header.Get(3).Val))
	block.TxSha = header.Get(4).Bytes()
	block.Difficulty = header.Get(5).BigInt()
	block.Number = header.Get(6).BigInt()
	//fmt.Printf("#%v : %x\n", block.Number, block.Coinbase)
	block.MinGasPrice = header.Get(7).BigInt()
	block.GasLimit = header.Get(8).BigInt()
	block.GasUsed = header.Get(9).BigInt()
	block.Time = int64(header.Get(10).BigInt().Uint64())
	block.Extra = header.Get(11).Str()
	block.Nonce = header.Get(12).Bytes()

	// Tx list might be empty if this is an uncle. Uncles only have their
	// header set.
	if decoder.Get(1).IsNil() == false { // Yes explicitness
		receipts := decoder.Get(1)
		block.transactions = make([]*Transaction, receipts.Len())
		block.receipts = make([]*Receipt, receipts.Len())
		for i := 0; i < receipts.Len(); i++ {
			receipt := NewRecieptFromValue(receipts.Get(i))
			block.transactions[i] = receipt.Tx
			block.receipts[i] = receipt


	if decoder.Get(2).IsNil() == false { // Yes explicitness
		uncles := decoder.Get(2)
		block.Uncles = make([]*Block, uncles.Len())
		for i := 0; i < uncles.Len(); i++ {
			block.Uncles[i] = NewUncleBlockFromValue(uncles.Get(i))

Ejemplo n.º 9
func TestSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	ethutil.ReadConfig(".ethtest", "/tmp/ethtest", "")
	ethutil.Config.Db = db

	state := New(ethtrie.New(db, ""))

	stateObject := state.GetOrNewStateObject([]byte("aa"))

	stateObject.SetStorage(ethutil.Big("0"), ethutil.NewValue(42))

	snapshot := state.Copy()

	stateObject = state.GetStateObject([]byte("aa"))
	stateObject.SetStorage(ethutil.Big("0"), ethutil.NewValue(43))


	stateObject = state.GetStateObject([]byte("aa"))
	res := stateObject.GetStorage(ethutil.Big("0"))
	if !res.Cmp(ethutil.NewValue(42)) {
		t.Error("Expected storage 0 to be 42", res)