Ejemplo n.º 1
// MakeEthConfig creates ethereum options from set command line flags.
func MakeEthConfig(clientID, version string, ctx *cli.Context) *eth.Config {
	customName := ctx.GlobalString(IdentityFlag.Name)
	if len(customName) > 0 {
		clientID += "/" + customName
	am := MakeAccountManager(ctx)
	etherbase, err := ParamToAddress(ctx.GlobalString(EtherbaseFlag.Name), am)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("WARNING: No etherbase set and no accounts found as default")

	return &eth.Config{
		Name:                    common.MakeName(clientID, version),
		DataDir:                 ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name),
		GenesisNonce:            ctx.GlobalInt(GenesisNonceFlag.Name),
		GenesisFile:             ctx.GlobalString(GenesisFileFlag.Name),
		BlockChainVersion:       ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
		DatabaseCache:           ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name),
		SkipBcVersionCheck:      false,
		NetworkId:               ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
		LogFile:                 ctx.GlobalString(LogFileFlag.Name),
		Verbosity:               ctx.GlobalInt(VerbosityFlag.Name),
		LogJSON:                 ctx.GlobalString(LogJSONFlag.Name),
		Etherbase:               common.HexToAddress(etherbase),
		MinerThreads:            ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
		AccountManager:          am,
		VmDebug:                 ctx.GlobalBool(VMDebugFlag.Name),
		MaxPeers:                ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
		MaxPendingPeers:         ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
		Port:                    ctx.GlobalString(ListenPortFlag.Name),
		Olympic:                 ctx.GlobalBool(OlympicFlag.Name),
		NAT:                     MakeNAT(ctx),
		NatSpec:                 ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
		Discovery:               !ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
		NodeKey:                 MakeNodeKey(ctx),
		Shh:                     ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name),
		Dial:                    true,
		BootNodes:               ctx.GlobalString(BootnodesFlag.Name),
		GasPrice:                common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMinGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMinGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       ctx.GlobalInt(GpoFullBlockRatioFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepDown:         ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepDownFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepUp:           ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepUpFlag.Name),
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag.Name),
		SolcPath:                ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
		AutoDAG:                 ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (args *SubmitWorkArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
	var obj []interface{}
	if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
		return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())

	if len(obj) < 3 {
		return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 3)

	var objstr string
	var ok bool
	if objstr, ok = obj[0].(string); !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("nonce", "not a string")

	args.Nonce = common.String2Big(objstr).Uint64()
	if objstr, ok = obj[1].(string); !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("header", "not a string")

	args.Header = objstr

	if objstr, ok = obj[2].(string); !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("digest", "not a string")

	args.Digest = objstr

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func blockRecovery(ctx *cli.Context) {

	arg := ctx.Args().First()
	if len(ctx.Args()) < 1 && len(arg) > 0 {
		glog.Fatal("recover requires block number or hash")

	cfg := utils.MakeEthConfig(ClientIdentifier, nodeNameVersion, ctx)

	blockDb, err := ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(filepath.Join(cfg.DataDir, "blockchain"), cfg.DatabaseCache)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalln("could not open db:", err)

	var block *types.Block
	if arg[0] == '#' {
		block = core.GetBlockByNumber(blockDb, common.String2Big(arg[1:]).Uint64())
	} else {
		block = core.GetBlockByHash(blockDb, common.HexToHash(arg))

	if block == nil {
		glog.Fatalln("block not found. Recovery failed")

	err = core.WriteHead(blockDb, block)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalln("block write err", err)
	glog.Infof("Recovery succesful. New HEAD %x\n", block.Hash())
Ejemplo n.º 4
func Assemble(ir *list.List) (asm []byte, err error) {
	for e := ir.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		code := strings.Split(e.Value.(string), " ")
		switch len(code) {
		case 2:
			asm = append(asm, byte(vm.StringToOp(code[0])))

			if len(code[1]) > 1 && code[1][:2] == "0x" {
				asm = append(asm, common.FromHex(code[1])...)
			} else {
				num := common.String2Big(code[1]).Bytes()
				if len(num) == 0 {
					num = []byte{0}
				asm = append(asm, num...)
		case 1:
			asm = append(asm, byte(vm.StringToOp(code[0])))
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid IR %v", code)

Ejemplo n.º 5
func (args *SubmitHashRateArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
	var obj []interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
		return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())

	if len(obj) < 2 {
		return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 2)

	arg0, ok := obj[0].(string)
	if !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("hash", "not a string")
	args.Id = arg0

	arg1, ok := obj[1].(string)
	if !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("rate", "not a string")

	args.Rate = common.String2Big(arg1).Uint64()

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
func blockHeight(raw interface{}, number *int64) error {
	// Parse as integer
	num, ok := raw.(float64)
	if ok {
		*number = int64(num)
		return nil

	// Parse as string/hexstring
	str, ok := raw.(string)
	if !ok {
		return NewInvalidTypeError("", "not a number or string")

	switch str {
	case "earliest":
		*number = 0
	case "latest":
		*number = -1
	case "pending":
		*number = -2
		if common.HasHexPrefix(str) {
			*number = common.String2Big(str).Int64()
		} else {
			return NewInvalidTypeError("blockNumber", "is not a valid string")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// from bcValidBlockTest.json, "SimpleTx"
func TestBlockEncoding(t *testing.T) {
	blockEnc := common.FromHex("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")

	var block Block
	if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blockEnc, &block); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("decode error: ", err)

	check := func(f string, got, want interface{}) {
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
			t.Errorf("%s mismatch: got %v, want %v", f, got, want)
	check("Difficulty", block.Difficulty(), big.NewInt(131072))
	check("GasLimit", block.GasLimit(), big.NewInt(3141592))
	check("GasUsed", block.GasUsed(), big.NewInt(21000))
	check("Coinbase", block.Coinbase(), common.HexToAddress("8888f1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1"))
	check("MixDigest", block.MixDigest(), common.HexToHash("bd4472abb6659ebe3ee06ee4d7b72a00a9f4d001caca51342001075469aff498"))
	check("Root", block.Root(), common.HexToHash("ef1552a40b7165c3cd773806b9e0c165b75356e0314bf0706f279c729f51e017"))
	check("Hash", block.Hash(), common.HexToHash("0a5843ac1cb04865017cb35a57b50b07084e5fcee39b5acadade33149f4fff9e"))
	check("Nonce", block.Nonce(), uint64(0xa13a5a8c8f2bb1c4))
	check("Time", block.Time(), int64(1426516743))
	check("Size", block.Size(), common.StorageSize(len(blockEnc)))

	to := common.HexToAddress("095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87")
	check("Transactions", block.Transactions(), Transactions{
			Payload:      []byte{},
			Amount:       big.NewInt(10),
			Price:        big.NewInt(10),
			GasLimit:     big.NewInt(50000),
			AccountNonce: 0,
			V:            27,
			R:            common.String2Big("0x9bea4c4daac7c7c52e093e6a4c35dbbcf8856f1af7b059ba20253e70848d094f"),
			S:            common.String2Big("0x8a8fae537ce25ed8cb5af9adac3f141af69bd515bd2ba031522df09b97dd72b1"),
			Recipient:    &to,

	ourBlockEnc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&block)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("encode error: ", err)
	if !bytes.Equal(ourBlockEnc, blockEnc) {
		t.Errorf("encoded block mismatch:\ngot:  %x\nwant: %x", ourBlockEnc, blockEnc)
Ejemplo n.º 8
func testREPL(t *testing.T, config func(*eth.Config)) (string, *testjethre, *node.Node) {
	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "geth-test")
	if err != nil {
	// Create a networkless protocol stack
	stack, err := node.New(&node.Config{DataDir: tmp, PrivateKey: testNodeKey, Name: "test", NoDiscovery: true})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to create node: %v", err)
	// Initialize and register the Ethereum protocol
	accman := accounts.NewPlaintextManager(filepath.Join(tmp, "keystore"))
	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	core.WriteGenesisBlockForTesting(db, core.GenesisAccount{
		Address: common.HexToAddress(testAddress),
		Balance: common.String2Big(testBalance),
	ethConf := &eth.Config{
		ChainConfig:      &core.ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)},
		TestGenesisState: db,
		AccountManager:   accman,
		DocRoot:          "/",
		SolcPath:         testSolcPath,
		PowTest:          true,
	if config != nil {
	if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
		return eth.New(ctx, ethConf)
	}); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to register ethereum protocol: %v", err)
	// Initialize all the keys for testing
	a, err := accman.ImportECDSA(testAccount, "")
	if err != nil {
	if err := accman.Unlock(a, ""); err != nil {
	// Start the node and assemble the REPL tester
	if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to start test stack: %v", err)
	var ethereum *eth.Ethereum

	assetPath := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "src", "github.com", "ethereum", "go-ethereum", "cmd", "mist", "assets", "ext")
	client, err := stack.Attach()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to attach to node: %v", err)
	tf := &testjethre{client: ethereum.HTTPClient()}
	repl := newJSRE(stack, assetPath, "", client, false)
	tf.jsre = repl
	return tmp, tf, stack
Ejemplo n.º 9
func (self *minerApi) SetGasPrice(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	args := new(GasPriceArgs)
	if err := self.codec.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
		return false, err

	return true, nil
Ejemplo n.º 10
func (d *diffTest) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
	var ext struct {
		ParentTimestamp    string
		ParentDifficulty   string
		CurrentTimestamp   string
		CurrentBlocknumber string
		CurrentDifficulty  string
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &ext); err != nil {
		return err

	d.ParentTimestamp = common.String2Big(ext.ParentTimestamp).Uint64()
	d.ParentDifficulty = common.String2Big(ext.ParentDifficulty)
	d.CurrentTimestamp = common.String2Big(ext.CurrentTimestamp).Uint64()
	d.CurrentBlocknumber = common.String2Big(ext.CurrentBlocknumber)
	d.CurrentDifficulty = common.String2Big(ext.CurrentDifficulty)

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// MakeEthConfig creates ethereum options from set command line flags.
func MakeEthConfig(clientID, version string, ctx *cli.Context) *eth.Config {
	customName := ctx.GlobalString(IdentityFlag.Name)
	if len(customName) > 0 {
		clientID += "/" + customName
	return &eth.Config{
		Name:                    common.MakeName(clientID, version),
		DataDir:                 ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name),
		ProtocolVersion:         ctx.GlobalInt(ProtocolVersionFlag.Name),
		GenesisNonce:            ctx.GlobalInt(GenesisNonceFlag.Name),
		BlockChainVersion:       ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
		SkipBcVersionCheck:      false,
		NetworkId:               ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
		LogFile:                 ctx.GlobalString(LogFileFlag.Name),
		Verbosity:               ctx.GlobalInt(VerbosityFlag.Name),
		LogJSON:                 ctx.GlobalString(LogJSONFlag.Name),
		Etherbase:               ctx.GlobalString(EtherbaseFlag.Name),
		MinerThreads:            ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
		AccountManager:          MakeAccountManager(ctx),
		VmDebug:                 ctx.GlobalBool(VMDebugFlag.Name),
		MaxPeers:                ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
		MaxPendingPeers:         ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
		Port:                    ctx.GlobalString(ListenPortFlag.Name),
		NAT:                     MakeNAT(ctx),
		NatSpec:                 ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
		Discovery:               !ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
		NodeKey:                 MakeNodeKey(ctx),
		Shh:                     ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name),
		Dial:                    true,
		BootNodes:               ctx.GlobalString(BootnodesFlag.Name),
		GasPrice:                common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMinGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMinGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       ctx.GlobalInt(GpoFullBlockRatioFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepDown:         ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepDownFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepUp:           ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepUpFlag.Name),
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag.Name),
		SolcPath:                ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
		AutoDAG:                 ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),
Ejemplo n.º 12
func testREPL(t *testing.T, config func(*eth.Config)) (string, *testjethre, *eth.Ethereum) {
	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "geth-test")
	if err != nil {

	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()

	core.WriteGenesisBlockForTesting(db, common.HexToAddress(testAddress), common.String2Big(testBalance))
	ks := crypto.NewKeyStorePlain(filepath.Join(tmp, "keystore"))
	am := accounts.NewManager(ks)
	conf := &eth.Config{
		NodeKey:        testNodeKey,
		DataDir:        tmp,
		AccountManager: am,
		MaxPeers:       0,
		Name:           "test",
		SolcPath:       testSolcPath,
		PowTest:        true,
		NewDB:          func(path string) (common.Database, error) { return db, nil },
	if config != nil {
	ethereum, err := eth.New(conf)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("%v", err)

	keyb, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(testKey)
	if err != nil {
	key := crypto.NewKeyFromECDSA(keyb)
	err = ks.StoreKey(key, "")
	if err != nil {

	err = am.Unlock(key.Address, "")
	if err != nil {

	assetPath := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "src", "github.com", "ethereum", "go-ethereum", "cmd", "mist", "assets", "ext")
	client := comms.NewInProcClient(codec.JSON)
	ds := docserver.New("/")
	tf := &testjethre{ds: ds}
	repl := newJSRE(ethereum, assetPath, "", client, false, tf)
	tf.jsre = repl
	return tmp, tf, ethereum
Ejemplo n.º 13
// SetupNetwork configures the system for either the main net or some test network.
func SetupNetwork(ctx *cli.Context) {
	switch {
	case ctx.GlobalBool(OlympicFlag.Name):
		params.DurationLimit = big.NewInt(8)
		params.GenesisGasLimit = big.NewInt(3141592)
		params.MinGasLimit = big.NewInt(125000)
		params.MaximumExtraDataSize = big.NewInt(1024)
		NetworkIdFlag.Value = 0
		core.BlockReward = big.NewInt(1.5e+18)
		core.ExpDiffPeriod = big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64)
	params.TargetGasLimit = common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(TargetGasLimitFlag.Name))
Ejemplo n.º 14
func (self *ethApi) EstimateGas(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	_, gas, err := self.doCall(req.Params)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// TODO unwrap the parent method's ToHex call
	if len(gas) == 0 {
		return newHexNum(0), nil
	} else {
		return newHexNum(common.String2Big(gas)), err
Ejemplo n.º 15
func numString(raw interface{}) (*big.Int, error) {
	var number *big.Int
	// Parse as integer
	num, ok := raw.(float64)
	if ok {
		number = big.NewInt(int64(num))
		return number, nil

	// Parse as string/hexstring
	str, ok := raw.(string)
	if ok {
		number = common.String2Big(str)
		return number, nil

	return nil, NewInvalidTypeError("", "not a number or string")
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Charge will redeem all pending payments made to this provider since startup.
func (v *accountVault) Charge(charger Charger) {
	for _, auth := range v.pends {
		tx, err := charger.Charge(common.HexToAddress(auth.Consumer), common.String2Big(auth.ServiceId), auth.Nonce, new(big.Int).SetUint64(auth.Amount), common.FromHex(auth.Signature))
		if err != nil {
			log15.Error("Failed to charge payment", "authorization", auth, "error", err)
		} else {
			log15.Info("Payment charged", "tx", "http://testnet.etherscan.io/tx/"+tx.Hex())

	for consumer, auth := range v.auths {
		if v.pends[consumer] == auth {
			delete(v.pends, consumer)
Ejemplo n.º 17
func MakeEthConfig(clientID, version string, ctx *cli.Context) *eth.Config {
	// Set verbosity on glog
	// Set the log type
	// Set the log dir

	customName := ctx.GlobalString(IdentityFlag.Name)
	if len(customName) > 0 {
		clientID += "/" + customName

	return &eth.Config{
		Name:               common.MakeName(clientID, version),
		DataDir:            ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name),
		ProtocolVersion:    ctx.GlobalInt(ProtocolVersionFlag.Name),
		BlockChainVersion:  ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
		SkipBcVersionCheck: false,
		NetworkId:          ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
		LogFile:            ctx.GlobalString(LogFileFlag.Name),
		Verbosity:          ctx.GlobalInt(VerbosityFlag.Name),
		LogJSON:            ctx.GlobalString(LogJSONFlag.Name),
		Etherbase:          ctx.GlobalString(EtherbaseFlag.Name),
		MinerThreads:       ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
		AccountManager:     GetAccountManager(ctx),
		VmDebug:            ctx.GlobalBool(VMDebugFlag.Name),
		MaxPeers:           ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
		MaxPendingPeers:    ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
		Port:               ctx.GlobalString(ListenPortFlag.Name),
		NAT:                GetNAT(ctx),
		NatSpec:            ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
		NodeKey:            GetNodeKey(ctx),
		Shh:                ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name),
		Dial:               true,
		BootNodes:          ctx.GlobalString(BootnodesFlag.Name),
		GasPrice:           common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),

Ejemplo n.º 18
func (h *Header) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	var ext struct {
		ParentHash string
		Coinbase   string
		Difficulty string
		GasLimit   string
		Time       *big.Int
		Extra      string
	dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data))
	if err := dec.Decode(&ext); err != nil {
		return err

	h.ParentHash = common.HexToHash(ext.ParentHash)
	h.Coinbase = common.HexToAddress(ext.Coinbase)
	h.Difficulty = common.String2Big(ext.Difficulty)
	h.Time = ext.Time
	h.Extra = []byte(ext.Extra)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 19
func testEth(t *testing.T) (ethereum *eth.Ethereum, err error) {


	err = os.MkdirAll("/tmp/eth-natspec/keystore", os.ModePerm)
	if err != nil {

	// create a testAddress
	ks := crypto.NewKeyStorePassphrase("/tmp/eth-natspec/keystore")
	am := accounts.NewManager(ks)
	testAccount, err := am.NewAccount("password")
	if err != nil {

	testAddress := strings.TrimPrefix(testAccount.Address.Hex(), "0x")

	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	// set up mock genesis with balance on the testAddress
	core.WriteGenesisBlockForTesting(db, common.HexToAddress(testAddress), common.String2Big(testBalance))

	// only use minimalistic stack with no networking
	ethereum, err = eth.New(&eth.Config{
		DataDir:        "/tmp/eth-natspec",
		AccountManager: am,
		MaxPeers:       0,
		PowTest:        true,
		Etherbase:      common.HexToAddress(testAddress),
		NewDB:          func(path string) (common.Database, error) { return db, nil },

	if err != nil {

Ejemplo n.º 20
func testEth(t *testing.T) (ethereum *eth.Ethereum, err error) {

	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "natspec-test")
	if err != nil {
	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	addr := common.HexToAddress(testAddress)
	core.WriteGenesisBlockForTesting(db, core.GenesisAccount{addr, common.String2Big(testBalance)})
	ks := crypto.NewKeyStorePassphrase(filepath.Join(tmp, "keystore"), crypto.LightScryptN, crypto.LightScryptP)
	am := accounts.NewManager(ks)
	keyb, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(testKey)
	if err != nil {
	key := crypto.NewKeyFromECDSA(keyb)
	err = ks.StoreKey(key, "")
	if err != nil {

	err = am.Unlock(key.Address, "")
	if err != nil {

	// only use minimalistic stack with no networking
	return eth.New(&eth.Config{
		DataDir:                 tmp,
		AccountManager:          am,
		Etherbase:               common.HexToAddress(testAddress),
		MaxPeers:                0,
		PowTest:                 true,
		NewDB:                   func(path string) (ethdb.Database, error) { return db, nil },
		GpoMinGasPrice:          common.Big1,
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: 1,
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          common.Big1,
Ejemplo n.º 21
func verifyTxFields(txTest TransactionTest, decodedTx *types.Transaction) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if recovered := recover(); recovered != nil {
			buf := make([]byte, 64<<10)
			buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
			err = fmt.Errorf("%v\n%s", recovered, buf)

	var (
		decodedSender common.Address

	chainConfig := &core.ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: params.MainNetHomesteadBlock}
	if chainConfig.IsHomestead(common.String2Big(txTest.Blocknumber)) {
		decodedSender, err = decodedTx.From()
	} else {
		decodedSender, err = decodedTx.FromFrontier()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	expectedSender := mustConvertAddress(txTest.Sender)
	if expectedSender != decodedSender {
		return fmt.Errorf("Sender mismatch: %v %v", expectedSender, decodedSender)

	expectedData := mustConvertBytes(txTest.Transaction.Data)
	if !bytes.Equal(expectedData, decodedTx.Data()) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Tx input data mismatch: %#v %#v", expectedData, decodedTx.Data())

	expectedGasLimit := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.GasLimit, 16)
	if expectedGasLimit.Cmp(decodedTx.Gas()) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("GasLimit mismatch: %v %v", expectedGasLimit, decodedTx.Gas())

	expectedGasPrice := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.GasPrice, 16)
	if expectedGasPrice.Cmp(decodedTx.GasPrice()) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("GasPrice mismatch: %v %v", expectedGasPrice, decodedTx.GasPrice())

	expectedNonce := mustConvertUint(txTest.Transaction.Nonce, 16)
	if expectedNonce != decodedTx.Nonce() {
		return fmt.Errorf("Nonce mismatch: %v %v", expectedNonce, decodedTx.Nonce())

	v, r, s := decodedTx.SignatureValues()
	expectedR := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.R, 16)
	if r.Cmp(expectedR) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("R mismatch: %v %v", expectedR, r)
	expectedS := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.S, 16)
	if s.Cmp(expectedS) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("S mismatch: %v %v", expectedS, s)
	expectedV := mustConvertUint(txTest.Transaction.V, 16)
	if uint64(v) != expectedV {
		return fmt.Errorf("V mismatch: %v %v", expectedV, v)

	expectedTo := mustConvertAddress(txTest.Transaction.To)
	if decodedTx.To() == nil {
		if expectedTo != common.BytesToAddress([]byte{}) { // "empty" or "zero" address
			return fmt.Errorf("To mismatch when recipient is nil (contract creation): %v", expectedTo)
	} else {
		if expectedTo != *decodedTx.To() {
			return fmt.Errorf("To mismatch: %v %v", expectedTo, *decodedTx.To())

	expectedValue := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.Value, 16)
	if expectedValue.Cmp(decodedTx.Value()) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Value mismatch: %v %v", expectedValue, decodedTx.Value())

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 22
	vectors []Vector
	by      func(v Vector) *big.Int

type VectorSum func(v Vector) *big.Int

func (v VectorSum) Sum(vectors []Vector) *big.Int {
	vs := vectorSummer{
		vectors: vectors,
		by:      v,
	return Sum(vs)

func (v vectorSummer) Len() int           { return len(v.vectors) }
func (v vectorSummer) Sum(i int) *big.Int { return v.by(v.vectors[i]) }

func GasSum(v Vector) *big.Int { return v.Gas }

var etherInWei = new(big.Rat).SetInt(common.String2Big("1000000000000000000"))

func GasPrice(bp, gl, ep *big.Int) *big.Int {
	BP := new(big.Rat).SetInt(bp)
	GL := new(big.Rat).SetInt(gl)
	EP := new(big.Rat).SetInt(ep)
	GP := new(big.Rat).Quo(BP, GL)
	GP = GP.Quo(GP, EP)

	return GP.Mul(GP, etherInWei).Num()
Ejemplo n.º 23
func runStateTest(ruleSet RuleSet, test VmTest) error {
	db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
	statedb, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
	for addr, account := range test.Pre {
		obj := StateObjectFromAccount(db, addr, account)
		for a, v := range account.Storage {
			obj.SetState(common.HexToHash(a), common.HexToHash(v))

	// XXX Yeah, yeah...
	env := make(map[string]string)
	env["currentCoinbase"] = test.Env.CurrentCoinbase
	env["currentDifficulty"] = test.Env.CurrentDifficulty
	env["currentGasLimit"] = test.Env.CurrentGasLimit
	env["currentNumber"] = test.Env.CurrentNumber
	env["previousHash"] = test.Env.PreviousHash
	if n, ok := test.Env.CurrentTimestamp.(float64); ok {
		env["currentTimestamp"] = strconv.Itoa(int(n))
	} else {
		env["currentTimestamp"] = test.Env.CurrentTimestamp.(string)

	var (
		ret []byte
		// gas  *big.Int
		// err  error
		logs vm.Logs

	ret, logs, _, _ = RunState(ruleSet, statedb, env, test.Transaction)

	// Compare expected and actual return
	rexp := common.FromHex(test.Out)
	if bytes.Compare(rexp, ret) != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("return failed. Expected %x, got %x\n", rexp, ret)

	// check post state
	for addr, account := range test.Post {
		obj := statedb.GetStateObject(common.HexToAddress(addr))
		if obj == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("did not find expected post-state account: %s", addr)

		if obj.Balance().Cmp(common.Big(account.Balance)) != 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("(%x) balance failed. Expected: %v have: %v\n", obj.Address().Bytes()[:4], common.String2Big(account.Balance), obj.Balance())

		if obj.Nonce() != common.String2Big(account.Nonce).Uint64() {
			return fmt.Errorf("(%x) nonce failed. Expected: %v have: %v\n", obj.Address().Bytes()[:4], account.Nonce, obj.Nonce())

		for addr, value := range account.Storage {
			v := obj.GetState(common.HexToHash(addr))
			vexp := common.HexToHash(value)

			if v != vexp {
				return fmt.Errorf("storage failed:\n%x: %s:\nexpected: %x\nhave:     %x\n(%v %v)\n", obj.Address().Bytes(), addr, vexp, v, vexp.Big(), v.Big())

	root, _ := statedb.Commit()
	if common.HexToHash(test.PostStateRoot) != root {
		return fmt.Errorf("Post state root error. Expected: %s have: %x", test.PostStateRoot, root)

	// check logs
	if len(test.Logs) > 0 {
		if err := checkLogs(test.Logs, logs); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 24
// MakeSystemNode sets up a local node, configures the services to launch and
// assembles the P2P protocol stack.
func MakeSystemNode(name, version string, relconf release.Config, extra []byte, ctx *cli.Context) *node.Node {
	// Avoid conflicting network flags
	networks, netFlags := 0, []cli.BoolFlag{DevModeFlag, TestNetFlag, OlympicFlag}
	for _, flag := range netFlags {
		if ctx.GlobalBool(flag.Name) {
	if networks > 1 {
		Fatalf("The %v flags are mutually exclusive", netFlags)
	// Configure the node's service container
	stackConf := &node.Config{
		DataDir:         MustMakeDataDir(ctx),
		PrivateKey:      MakeNodeKey(ctx),
		Name:            MakeNodeName(name, version, ctx),
		NoDiscovery:     ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
		BootstrapNodes:  MakeBootstrapNodes(ctx),
		ListenAddr:      MakeListenAddress(ctx),
		NAT:             MakeNAT(ctx),
		MaxPeers:        ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
		MaxPendingPeers: ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
		IPCPath:         MakeIPCPath(ctx),
		HTTPHost:        MakeHTTPRpcHost(ctx),
		HTTPPort:        ctx.GlobalInt(RPCPortFlag.Name),
		HTTPCors:        ctx.GlobalString(RPCCORSDomainFlag.Name),
		HTTPModules:     MakeRPCModules(ctx.GlobalString(RPCApiFlag.Name)),
		WSHost:          MakeWSRpcHost(ctx),
		WSPort:          ctx.GlobalInt(WSPortFlag.Name),
		WSOrigins:       ctx.GlobalString(WSAllowedOriginsFlag.Name),
		WSModules:       MakeRPCModules(ctx.GlobalString(WSApiFlag.Name)),
	// Configure the Ethereum service
	accman := MakeAccountManager(ctx)

	// initialise new random number generator
	rand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	// get enabled jit flag
	jitEnabled := ctx.GlobalBool(VMEnableJitFlag.Name)
	// if the jit is not enabled enable it for 10 pct of the people
	if !jitEnabled && rand.Float64() < 0.1 {
		jitEnabled = true
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("You're one of the lucky few that will try out the JIT VM (random). If you get a consensus failure please be so kind to report this incident with the block hash that failed. You can switch to the regular VM by setting --jitvm=false")

	ethConf := &eth.Config{
		ChainConfig:             MustMakeChainConfig(ctx),
		Genesis:                 MakeGenesisBlock(ctx),
		FastSync:                ctx.GlobalBool(FastSyncFlag.Name),
		BlockChainVersion:       ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
		DatabaseCache:           ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name),
		DatabaseHandles:         MakeDatabaseHandles(),
		NetworkId:               ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
		AccountManager:          accman,
		Etherbase:               MakeEtherbase(accman, ctx),
		MinerThreads:            ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
		ExtraData:               MakeMinerExtra(extra, ctx),
		NatSpec:                 ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
		DocRoot:                 ctx.GlobalString(DocRootFlag.Name),
		EnableJit:               jitEnabled,
		ForceJit:                ctx.GlobalBool(VMForceJitFlag.Name),
		GasPrice:                common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMinGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMinGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       ctx.GlobalInt(GpoFullBlockRatioFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepDown:         ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepDownFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepUp:           ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepUpFlag.Name),
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag.Name),
		SolcPath:                ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
		AutoDAG:                 ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),
	// Configure the Whisper service
	shhEnable := ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name)

	// Override any default configs in dev mode or the test net
	switch {
	case ctx.GlobalBool(OlympicFlag.Name):
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.NetworkId = 1
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GenesisFileFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.Genesis = core.OlympicGenesisBlock()

	case ctx.GlobalBool(TestNetFlag.Name):
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.NetworkId = 2
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GenesisFileFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.Genesis = core.TestNetGenesisBlock()
		state.StartingNonce = 1048576 // (2**20)

	case ctx.GlobalBool(DevModeFlag.Name):
		// Override the base network stack configs
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
			stackConf.DataDir = filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "/ethereum_dev_mode")
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(MaxPeersFlag.Name) {
			stackConf.MaxPeers = 0
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(ListenPortFlag.Name) {
			stackConf.ListenAddr = ":0"
		// Override the Ethereum protocol configs
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GenesisFileFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.Genesis = core.OlympicGenesisBlock()
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GasPriceFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.GasPrice = new(big.Int)
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name) {
			shhEnable = true
		ethConf.PowTest = true
	// Assemble and return the protocol stack
	stack, err := node.New(stackConf)
	if err != nil {
		Fatalf("Failed to create the protocol stack: %v", err)
	if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
		return eth.New(ctx, ethConf)
	}); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Failed to register the Ethereum service: %v", err)
	if shhEnable {
		if err := stack.Register(func(*node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) { return whisper.New(), nil }); err != nil {
			Fatalf("Failed to register the Whisper service: %v", err)
	if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
		return release.NewReleaseService(ctx, relconf)
	}); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Failed to register the Geth release oracle service: %v", err)
	return stack
Ejemplo n.º 25
// WriteGenesisBlock writes the genesis block to the database as block number 0
func WriteGenesisBlock(stateDb, blockDb common.Database, reader io.Reader) (*types.Block, error) {
	contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var genesis struct {
		Nonce      string
		Timestamp  string
		ParentHash string
		ExtraData  string
		GasLimit   string
		Difficulty string
		Mixhash    string
		Coinbase   string
		Alloc      map[string]struct {
			Code    string
			Storage map[string]string
			Balance string

	if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &genesis); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, stateDb)
	for addr, account := range genesis.Alloc {
		address := common.HexToAddress(addr)
		statedb.AddBalance(address, common.String2Big(account.Balance))
		statedb.SetCode(address, common.Hex2Bytes(account.Code))
		for key, value := range account.Storage {
			statedb.SetState(address, common.HexToHash(key), common.HexToHash(value))

	difficulty := common.String2Big(genesis.Difficulty)
	block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
		Nonce:      types.EncodeNonce(common.String2Big(genesis.Nonce).Uint64()),
		Time:       common.String2Big(genesis.Timestamp).Uint64(),
		ParentHash: common.HexToHash(genesis.ParentHash),
		Extra:      common.FromHex(genesis.ExtraData),
		GasLimit:   common.String2Big(genesis.GasLimit),
		Difficulty: difficulty,
		MixDigest:  common.HexToHash(genesis.Mixhash),
		Coinbase:   common.HexToAddress(genesis.Coinbase),
		Root:       statedb.Root(),
	}, nil, nil, nil)
	block.Td = difficulty

	if block := GetBlockByHash(blockDb, block.Hash()); block != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Genesis block already in chain. Writing canonical number")
		err := WriteCanonNumber(blockDb, block)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return block, nil


	err = WriteBlock(blockDb, block)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = WriteHead(blockDb, block)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return block, nil
Ejemplo n.º 26
func RunVmTest(p string, t *testing.T) {

	tests := make(map[string]VmTest)
	helper.CreateFileTests(t, p, &tests)

	for name, test := range tests {
			vm.Debug = true
			if name != "stackLimitPush32_1024" {
		db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
		statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
		for addr, account := range test.Pre {
			obj := StateObjectFromAccount(db, addr, account)
			for a, v := range account.Storage {
				obj.SetState(common.HexToHash(a), common.NewValue(helper.FromHex(v)))

		// XXX Yeah, yeah...
		env := make(map[string]string)
		env["currentCoinbase"] = test.Env.CurrentCoinbase
		env["currentDifficulty"] = test.Env.CurrentDifficulty
		env["currentGasLimit"] = test.Env.CurrentGasLimit
		env["currentNumber"] = test.Env.CurrentNumber
		env["previousHash"] = test.Env.PreviousHash
		if n, ok := test.Env.CurrentTimestamp.(float64); ok {
			env["currentTimestamp"] = strconv.Itoa(int(n))
		} else {
			env["currentTimestamp"] = test.Env.CurrentTimestamp.(string)

		var (
			ret  []byte
			gas  *big.Int
			err  error
			logs state.Logs

		isVmTest := len(test.Exec) > 0
		if isVmTest {
			ret, logs, gas, err = helper.RunVm(statedb, env, test.Exec)
		} else {
			ret, logs, gas, err = helper.RunState(statedb, env, test.Transaction)

		rexp := helper.FromHex(test.Out)
		if bytes.Compare(rexp, ret) != 0 {
			t.Errorf("%s's return failed. Expected %x, got %x\n", name, rexp, ret)

		if isVmTest {
			if len(test.Gas) == 0 && err == nil {
				t.Errorf("%s's gas unspecified, indicating an error. VM returned (incorrectly) successfull", name)
			} else {
				gexp := common.Big(test.Gas)
				if gexp.Cmp(gas) != 0 {
					t.Errorf("%s's gas failed. Expected %v, got %v\n", name, gexp, gas)

		for addr, account := range test.Post {
			obj := statedb.GetStateObject(common.HexToAddress(addr))
			if obj == nil {

			if len(test.Exec) == 0 {
				if obj.Balance().Cmp(common.Big(account.Balance)) != 0 {
					t.Errorf("%s's : (%x) balance failed. Expected %v, got %v => %v\n", name, obj.Address().Bytes()[:4], account.Balance, obj.Balance(), new(big.Int).Sub(common.Big(account.Balance), obj.Balance()))

				if obj.Nonce() != common.String2Big(account.Nonce).Uint64() {
					t.Errorf("%s's : (%x) nonce failed. Expected %v, got %v\n", name, obj.Address().Bytes()[:4], account.Nonce, obj.Nonce())


			for addr, value := range account.Storage {
				v := obj.GetState(common.HexToHash(addr)).Bytes()
				vexp := helper.FromHex(value)

				if bytes.Compare(v, vexp) != 0 {
					t.Errorf("%s's : (%x: %s) storage failed. Expected %x, got %x (%v %v)\n", name, obj.Address().Bytes()[0:4], addr, vexp, v, common.BigD(vexp), common.BigD(v))

		if !isVmTest {
			//if !bytes.Equal(common.Hex2Bytes(test.PostStateRoot), statedb.Root()) {
			if common.HexToHash(test.PostStateRoot) != statedb.Root() {
				t.Errorf("%s's : Post state root error. Expected %s, got %x", name, test.PostStateRoot, statedb.Root())

		if len(test.Logs) > 0 {
			if len(test.Logs) != len(logs) {
				t.Errorf("log length mismatch. Expected %d, got %d", len(test.Logs), len(logs))
			} else {
				for i, log := range test.Logs {
					if common.HexToAddress(log.AddressF) != logs[i].Address {
						t.Errorf("'%s' log address expected %v got %x", name, log.AddressF, logs[i].Address)

					if !bytes.Equal(logs[i].Data, helper.FromHex(log.DataF)) {
						t.Errorf("'%s' log data expected %v got %x", name, log.DataF, logs[i].Data)

					if len(log.TopicsF) != len(logs[i].Topics) {
						t.Errorf("'%s' log topics length expected %d got %d", name, len(log.TopicsF), logs[i].Topics)
					} else {
						for j, topic := range log.TopicsF {
							if common.HexToHash(topic) != logs[i].Topics[j] {
								t.Errorf("'%s' log topic[%d] expected %v got %x", name, j, topic, logs[i].Topics[j])
					genBloom := common.LeftPadBytes(types.LogsBloom(state.Logs{logs[i]}).Bytes(), 256)

					if !bytes.Equal(genBloom, common.Hex2Bytes(log.BloomF)) {
						t.Errorf("'%s' bloom mismatch", name)
Ejemplo n.º 27
// WriteGenesisBlock writes the genesis block to the database as block number 0
func WriteGenesisBlock(chainDb ethdb.Database, reader io.Reader) (*types.Block, error) {
	contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var genesis struct {
		ChainConfig *ChainConfig `json:"config"`
		Nonce       string
		Timestamp   string
		ParentHash  string
		ExtraData   string
		GasLimit    string
		Difficulty  string
		Mixhash     string
		Coinbase    string
		Alloc       map[string]struct {
			Code    string
			Storage map[string]string
			Balance string

	if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &genesis); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// creating with empty hash always works
	statedb, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, chainDb)
	for addr, account := range genesis.Alloc {
		address := common.HexToAddress(addr)
		statedb.AddBalance(address, common.String2Big(account.Balance))
		statedb.SetCode(address, common.Hex2Bytes(account.Code))
		for key, value := range account.Storage {
			statedb.SetState(address, common.HexToHash(key), common.HexToHash(value))
	root, stateBatch := statedb.CommitBatch()

	difficulty := common.String2Big(genesis.Difficulty)
	block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
		Nonce:      types.EncodeNonce(common.String2Big(genesis.Nonce).Uint64()),
		Time:       common.String2Big(genesis.Timestamp),
		ParentHash: common.HexToHash(genesis.ParentHash),
		Extra:      common.FromHex(genesis.ExtraData),
		GasLimit:   common.String2Big(genesis.GasLimit),
		Difficulty: difficulty,
		MixDigest:  common.HexToHash(genesis.Mixhash),
		Coinbase:   common.HexToAddress(genesis.Coinbase),
		Root:       root,
	}, nil, nil, nil)

	if block := GetBlock(chainDb, block.Hash()); block != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Genesis block already in chain. Writing canonical number")
		err := WriteCanonicalHash(chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return block, nil

	if err := stateBatch.Write(); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot write state: %v", err)
	if err := WriteTd(chainDb, block.Hash(), difficulty); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteBlock(chainDb, block); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteBlockReceipts(chainDb, block.Hash(), nil); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteCanonicalHash(chainDb, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteHeadBlockHash(chainDb, block.Hash()); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := WriteChainConfig(chainDb, block.Hash(), genesis.ChainConfig); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return block, nil
Ejemplo n.º 28
func init() {
	// specify the params for the s256 curve
	ecies.AddParamsForCurve(S256(), ecies.ECIES_AES128_SHA256)
	secp256k1n = common.String2Big("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141")
Ejemplo n.º 29
// MakeEthConfig creates ethereum options from set command line flags.
func MakeEthConfig(clientID, version string, ctx *cli.Context) *eth.Config {
	customName := ctx.GlobalString(IdentityFlag.Name)
	if len(customName) > 0 {
		clientID += "/" + customName
	am := MakeAccountManager(ctx)
	etherbase, err := ParamToAddress(ctx.GlobalString(EtherbaseFlag.Name), am)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("WARNING: No etherbase set and no accounts found as default")
	// Assemble the entire eth configuration and return
	cfg := &eth.Config{
		Name:                    common.MakeName(clientID, version),
		DataDir:                 MustDataDir(ctx),
		GenesisFile:             ctx.GlobalString(GenesisFileFlag.Name),
		FastSync:                ctx.GlobalBool(FastSyncFlag.Name),
		BlockChainVersion:       ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
		DatabaseCache:           ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name),
		SkipBcVersionCheck:      false,
		NetworkId:               ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
		LogFile:                 ctx.GlobalString(LogFileFlag.Name),
		Verbosity:               ctx.GlobalInt(VerbosityFlag.Name),
		Etherbase:               common.HexToAddress(etherbase),
		MinerThreads:            ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
		AccountManager:          am,
		VmDebug:                 ctx.GlobalBool(VMDebugFlag.Name),
		MaxPeers:                ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
		MaxPendingPeers:         ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
		Port:                    ctx.GlobalString(ListenPortFlag.Name),
		Olympic:                 ctx.GlobalBool(OlympicFlag.Name),
		NAT:                     MakeNAT(ctx),
		NatSpec:                 ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
		DocRoot:                 ctx.GlobalString(DocRootFlag.Name),
		Discovery:               !ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
		NodeKey:                 MakeNodeKey(ctx),
		Shh:                     ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name),
		Dial:                    true,
		BootNodes:               ctx.GlobalString(BootnodesFlag.Name),
		GasPrice:                common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMinGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMinGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       ctx.GlobalInt(GpoFullBlockRatioFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepDown:         ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepDownFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepUp:           ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepUpFlag.Name),
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag.Name),
		SolcPath:                ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
		AutoDAG:                 ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),

	if ctx.GlobalBool(DevModeFlag.Name) && ctx.GlobalBool(TestNetFlag.Name) {
		glog.Fatalf("%s and %s are mutually exclusive\n", DevModeFlag.Name, TestNetFlag.Name)

	if ctx.GlobalBool(TestNetFlag.Name) {
		// testnet is always stored in the testnet folder
		cfg.DataDir += "/testnet"
		cfg.NetworkId = 2
		cfg.TestNet = true

	if ctx.GlobalBool(VMEnableJitFlag.Name) {
		cfg.Name += "/JIT"
	if ctx.GlobalBool(DevModeFlag.Name) {
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(VMDebugFlag.Name) {
			cfg.VmDebug = true
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(MaxPeersFlag.Name) {
			cfg.MaxPeers = 0
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GasPriceFlag.Name) {
			cfg.GasPrice = new(big.Int)
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(ListenPortFlag.Name) {
			cfg.Port = "0" // auto port
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name) {
			cfg.Shh = true
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
			cfg.DataDir = os.TempDir() + "/ethereum_dev_mode"
		cfg.PowTest = true
		cfg.DevMode = true

		glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("dev mode enabled")
	return cfg
Ejemplo n.º 30
// MakeSystemNode sets up a local node, configures the services to launch and
// assembles the P2P protocol stack.
func MakeSystemNode(name, version string, extra []byte, ctx *cli.Context) *node.Node {
	// Avoid conflicting network flags
	networks, netFlags := 0, []cli.BoolFlag{DevModeFlag, TestNetFlag, OlympicFlag}
	for _, flag := range netFlags {
		if ctx.GlobalBool(flag.Name) {
	if networks > 1 {
		Fatalf("The %v flags are mutually exclusive", netFlags)
	// Configure the node's service container
	stackConf := &node.Config{
		DataDir:         MustMakeDataDir(ctx),
		PrivateKey:      MakeNodeKey(ctx),
		Name:            MakeNodeName(name, version, ctx),
		NoDiscovery:     ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
		BootstrapNodes:  MakeBootstrapNodes(ctx),
		ListenAddr:      MakeListenAddress(ctx),
		NAT:             MakeNAT(ctx),
		MaxPeers:        ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
		MaxPendingPeers: ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
		IPCPath:         MakeIPCPath(ctx),
		HTTPHost:        MakeHTTPRpcHost(ctx),
		HTTPPort:        ctx.GlobalInt(RPCPortFlag.Name),
		HTTPCors:        ctx.GlobalString(RPCCORSDomainFlag.Name),
		HTTPModules:     strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(RPCApiFlag.Name), ","),
		WSHost:          MakeWSRpcHost(ctx),
		WSPort:          ctx.GlobalInt(WSPortFlag.Name),
		WSDomains:       ctx.GlobalString(WSAllowedDomainsFlag.Name),
		WSModules:       strings.Split(ctx.GlobalString(WSApiFlag.Name), ","),
	// Configure the Ethereum service
	accman := MakeAccountManager(ctx)

	ethConf := &eth.Config{
		Genesis:                 MakeGenesisBlock(ctx),
		FastSync:                ctx.GlobalBool(FastSyncFlag.Name),
		BlockChainVersion:       ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
		DatabaseCache:           ctx.GlobalInt(CacheFlag.Name),
		DatabaseHandles:         MakeDatabaseHandles(),
		NetworkId:               ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
		AccountManager:          accman,
		Etherbase:               MakeEtherbase(accman, ctx),
		MinerThreads:            ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
		ExtraData:               MakeMinerExtra(extra, ctx),
		NatSpec:                 ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
		DocRoot:                 ctx.GlobalString(DocRootFlag.Name),
		EnableJit:               ctx.GlobalBool(VMEnableJitFlag.Name),
		ForceJit:                ctx.GlobalBool(VMForceJitFlag.Name),
		GasPrice:                common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMinGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMinGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoMaxGasPrice:          common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name)),
		GpoFullBlockRatio:       ctx.GlobalInt(GpoFullBlockRatioFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepDown:         ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepDownFlag.Name),
		GpobaseStepUp:           ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepUpFlag.Name),
		GpobaseCorrectionFactor: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag.Name),
		SolcPath:                ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
		AutoDAG:                 ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),
	// Configure the Whisper service
	shhEnable := ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name)

	// Override any default configs in dev mode or the test net
	switch {
	case ctx.GlobalBool(OlympicFlag.Name):
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.NetworkId = 1
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GenesisFileFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.Genesis = core.OlympicGenesisBlock()

	case ctx.GlobalBool(TestNetFlag.Name):
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(NetworkIdFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.NetworkId = 2
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GenesisFileFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.Genesis = core.TestNetGenesisBlock()
		state.StartingNonce = 1048576 // (2**20)
		// overwrite homestead block
		params.HomesteadBlock = params.TestNetHomesteadBlock

	case ctx.GlobalBool(DevModeFlag.Name):
		// Override the base network stack configs
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(DataDirFlag.Name) {
			stackConf.DataDir = filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "/ethereum_dev_mode")
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(MaxPeersFlag.Name) {
			stackConf.MaxPeers = 0
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(ListenPortFlag.Name) {
			stackConf.ListenAddr = ":0"
		// Override the Ethereum protocol configs
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GenesisFileFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.Genesis = core.OlympicGenesisBlock()
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(GasPriceFlag.Name) {
			ethConf.GasPrice = new(big.Int)
		if !ctx.GlobalIsSet(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name) {
			shhEnable = true
		ethConf.PowTest = true
	// Assemble and return the protocol stack
	stack, err := node.New(stackConf)
	if err != nil {
		Fatalf("Failed to create the protocol stack: %v", err)
	if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
		return eth.New(ctx, ethConf)
	}); err != nil {
		Fatalf("Failed to register the Ethereum service: %v", err)
	if shhEnable {
		if err := stack.Register(func(*node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) { return whisper.New(), nil }); err != nil {
			Fatalf("Failed to register the Whisper service: %v", err)

	return stack