Ejemplo n.º 1
func printLogsForTask(taskId string) {
	if !Verbose {
	logMessages, err := model.FindMostRecentLogMessages(taskId, 0, 100,
		[]string{}, []string{})
	if err != nil {
	for i := len(logMessages) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		if logMessages[i].Type == model.SystemLogPrefix {
Ejemplo n.º 2
func getTaskLogs(taskId string, execution int, limit int, logType string,
	loggedIn bool) ([]model.LogMessage, error) {

	logTypeFilter := []string{}
	if logType != AllLogsType {
		logTypeFilter = []string{logType}

	// auth stuff
	if !loggedIn {
		if logType == AllLogsType {
			logTypeFilter = []string{model.TaskLogPrefix}
		if logType == model.AgentLogPrefix || logType == model.SystemLogPrefix {
			return []model.LogMessage{}, nil

	return model.FindMostRecentLogMessages(taskId, execution, limit, []string{},
Ejemplo n.º 3
func TestBasicEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
	for tlsString, tlsConfig := range tlsConfigs {
		testTask, _, err := setupAPITestData(testConfig, "task", "linux-64", NoPatch, t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't make test data: %v", err)

		Convey("With a live api server, agent, and test task over "+tlsString, t, func() {
			testServer, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, tlsConfig, plugin.APIPlugins, Verbose)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't create apiserver: %v", err)
			testAgent, err := createAgent(testServer, testTask)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create agent: %v")

			Convey("sending logs should store the log messages properly", func() {
				msg1 := "task logger initialized!"
				msg2 := "system logger initialized!"
				msg3 := "exec logger initialized!"
				testAgent.logger.LogTask(slogger.INFO, msg1)
				testAgent.logger.LogSystem(slogger.INFO, msg2)
				testAgent.logger.LogExecution(slogger.INFO, msg3)
				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

				// This returns logs in order of NEWEST first.
				logMessages, err := model.FindMostRecentLogMessages(testTask.Id, 0, 10, []string{}, []string{})
				testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to get log msgs")

				So(logMessages[2].Message, ShouldEndWith, msg1)
				So(logMessages[1].Message, ShouldEndWith, msg2)
				So(logMessages[0].Message, ShouldEndWith, msg3)
				Convey("Task endpoints should work between agent and server", func() {
					Convey("calling GetTask should get retrieve same task back", func() {
						testTaskFromApi, err := testAgent.GetTask()
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)

						// ShouldResemble doesn't seem to work here, possibly because of
						// omitempty? anyways, just assert equality of the important fields
						So(testTaskFromApi.Id, ShouldEqual, testTask.Id)
						So(testTaskFromApi.Status, ShouldEqual, testTask.Status)
						So(testTaskFromApi.HostId, ShouldEqual, testTask.HostId)

					Convey("calling start should flip the task's status to started", func() {
						err := testAgent.Start("1")
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't start task: %v", err)
						testTask, err := model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
						testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't refresh task from db: %v", err)
						So(testTask.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskStarted)
						testHost, err := host.FindOne(host.ByRunningTaskId(testTask.Id))
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)
						So(testHost.Id, ShouldEqual, "testHost")
						So(testHost.RunningTask, ShouldEqual, testTask.Id)

					Convey("calling end() should update task status properly", func() {
						commandType := model.SystemCommandType
						description := "random"
						details := &apimodels.TaskEndDetail{
							Description: description,
							Type:        commandType,
							TimedOut:    true,
							Status:      evergreen.TaskSucceeded,
						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
						taskUpdate, err := model.FindTask(testTask.Id)
						So(err, ShouldBeNil)
						So(taskUpdate.Status, ShouldEqual, evergreen.TaskSucceeded)
						So(taskUpdate.Details.Description, ShouldEqual, description)
						So(taskUpdate.Details.Type, ShouldEqual, commandType)
						So(taskUpdate.Details.TimedOut, ShouldEqual, true)

					Convey("no checkins should trigger timeout signal", func() {
						testAgent.idleTimeoutWatcher.SetDuration(2 * time.Second)
						// sleep long enough for the timeout watcher to time out
						time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
						timeoutSignal, ok := <-testAgent.signalHandler.idleTimeoutChan
						So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
						So(timeoutSignal, ShouldEqual, IdleTimeout)
