Ejemplo n.º 1
func (self *debugApi) SeedHash(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	args := new(BlockNumArg)
	if err := self.codec.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
		return nil, shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())

	if hash, err := ethash.GetSeedHash(uint64(args.BlockNumber)); err == nil {
		return fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", hash), nil
	} else {
		return nil, err
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (a *RemoteAgent) GetWork() [3]string {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()

	var res [3]string

	if a.currentWork != nil {
		block := a.currentWork.Block

		res[0] = block.HashNoNonce().Hex()
		seedHash, _ := ethash.GetSeedHash(block.NumberU64())
		res[1] = common.BytesToHash(seedHash).Hex()
		// Calculate the "target" to be returned to the external miner
		n := big.NewInt(1)
		n.Lsh(n, 255)
		n.Div(n, block.Difficulty())
		n.Lsh(n, 1)
		res[2] = common.BytesToHash(n.Bytes()).Hex()

		a.work[block.HashNoNonce()] = a.currentWork

	return res
Ejemplo n.º 3
// dagFiles(epoch) returns the two alternative DAG filenames (not a path)
// 1) <revision>-<hex(seedhash[8])> 2) full-R<revision>-<hex(seedhash[8])>
func dagFiles(epoch uint64) (string, string) {
	seedHash, _ := ethash.GetSeedHash(epoch * epochLength)
	dag := fmt.Sprintf("full-R%d-%x", ethashRevision, seedHash[:8])
	return dag, "full-R" + dag