Ejemplo n.º 1
// Start the Transport.
func (t *Transport) start() {
	dialer := &net.Dialer{Timeout: t.DialTimeout}
	t.transport = &http.Transport{
		Dial:                  dialer.Dial,
		Proxy:                 t.Proxy,
		TLSClientConfig:       t.TLSClientConfig,
		DisableKeepAlives:     t.DisableKeepAlives,
		DisableCompression:    t.DisableCompression,
		MaxIdleConnsPerHost:   t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost,
		ResponseHeaderTimeout: t.ResponseHeaderTimeout,
	t.closeMonitor = make(chan bool)
	t.pq = pqueue.New(16)
	go t.monitor()
Ejemplo n.º 2
// FindPath finds a path
// Returns a slice of points which consists the starting point up to the end point inclusively
func (p *Pathfinder) FindPath(startX int, startY int, endX int, endY int) ([]*Point, error) {
	// No acceptable tiles were set
	if len(p.acceptableTiles) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("You can't find a path without first calling SetAcceptableTiles()")

	// No grid was set
	if p.collisionGrid == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("You can't find a path without first calling SetGrid()")

	// Start or endpoint outside of scope
	if startX < 0 || startY < 0 || endX < 0 || endX < 0 ||
		startX > len(p.collisionGrid[0])-1 || startY > len(p.collisionGrid)-1 ||
		endX > len(p.collisionGrid[0])-1 || endY > len(p.collisionGrid)-1 {
		return nil, errors.New("You can't find a path without first calling SetGrid()")

	// Start and end are the same tile
	if startX == endX && startY == endY {
		return make([]*Point, 0), nil

	// End point is not an acceptable tile
	endTile := p.collisionGrid[endY][endX]
	isAcceptable := false

	for i := 0; i < len(p.acceptableTiles); i++ {
		if endTile == p.acceptableTiles[i] {
			isAcceptable = true

	if isAcceptable == false {
		return make([]*Point, 0), nil

	p.startX = startX
	p.startY = startY
	p.endX = endX
	p.endY = endY

	// TODO is there a more memory-efficient way to do this ?
	p.openList = pqueue.New(len(p.collisionGrid[0]) * len(p.collisionGrid))
	p.coordinateToNode = make(map[string]*node)

	n := newNode(p.startX, p.startY, p.endX, p.endY, nil, straightCost)
	p.coordinateToNode[getHashKeyForPoint(startX, startY)] = n

	item := &pqueue.Item{Value: n, Priority: int64(n.bestGuessDistance() * costPrecision)}


	for {
		if p.openList.Len() == 0 {
			return nil, errors.New("path not found")

		item, _ := p.openList.PeekAndShift(math.MaxInt64)
		parent := item.Value.(*node)
		var sn searchNodes
		if parent.y > 0 {
			sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(0, -1, p.endX, p.endY, straightCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x, parent.y-1), parent))
		if parent.x < len(p.collisionGrid[0])-1 {
			sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(1, 0, p.endX, p.endY, straightCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x+1, parent.y), parent))
		if parent.y < len(p.collisionGrid)-1 {
			sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(0, 1, p.endX, p.endY, straightCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x, parent.y+1), parent))
		if parent.x > 0 {
			sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(-1, 0, p.endX, p.endY, straightCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x-1, parent.y), parent))

		if p.diagonalsEnabled {
			if parent.x > 0 && parent.y > 0 {
				if p.allowCornerCutting ||
					(isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x, parent.y-1) &&
						isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x-1, parent.y)) {

					sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(-1, -1, p.endX, p.endY, diagonalCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x-1, parent.y-1), parent))

			if parent.x < len(p.collisionGrid[0])-1 && parent.y < len(p.collisionGrid)-1 {
				if p.allowCornerCutting ||
					(isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x, parent.y+1) &&
						isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x+1, parent.y)) {

					sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(1, 1, p.endX, p.endY, diagonalCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x+1, parent.y+1), parent))

			if parent.x < len(p.collisionGrid[0])-1 && parent.y > 0 {
				if p.allowCornerCutting ||
					(isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x, parent.y-1) &&
						isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x+1, parent.y)) {

					sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(1, -1, p.endX, p.endY, diagonalCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x+1, parent.y-1), parent))

			if parent.x > 0 && parent.y < len(p.collisionGrid)-1 {
				if p.allowCornerCutting ||
					(isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x, parent.y+1) &&
						isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, parent.x-1, parent.y)) {

					sn = append(sn, newSearchNode(-1, 1, p.endX, p.endY, diagonalCost*p.getTileCost(parent.x-1, parent.y+1), parent))

		// First sort all of the potential nodes we could search by their cost + heuristic distance

		// Search all of the adjacent nodes
		for i := 0; i < len(sn); i++ {
			adjacentCoordinateX := sn[i].parent.x + sn[i].x
			adjacentCoordinateY := sn[i].parent.y + sn[i].y
			hashKey := getHashKeyForPoint(adjacentCoordinateX, adjacentCoordinateY)

			_, exists := p.additionalPointsToAvoid[hashKey]
			if !exists {
				if sn[i].endX == adjacentCoordinateX && sn[i].endY == adjacentCoordinateY {
					var path []*Point
					path = append(path, &Point{X: adjacentCoordinateX, Y: adjacentCoordinateY}, &Point{X: sn[i].parent.x, Y: sn[i].parent.y})
					parent := sn[i].parent
					for {
						parent = parent.parent
						if parent == nil {
						path = append(path, &Point{X: parent.x, Y: parent.y})

					// Reverse path slice
					for i := len(path)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
						opp := len(path) - 1 - i
						path[i], path[opp] = path[opp], path[i]

					return path, nil

				if isTileWalkable(p.collisionGrid, p.acceptableTiles, adjacentCoordinateX, adjacentCoordinateY) {
					existingNode, exists := p.coordinateToNode[hashKey]
					if exists {
						if sn[i].parent.costSoFar+sn[i].cost < existingNode.costSoFar {
							existingNode.costSoFar = sn[i].parent.costSoFar + sn[i].cost
							existingNode.parent = sn[i].parent
					} else {
						n := newNode(adjacentCoordinateX, adjacentCoordinateY, p.endX, p.endY, sn[i].parent, sn[i].cost)
						p.coordinateToNode[hashKey] = n
						item := &pqueue.Item{Value: n, Priority: int64(n.bestGuessDistance() * costPrecision)}

	return nil, errors.New("path not found")