Ejemplo n.º 1
// Validate the new blocks in mem pool and store them in db
func validateBlocksFromMemPool(b *common.DirectoryBlock, fMemPool *ftmMemPool, db database.Db) bool {

	// Validate the genesis block
	if b.Header.DBHeight == 0 {
		h, _ := common.CreateHash(b)
		if h.String() != common.GENESIS_DIR_BLOCK_HASH {
			// panic for milestone 1
			panic("\nGenesis block hash expected: " + common.GENESIS_DIR_BLOCK_HASH +
				"\nGenesis block hash found:    " + h.String() + "\n")
			//procLog.Errorf("Genesis dir block is not as expected: " + h.String())

	defer fMemPool.RUnlock()

	for _, dbEntry := range b.DBEntries {
		switch dbEntry.ChainID.String() {
		case ecchain.ChainID.String():
			if _, ok := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()]; !ok {
				return false
		case achain.ChainID.String():
			if msg, ok := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()]; !ok {
				return false
			} else {
				// validate signature of the previous dir block
				aBlkMsg, _ := msg.(*wire.MsgABlock)
				if !validateDBSignature(aBlkMsg.ABlk, dchain) {
					return false
		case fchain.ChainID.String():
			if _, ok := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()]; !ok {
				return false
			if msg, ok := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()]; !ok {
				return false
			} else {
				eBlkMsg, _ := msg.(*wire.MsgEBlock)
				// validate every entry in EBlock
				for _, ebEntry := range eBlkMsg.EBlk.Body.EBEntries {
					if _, foundInMemPool := fMemPool.blockpool[ebEntry.String()]; !foundInMemPool {
						if !bytes.Equal(ebEntry.Bytes()[:31], common.ZERO_HASH[:31]) {
							// continue if the entry arleady exists in db
							entry, _ := db.FetchEntryByHash(ebEntry)
							if entry == nil {
								return false

	return true
Ejemplo n.º 2
// DirBlockLocatorFromHash returns a block locator for the passed block hash.
// See BlockLocator for details on the algotirhm used to create a block locator.
// In addition to the general algorithm referenced above, there are a couple of
// special cases which are handled:
//  - If the genesis hash is passed, there are no previous hashes to add and
//    therefore the block locator will only consist of the genesis hash
//  - If the passed hash is not currently known, the block locator will only
//    consist of the passed hash
func DirBlockLocatorFromHash(hash *wire.ShaHash) blockchain.BlockLocator {
	// The locator contains the requested hash at the very least.
	locator := make(blockchain.BlockLocator, 0, wire.MaxBlockLocatorsPerMsg)
	locator = append(locator, hash)

	h, _ := common.HexToHash(common.GENESIS_DIR_BLOCK_HASH)
	genesisHash := wire.FactomHashToShaHash(h)
	// Nothing more to do if a locator for the genesis hash was requested.
	if genesisHash.IsEqual(hash) {
		return locator

	// Attempt to find the height of the block that corresponds to the
	// passed hash, and if it's on a side chain, also find the height at
	// which it forks from the main chain.
	blockHeight := int64(-1)

	// Generate the block locators according to the algorithm described in
	// in the BlockLocator comment and make sure to leave room for the
	// final genesis hash.

	dblock, _ := db.FetchDBlockByHash(hash.ToFactomHash())
	if dblock != nil {
		blockHeight = int64(dblock.Header.DBHeight)
	increment := int64(1)
	for len(locator) < wire.MaxBlockLocatorsPerMsg-1 {
		// Once there are 10 locators, exponentially increase the
		// distance between each block locator.
		if len(locator) > 10 {
			increment *= 2
		blockHeight -= increment
		if blockHeight < 1 {

		blk, _ := db.FetchDBlockByHeight(uint32(blockHeight))
		if blk == nil {
		} else if blk.DBHash == nil {
			blk.DBHash, _ = common.CreateHash(blk)

		locator = append(locator, wire.FactomHashToShaHash(blk.DBHash))

	// Append the appropriate genesis block.
	locator = append(locator, genesisHash)
	return locator
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Seals the current open block, store it in db and create the next open block
func newDirectoryBlock(chain *common.DChain) *common.DirectoryBlock {
	procLog.Debug("**** new Dir Block")
	// acquire the last block
	block := chain.NextBlock

	if devNet {
		block.Header.NetworkID = common.NETWORK_ID_TEST
	} else {
		block.Header.NetworkID = common.NETWORK_ID_EB

	// Create the block add a new block for new coming entries
	block.Header.BlockCount = uint32(len(block.DBEntries))
	// Calculate Merkle Root for FBlock and store it in header
	if block.Header.BodyMR == nil {
		block.Header.BodyMR, _ = block.BuildBodyMR()
		//  Factoid1 block not in the right place...
	block.IsSealed = true
	chain.NextBlock, _ = common.CreateDBlock(chain, block, 10)

	block.DBHash, _ = common.CreateHash(block)

	//Store the block in db

	// Initialize the dirBlockInfo obj in db

	procLog.Info("DirectoryBlock: block" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(block.Header.DBHeight), 10) + " created for directory block chain: " + chain.ChainID.String())

	// To be improved in milestone 2

	return block
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Validate a dir block
func validateDBlock(c *common.DChain, b *common.DirectoryBlock) (merkleRoot *common.Hash, dbHash *common.Hash, err error) {

	bodyMR, err := b.BuildBodyMR()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	if !b.Header.BodyMR.IsSameAs(bodyMR) {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("Invalid body MR for dir block: " + string(b.Header.DBHeight))

	for _, dbEntry := range b.DBEntries {
		switch dbEntry.ChainID.String() {
		case ecchain.ChainID.String():
			err := validateCBlockByMR(dbEntry.KeyMR)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
		case achain.ChainID.String():
			err := validateABlockByMR(dbEntry.KeyMR)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
		case wire.FChainID.String():
			err := validateFBlockByMR(dbEntry.KeyMR)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			err := validateEBlockByMR(dbEntry.ChainID, dbEntry.KeyMR)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err

	b.DBHash, _ = common.CreateHash(b)

	return b.KeyMR, b.DBHash, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// HaveBlockInDB returns whether or not the chain instance has the block represented
// by the passed hash.  This includes checking the various places a block can
// be like part of the main chain, on a side chain, or in the orphan pool.
// This function is NOT safe for concurrent access.
func HaveBlockInDB(hash *common.Hash) (bool, error) {

	if hash == nil || dchain.Blocks == nil || len(dchain.Blocks) == 0 {
		return false, nil

	// double check the block ids
	for i := 0; i < len(dchain.Blocks); i = i + 1 {
		if dchain.Blocks[i] == nil {
		if dchain.Blocks[i].DBHash == nil {
			dchain.Blocks[i].DBHash, _ = common.CreateHash(dchain.Blocks[i])
		if dchain.Blocks[i].DBHash.IsSameAs(hash) {
			return true, nil

	return false, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Validate the new blocks in mem pool and store them in db
// Need to make a batch insert in db in milestone 2
func storeBlocksFromMemPool(b *common.DirectoryBlock, fMemPool *ftmMemPool, db database.Db) error {
	defer fMemPool.RUnlock()

	for _, dbEntry := range b.DBEntries {
		switch dbEntry.ChainID.String() {
		case ecchain.ChainID.String():
			ecBlkMsg := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgECBlock)
			err := db.ProcessECBlockBatch(ecBlkMsg.ECBlock)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// needs to be improved??
			// for debugging
		case achain.ChainID.String():
			aBlkMsg := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgABlock)
			err := db.ProcessABlockBatch(aBlkMsg.ABlk)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// for debugging
		case fchain.ChainID.String():
			fBlkMsg := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgFBlock)
			err := db.ProcessFBlockBatch(fBlkMsg.SC)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// Initialize the Factoid State
			err = common.FactoidState.AddTransactionBlock(fBlkMsg.SC)
			FactoshisPerCredit = fBlkMsg.SC.GetExchRate()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// for debugging
			// handle Entry Block
			eBlkMsg, _ := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgEBlock)
			// store entry in db first
			for _, ebEntry := range eBlkMsg.EBlk.Body.EBEntries {
				if msg, foundInMemPool := fMemPool.blockpool[ebEntry.String()]; foundInMemPool {
					err := db.InsertEntry(msg.(*wire.MsgEntry).Entry)
					if err != nil {
						return err
			// Store Entry Block in db
			err := db.ProcessEBlockBatch(eBlkMsg.EBlk)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// create a chain when it's the first block of the entry chain
			if eBlkMsg.EBlk.Header.EBSequence == 0 {
				chain := new(common.EChain)
				chain.ChainID = eBlkMsg.EBlk.Header.ChainID
				chain.FirstEntry, _ = db.FetchEntryByHash(eBlkMsg.EBlk.Body.EBEntries[0])
				if chain.FirstEntry == nil {
					return errors.New("First entry not found for chain:" + eBlkMsg.EBlk.Header.ChainID.String())

				chainIDMap[chain.ChainID.String()] = chain

			// for debugging

	dbhash, dbHeight, _ := db.FetchBlockHeightCache()
	//fmt.Printf("last block height is %d, to-be-saved block height is %d\n", dbHeight, b.Header.DBHeight)

	// Store the dir block
	err := db.ProcessDBlockBatch(b)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	lastDirBlockTimestamp = b.Header.Timestamp

	// Update dir block height cache in db
	commonHash, _ := common.CreateHash(b)
	db.UpdateBlockHeightCache(b.Header.DBHeight, commonHash)

	// for debugging

	// this means, there's syncup breakage happened, and let's renew syncup.
	if uint32(dbHeight) < b.Header.DBHeight-1 {
		startHash, _ := wire.NewShaHash(dbhash.Bytes())
		stopHash, _ := wire.NewShaHash(commonHash.Bytes())
		outMsgQueue <- &wire.MsgInt_ReSyncup{
			StartHash: startHash,
			StopHash:  stopHash,

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Validate the new blocks in mem pool and store them in db
// Need to make a batch insert in db in milestone 2
func storeBlocksFromMemPool(b *common.DirectoryBlock, fMemPool *ftmMemPool, db database.Db) error {

	for _, dbEntry := range b.DBEntries {
		switch dbEntry.ChainID.String() {
		case ecchain.ChainID.String():
			ecBlkMsg := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgECBlock)
			err := db.ProcessECBlockBatch(ecBlkMsg.ECBlock)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// needs to be improved??
			// for debugging
		case achain.ChainID.String():
			aBlkMsg := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgABlock)
			err := db.ProcessABlockBatch(aBlkMsg.ABlk)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// for debugging
		case fchain.ChainID.String():
			fBlkMsg := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgFBlock)
			err := db.ProcessFBlockBatch(fBlkMsg.SC)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// Initialize the Factoid State
			err = common.FactoidState.AddTransactionBlock(fBlkMsg.SC)
			FactoshisPerCredit = fBlkMsg.SC.GetExchRate()
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// for debugging
			// handle Entry Block
			eBlkMsg, _ := fMemPool.blockpool[dbEntry.KeyMR.String()].(*wire.MsgEBlock)
			// store entry in db first
			for _, ebEntry := range eBlkMsg.EBlk.Body.EBEntries {
				if msg, foundInMemPool := fMemPool.blockpool[ebEntry.String()]; foundInMemPool {
					err := db.InsertEntry(msg.(*wire.MsgEntry).Entry)
					if err != nil {
						return err
			// Store Entry Block in db
			err := db.ProcessEBlockBatch(eBlkMsg.EBlk)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// create a chain when it's the first block of the entry chain
			if eBlkMsg.EBlk.Header.EBSequence == 0 {
				chain := new(common.EChain)
				chain.ChainID = eBlkMsg.EBlk.Header.ChainID
				chain.FirstEntry, _ = db.FetchEntryByHash(eBlkMsg.EBlk.Body.EBEntries[0])
				if chain.FirstEntry == nil {
					return errors.New("First entry not found for chain:" + eBlkMsg.EBlk.Header.ChainID.String())

				chainIDMap[chain.ChainID.String()] = chain

			// for debugging

	// Store the dir block
	err := db.ProcessDBlockBatch(b)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Update dir block height cache in db
	commonHash, _ := common.CreateHash(b)
	db.UpdateBlockHeightCache(b.Header.DBHeight, commonHash)

	// for debugging

	return nil